Monday, December 7, 2009

Oh What A Tangled Web He Weaves

As Soros continues to deceive. We all know that George Soros has an agenda that sets out multiple plans for destroying the American way of life, as well as ending capitalism (except where he can make money from it). The Hungarian Nazi collaborator who founded, and funds pretty much every leftwing cause imaginable, also has some very big plans that he has managed to keep under wraps. His best is the plan to secure the 2012 elections for leftist Democrats by getting certain key figures elected in advance. Those figures are the Secretaries of State of each of the 50 states.

Now most of us would ask "what's so important about a secretary of state?" It seems to most of us to be a largely ceremonial office, particularly since relations between the states have been largely preempted by the nationalization of the federal government. But there is one area in which the secretaries of state reign supreme--elections. They determine how an election is going to be conducted (within state and federal rules), they decide how the votes will be counted, and when to certify that a particular candidate has won an election. Stalin famously said "The people who cast the votes decide nothing. The people who count the votes decide everything." And Soros is a big fan of Uncle Joe.

This was proven in the 2008 Congressional term when the secretary of state of Minnesota was complicit in the rigging of certain urban polling places, allowed mysteriously discovered "missing ballots" from other places, and spearheaded the legal challenge to absentee ballot which favored the Republican candidate. Although a court made the final decision, it worked from the conclusions drawn by the secretary of state. As a result, unfunny comedian Al Franken is now a U.S. Senator. In Illinois, in the wake of the Blagojevich scandal, the Illinois secretary of state certified the election of Roland Burris to the Senate after being forced to do by the Illinois Supreme Court so Burris could cast a vote in a hotly-contested Senate bill. Neither the lower courts nor the governor were given their statutory time to protest the election before that state sent Burris to Washington. And once he got there, the Senate parliamentarian approved the swearing-in on the basis that Burris had been certified by the Illinois secretary of state. Score another one for the Democrats.

All of this was supposed to be revenge for the secretary of state of Florida certifying George Bush as the winner of the 2000 presidential contest in the state, thus sending Bush to Washington and Al Gore to a study group on polar bears. But that would merely be a dirty trick, and this Soros plan is far more insidious than that. Soros quietly set up the Secretary of State Project, or S.O.S. It's cleverly-disguised as a "527" tax-exempt election group, and conveniently doesn't have to report the unlimited financial contributions it can receive from individuals or groups until the election has been accomplished, and the candidates certified. These organizations are unlimited in their fund-raising capacity from a 2009 Supreme Court decision which declared the groups not to be PACs which are subject to fund-raising limits. The caveat is that 527s must not have any direct connection to a candidate or a party. Thus, the spiderweb of deception. The best lawyers would have trouble proving that direct connection, despite the fact that every single S.O.S. targeted candidate is a Democrat. Must be just a coincidence.

Another Soros pet project that he formed along with leftist insurance magnate Peter B. Lewis, The Democracy Alliance, has approved S.O.S. as a grantee. So far the alliance has funded multiple organizations aimed at undermining traditional election infrastructure, not the least of which is ACORN. Who needs federal funds when they have George Soros? And the most fun of all, is that these organizations claim they're doing it all to protect the integrity of the election process from Republicans who intend to use tea parties and town hall meetings to steal the 2012 election from president Obama.

Feeling that the secretary of state of Minnesota had done a great job in steering votes to Franken, the Soros-funded groups, particularly S.O.S., are working tirelessly to re-elect leftist Mark Ritchie, whose manipulation of the Minnesota re-count has become legend. Ritchie's connections include ACORN, the Midwest Academy founded by Alinsky disciple and community organizer Heather Booth with openly acknowledged Marxist beliefs, along with Soros and San Francisco multi-millionaire Marxist Drummond Pike.

S.O.S. is behind re-election of California Secretary of State Debra Bowen, who was aided very nicely in 2006 by California ACORN PAC (funded largely by Soros). Fellow traveler Jocelyn Benson in Michigan, candidate for secretary of state in Michigan is touted by S.O.S. as a great election law scholar and community organizer. Benson is noted for organizing the very efficient (and very expensive) ACORN/Soros 2004 "voter protection campaign" in 21 states with 17,000 trained election law lawyers. In the 2008 election, she masterfully pulled the wool over the electorate's eyes by stopping the Republican secretary of state from preventing unverifiable bums (oops, the homeless) from voting by claiming the bums were actually "voters who were victims of home foreclosures."

In Ohio, S.O.S spent plenty of resources in endorsing and promoting Jennifer Brunner, who famously defied federal law in 2008 by refusing to do anything about 200,000 questionable voter registrations. During that same period of time, S.O.S Democrats won in New Mexico, Iowa and Nevada. Soros, S.O.S. and the affiliated ACORN Projects spent a whole lot of money securing these elections, but it's a mere pittance compared the the political power gained from the investment.

Essentially, S.O.S. has the mission of convincing Americans that Republican secretaries of state are the ones who routinely steal elections. If that were true, the Republicans did a pretty poor job in 2006 and 2008. Chief among the organizers for S.O.S is James Rucker, whose prior "job" was the director of grassroots mobilization for Political Action and Civil Action. Most tellingly, he is the racist co-founder of Color of Change, which publishes the lie that any Republican who attempts to clean up ancient voter rolls to eliminate dead and made-up voters, or who requires a simple photo ID at the voting booths is a racist, democracy-hating Nazi.

I want to point out that this is no great left wing conspiracy. Conspiracies are silent little devils, with mystery men and women, done behind closed doors without the public knowing what's going on. These organizations, and particularly S.O.S., are predatory rats, but they haven't hidden anything. They are proud of their accomplishments, and though the ultimate goal of stealing every major election nationwide is their plan, they have registered all their nefarious activities with the proper public authorities and haven't hidden their connections. They don't have to. The MSM and the liberal commentators all tout their community organizing as tough but fair politics as usual. Why try to hide what the MSM will gleefully hide for you?


  1. “Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it,”

    We have solemn duty as Americans to preserve this great country, and leave it as we found it. The Founders risked it all so that their children’s, children could live in freedom. From the Declaration of Independence, to The Constitution we have a binding contract from the Founders to the future, and it is the duty of the governed, to reject these criminals like Soros/ACORN etc. and utterly defeat these criminal leftist in 2010. As we begin to put things right, we mustn’t let our guard down, vigilance will be required for a generation to be certain the radical left is vanquished, and the real America can again reemerge, and the greatest country the world has ever produced.

    “that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom—and that government: of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.”

  2. If we're stupid enough to allow this then we're stupid enough to get what we deserve.

  3. The message is vote against Democrats.

  4. StanH: Reading your comment, I felt like I was back in my favorite history teacher's class. As Franklin said when asked after the constitutional convention what form of government we had chosen: "A republic, if you can keep it."

  5. Anon: It has wisely been said that a people gets the form of government it deserves. It's time for us in 2010 and 2012 to prove that we deserve considerably better than this.

  6. Andrew: And I would add "vote against anyone who thinks that the people serve the government rather than the other way around."

  7. Soros is the strings, Obama et al. are his puppets. What a crook. LawHawk, why doesn't anyone from the RNC ever investigate this guy? Are they and we're just not hearing about it?

  8. WriterX: I'm at a loss to give you any real answers to that question. I know they're aware of him. Many seem afraid of him (they don't want the full force of turned on them). Some have actually called him out, but I'm not sure that anything real is being done about it. George Soros may very well be the single most dangerous enemy of American freedom, and he's flying under the radar most of the time.

    Worst of all, the full force of the government could be turned on anyone who publicly denounces Soros for the America-hating dog that he is. Eric Holder has proven on numerous occasions that he will use the power of his Department of Justice to stifle dissent, while at the same time giving cover to pro-administration criminals and civilian trials for foreign terrorists. It will take a very courageous official to oppose the governmental and non-governmental forces working with, for and under Soros.

  9. Lawhawk--It's amazing how Democrats (and their fellow-traveling RINOs) dismiss the old axiom that "money is the mother's milk of politics." Yet when the rubber meets the road, there are the leftists, holding out a bowl, and begging: "Please, Mr. Soros, may I have more?"

  10. HamiltonsGhost: And it's even worse than than. It's the dirtiest of dirty money. That old Nazi collaborator and current follower of Stalin made his filthy billions by manipulating currency, nearly bankrupting England and currently working on ruining the American dollar. And his buddy in the White House can't do enough to help him.

  11. I'm thinking along the same lines as WriterX. We may not be able to do much with the lawless and disorder types in power now, but it seems to me that Soros must be in violation of some currency laws, and nobody that slimy is bothering with the niceties of the law. Holder and Obama will be gone in three years, and it's time somebody in the FBI, Homeland Security, and the Justice Department started looking into his connections in China and Russia.

  12. CalFed: My instincts tell me the same thing, and I'm not sure the activities are very deeply buried. But the tangled web is the problem. He has so many fingers in so many pies that it will be a real struggle to put together a solid legal case. On the other hand, we shouldn't forget that despite his many murders, Al Capone was finally imprisoned for income tax evasion.

  13. I've had no doubts for some time now that George Soros is Obama's puppeteer. These times call for men to prepare themselves and others for battle against the enemies within as well as those without. It is time for those in the halls of power that seek this nations survival to arise and declare themselves. If they are unable to do so, the time has come to replace them with men of courage, honor, and might.
