Friday, December 24, 2010

Merry Christmas From The Lawhawk Household

Behold, the Christmas puppy--Niko the Bold, Herder of Sheep, Chaser of Wolves and Lions, and Destroyer of Carpets.

Niko, Kitty Kelly, Beegee, all the kids and grandkids, and I want to wish all our readers a very Merry Christmas and a Prosperous New Year.

We'll see all of you back here on Monday, the 27th.


  1. Law got a Wonder Pup! Dex our Wonder Pup gives you two paws up!

    Merry Christmas!

  2. Thanks Lawhawk! Merry Christmas to you too, and a blessed New Year to everyone if I don't get a chance to comment again before then.

    Great lookin' pup, Lawhawke!
    We have mini-dachschunds but they can do a number on carpets as well and I'm always wondering what the chewed up plastic doodads I find used to be and where the dogs found them.

    Child-proofing a home is far easier than dog-proofing. Actually, I don't think it's possible to dog-proof everything 100%. All we can do is...mitigate the damage the best we can, speaking pun-in-cheek of course. :^)

    I'm glad we got 'em though. Pets always brighten the day, and with our children grown and living across the country right now (youngest daughter rejoined the Army recently as an officer this time) they are almost like having kids again...but without the teenage drama, lol.

  3. Patti: Merry Christmas. Shortly after I took that picture, Niko really got into the Christmas spirit and pulled the Christmas tree over to get a closer look. I've re-wrapped about half the gifts. He's a big, floppy pup, and still a little unsteady on his giant paws. But it's amazing how fast he can move to get into mischief if I turn my back for just a few seconds. And he's already learned how to look cute and pathetic after he's done something awful.

  4. USS Ben: That's a hoot. I'm already trying to figure out where those small parts I find came from. Amazingly, this is the smallest dog I've had as an adult. My previous two were a mastiff and a St. Bernard. This guy will probably peak at 100 pounds when full-grown. He's eight weeks old now, and weights 22 pounds. And you are so right about pet-proofing. I have three kids and eight grandkids, and not a single one of them ever tried to chew on my electrical cords. LOL I now have eight grandkids, two cats and a dog who all think they're names are "dammit."

    My family fortunes went the other way. After being 350 miles away from the grandkids, I now live 3.25 miles from my younger daughter and her brood of six. They'll be here tonight for Christmas dinner.

    A very Merry Christmas to you!

  5. Whoa! A Mastiff and a St. Bernard can eat a lot of chow!

    The biggest dog we ever had was a New Foundland (sp?) which was given to us by some friends that couldn't keep him because they were moving to town and the landlord didn't allow dogs.

    He weighed 150 pounds and was a great dog, very friendly around our kids too.
    Unfortunately, we had to give him away when I was stationed at NAS Fallon because he kept digging craters in the lawn of the Navy housing unit we were in. And I do mean craters, like a 500 pound bomb would make. LOL. The housing inspector wasn't amused though.

  6. USSBen: My older daughter has a Newfie. He's the laziest dog I ever saw, unless he thinks her kids might be in danger. I had to give up my mastiff when I moved to San Francisco for the same landlord reason, but he ended up in happy retirement on a ranch in Fillmore. I'm trying very hard not to spoil Niko, but I've already bought him more chew toys than all my other dogs combined. I've had a dog since I was a very small child, but had to be without one for 20 years in SF. When the kids asked me what was the first thing I was going to do when I moved to Caliente, I replied "get a DOG ! ! ! " I fell in love with the Great Pyrenees breed, so Niko is the result of the first litter available from the local breeder.

  7. Niko looks like a sweetie! Merry Christmas from Tennessee (including Lady Margaret "Maggie")!

  8. Tennessee: He is, and thanks. He's definitely a mountain dog. I felt guilty making him go out onto the deck where his house and his bed are, right up until he started begging to go out. He loves real weather.

  9. All right Lawhawk, great looking beast.

    Merry Christmas! …to you and yours : )

  10. Stan: Merry Christmas right back at you. Great looking beast is right on, and the dog's not bad either. LOL

  11. What a prescious puppy!! I hope you had a wonderful Christmas!

  12. Bev: Thanks, and I hope you're enjoying the holidays as well. The grandkids insist on coming to my place to walk the puppy, but it's more often him walking them. LOL

  13. Belated Merry Christmas to you Lawhawk. I have been offline for a while and just flew into Kansas to see my sister and her kids. Well it's another year of great posts from you and Andrew and I just want to say thank you.

    I also want to apologize for 111th congress still being in session thereby creating unnecessary work for you and Andrew in keeping us informed of what is going on.

  14. Belated here, also, LH. Merry Christmas and the best wishes for the New Year....of occupation.

    All the best!

  15. Individualist: Thanks a million for the kind words. And we promise we won't blame you for Congress refusing to go home.
