Thursday, March 4, 2010

Captioning: Crooked

I'm not sure why this picture is crooked. Has Pelosi become a comic book villain who can only appear in crooked photos? POW. . . BAM!! Or is she swaying in the backblast caused by the implosion of her leadership? That would explain the hair. Of course, so would this photo. . . eww.


  1. She looks like she had a stroke and can only talk out one side of her mouth.

  2. I like the idea of comic book villain personally. But I can see the stroke. She also looks like she just fought of a bear. . . or a Rham.

  3. Sooner or later, everybody who lives in San Francisco looks like that. It comes from living on hills and waiting on steep streets for buses that never come.

  4. I took your old Batman idea and ran with it.

    If you're a Democrat:

    "Who knows, Robin? This strange mixing of minds may be the greatest single service ever performed for humanity! Let's go, but, inconspicuously, through the window. We'll use our Batropes. Our job is finished."

    If you're a Republican:

    "We've been given the plainest warning. They're working together to take over..."
    "Take over what, Batman? Gotham City?"
    "Any two of them would try that!"
    "The whole country?"
    "If it were three of them, I would say yes, but four? Their minimum objective must be... the entire world."

    And if you're an independent (or a fan of great movie lines):

    "Some days, you just can't get rid of a bomb." :-)

  5. Looks like some of her surgical procedures were pulled too tight and snapped. Hope she didn't get whiplash. Too bad, she could have sued her plastic surgeon if it weren't for tort reform in that healthcare bill. Oops, well, nevermind, I guess she's still in luck!

  6. Scott, That is my favorite Batman quote of all time and I use it for all occasions! “Some days you just can’t get rid of a bomb!”

  7. ok at that poor bastard behind her . . .eww!

  8. I'm pretty sure Pelosi thinks she's Cat Woman, although all the botox is making her look like The Joker.

  9. Jed, He does seem to be leaning away. LOL!

  10. Writer X, She is getting dangerously close to Joker territory, isn't she?

  11. Nancy, Nancy,'s clear you never learned when to stop, and it's written all over your face! Women like that make me ashamed of my gender.

  12. Slightly off topic, but with the horrible Democrat Health care reform at a critical point, I thought I would "link" to a great article over at American Thinker. This article also references and links to an excellent article on underlying causes of over-utilization.

  13. Is it just me or does it look like she is beginning to get Michael Jackson Nose sindrome

  14. Individualist, I'd say. . . yes. She is looking a lot like Michael Jackson these days.
