Thursday, February 25, 2010

Captioning: Whip It Good. . .

Apparently, New Wave music is huge in Iran. Even Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is a huge fan of Devo. He's such a big fan, in fact, that he's formed his own band AtomicKraftWerk. Here they are singing their new hit Dare to Be Stupid. . . wait, that's Weird Ahl's version.



    epitome of dorkiness with a truckload of evil...

  2. Patti, Isn't that the truth! The dork factor is very high. . . as is the evil factor.

  3. We are deviants. Oops, I mean we are Devo. They forgot the hats.

  4. "Ze goggles do nothing!"

  5. Scott, I have to admit I did not recognize the quote, but one I followed the link, I remembered the episode. Good episode. Do you know, I haven't watched the Simpsons in years now?

  6. I haven't either. I stopped buying the DVDs at season 10 since I haven't seen a lot of the episodes after that and the ones that I have seen paled in comparison to seasons 3 - 8 (my favorites).

    As for the picture, this came into my head: click here

  7. Scott, I agree. The Simpsons were great at one point and then just began a long downhill run. Nothing I've seen since somewhere around Season 7-8 has been very good.

    Nice picture, Revenge of the Nerds, right?

  8. And here I thought they were sneaking into a movie theater to see AVATAR...

    Do as I say, not as I do?

  9. Writer X, "Do as I say, not as I do" -- the way of all repressive regimes.

    Maybe we should offer him James Cameron in exchange for stopping the refinement of uranium? I'd even throw in Sean Penn to sweeten the deal!

  10. Andrew, we could only hope that he'd take Sean Penn! Penn could be the deal-breaker. Maybe Susan Sarandon might be safer.

  11. Andrew - You are correct (re: Nerds).

  12. They’re actually X-Ray glasses from the back of Popular Mechanics. Akmadamnimannutjob purchased four pairs for his BFFL’s with the burkas and all. Huh…look she’s naked…huh…huh…mmm…that’s cool…huh…huh…

  13. Writer X, I work on the theory that if he really doesn't want Penn, he can always put him in a dumpster -- so I figure it can't hurt to offer?

    Scott, Good movie!

  14. Stan, That's funny! I hadn't thought of that at all! They do look like those X-ray glasses they used to sell in the back of comic books! LOL!

  15. I was fascinated that Ahmadinejad has apparently become such good 'buds' with Miguel Ferrer

  16. Jed, I didn't hear about that, but that's depressing. Wasn't his father (Jose Ferrer) blacklisted in the 1950s?

  17. Andrew, Miguel actually has nothing to do with Ahmadinejad (at least to my knowledge, that is.) I just thought the guy on Ahmad's left was something of a passable look alike for Ferrer, at least if he let his stubble grow out. I don't really know his politics although they are most likely liberal Democrat given his Hollywood existence. Always liked him as an actor, though.Guess the look alike thing was a bit of a stretch. :-)

  18. Ah, my mistake! Whoops. :-( I'm glad to hear that because I like Ferrer.

    And you're right, I do see the resemblance!
