Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Newsflash: Commentarama Gets 100,000th Hit!!


  1. Andrew: That is a great thing to hear. Not bad for a couple of lawyers and a few friends who have labored mightily at this site for nine months now. And we certainly thank our regulars who have stuck with us from the beginning, and have told their friends (and a few foes) about us.

  2. This is exciting news! And I too want to thank everyone who has paid us a visit and everyone who has contributed -- both people who contributed articles and people who left comments!

    We should send out free invisible t-shirts to everyone!!

  3. By the way, our first post was May 19th of 2009. I wonder when we'll hit a million?

    I wonder if the site will crash. . .

  4. Cool! At first I read it as 1,000,000, then I saw it was a hundred thousand, which is certainly an accomplishment.

    And your welcome! As an independent who voted for Obama (don't hold it against me! - it was a close call for me and there's no guarantee I'll vote for him in 2012), I have to say thanks for making a guy like me feel comfortable.

  5. You're welcome Scott, we're happy to have you. We're always looking for different opinions, because that's what keep life interesting.

    (A million would be really cool, but is probably too much to ask for in nine and a half months.)

  6. holy moly! congratulations!!!!!

  7. I thought I had it that many times myself! Seriously, that is a nice milestone. I appreciate the work you guys put into it.

  8. Thanks Patti!

    Thanks Jed, We're happy to have you and your always thoughtful comments!

  9. Patti: My reaction was similar. Only I didn't say "moly." LOL I knew we were getting close, but I lost track a couple weeks back, and was really pleased to see Andrew announcing our big landmark today.

    Tennessee: You, Bev, Scott, Stan, WriterX, Joel and a host of others have made this all worth it. It's no fun writing for your own amusement and edification. Ya gotta have friends. If Andrew and I didn't have all of you, we'd spend the whole time fighting with each other.

  10. YEY!!!! I can't believe that I've been watching this all week and I missed the big moment. Congrats to Andrew and LawHawk our intrepid leaders! Yippee! Next stop 1 Million hits (or in Congressspeak - 1 Trillion!)

  11. Wow. And has it been nine months already? Time flies when you're having fun with friends! :-) Thanks for creating such a cool, informative site to come to every day.

  12. Writer X, You're welcome, and thanks for all the articles and comments you've provided too!

  13. Congrats!
    And thanks for an informative and funny site.
    You guys are brilliant!
    It's always a pleasure.

  14. Bev, Congrats to you too, and thank! We couldn't have done it without the whole team!

    One million hits here we come!

  15. Thanks Cheryl! And thanks for all your comments too. It really has taken everyone to make this such a fun place!

  16. Amazing! Stupendous! Awesome! Tremendous! Prodigious! Super! Spectacular! Spreen! (Not really a word but it was in your verification area and I thought it was cool... although there is a but I digress).

    Bravo and well done!


  17. Congratulation Guys!

    Invisible T-shirts for free wow!

    Did you guys get a good deal on the Dissapeaing Ink or did you just bath them in dye wash o Obama's campaign promises.

  18. Congratulations from the bottom of my very independant conservative heart!

    And I absolutely love my T-shirt, btw...

  19. USArtguy, Individualist and DCAlleykay. . . thanks!! It's been a fun nine months!

  20. Gang: I second Andrew's comments. It's been rewarding, and you have all made it fun to boot.

  21. Well done guys and gals! I have limited time, and Commentarama is a must see for my daily information and fun. Keep up the good work!

  22. Thanks Stan, and we're happy to have you!

  23. law: lol. i didn't say "moly" either, just cleaning it up for any sensitive peeps.
