Remember last summer when all of our esteemed members of Congress traveled the land to sell us on the pending Healthcare legislation? What they thought was going to happen was that they were going to tell us what they thought we wanted to hear, we would listen politely, ask no questions, and clap when they were done all while basking in their greatness. But what they were met with was every politicians' nightmare - an informed electorate - an angry informed electorate. They had not factored in that we would actually read the 2000 pages of dense legalese. We never had before (and as we found out to our great surprise they didn't either). But we read it and talked amongst ourselves and were prepared with informed questions needing to be answered. So unpleasant was our esteemed Congresspersons' experiences that most of them chose NOT to repeat the townhall forums this summer.
As I repeat often, no other time in history have "we the people" had access to whatever answers we seek, all at our fingertips and available as quickly as the question can be expressed. And we don't even have to get out of our pajamas to get it either. We are no longer beholden to the ruling class to impart their wisdom and grace upon us. We can read for ourselves, see for ourselves, and ask the questions and demand the truth, not spin. Which brings me to this fascinating exchange between Rep. Pete Stark (D/CA) and one of those informed electorate on July 24, 2010:
I am actually embarrassed for Rep. Stark because that informed electorate blind-sided him with her question. It wasn't a complicated question, but Rep. Stark couldn't form a coherent response. If our Congresspersons can't answer a questions about the limits of government how can we trust them with our government. As it is said, we get the government we deserve, but to get good government, we have to participate and earn it. Read, learn, inform yourself, and ask questions. They hate that...
What I think is funny is that the Democrats are tying to tell each other that the people have calmed down and aren't angry anymore! Bull! People are furious at them -- more furious than anything I've ever seen in my life.
ReplyDeleteAnd the days of the public not being able to verify their lies are over. They can't hide behind a compliant press anymore.
By the way, Stark is a nutjob. If anyone needs a primer on this hateful clown, check out this post: Click Me
As our esteemed congressperson stated himself at the end of that clip "thank goodness you're here to save it." (our nation)Indeed sir, thank goodness. To arms, patriots! And by "arms" I mean the polls, for now.
ReplyDeleteI wonder if that will be the "Let them eat cake!" moment that provides an impetus to clean this cesspool out. God, I hope so.
ReplyDeleteI'm asking this rhetorically...
How does this assclown keep getting elected?
I know the answer, but I had to ask it.
98ZJUSMC, I think the "let them eat cake" moment is the vacations they've been taking. Those are slowly starting to creep across talk radio, the internet and even the MSM. Even Soros and an the propagandists at Media Matters see this as a danger.
ReplyDeleteTam, "... for now." LOL!
ReplyDeleteInformed electorate is right. We are calm, cool and collected. We know what is right and what is wrong.
Last year, the Congress thought they had us at "free healthcare" and they would have been right in years past. Not anymore. Last year's anger is just us trying to get them to do what is right. Now, we don't care about them anymore and are going to kick them out and replace them with people who know what is right and do what is right.
Those of us from the Bay Area have had to put up with this clown for 37 years. He can't add 2 + 2 and get 4, but he got an MBA from the UC Berkeley School of Business and has sat on the Banking Committee and Ways and Means since the signing of Magna Carta (or so it seems). His knowledge of the Constitution is about equal to his math skills. He is without a doubt the most obnoxious jerk to hold office in my lifetime.
ReplyDeleteCool, Bev, Andrew, Lawhawk, your all here. You guys should post at BH more often.
ReplyDeleteMobius: I've felt a bit guilty about not posting over at BH. I know it's more an excuse than an explanation, but I'm still settling in to my new place in rural California and our blog alone keeps us very busy. But thanks for the comment, and I promise I'll try to get over to BH more often.
ReplyDeleteMobius, Nice to hear from you too. Please feel free to drop by anytime.
ReplyDeleteHi everyone! Didn't mean to ignore you, but I have been taking in the sites of our wonderful capital city (DC). My connection is sketchy.
ReplyDeletePete Stark is in a symptom to what is wrong with Washington. He just doesn't get it that he works for us. This is working really well in the run up to November. The arrogance is just stunning...
Bev, Pete Stark is a symptom of what's wrong with Oakland too!
ReplyDeleteI think the publics patience is long over due.
ReplyDeleteI have another Stark video on my blog that many haven't seen. Same townhall, different perspective.
By their arrogance Washington has enraged it’s people, and with the internet, this spells disaster for statist Washington, pissed off, informed voters. The late night Washington hoodoo is going to cost many of them their fiefdoms come November. Pete Stark is the poster child for what is wrong inside the Beltway, what a blithering idiot.