Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Live Blogging The State of the Union

Nothing makes the pain of an Obama speech go down quite like boos, or a live blog. So join us one week from today, January 27th, as we live-blog the State of the Union speech. Mark it in your calendar. . . now.


  1. will there be a drinking game involved?!

  2. Patti, there almost have to be if we're going to make it through the entire speech! LOL!

  3. I'll order pizza and beer for the SpeechFest.

    (hoping that somebody in the joint session will jump up and call Barack Hussein Obama a liar...)

  4. "My fellow Americans. Um. Today. Um. Ah. I. Um. Driving a truck doesn't always get you to where, Um. You are going. yeah. So um Have a nice day"

  5. LL, I get the feeling that several hundred million Americans will call him a liar. . . even if no one in Congress does!

  6. ACG, That would be a better speech than anything I think we can expect. I'm betting we get "angry Obama" this time.

  7. Yea! Liveblog!! I'll bring the martinis!! This is a whole new era for Commentarama-ians!

    So Patti, what should the rules of the of the drinking game be? We drink when Nancy claps like a trained seal? Or maybe, when Barry says "I inherited [fill in the blank] from the previous administration".

  8. Andrew: "Angry Obama" is good. He sputters, he forgets to look at his "look to the left, look to the right" teleprompters, and alienates just about everybody. I'm really looking forward to this one. If the Jeremiah Wright clone shows himself, we are going to see a landslide in 2012.

  9. Bev, It will be a brave new world for Commentarama! Should be fun. . .

  10. I don’t want to watch the State of the Union, but I’ll play with my friends.

  11. Stan, You can watch with the sound off! :-)

  12. Andrew: I just had a great idea. If Brown is seated in time for the address, he could jump up, yell "liar," and threaten to run Obama over with his truck. Good idea? No? Oh, well.

  13. I'll bring a virtual pitcher of martinis. I suggest we all do a shot everytime the camera passes over somebody smiling maniacally. Hillary is usually good for at least one shot. Biden, too, although his teeth are more blinding.

  14. Writer X, I don't see Hillary smiling much anymore. . . sad, really.

    But Biden, that guy smiles like a trained seal! He claps like it too.

  15. ooooo, i like the idea of the sound off and we can make up our own speech. and i'll be drinking every time there's a thinly-veiled/overt excuse about anything being bush's fault. by the end of the evening i expect we are gonna be plowed...

    man, if ever there was a time for jack bauer to burst into a room and yell, "DAMNIT!"...

  16. I'm feeling an invisible t-shirt give-away coming on, Andrew and LawHawk!

    Maybe a contest - who gets closest to picking the correct number of Standing ovations that Obama gets!

    {{{dreaming of Scott Brown wearing a Commentarama invisible t-shirt}}}
    Umm, did I write that out loud??

  17. Bev: I'll check with Andrew. We're overdue for a contest. I'm afraid my stomach and head couldn't handle a drink for every phony standing ovation, but I'll probably get out-voted.

  18. I like the drink for every time he blames Bush, plan! :)~

    I'm also thinking we'll need airsick bags, whether we have alcohol or not.

  19. CrispyRice, Everyone is responsible for their own airsickness bags. . . just like every other Obama speech!

    Lawhawk & Bev, We could arrange a contest of some sort.*

    * Offer not valid on planet Earth.

  20. I suspect we are going to get the Bill Clinton version of Obama. I also think he isn't going to be able to resist that ego of his and I expect it to pop up in a couple of places. Basically he's dug himself a pit he cannot crawl out of so we get to see all the different animals he tries to become to get out of the pit.

    Circling around all this is going to be the very subtle 'the problems on arrival were soooo huge and we have been working sooo hard, if you only knew' which is in essence to convey once again how bright the Obamanation is and how stupid are us peons!
