Friday, July 2, 2010

Question: Interview Abuse!

You may recall the Commentarama Guide to Interviewing. Well, I thought it was time to update the old manual, and what better resource to exploit than our readers! So tell me, what questions would you ask if you could during an interview?


  1. "Mr. Obama, have you given up your membership in the Communist Party? Yes or no."

  2. Lawhawk, You know the answer to that. "Make no mistake that I am not now nor have I ever been an ex-communist."

  3. Andrew: I thought the correct answer was "I refuse to answer that question on the grounds that the answer might tend to incriminate me." LOL

  4. Lawhawk, You're assuming he know what those big words mean! "incr. . . incrimate." "gr. . . grouds." "ten. . . tendz." No clue.

  5. There are some people I want to ask, are you blackmailing your current boss? Seriously, how do you keep your current job? But I'm told it's better not ask those kinds of questions.

  6. Yeah Ed, probably better not to ask that. Of course, it's better than "asking how's the food at the loony bin?"

  7. To all candidates running for any office after the inevitably rousing stump speech -

    "How are you going to do all of that exactly?"

    Or "If you were a tree what kind of tree would you be?"

    Or "Boxer or briefs?"

  8. Bev, Not "werewolf or vampire"? Or whatever that Senator asked Kagan?

    And on the boxers or briefs, if you're interviews Supreme Court Justices, you might want to add "depends." ;-)

  9. I like the "What kind of tree" question, Bev, because it'll root out (no pun intended, har-dee-har har) the people who (1) know their trees, and (2) have seriously considered that question. I trust neither!

  10. I like that! I need to use that the next chance I get. Also, I really liked the interview guide! Funny stuff.

  11. Crispy, Good answer -- trust neither! I think I saw that in Life's Little Instruction Book, wasn't it?

    No, wait, that was "trust no one." ;-)

  12. Ed, Feel free to use it. And if it works well and gets you promoted, then give us credit. If you get fired. . . tell them you heard it at DailyKos!

  13. It was either there or on Monty Python, Andrew.

  14. That could be Crispy! They do a lot in the way of life's lessons.

  15. In all honesty, I'd like to ask young doctors why they want to be doctors. I think it's important that young doctors understand that being a doctor isn't like being on television. It's a lot of hard work, it takes dedication, and it takes a good sense of humor.

  16. I would of course ask their position on Trolls! :D

    Plus, it would be great to ask: "how easily do you become a pain in the rear?"

  17. Doc, I think you get the same thing in law. People go into law for many different reasons, and most of them are bad reasons. I guess it's the same with doctors?

  18. Mega, It's always important to ask about their "troll views."

    As for the other question. . . good question! You just need a truth drug to get them to fess up!

  19. I interviewed recently for a job in a very liberal place, by liberal people and they started asking me all kinds of illegal questions about my family, if I had any medical conditions, things like that. So much for liberals walking the walk!

  20. Anon, It's all "do as I say, not as I do" syndrome. And no doubt, they would be outraged if they found out that some conservative firm did the same thing.
