And you know it don't come easy. Half the speech was preceded with the word "I." He was weak, disorganized and completely robotic. If this was supposed to stir up patriotism in the grand location of West Point, it failed utterly. He gave with the right hand: "I'm sending 30,000 troops." He took away with the left hand: "And we're going to leave on a timetable from Irag and Afghanistan [whether we've won or not]." He used a speech about the war to blather about the economy and diversity. He didn't receive any applause from the men and women who will go into the jaws of death until nearly 3/4 of the way through the "I love myself" speech. This man is a waste of oxygen.
Such double speak. The situation is horrible because of the President who shall remain nameless. . . but I fixed it all the moment I got into office. . . but we are facing serious problems. . . even though I fixed them all.
I did not delay. . . but it didn't matter that I delayed because we couldn't send troops sooner.
I'm facing a highly partisan world in which our national security has become a partisan political game. . . and it's all George Bush's fault. . . and the fault of "those who oppose."
We're going to make your country better. . . but we're gone in two years.
Blah blah blah... not Vietnam... placebo placebo placebo. . .
It's all Bush's fault. . . blah blah. . . can't be partisan. . . must stick together. . . against Bush. . . placebo. . . placebo. . . not my fault, it's not my fault. . . I fixed it. . . it needs serious help.
Because watching Obama speak makes me physically ill, I avoid him, thereby keeping by Crohn's tamped down. I'd much rather just get the lowdown from you two
i wanted to watch, well maybe not wanted, but intended, yet failed. i'll read the transcript tomorrow. i watched "arthur" instead. poetic, right? gotta ply ourselves with a stiff drink to deal...
Tennessee: I needed to get the adrenaline flowing before I went to the big annual auto show at the Moscone Center. Watching a lying, teleprompter-reading, robotic, peace and love spouting phony posing as the President of the United States had exactly the right effect. Thanks for trusting us to fill you in.
Patti: Don't blame you. If I hadn't needed the adrenaline fix, I'd have watched infomercials (at least they try to sell you something other than bulls--t.)
My wife, my daughter, my dad, and myself, went out to dinner, and returned when Barry had mercifully finished. I look forward to your synopsis, but what I’ve heard so far, a mixed review. I’ll try to read the transcript for myself, hopefully you guys will do it first.
The speech was completely uninspiring. I think it might even be his worst. I felt most sorry for the cadets who had to listen to it. This is their commander-in-chief? It's like being led by a sixth grader who still behaves like he's running for student council--but now would rather be doing something else.
Thoughout his entire speech, I got the sense that he didn't really want to be there, saying those things. It was something he wanted to be over. And so did I.
What was more sickening was listening to some of the pundits like that idiot Chris Matthews who called the cadets the "enemy camp." What a moron. He was complaining that the president wasn't more warmly received. Once again, it's never Obama's fault for a lousy speech. The blame always belongs to someone else. In this case, it belongs to men and women who risk their lives. Disgraceful.
Next time, Obama should just send the teleprompter and we could watch the words scroll on the screen. That would be more effective.
So I watched the speech last night. I was fascinated at the reaction of the Cadets - stonefaced, but polite. Frankly, it was a speech he should have made from the gravity of the Oval Office. The only time he looked straight into the camera was to address the Afghans, not the American people.
And what exactly did he say - He will appease the Right by sending more troops, and he will appease the Left by giving a specific time line to pull out and not actually committing to try and win. And he appeased Al Qaeda by letting them know that they can just sit back and relax in their lairs for a bit and we will be out of their beards in about 18 months.
When we need a true Stateman, we get ACORN...
And thanks to Writer X, I got through it with tequila. It really helped, but I am not sure I can drink tequila for 3 more years...
And you know it don't come easy. Half the speech was preceded with the word "I." He was weak, disorganized and completely robotic. If this was supposed to stir up patriotism in the grand location of West Point, it failed utterly. He gave with the right hand: "I'm sending 30,000 troops." He took away with the left hand: "And we're going to leave on a timetable from Irag and Afghanistan [whether we've won or not]." He used a speech about the war to blather about the economy and diversity. He didn't receive any applause from the men and women who will go into the jaws of death until nearly 3/4 of the way through the "I love myself" speech. This man is a waste of oxygen.
ReplyDeleteSuch double speak. The situation is horrible because of the President who shall remain nameless. . . but I fixed it all the moment I got into office. . . but we are facing serious problems. . . even though I fixed them all.
ReplyDeleteI did not delay. . . but it didn't matter that I delayed because we couldn't send troops sooner.
I'm facing a highly partisan world in which our national security has become a partisan political game. . . and it's all George Bush's fault. . . and the fault of "those who oppose."
We're going to make your country better. . . but we're gone in two years.
Blah blah blah... not Vietnam... placebo placebo placebo. . .
It's all Bush's fault. . . blah blah. . . can't be partisan. . . must stick together. . . against Bush. . . placebo. . . placebo. . . not my fault, it's not my fault. . . I fixed it. . . it needs serious help.
**head explodes **
Because watching Obama speak makes me physically ill, I avoid him, thereby keeping by Crohn's tamped down. I'd much rather just get the lowdown from you two
ReplyDeletei wanted to watch, well maybe not wanted, but intended, yet failed. i'll read the transcript tomorrow. i watched "arthur" instead. poetic, right? gotta ply ourselves with a stiff drink to deal...
ReplyDeleteAll day the MSM spent the day saying this was the most important speech of his Presidency. I wonder how his ratings will turn out?
ReplyDeleteTennessee: I needed to get the adrenaline flowing before I went to the big annual auto show at the Moscone Center. Watching a lying, teleprompter-reading, robotic, peace and love spouting phony posing as the President of the United States had exactly the right effect. Thanks for trusting us to fill you in.
ReplyDeletePatti: Don't blame you. If I hadn't needed the adrenaline fix, I'd have watched infomercials (at least they try to sell you something other than bulls--t.)
: lol'd at the infomercial comment. BUT WAIT THERE'S MORE!
ReplyDeleteMy wife, my daughter, my dad, and myself, went out to dinner, and returned when Barry had mercifully finished. I look forward to your synopsis, but what I’ve heard so far, a mixed review. I’ll try to read the transcript for myself, hopefully you guys will do it first.
ReplyDeleteIt's coming Stan (and others), I'm working on an analysis for tonight.
ReplyDeleteThe speech was completely uninspiring. I think it might even be his worst. I felt most sorry for the cadets who had to listen to it. This is their commander-in-chief? It's like being led by a sixth grader who still behaves like he's running for student council--but now would rather be doing something else.
ReplyDeleteThoughout his entire speech, I got the sense that he didn't really want to be there, saying those things. It was something he wanted to be over. And so did I.
What was more sickening was listening to some of the pundits like that idiot Chris Matthews who called the cadets the "enemy camp." What a moron. He was complaining that the president wasn't more warmly received. Once again, it's never Obama's fault for a lousy speech. The blame always belongs to someone else. In this case, it belongs to men and women who risk their lives. Disgraceful.
Next time, Obama should just send the teleprompter and we could watch the words scroll on the screen. That would be more effective.
So I watched the speech last night. I was fascinated at the reaction of the Cadets - stonefaced, but polite. Frankly, it was a speech he should have made from the gravity of the Oval Office. The only time he looked straight into the camera was to address the Afghans, not the American people.
ReplyDeleteAnd what exactly did he say - He will appease the Right by sending more troops, and he will appease the Left by giving a specific time line to pull out and not actually committing to try and win. And he appeased Al Qaeda by letting them know that they can just sit back and relax in their lairs for a bit and we will be out of their beards in about 18 months.
When we need a true Stateman, we get ACORN...
And thanks to Writer X, I got through it with tequila. It really helped, but I am not sure I can drink tequila for 3 more years...