The State Department has decided to hire Glenn Beck to be a goodwill ambassador to the Christian nations, send him on a worldwide tour on the taxpayers' dollar, and distribute free copies of his most recent book to those who need to understand the deep and abiding relationship between Christianity and the United States. The City of New York is also working with the federal government to establish a 13 story Christian center in lower Manhattan by promising $80 million dollars in financial assistance to the center. It will be called the Ferdinand and Isabella Christian Outreach Center, in honor of the noble Muslims who so valiantly but unsuccessfully opposed the Catholic monarchs.
Oh, wait, that's not quite right. It was actually Feisal Abdul Rauf. The State Department sent him on a goodwill tour of the Muslim nations on the taxpayers' dollar, and distributed 3,000 discounted and free copies of Rauf's book What's Right With Islam: A New Vision for Muslims and the West (the book has been slightly re-titled since its original publication to eliminate the mention of the United States in Muslim lands). The book was needed in Islamic nations because there needs to be a show of mutual respect between the Christian West and the Muslim Middle East (wink, wink).
New York City's controller has indicated that $80 million sounds about right for city assistance to the builders of the mosque at Ground Zero. And the perfect place for the mosque is Ground Zero so that the originally-named Cordoba Center can honor the Christians who worked so well with the Muslims in the Spanish transition from Muslim to Christian control in 1492. It stands even more strongly for the separation of religion from the secular government (except for those pesky loans and "bought" politicians and the distribution of a religious tract by an author who refuses to condemn Hamas).
Somehow, in their generosity toward the First Amendment, the same people who support the mosque, pay for the junkets of a terrorist-supporting imam, and love the First Amendment to death, also would never hand out free copies of Mutiny on the Bounty because the hero's name is Fletcher Christian, and cannot find a way to assist St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church to be rebuilt after being destroyed by the collapse and fire at the World Trade Center. Leftists and Obamist Muslim-supporters seem to be able to turn their sensitivities and adherence to the First Amendment on an off like a light switch.
The imam's good will tour allegedly cost the taxpayers a mere $16,000 (I call baloney, the jet fuel alone would have cost that much), and an even merer $10,000 to distribute the copies of the mass-murder fellow traveling imam's book. Let us not forget that imam Rauf says America created al Qaeda, was complicit in the 9-11 attack, refuses to denounce Hamas as a terrorist organization even after the recent murder of four Israeli civilians (including a pregnant mother), and insists that the Muslim center is mostly secular because they will teach law there--sharia law, that is.
If the Glenn Beck scenario had been true, the editorial staff of the New York Times and the Washington Post would turn into a raving mob and attack the White House and Congress with the Supreme Court thrown in for good measure. But they're too busy right now condemning Beck's recent mass meeting on the Washington Mall as overly Christian, overly white, and overly racist. And besides, Beck is automatically and ipso facto a bigoted Islamophobe because he opposes the Ground Zero mosque.
But when it comes to Rauf, the leftists all agree that the Ground Zero mosque is an excellent form of Muslim outreach to the ignorant Christians, Jews, and family survivors of the 9-11 mass murder. They further agree, for some reason I have yet to fathom, that separation of church and state includes synagogue and state but not mosque and state. When it comes to the Ten Commandments (common to all three religions), any printing of them at public expense would be a horrendous violation of the First Amendment, but since Rauf's book actually mentions the West in passing, the remaining 99% of the book devoted to Muslim religious thought is discarded as incidental, and the left declares the book "not religious." Thus, there is no First Amendment violation when the taxpayers are paying for its distribution.
Are you clear on this yet? If so, please explain it to me, because I am totally lost. And as for the financial part, the City of New York is willing to lend millions not only to a religious figure for building a triumphalist Islamic center near the sight of a Muslim mass murder, but to the same man who it now appears is a slumlord and a tax-evading property owner-manager. Although it's likely that the Saudis and the Iranians will pour money into the project, as of this writing, the financing appears to be both shaky and shady. But that isn't going to stop the NYC controller from ponying up more money for this disgusting monument to religious intolerance and destruction of all non-Muslims.
good post as always, Hawk. It generated a couple of questions in my mind. I have picked up comments on a (Greek Orthodox?) church which was actually destroyed on 9/11 and cannot gain permission to rebuild. Second, have you read or know anybody who has read his book? While I recognize he is perfectly willing to lie through his teeth, it would be interesting to get his own full interpretation as to just what "Sharia compliant" actually means.
ReplyDeleteThere is absolutely ZERO (pun intended to Andrew) justification for taxpayer funded goodwill trips.
Thanks for the pun Jed! LOL!
ReplyDeleteLawhawk, could you imagine the outrage if the State Department did what you suggest at the front of your article? The squeals of separation of church and state would make us deaf, and the protests would never stop. You would see heads explode in "news"rooms all over the country. But somehow, none this bothers them when it's done in the name of a religion that hates women, gays, and freedom and murders nonbelievers (and a good many believers).
Sadly, I've stopped being shocked by any of this.
I’ll try Lawhawk! You see, you’ve been away from SF for too long, and are no longer able to interpret liberal gobbledygook. By allowing the Islamo-goons to build their triumphalist mosque and utterly surrender to the fascist, they will no longer want to kill us. Now that was easy.
ReplyDeleteTennessee: I was p.o.d enough by this proposed monument to mass murder at Ground Zero before I read the stories and the details of the destruction of St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church on 9/11 and the city's alleged inability to help them out in any way.
ReplyDeleteIf I could read Arabic, I'd be delighted to tell you what his views are. But since I don't, I can only tell you that his ideas as distorted into English ain't so hot, so the real version in Arabic must be much worse.
Unfortunately, his real views are rarely made public, and are always spun in the White House and the MSM in a light most favorable to the Islam-means-peace nonsense. I can tell you that his idea that America and sharia can live side-by-side is based on the very un-American concept that Muslims will have a system of law separate from that of all other Americans. I don't care if sharia is all peace, love and brotherhood--they simply can't have a legal system apart from our own.
Andrew: There would be an epidemic of apoplexy on the left and in the MSM unseen in all of previous human history if my Beck story had actually been true. Obama would ask Michelle to flagellate him, and Holder would sue himself. But alas, no such thing will ever happen. There's only just so much money to go around, and we must spend it wisely helping our close friends and bosom buddies, the Islamists.
ReplyDeleteStan: You have the answer. Just a few short months ago, this would all have made perfect sense to me. And you're absoluteley right--surrender is always the best answer. No hard feelings that way, and everybody ends up friends.
ReplyDeleteI've tried to write a response 5 times and keep getting bumped out of blogger, so here's the short version
ReplyDeleteRead this and it will clear everything up for you LawHawk...not.
Bev: Thanks. I did see the article this morning, and it fills in some details I hadn't seen before. I particularly like the name of the group originally formed in North Bergen, New Jersey: "ASMA."
ReplyDeleteFor those who would like to read it, here's the clickable link: Sketchy Islamic Center Tax Break.
Lawhawk, brilliant article.
ReplyDeleteYou know it strikes me, looking at this guy who until a year ago was a waiter's arrest record who is the point man for building the mosque, as curious.
If I had 100 million dollars from legitimate sources to build a house of God for benign upfront reasons. Would I use a man who has been in real estate for one or two years who has arrest records for solicitation and other minor crimes as the goto guy to be the face of my project.
That is and of itself should be enough evidence to question the funding of this mosque. But if they do build it I guess there is a bright side. Since all the Al Queada terrorists will be sure to visit maybe we can do surveliance to help identify their new recruits. Not much of a bright side is it. MAybe its the dim light in the fog. Hmmmm......
Individualist: Thanks for the compliment. Two things are very clear to me about Rauf. First, he's a radical Islamist who would like nothing better than to see all of New York City disappear--except the mosque, of course. Second, he's a front man, a patsy. He knows just enough Islamic theology and history to write passable if not honest prose, but he is absolutely way over his head in this mess. They couldn't pick a well-known Islamic cleric for the job, and the Blind Sheik is behind bars. Best to pick a relative unknown, bathe him, fluff him up, give him a title ("imam" is to Islam as "reverend" is to Al Sharpton), and put him out there as your Judas goat.
ReplyDeleteLawhawk, I think you're discounting the possibility of spontaneous human combustion too easily. I think people like Olberman would get so worked up that the foam from his mouth would catch fire and he'd burst into flames. It wouldn't stop the rant at first, but it would once he started getting crunchy. And his last words would probably be some curse aimed at America.
ReplyDeleteAnd he'd just be the first.
Andrew: So how do we get this story to the CNN and MSNBC people in a way they'll believe it? I'd bear any burden, pay any price, support any ally, and oppose any foe if I could just get to see Olbermann combust. LOL
ReplyDeleteLawHawk and Andrew: I thought when Scott Brown won in Jan., Olberman's head would explode. I watched his show just to see it happened. Almost, but no cigar. BUT take heart, I'm banking on Nov.2 or maybe Nov 3 for him to combust spontaneously. (Is it spontaneous if you expect it and want to happen?)
ReplyDeleteBev: You're right. As unexpected and good as it was, Brown's election was just one out of a hundred. If the Republicans pick up the House, and possibly even the Senate, Olbermann will definitely go off the deep end. "VOTER FRAUD IN ALL FIFTY STATES ! RACISTS BACK IN CHARGE ! THE END OF THE WORLD AS WE KNOW IT ! I'm going back to the farm (oops, I mean university) where I got my education and sophistication."
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry, I'm still stuck on the title of the book. Can't quite get past it....WHAT is right with Islam?
ReplyDeleteTam: They love their mothers sometimes. And they don't kill their other close relatives unless they have to. That's about all I can think of.
ReplyDeleteYou Lie Infidel!! Fatwa on you!! ;-)
Seriously, I have not heard any good about Islam. A religion that won't let you drop out if your beliefs change. Indeed, if you drop out, you get a death sentence.
What is disgusting is the absolute cowardness of our leaders. They don't fear the voters because voters won't kill them. They fear the Muslim Terrorists.
Joel: If the Islamic "scholars" would allow Islam to evolve so that eternal truths remain but those portions of the religion that applied 1500 years ago are brought up to date ("exigesis" as the Jewish and Christian religions have evolved), there might be something worthwhile to find. But the refusal of the Muslim clerics to admit that the Q'uran contains eternal truths but is not in and of itself eternal truth, there can be no reconciliation.