Monday, January 4, 2010

Question: Predictionarama 2010

The start of the new year is always a good time for whipping out the old crystal ball. Will Vesuvius finally blow? Will Pelosi's servants escape her crypt? Will Clooney make a decent movie? Will an accident double Sean Penn's IQ to 14? Are hungry aliens heading this way as we speak? Will Obama win the World Cup? You tell us. . .


  1. I predict that Sean Penn will make a film about a gay dictator. . . he'll call it Che Butter.

  2. I predict that Michelle will get tired of being married to a beta male, will beat the crap out of him, file for divorce and run for president herself on the NOW ticket in 2012.

  3. I'll see your prediction and I'll raise you this: Hillary quits her job, grows a long beard and moves into a cave. . . coming down out of the hills only to scare small children and steal pets from back yards for food.

  4. I predict Commenterama will become a household name as the greatest conservative blog

  5. Jed, I like that one! :-)

    I like that even more than Hillary with a beard!

  6. Tennessee: And I like it almost as much as Michelle beating the crap out of Barack. OK, I actually like it better.

  7. I predict the Democractic Party leaves Barack and Michelle on the roadside for dead after the November elections. Howard Dean returns as the Democratic Party darling, complete with a new tribal yell that will be downloaded to cell phone ringtones everywhere.

    And Michelle and Hilary duke it out in a cage match televised on Oprah Winfrey's network for bragging rights to most toned arms.

  8. The Boiler Room Elves are going to take congress hostage to force a national “Cookie Day.”

    Barry’s gonna finally convince himself that he can really fly …with his ears like Dumbo, and all. Jumping from the Truman Balcony Barry winds up in a full body cast and eats through a straw for three months, sparing the country exhausting meaningless speeches. His poll numbers reflect that the country finally agrees with something that he’s trying to accomplish.

    Michelle finally embraces her Wookie self, and has hair implants, top to bottom. Nobody notices.

  9. Just to be clear, Andrew, I have it on good authority (late night public access television) that the aliens will not be landing until 2012, but, yes, they are heading this way...

    I predict that on or about January 20th, Our Dear Leader will make a speech that, and I quote, "it will be the greatest, most important speech of his administration to date". AND Nancy Pelosi will be sitting on or near Our Dear Leader wearing a red suit (or blue) and will be clapping like a trained seal...Joe Biden will be swatting at imaginary gnats (having just been released from his secret "hiding" place.

    OR what Tennesse says...

  10. Bev, I think you're right on both counts! I suspect certain journalists have already begun writing their reviews of Obama's speech -- a speech we will live blog by the way, just to see how that works.

  11. Stan, Don't give the Elves any ideas, I'm not sure they have "boundaries". . . so to speak.

    Writer X, They should put that on pay per view to pay off some of the debt Obama ran up!
