Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Captioning: It's A Cook Book!!

Forget everything I ever said about conspiracies. They're all true! This very morning, I received proof that aliens exist, and they use public transportation like a grocery store! Check out this sign below. Tell me that the big-eyed thing to the left isn't one of the "grays" and that this "priority seating" charade isn't really an attempt to select only the tastiest of us! Though I can't for the life of me understand why they want people carrying huge syringes? Somebody, please, tell me I'm wrong!


  1. I would caption it: "Wait Here. Your Obamacare Health Care Professional Will Be With You Some Time This Year."

  2. Isn't this the order of unimportance to be used with ObamaCare (KennedyCare,KopechneCare)?

    The most unimportant being first.

    Or is this left to right?

  3. I'm hoping it's something like that. The alternative is a little to horrible to contemplate. . . though contemplate it, I did.

  4. the syringes are issued at the door before you sit down and are filled with enough prescription drugs for an OD, because you'll want something to kill yourself with as the wait drags on into the third day...

  5. Patti, I can see that. "Here, you'll need this. . . oh, and by the time you reach the front of the line, you'll need a cane."

  6. "Different Ways to Serve Man" - En Brochette, Stuffed, With a Side Dish, or In a Port Wine Reduction"


    "We will see you but you will have to wait here until you grow old, get pregnant and have your baby, or until you shrink to the size of a syringe".

  7. A Chinese Death Panel or it's a warped version of musical chairs.

  8. Oooo, good call! Musical chairs at the hospital. A cruel game, but in the future, that's how they decide who gets medicine first.
