Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Captioning: The Toons They Are A Changing

Inspired by their initial success with the Fishy Snitch, Team Obama sent out Barnyardy Enforcers to make sure that people toe the line. Here, an opponent of health care reform is taken away for a savage beating as a canary distracts passers by with its sweet, sweet song. . . I think?


  1. Obama's attempt to brainwash children directly was derailed so he's chosen to enlist the Cartoon Network to get his message across.

    This one is actually really tough, can anyone read what is below the yes we can. It looks like it says Go Veg but I can't read what's under that. Is this some odd vegan rally, if it is then I'll have to change my caption to:

    At the 2009 Barnyard Summit, local Bovine leaders in conjunction with the Aviary Society and Swine Society have thrown their support behind the whole sale slaughter of plants instead of animals. Sighting that they're one step up the food chain from plants and should be treated as such.

  2. Skinner, it was indeed a vegan protest of some sort, though I don't know how animals taking hostages can promote veganism? But I guess it doesn't have to make sense for those folks. . .

  3. Where's PETA when you need them?

    BTW, these two characters look exactly like the ones outside my local Subway trying to attract people inside the restaurant. When the YES WE CAN crowd has to resort to costumes, you know they're desperate.

  4. A cow and pig are trying to entice you into a subway? That sounds like a funny horror movie?!

  5. Actually it was a giant hotdog. Inside a bun. That's sort of like a pig. Parts is parts, right?

  6. I'm glad you're not telling this story to a cop: Wait a minute lady, first it was a pig and cow, now it's a giant hot dog in a bun? Wait a minute. . . there's no subway around here, just bus stops.

  7. I'm not concerned. The YES WE CAN crowd will bail me out. Not.

  8. I see you already know what Obama's supporters are only now discovering. LOL!

  9. Old McDonald had a farm,
    And on this farm he had some votes,
    With a vote vote here,
    and a vote vote there,
    Here a vote,
    There a vote,
    Everywhere a vote vote.
    Old McDonald had a farm,

  10. Lawhawk, You're just jealous because there's no hawk involved.

  11. Voting intimidation works much better with black panthers than yellow chicks or spotted cows

  12. "Excuse me. Can you give me directions to the White House for Obama's Stupid Pet Tricks?"

  13. i have always fought the urge to tackle bumbling, mascot-looking, over-sized cartoon characters. these are not helping...

  14. Freedom21, It's the new kinder, gentler, voter intimidation mandated by the Department of Justice.

    USArtguy, I think Biden will win that one!

    Patti -- you get that urge too? LOL!

  15. Actually that’s Barry, Biden and Axelrod. Barry is the black and white Holstein cow, he thought it was a good representation of his two halves. Biden is the Tweety Bird and Axelrod is of coarse the pig. They wanted someone to represent them at the Tea Party on 9/12 in Washington. So Biden came up with the idea to go out incognito, and represent the administration. The woman was being, well you know Axelrod, that sleaze ball. Gibbs reported that it was a rollicking success for the administration and plan to have more such protest in the future.

  16. No hawks. No peace!
