Now I've seen everything. I thought people in New York and California were the teeter-totter of liberalism, equally balancing the coasts so the country doesn't tip over and slide into the ocean. Well, now the fulcrum of that teeter-totter has been revealed - Illinois.
When the following clips were posted on yesterday, I thought they were going to be just more of the hundreds of clips cobbled together of crazy Tea Partiers acting all Constitution-y. You know, those wild-eyed conservatives waving "Don't Tread On Me" flags and signs demanding smaller government and fiscal responsibility.
Oh, no, this was something all together different. As we all know, whatever President Obama does is deemed historic and a "first" for any President, but the following clips illustrate events that are probably the first of their kind in all of human history. This rally was held on April 21st in Springfield, Illinois...well, just watch...
Oh, there's more...
Well...hmmm...I just don't know what to say. Not only are they demanding MORE taxes, but they are going to hunt down their legislators and force them to raise taxes...or else. It defies logic.
Bev: And now the family bank owned by the Democratic candidate finally quietly announced it had failed. The civil and criminal investigations of the shady dealings of the bank continue. So that will make three Democratic senators from Illinois in a row who don't know how to balance a checkbook (and one of them is now President).
ReplyDeleteJust a couple of observations.
At the end of the first video, I think I heard some one yell, "Save our Sh###y!" I could be wrong.
Second, these people remind me of masochists. Spank me!! Spank me!!
Other than that it was a fine parody of humans. Where did you get them? Venus or Mars?
"Raise 'Our' Taxes!" My little bigot redneck racist Tea Partyin' head exploded...Who are "they"? "They" must be the richest people in the world because "they" have endless piles of money kept in a secret vaults for which "our" people can draw from...where's my purple t-shirt...
ReplyDeleteJoel, I can't watch the videos anymore unless I get another bottle of vodka to wash them down with. You are probably not wrong. I can only surmise that these "people" came from some alternate universe where "taxes" are what we call "flags" in our world and are to be raised...I hope anyway.
Of course, it never dawns on them that if they want to pay more in taxes, there is nothing stopping them. But then. . . that's not really what they want. They want everyone else to pay more in taxes.
ReplyDeleteLawHawk - I read about Gianoulias. Oops! They can't balance a checkbook because they've never had to. They've got the "Raise Our Taxes" crowd to take to the head is till exploding...
ReplyDeleteAndrew - As that one woman said - what's a little tax increase to these incredible wealthy people who suck the marrow of our existences for their own enjoyment! I say "Let them eat cake!!!" Aahhhh, head exploding again...sorry.
ReplyDeleteThis was painful to watch. I especially love the woman who was a small business owner, who was perfectly fine with everyone else paying higher taxes--except her. Laughable.
ReplyDeleteBev, That's the kind of rhetoric I've gotten use to from the left. They seem to have a thing for paraphrasing Hitler whenever they talk about anyone they dislike.
ReplyDeleteWriter X, I'd like to see them take names of everyone in the crowd and tax them specifically. . . they seem to want that.