Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Captioning: Hosnary Mubaraclinton

It looks like Egypt has a new ruler, and who it is may surprise you. But we have it on good authority the Egyptian people chose her because they were super impressed by her mystic visions, in which she was able to channel Keith Olbermann. . . something nobody else is going to be able to do. Sadly, all Obama got in trade for giving her up was the basket in which he thinks he was found amongst the reeds as a baby. . . in "Hawaii." Here's Egypt's new Potentessa speaking to Allah, or is it Allen from tech support at Google SpySatellite?

"Oh mighty Allen, help my people find the despicable Anderson Cooper. . . we want to punch him again!!"


  1. Andrew, did that basket have a long-form birth certificate in it?

  2. T-Rav, LOL! I'm honestly not sure, it was in Egpytian. . . er, Hawaiian. ;-)

  3. T_Rav, Did you see by the way, that the network Olbermann joined has something like 25,000 viewers? And I think they all live at Al Gore's house!

    Good luck with that.

  4. photo-op. BTW, is it just me or does Hilarious look particularly gelatenous these days.

  5. Jed, Yep. Hillary is starting to show her age. Working with Biden and Obama will do that to you! She'll look like Helen Thomas by the end of Obama's term. . . assuming there is one.

    You think this is just a photo op? I thought perhaps someone had captured an image of a robbery in progress?

  6. "Clinton passed Obama's hazing with ease, and was admitted to the cabinet, though she didn't really like having to convert to Islam."

  7. Ed, LOL! Nice! That would explain the head scarf!

  8. Andrew, I did not see that. I was aware of Current TV's existence, though barely. From what I've seen of its programming, I hope for Gore's sake they don't all live at his house. He's going to be using up all his carbon-credit profits on tinfoil :-)

  9. T_Rav, Algore's tinfoil bill must be HUGE!!

    I can't find the article with the ratings, but it was really, really, really unbelievably low. Right now at least, this seems like a big mistake for Olbermann. But who knows?

  10. I was actually interviewed by a Current TV reporter (who looked to be about 18 yrs old) a few years back when a small plane crashed in my neighborhood. I am not sure if I made it to the air...

    My caption:
    Pharaoh-ess Hillary, newly installed as leader of Egypt, explains the trickle-down theory through interpretive dance to her new cabinet and an bemused Former President Obama...

  11. Bev, I have never once in my life considered that there might be a Trickle Down Dance! I think you've just opened my eyes to a world of possibilities! LOL!

    A plane crashed in your neighborhood? Wow! That's pretty big news!

    I've never heard of Current (despite the Algore connection) until yesterday. Something tells me, I won't be hearing about it again until Olbermann moves. . . but you never know. He might put them on the map?

  12. FYI - Current TV is like MTV for politics and culture. It was launched in 2005 by Algore and some other guy with alot of fanfare and is based in...where else? San Francisco! LawHawk, I'm surprised you never heard of it!
    Here's their website -

  13. MTV for politics? You mean lots of spring break specials and anything except music? ;-)

    Bev, what's up the plane crash?

  14. Oh, the plane crash. Do you remember when Cory Lidle (Yankee player) crashed his Cessna into a building in NYC in 2006? Well that was exactly one block south from where I live!

    I've had a run of bad luck with planes falling near me ever since 9/11...add this and the Hudson River crash. I stopped taking it personally...

    Oh, I just remembered when the kid introduced himself as a Current TV reporter, he was genuinely surprised that I had heard of Current TV. I wasn't sure if it was because I was over 35+ or not. I don't believe that I was within their typical demographic...

  15. Andrew, Current TV's on my satellite provider. Bev gave a pretty accurate description; it's geared towards people my age, with too little education to think independently but enough to feel superior to others. In other words, it's a liberal network. The only programs I can remember are a bunch of stuff about how global warming is such a problem (go figure), plus some geopolitical stuff and shows about the difficulties gay people face in "coming out." I'm not very surprised it has only 25,000 viewers.

  16. Bev, I'm glad you've stopped taking it personally! LOL!

    I do remember that crash.

    It probably is a pretty bad sign when a reporter is surprised that you've heard of their network.

    Here's your link: Link

  17. T_Rav, That sounds like what I would expect from The AlGore Channel! Plus a scroller at the bottom telling people where they can buy carbon indulgences from AlGore.

    I wonder what made Olbermann choose that channel? You'd think he would have had a lot of other options.

  18. I just realized what Current TV reminds me of - Sesame Street - only for young adults. It really is the same fast pace/short episodic format. Though it may have changed, The segments aren't any longer than a commercial...

    Here's my take on why Olbermann chose Current TV (or it chose him) - Because of Olbermann's reputation as being very difficult to work with, I don't think he was getting the Juan Williams treatment from any other station. And Gore needs someone to kick up the ratings and viewership. I have a feeling that Gore is going to give him carte blanche to do and say anything he wants until such a time as Gore realizes what a nasty SOB Olbermann really is. I mean there are only 24K young viewers and they'll get a kick out Olby. He will be their "Chief News Officer" whatever that means. However, I predict a time will come when Al Gore will be on Olbermann's "Worst Person of the Week" segment...

  19. Bev, I think you're right. Olbermann probably has such a bad reputation that nobody bigger was willing to give him a shot, and certainly wasn't willing to give him control over the network.

    And for Algore, this makes sense as a longshot bet to save his failing television channel.

    BUT... can Olbermann and Algore live together? I doubt it. Algore has always struck me as (1) dirty, (2) highly corporate (something Keith claims to hate), and (3) overly-sensitive to criticism. Olbermann on the other hand, loves to attack dirty, corporate types, even his friends, and it sounds like he's impossible to work with.

    This sounds like it has the makings of quite a good book. . . with a double homicide at the end!

  20. Andrew, I found an excerpt from, and they quote Gore as saying that he actively sought Olbermann out for the gig. Whether going to such a small network was a blow to his pride, I don't know; but apparently the terms of his departure from MSNBC made it impossible to go to any even semi-prominent news channel. So if he wanted back on TV, he was kinda over a barrel, which I find hilarious.

    I would also like to point out that this is still not as laughable as the AOL-HuffPo deal.

  21. T_Rav, I saw something about his noncompete, but I didn't read the story. If I were Olbermann, I would actually enjoy the challenge of trying to turn a nothing into a something. If he can turn Current into the equivalent of MSNBC, then he would really become a massively powerful media figure.

    I have to give Algore credit for this, it seems to be a pretty good gamble for him. If he's right, then he will end up with a big new channel and renewed political power. If he's wrong, probably nothing bad happens -- except his blood pressure goes up from dealing with Olbermann.

    In terms of the laugh factor, I agree that the sale of Huffpo is the much, much bigger (and more entertaining) story. I see that more and more leftists are starting to adopt the "we've been sold out" line. LOL!

    I also saw two interesting issues today. First, apparently, NBC had been trying to buy Huffpo for some time but couldn't agree on the price. Secondly, a lot of people are suggesting that AOL will now be in the market for a conservative equivalent. That may actually make sense for AOL, though I don't think it would work -- unless someone other than Huffington is given editorial control.

  22. I think it would be hilarious if Current and MSNBC ended up splitting Olbermann's old audience and ended up as two smallish, irrelevant networks.

  23. Ed, That would be funny, if Current ended up taking just enough to make them both irrelevant! LOL!

  24. You guys almost make me want to seek out this Current TV... almost...

    This is DUQ, btw. Apparently blogger has no interest in letting me log in today.

  25. DUQ, Sorry to hear that. I don't know why blogger plays these games?
