Thursday, December 24, 2009

Merry Christmas From San Francisco

And we'll see you back here after the holiday.


  1. merry christmas to you as well, my new friend!

  2. Merry Christmas to you and all the Commentarama folks!

  3. Merry Christmas! Andrew, Lawhawk, WriterX, Bev, Scott, Boiler Room Elves, Patti, Jed, Joel, Armchair, Mega Troll, Crispy Rice, and all the people that make Commentarama a daily must!

  4. Before I get too far into Christmas Eve activities, I would like to wish everybody at Commenterama.

    I would be totally remiss if I did not mention a special thanks to Andrew, Bev, Lawhawk and Writer X for the time and effort they have put into the site this year. I can say, without once out of smaminess that you represent the best in conservative blogging.

    I ran accross you guys over at Big Hollywood where we would regularly cross paths and remember when you started this site. I can only say: "bravo, job well done." Unless I am sick, traveling, or otherwise unable to get to my computer, I try to read all the articles and offer comments if I think they add something.

  5. Hah! bad editing on my part. That is a Merry Christmas I was going to wish you all, but then, I'm guessing you could intuit that. I'll be away until after the first so Happy New Year as well!

  6. Thanks, Jed! But a huge thanks to LawHawk and Andrew for starting their very cool blog.

    Merry Christmas, all! Look forward to blogging with everybody after the holidays.

  7. Thanks everybody!

    We've been happy to have you all here as well! And thanks for all the questions and comments and for keeping us on our toes -- blogging doesn't work without a great audience and you are all a great audience!

    Merry Chistmas to everyone!

  8. Thanks to everybody. Andrew and I are occasionally stunned by the loyalty all our old and new friends have shown. It's the best Christmas present we could ask for.

  9. A funny little anecdote! I just got a Christmas card from my older brother, and family. I opened it and to my surprise, there’s Barry smiling at me with the words, “Merry Christmas & all the Best! Barack Obama.” Hysterical! Perfect prank card. LOL!

  10. StanH: My kids might have done the same thing, except they were probably afraid I'd have a stroke. LOL

  11. The Night is Waning
    The Kids are in Bed
    The Parents are straining
    To Play in Santa's Stead

    Cookies left with Santa in Mind
    Carrots to keep the Reindeer's gate
    Hershey's Stars Dad's favorite Kind
    Ya know Mama is watching her weight

    We can rest Now presents in place
    Under the tree so bright and tall
    Retire to blog after today's race
    Just to wish Merry Christmas to All

    Goodnight everyone.

  12. Merry Christmas everyone! I hope you are having a great time Indy! Andrew, try not to think about politics for just one day ;) Law have a great time. Patti, Crispy, StanH, TenneseeJed and WriterX have a wonderful and very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

    Next year let's talk about getting this bill overturned ;) (broke my own rule).

  13. Individualist: Cool. Original poetry for Christmas!

  14. ACG: No problem about breaking your rule. Christmas is a time for new beginnings.
