Saturday, September 19, 2009

Well, Shiver Me Timbers! It's International Talk Like A Pirate Day!

Avast, me hardies! It's that time of the year again. September 19 has been designated as International Talk Like A Pirate Day. It's brought to you by two guys who were just having a bit o' fun on the internet and it's now celebrated around the world. AAAAARRRRRRR, there are no rules for you scurvy dogs except that you must at some point in regular conversation, well, talk like a pirate! It's fun and, heck, if Dave Barry endorses it, what could possibly go wrong?

Disclaimer: This post is for informational purposes only. Commentarama, its members and/or subsidiaries in no way endorse, fund, or profit from any pirating activities caused by any random pirating activities as a result of this posting. Abandon all hope, ye who enter here. Member: FDIC. Aaaaaarrrrrr.


  1. Bev: Little known fact: That flag is also the proposed logo for the new Obama National Health Care Service. Aaargh.

  2. Well, shiver me timbers, yer may be correct in that, matey! The scurvy dogs down Washington way will have it no other way. Aaarrrrgh.

  3. Shiver me timbers, does this mean I have to get a gold tooth? And wear a parrot on my shoulder?

  4. Arrrr, Bev, the disclaimer be not true, lest yee forget how we pay for our mighty schooner, The Commentarama! Arrrrr.

  5. Aarrrgh… I’m Peg Leg Barry, the witless parasitic pirate of the victims paradise. Avast ye matie, …I use envy as my blade, ripped from my scabbard the terror of many a scurvy dog (the taxpayer). All ye bilge sucking Landlubbers (American business) we come for your doublooms …aaarrrgh. Ah… ye scallywags we’ll rape and pillage, are ye with me?

  6. Aaaarrrrgh there be no parrots needed on our shoulder, Pirate WX. But lift a big flaggon of rum to dull the pain of of Peg Leg Barry's plundering scalliwags and tyrants. Aaarrrrgh.

  7. Arrrrr! My first mate has told me 3 pirate jokes to tell to pass the time on the long sailing, but ALAS! One is not fit to repeat online for thar be ladies here, and another is too long for me poor typing skills. So I will tell ya only one:

    Q: What's a pirate's favorite restaurant?

    A: Arrrrrr-by's!
