Saturday, September 5, 2009

Commentarama Opinion Poll

Today, we do the first quarterly (or so) Commentarama Political Opinion Poll -- CPOP. Let us know your opinions on the following issues:

(Please hit the title to this article, not the "read more" link.)

Please leave us your thoughts. We want to hear from everyone, even if you haven't commented before!


  1. Let's try this again. Please let me know if you have problems this time. Thanks (and sorry for the early glitch).

  2. Andrew, it worked like a champ. Very cool polling gadget. Can't wait to see the final results.

  3. Glad I found your site a few weeks ago.
    LOVE the poll function.
    Keep up the good work

  4. Thanks Writer X. I do see one glitch in how the last poll is calculated, but at least the rest is working. Time to do a little more research -- I wish I had some tech skills!

    kayfromcarroll, Thanks! We're happy to have you here.

  5. That was fun Andrew! What will you do with the results?

  6. Stan, I'm glad you enjoyed it. I don't know what we'll do with the results. I'm just curious right now what our audience thinks. Maybe we can use them to track how we think things are going?

    What have you go in mind?

  7. Neat poll.

    I really have NO Idea what the Republicans are up to and if you asked me who spoke for Republicans, I couldn't tell you.

    The groundswell movement - Patriot movement if you will is being done without leadership. People are leading themselves, leaders are emerging, but they're not the Party officials.

    The Patriot movement is happening exclusive of Party and that's what is so strange (and in a way, wonderful).

    Obama's follies are forcing the people of the country to take a position and make a stand. The Republican Party seems to be standing on the sidelines, watching what happens.

  8. Great Poll.

    I was frightened to put my mind to answering these sobering questions--but I did it!

    Usually agreed with most popular answer, sometimes second most popular answer.

    Most awful prospect--what will happen when Obama runs again..will they have stacked the deck...the dem machine, including press and schools/Universities...

  9. LL,

    "if you asked me who spoke for Republicans, I couldn't tell you." -- I know exactly what you mean.

    I think that ultimately, our system makes it impossible for anyone other than the Republicans or the Democrats to run Washington. But when a big enough "third party movement" appears, that does tend to shift one or both parties in the direction of that movement.

    I think that right now the groundswell of popular anger is so amazingly (and wonderfully) great that eventually, the Republicans (and a few Democrats) won't be able to resist jumping on the bankwagon.

    I suspect that Washington is getting a jolt like they haven't had since the 1960s.

  10. Chris, I'm glad you found it an interesting exercise. I think that there is no doubt the deck is stacked against us -- the media, university indoctrination, jerrymandering of districts, getting so many Americans to rely on the current system. . . but I think that only keeps them competitive. If the Republicans can find someone who expresses true conservatism, rather than someone who fakes it when his poll numbers sag, then I think we have a very good chance.

    But that depends on them finding someone -- something the Republicans are notoriously bad at doing.

  11. Andrew, I'll link to your poll on my site. These results are interesting.

  12. Writer X, Thanks. We'll try to leave it on the front page all weekend because our weekends are a little slow and we want everyone to have a chance.

    I'm really curious too how this will turn out. I would say right now that our readers are marginally pessimistic. I wonder if that will change?

  13. Andrew, I certainly hope that changes. Until the Republicans can get their act together, I don't see that changing. It's the perfect time for some energizing leadership and I don't see that happening just yet. I'm marginally optimistic. :-)

  14. Writer X, I vacillate between optimistic and pessimistic. I see polls numbers that show what the people believe, and I see those people all around me, and it's so obvious to me what the Republicans should be doing. . . but then they don't.

    Every once in a while, one of them will say the right thing, but then two more will come out and say/do the wrong thing.

    And I really think that if they start to put together something they can present to the American people as an alternative, they won't beat the Democrats -- and they won't be able to do much even if they do.

  15. I remain "marginally optimistic" only because I think a true conservative will emerge sometime in the next two election cycles and if they do, they must take control of this anger and passion, ala Ronald Regan. If that does not happen, we will continue to wander in the wilderness.

  16. Dan, I think I agree with you. Right now everyone in the party seems to be looking for the ideal conservative -- no one seems to be talking about finding a RINO that "will appeal to most Americans." That tells me we are headed in the right direction.

    Now they just need to find that person. And they need to be prepared to offer America a postive, conservative, Reaganesque message. But that's all doable.

  17. So this is what you guys are up to!
    Nice to see LawHawkSF and you Andrew are adding to the groundswell!


  18. This is a great idea! I hope you guys do this again. You should pass out "I voted" buttons.

  19. David (aka mjolnir), Welcome! I thought everybody knew about this place? Please feel free to drop by any time. We'd love to hear from you.

    P.S. We haven't abandoned BH at all, but it's been a very busy summer for both Lawhawk and I, and I have had a chance to get over there as much as I would like lately.

  20. Mega, thanks. It seems that people like the idea, so I think we'll most definitely do this again.

  21. We polled the boiler room and voted. We seem to be off the radar from most polling groups and we like having our opinion heard from down here.

  22. That's because they don't poll people who have only cell phones and they don't poll elfs. Get back to work. . . :-)

  23. Great new addition! I think it is still too early to tell what will happen next year, but it looks promising.

  24. I can tell you quite clearly how conservative Republicans like Thaddeus McCotter sgtand on these issues.

    I can tell you that some Republicans seem to stand this way on the election stump but not how they vote.

    Then there are those that I think I know well where they stand even though the won't publicize it like McCain, Snow, Lindsey Graham. It is just that I do not stand with them. There is no crisus of issues among conservatives. There is just one among elected Republicans.

  25. Indi, I have been working on an article that shows the gulf in opinion between the "masses" and the "political classes". I just need more data.

    Bev, I really like this. I'm really curious to see who the vote turns out.
