Thursday, June 11, 2009

New Weekly Feature--San Francisco Diary

You have been warned. Starting today, Thursday June 11, I will be publishing weekly entries from my secret diary. I will be treating you to events which either occur here, or are viewed through this city's truly unique spectacles. We locals spend a lot of time saying "only in San Francisco." I'm guessing you will be saying the same thing as you read each amazing and bizarre journal entry. I apologize in advance to William L. Shirer and Berlin.


  1. Farout! It’ll be instructive as well as entertaining.

  2. You are a brave man for living in a crazy, crazy land Lawhawk! I'm looking forward to the series.

  3. Your diary must be as thick as a set of encyclopedias. Look forward to it. The more bizarre, the better.

  4. Most excellent Lawhawk. This should be really good stuff.

    I just hope you have a hidden bunker ready, you know, just in case...

  5. Thanks, everybody. Describing the hijinks that go on in this town often sounds like exaggeration to outsiders. But as they say, "you can't make this stuff up." The town's motto should be "no extreme is too extreme." Fortunately, we have some readers who also live in San Francisco and the Bay Area, so I'm sure I'll be getting occasional comments of the "how did we ever get into this mess?" variety.

  6. How did you guys get into that mess? During WWII and right afterward San Francisco had a pretty conservative reputation.

    Oh yeah, the Sixties. Nevermind...

  7. Captain: I first arrived in San Francisco in 1962. San Francisco had made its sharp left turn by 1964, and had gone off the left bank entirely by the Summer of Love in 1967. Coincidence? I'll leave you to draw your own conclusions. But if you come to San Francisco, be sure to wear some flowers in your hair.

  8. ooooo, i always like when an article starts, "you've been warned..."

    danger will robinson!

  9. This will be one of those "look forward to" series LawHawk. You should write this stuff down somewhere;}

  10. StlDan: I've been meaning to do this for years. I'm going to save these articles, and if they have any "legs" I may collect them and submit them to a publisher some day. After all, that's how Tom Wolfe got his start (Dickens, too, I think). Thanks for the nod.

  11. Wow, glad I found you guys here. I need a bath to clean off the stench of the fetid sewage that BH has become(as far as comments there go anyway).

  12. Lawhawk, Dickens indeed did get his start writing "serials" for various magazines and papers in London. So it has happened before, and will happen again. I'm fairly sure Arthur Conan Doyle did as well.

    Khassie, nice to see you here too! Today was indeed a fairly obnoxious day on BH if I say so too.

    (Golani from BH, still no tattoos, don't hate me for that) ;-)

  13. Khassie: Welcome. We welcome healthy dissent here. Nothing gets resolved when everybody is shouting.

  14. Khassie, Welcome! I'm glad you found us.

    I do really like BH, but the last couple days have brought out some rather unpleasant comments that I don't think help anyone.

    On the Prejean thing, I completely agree with your comment earlier at BH that they should have put all of these into one past rather than constantly posting each update separately. But I guess they saw it as a scoop.

    I have to say though, that I think it's a huge mistake for the attorney to try this case on a public website. That's not a good move legally or politically. Also, the way the attorney threw himself in there as if he were an aggrieved party in all of this was a really bad idea.

  15. Thanks for the welcome guys!

    Golani, I have a new tattoo that I got last Thursday across my upper back. Don't hate me. ;)

    Andrew, thanks. Yeah, that Prejean thread turned nasty. You know, just for saying that I was tired of seeing all those posts, someone called me a dirty whore. Nice, eh? How is it possible to have discussions with people like that?

  16. Khassie,

    You can't talk to people like that, and even if you could, why bother -- they don't listen.

    I recall a conversation I had at BH with a woman long ago about Harry Potter. Apparently, I'm going to hell for reading the series. She had no idea what the series was about -- having never read a word of the actual book, but she knew what kind of evil garbage I had read and she was quite comfortable in telling me that God will smite my soul for that transgression.

    Unfortunately, people like that and like the one who attacked you give all of the rest of us a bad name.

  17. I agree. My husband said it seems as though BH has gone the way of HuffPo, which is really sad. I had higher hopes for it and was honestly convinced that conservatives take the higher ground and don't lower themselves to that level of discourse. I guess I was wrong.

    Its okay if you go to hell for reading Harry Potter. I'll be right there with ya. :) Sadly, I've run into people like her, so willing to condemn things without knowing what they are talking about. Same people who sell their souls for "hope" and "change" without knowing the details or even bothering to ask what the details are.

  18. Khassie, I actually like tattoos and there are a couple that I'd love to get. Unfortunately I'm not allowed to have tattoos at all, like ever, it's against the rules. Damn dirty rules...

    I didn't see that comment towards you at BH, but I was sort of in and out on there yesterday. Work related stuff limited me to runby snarks, but that's just classless. I don't get some people sometimes. Well actually I don't get most people most of the time, but I figure that's more their fault than mine.

    The problem with BH lately is that as soon as anything quasi-controversial comes up with the right tags then you have the idiots from Kos and HufPo on there like stink on a dead camel, and idiots from some odder conservative sites showing up at the same time. It used to be the trolls were all liberal lunatics, but in the past week or so I've seen some nutty far right wing trolls too.

    I mean I'm pretty far right, but hey I'm usually fairly pleasant to be around and all. Usually.

    As for Harry Potter, I've never read any of the books, but I have seen all the movies. So I'm not sure where that puts me on the Going to HellOmeter.

  19. Oh dear. You definitely need to read the books. The movies are crap compared to the books. Granted, its hard to accurately film an entire book and keep it within a 2ish hour watchability time, but they cut out key details, changed key events, etc. Read the books. Please. :) Then you can sit beside me and Andrew and watch the flames.

    Well thankfully, a BH moderator deleted the whore comment. What bothers me about that though is that the comment was up for 3 hours before I saw it and reported it, asking that it be removed. No one else saw it or thought it was out of line? Seriously? That speaks volumes to me as far as the quality of commenters are concerned.

    I'm pretty far right leaning as well, but I can carry on a coherent discussion, whether I agree with someone or not, without resorting to crap like that.

  20. Captain,
    Hell has a special wing for your type. . . dirty movie lover! LOL!

    Khassie and Capt,
    I agree very much about the recent influx of trolls. It was one thing to deal with the occasional left wing nut, but suddenly we've got people supposedly representing my positions saying the vilest things to people who mostly agree with their position. It's despicable, it's cowardly, and I have no desire to deal with these a~holes.

    Sadly, it only take a handful of people to ruin any endeavor, and in the age of the anonymous post, it's even easier.

  21. Hey does that wing come with 24 hour screenings of Ishtar and Mars Attacks!? I'll add that to my list of condo request areas, since I fall under so many categories down there. Well if some people can be believed that is. And of course you made me think of:

    "You're going to burn in a very special level of hell. A level they reserve for child molesters and people who talk at the theater. A Special Hell."

    Nothing makes a rainy Friday better than a Firefly quote as they say. Well as I say. I'm armed and fairly cranky from running for 4 hours in said rain, so it's probably a good idea to agree with me. LOL

    Well as far as BH goes the 2nd sort of troll has been kind of even more annoying. It's a sad day indeed when I'd rather read something from Auntie than from some "conservative" person. At least Auntie is good for a laugh or three. I particularly liked the one comment yesterday about,"Oh you just quoted the Old Testament, which is crap because Jesus didn't write it." Really? Oh well, what you gonna do. Well I have ideas but none of them are very polite, and I strive for polite as you know.

  22. Khassie, Andrew and Captain: I wasn't going to make any further comment, and then I made the mistake of going to BH again. We owe a lot to Andrew Breitbart and Big Hollywood, including much of our readership. But things are definitely out of hand over there (temporarily, I hope). The "all Prejean, all the time" things was bad enough. But the latest round of supposedly friendly comments on their columns have gone far beyond the pale. As you've said, we expect it from the left wing trolls. But the right wing trolls are even worse. With "friends" like that, BH doesn't need any enemies. Let's keep our fingers crossed.

  23. Captain: I forgot to thank you for your encouragement re Dickens and Doyle. I had also forgotten that it probably seemed like interesting filler when they were doing it as well, and only later were considered great literature. Somehow I doubt the Diary will ever become the latter, but it will remain fun.
