Monday, January 18, 2010

Question: Favorite Beatles Song

Everyone loves the Beatles. And now that they're ruining their songs by selling them for commercials, it's time to look back fondly on their work before we begin to associate Sgt. Pepper with Dr. Pepper, Taxman with H&R Block, Help with some crappy search engine, Hello, Goodbye with incontinence medication, and You're Going To Lose That Girl with erectile dysfunction. Yes, I'm bitter. What are your favorite Beatles songs?


  1. Tax Man. Followed by Revolution.

  2. Their body of work is remarkable whether you like them or not, and I find it hard to pick just a one or two songs, but in real Commentarama fashion, the rules are more like guide lines. John Lennon, “Strawberry Fields, Across the Universe, Mr. Kite.” Paul McCartney, “Dear Prudence, Blackbird, Eleanor Rigby.” George Harrison, “Something, Taxman, My Guitar Gently Weeps.” Ringo, “A Little Help from my Friends, Yellow Submarine, This Boy.”

  3. Very difficult to pick three let alone one.

    For the moment* I'd go with "Come Together", "Penny Lane" and Norwegian Wood".

    *A month from now that might change.

  4. Stan, I agree that their body of work is incredible whether you like them or not.

    I also find it hard to choose just one or two, and like USArtguy, my favorites change depending on my mood.

    But ones I go back to all the time are "I've Just Seen A Face," "Act Naturally," "Penny Lane" and "Tomorrow Never Knows."

  5. "Here Comes the Sun." Hands down.

  6. In My Life, Imagine, and Let It Be, oh and, Here Comes the Sun, and Yesterday...why don't you ask what Beatles songs we DON'T like. It would be so much easier...

  7. Bev, Where would be the fun in asking an easy question?

    JG -- good choice!

  8. i have said it before at the risk of things being thrown at me: don't like the beatles, never have.

  9. Patti, Patti, Patti. . . what are we going to do with you?

  10. I love the Beatles. Always have. Favs include HELP! and TWIST & SHOUT.

  11. Good choices. Help is a great song! I love the whole album. . . but then, I can say that about most of their albums. :-)

  12. Andrew, me too. So hard to choose. I remember sneaking my older sister's Beatles albums. We played them until the grooves wore out. I think one of the reasons I like the Beatles so much is that it reminds me of simpler times.

  13. Writer X, I get that sometimes, but not so much with the Beatles because I didn't get into them until later in life.

  14. Love the Beatles! Can't pick a favorite. Love the image too! Ha!

  15. Mega, I wish I could take credit for the image, but I found it on Flikr. The guy has a lot of cool lego images -- album covers and historical recreations.

  16. 'What are your favorite Beatles songs?'...oops didn't notice the plural!
    Okay so add, Maxwell's Silver Hammer, Tell Me Why.

  17. Great songs DCAlleyKat, but then you knew that. :-)
