Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Your Feedback HERE

Today we’re handing the e-microphone to you. Tell us what you think. Is there something you’d like to see us do more? Or less. Are there any features you’d like to see added to the site? Are you dying to hear our opinions on something we haven’t covered? Is there anything else on your mind?

*taps microphone*

Is this thing on? Helloooo.


  1. Just to get the ball rolling, we do know about the "Read More" problem, and we're working on it. :-)

    In the meantime, everyone please just click on the article title until we can solve this. . .

  2. You mean I actually have to read your articles before commenting on them? Rats! The really short version made it so easy.

  3. I think you guys do a great job!!! I love coming here because..well, it's like a box of chocolates.

    So far as what I would like to see: before last night, I would have said keep on keepin on...but I saw something last night that disturbed me. And honestly, for the first time I finally understood why people are always saying "how do we reach out to that group" and educated them.

    As you may or may not know, I live IN Atlanta. I'm talking downtown. Crime and bad guys are everywhere. Over the weekend, pro boxer Vernon Forrest was murdered on the street. There really hasnt been much outrage at all (I guess murders/robberies are typical now?). However, yesterday on one of the R&B hip-hop radio stations, there was a call to arms to the Atlanta community (to start snitching). The DJs were expressing their concern that there were now more criminals in Atlanta than police officers and that they needed to fix the problem. Their solution? Raise taxes.

    Immediately, my mind raced. I couldnt understand how they honestly thought raising taxes would stop inner city crime. And then I realized the problem. How do you convince the legions of people that have been so poorly/ineptly educated that the policies that they believe are "the way" are misguided and, at times, just plain wrong?

  4. Freedom21, that's a good question, and it will take some thought. . . definitely worth a future article. Thanks.

  5. Any chance you can speed up the harvest, teleport me off this rock, or at least make it 2012??

  6. Andrew & LawHawk, how do you perfect perfection?? Seriously, I probably click over to your site more during the day than I do Drudge, Breitbart or any of the other news sites I've been going to. The quality of the posts is better than the stuff I read on the news sites.

    Regarding other features, maybe the occasional book review? Or maybe even a review of a particular television program? I think there are a lot of SciFi enthusiasts who read this blog.

    All in all, your posts are equal parts fun and educational and that's a tough (and not often seen) combination. The cherry on top is that you have a lot of followers who leave quality comments.

  7. CrispyRice, Sorry young Jedi. . . :-)

    Writer X, Wow, thanks! That's high praise and is much appreciated!

    I would love to review the occasional TV show (particularly SciFi) -- in fact, I've been itching to talk about Primeval and the new Torchwood Children of Earth five parter.

    Book reviews are a great idea too (and are in the works already) -- we just need to find someone who can read. . . ;-)

  8. Trolls, we need trolls. Oh, more free gifts and snacks and I think Freedom21 said something about boxes of chocolates.

    Actually, as a practical matter, is there a way to collapse the Index? It's getting really long.

    Freedom21, Isn't it ironic that there should be a call for more police after what happened in Boston with Prof Gates.

  9. cake. momma needs cake. i want my cake and i want to eat it too.

    ooooo, how 'bout some reality tv commentary. i am an addict (judge me *HERE*) but just know you guys have something to say about it.

  10. Bev, normally that would strike me as odd...but things are starting to get bad here (this coming from a post Katrina NOLA-war zone aka murder capital of America resident). Two city council people were robbed last week, people are getting robbed in broad day light, it takes APD 2 hours to get to a break in...and yet, the homeless still get free cell phones! Besides, I think most people have a soft spot for our uniformed men and are reluctant to think that any of them are against us.

  11. I think you have a pretty good balance, always a good read. Maybe more humor pieces, you guys always deliver the snark (I say this as a complement) ala National Lampoon. That being said, …all and all good stuff. Perhaps more of the invisible shirts, gifts are good.

  12. Could we all meet for a drink?

    Uh, oh my kid said that would make me a e-mail stalker!

    I like your choice of subjects. I am trying to get my mom to visit b/c she needs this level of discussion (but so far she has blog-phobia even though I told her she can just read.)

  13. CrisD - Hey, lets have a "Commentarama-rama", but no one can wear their blog t-shirts. We don't want to cause a scene.

  14. let's see - I went from being a grandpa who once in a while wrote "you idiots" letters to my liberal local editorial board to yapping all day on the net, so I'm not a good one to talk about improvements. Maybe throw in some music from time to time since that happens to be a passion of mine.

    Bev may be on to something here. Let's face it, we are all pretty intelligent, polite, like-minded good folks which is nice, but sometimes there is ever so slight sense of being in a mutual admiration society. That's not all bad, mind you, I'm just sayin'

  15. We need more Obama-bashing. I can't do it all! :)

  16. Thanks for the input everyone. Please keep the suggestions coming. We'll see what we can do.

    On the troll issue, if any of you know any liberals, please feel free to invite them to post.

    CrisD, I think the Commentarama-rama is a few years off yet, but I actually do like the idea. We just need to figure out a way to airlift Lawhawk out from behind enemy lines!

  17. Hey, how about some sort of email notification when a new article comes up?

  18. StlDan, I'm not sure how to do that, but I'll look into it. There must be a way.

  19. You guys all do incredible work at Commentarama. I don't know where you all find the time but could you find more of it. :)

    One thing that I appreciate the most is the untangling of political legalese, I must admit I am not fluent in legalese. I have, however, taken many classes at the University of Hollywood Law but as I understand it there are some substantial dialectic differences.

    I was wondering if you guys could tackle the question of taxation by the federal government is it or isn't it legal? As I understand it the last Supreme Court ruled on the matter and found it unconstitutional.

    I'll have to find the video I watched about it but the director of the documentary managed a sit down interview with the head of the IRS, after some light hearted questions he asked, "what law says that I have to pay the IRS taxes, and what law gives you authority to tax?" The head of the IRS at the time went into a frenzy, he had been caught off guard. Angrily he sputtered and muttered but never did he mention an actual law. The best he could do was a law the used the word "voluntary." To me this seems to be one of the easiest ways to reassert states rights and limit the federal governments size.

    Thanks to all of you and keep up the excellent work \o/ you guys at Commentarama and your monikers are my hero's.

    Oh could you guys start triple spacing all of your articles
    thanks ;)

  20. You guys are doing a great job- no doubt about it! I come over here daily to see what's going on, and always enjoy the articles.

    Let me add my voice to Writer X's about some sci-fi movie and/or TV reviews from time to time.

    Speaking of, I'd love to see a sequel to Serenity, but don't think that's in the cards.

  21. Thanks Skinner, I'm sure we can come up with something regarding the tax issue. That would probably be a pretty handy article in fact, but give us a little time to look into it.

    Thanks Goldentrout, I guess we'll step up the reviews! (I'd love to see more Serenity, but I don't think they'll do it either).

  22. Ooh, I love the idea of a music review or some such thingie! I still haven't fully recovered from REO Speedwagon's sellout metamorphosis of kick-butt live rock band to top forty "I can't stop this feelin anymore"...

    Still Floyd will always have the number one spot on the chart of my all time faves, "Come in here dear boy have a cigar, you're gonna go far..."

  23. As you know, I am a huge Floyd fan. :-) In fact, I think I'm going to go listen to a little Animals right now. . .

  24. I think I'm going to go listen to a little Animals right now. . .

    Three different kinds?

  25. Pigs, dogs and sheep I do believe...

  26. P.S. DCAlleyKat, I finally saw Mircale at St. Anna. I wasn't thrilled. It wasn't aweful, but it just never worked for me. I think Spike Lee has done a good deal better.
