The Official "Blogger Ate Our Open Thread" Open Thread
Our Labor Day open thread seems to have vanished. Will it come back? Who knows? Is it gone forever? Could be. In the meantime, here's a new open thread. Share your thoughts, speak your mind, say your peace.
Our apologies to everyone who commented in the Labor Day open thread -- Blogger seems to have eaten it. I can't tell you if it will come back or not -- sometimes they do, sometimes they don't.
PS: My final comment this morning before I went to the horse show:
Aren't you all thrilled that Obama called a joint session of Congress to make his 111th reiteration of the same crap he's said before? Only to have John Boehner (God love him) tell the President to move the speech to a day other than the one set for months for the Republican primary debates. Now The One will piss off all the TV fans waiting for the opening day of the NFL. Here on the West Coast, the speech will be at 4 PM where only his legions of unemployed and unemployable will see it.
And the piece de resistance is that this critical, gotta-do-it-now, landmark speech was so unimportant that his stalking horses are already announcing that "The speech won't be the be-all, end-all on the economy. The President will make many more speeches, including having townhall meetings, to take input so he can actually produce an economic plan. Anyone out there holding his breath for an actual Obama economic plan (other than eat the rich)?
Lawhawk, Fortunately, I believe we can recreate the comments.
Jed praised Colorado's football program. T-Rav praised Tennessee and wished them well. And I believe both T-Rav and Jed expressed their hopes that Florida would win the SEC this year.
Then you and I made brilliant comments that changed people's lives, and then other people did the same!
I watched Kevin Smith's Red State yesterday. Truth be told, I really wish he had changed the title since it isn't nearly as partisan or political as one would think. Smith really only goes after Fred Phelps and his merry band of whackjobs.
Having said that, it's definitely Smith's best-looking and best-acted film. It's also quite the downer... but it's not scary enough to be a horror film and yet not deep enough to be a serious examination of religious hatred and bigotry. And there's a fade to black in the middle signaling a major tonal shift - it's like two 45-minute films in one: a "horror lite" film about three horny teenagers and their unfortunate encounter with a crazy fundie... and an ATF/Waco story. And I don't totally buy the deus ex machina near the end.
I find myself agreeing with one online critic who said Smith simply lacked the courage to properly execute the idea he devised.
Scott, The thing is (re the title), he was using the politics to try to get an audience. He did it intentionally in the hopes that leftists would turn out for this like it was the new Fahrenheit 911 and that Christians would take the bait and give it much more publicity than it deserves. It was done highly cynically.
So what you're hoping is exactly the opposite of what he was trying to achieve. You're looking for him to reduce the controversy so more people would see the film, but he was trying to ratchet up the controversy so more people would see the film.
I think we were ALL so brilliant that "the gubmint" took our comments to analyze them. Maybe even they will be included in "The Speech" on Thursday! I mean, think about it. We have an open thread discussing stuff at the same time Obama is about to make "The Speech". Coincidence? I think not.
Yes, Andrew. He's really in panic mode with these scattershot decisions. The only thing he's going to accomplish is the lose his base in that they just won't go to the polls.
Bev; That makes perfect sense. And it also explains the black helicopters hovering over my property.
Andrew: Yep. One new regulation dumped out of 84 new ones he plans to enforce. Taken with the others that were already being enforced, he'll only have to dump a thousand more, and he'll have made a start. Glad his left-wing busybodies are furious, I hope he enfuriates a few million more in his failed attempt to look like a centrist.
Lawhawk and Bev, The way he's handling this just highlights the fact that he's a moron. By killing this regulation, he's bought virtually no goodwill from anyone who on the right or the center. Even moderates will not be impressed with: "I was going to do something horrible, but now I won't."
But on the other hand, this is just another kick in the teeth to his left flank who except him to change the world while he can -- at least until Republicans can undo it.
So he's traded a lot of anger among his base for virtually no goodwill from the rest of us. That's stupid.
He really is a very poor politician.... as are his advisors.
The Cal Golden Bears won 36-21 in their opener today. Of course they were playing Fresno State. I think my high school team (coincidentally also the Golden Bears) could beat Fresno State.
Well, that amazing "how do they do that?" Boise State just mauled Georgia. And right now, it's almost half-time, and Hawaii (Hawaii????) is manhandling Colorado. I'm guessing the Rocky Mountain High boys aren't going to get lei'd tonight. I mean, c'mon. Colorado is getting manhandled by a team whose coach wears a strand of black pearls!
I just came here to let you know why I wont be posting over at Big Hollywood anymore and to tell someonemy side I guess. I get very aggressive with the trolls aned evidently I really incenced one Mr Holland at
I forget the thread but he started off stating BH was racist because he counted two negative articles about Black Pleaple in a week and I responded that given blacks were 10% of the population andthis was only 7.5% of the articles they wrote was he mad that the did not include another. He proceeded to talk about other crap and to subtlely call everyone else responding a racist etc. etc.
So being the curmudegeon that I am to people that unfairly insult I posted some responses accusing him of racism because he refused to acknowledge the Kenneth Gladney incident.
He then preceded to go to Sherman's March to tell me the articles I wrote there over two years ago were SH#$ and that I was to stay away from him ????. I never check there so someone told me about it which is why I did not find out till a week later. He has been making threats.
I have received over 100 hundred emails from him from two accounts repeatingthe same profanities. He tried to follow my poetry blog but I blocked him. Not before however startin an account labeled Individualist with a space on the end using the artwork from the long walk poem.
Since this poen was a personal reaction to my hearing the news a coworker killed himself I think he chose this to be as evil and hurtful as he can. Funny he emails me to tell me I a jealus psychotic who won't leave him alone ad other than responding Aardvark to his extremely insulting trolls I have never had anything to do with him.
I reported the fake individualist just to acknowledge that this was not me and I was not authorizing the use of my artwork.
Well my comments are now on admin delete. Honestly I get really aggressive with the trolls since I figure the deserve to have theirown medicine thrown back at them but I'll admit it is a little much. I don't regret it though and if they let me post again I would not change what I am doing becasue I quite frankly don't think it wrong.
I will tell you this if they ban me aned let these media matters hacks get away with this and purposely post 20 comments of base insults every blog post they will lose the blog.
I was told that they hacked someone elses account as well.
I am not asking you to talk to anyone at BH on my account and expect that you won't. In the end it is not important.
I will state this. The troll can think whatever it wants but I know that when it had to consider what I was saying about a black tea party member being hospitalized after calling for the end of the BH over an article about an insult Zoe Saldana made against the Tea Party that it had a brief moment of clarity as to what a true hipocrit it really was. He could not handle it of course and reverted back to what he was but that moment is worth getting banned.
Anyrate sorry to bother you with this, I ust wanted you all to know.
Well this is an interesting turn of events. Maureen Dowd, one of Obama's head cheerleaders from the NYT had this to say about his upcoming "Jobs" speech next Thursday:
"...Republicans who are worried about being political props have a point. The president is using the power of the incumbency and a sacred occasion for a political speech.
Obama is still suffering from the Speech Illusion, the idea that he can come down from the mountain, read from a Teleprompter, cast a magic spell with his words and climb back up the mountain, while we scurry around and do what he proclaimed.
The days of spinning illusions in a Greek temple in a football stadium are done. The One is dancing on the edge of one term..."
The whole Op/Ed piece goes downhill for Obama from there...
Indi, Did you tell BH they have blocked the wrong guy? It sounds like they just made a mistake on who they should have blocked.
On the trolls, the sad thing is that's the game they play. Some are political operatives, but most are just pathetic humans with miserable lives who get a thrill out of upsetting people. It's the same tactic/games I've seen on the net going all the way back to the first bulletin board. All they want to do is cause problems and upset people and they don't care how underhanded they get. It makes them feel powerful. It's the exact same impulse as rapists.
So don't give up, because that's just giving the guy a huge victory. As for what he e-mails you, just send it to the spam filter and forget about it. On what he posts, the best thing to do is to laugh it off -- never get angry and never let them think they have gotten to you. Laughing it off is devastating to these people.
Finally, you're always welcome to come comment here or at the film site. We won't tolerate nasty trolls so you won't have to deal with the dipshit here.
Bev, I read that and had to chuckle. She's really down on her former Messiah. Naturally, she blames the Republicans for all of his failures, but that's just an attempt to save face -- her hero has failed her.
Bev, I've found that nothing makes them go away quicker than getting them off topic and poking fun at them in a seemingly good natured sort of way. It's because they aren't getting what they want, which is the feeling that they have the power to upset me. Instead, they feel like you are dismissing them and patting them on the head -- which is exactly what they are trying to overcome, feelings of inferiority. I've run into a lot of nutjobs on BH, but none that twisted. I wonder if he's deliberately stupid or a professional SEIU hack. Indi, my only suggestion would be that it's possibly IntenseDebate doing this, and not BH itself. A lot of my comments have been eaten in the past over there for length or, shall we say, impolite language. (Don't worry, I was bleeping myself.) Whoever is ultimately responsible for stuff like that, they have needed to get their house in order for a long time now.
T-Rav, That's a good point too. I honestly don't know how much control BH had compared to Intense Debate. Our experiment with ID was a disaster because you could wipe out all the comment just by trying to comment using the old system. And I know that a lot of the ID comments don't show up, because I get them by e-mail and then can't find them at the site.
I would start by e-mailing BH though and explaining to them that you are now being blocked when it should be the other guy who has stolen your account. It may take a couple days, but I'm sure they'll sort it out.
Indi: Does that mean we'll be seeing more of you here now?
Trolls are always a problem, but it's when they turn into stalkers that you're really in trouble. It sounds to me like your troll is getting close. I don't know if you've tried contacting the administrators at BH yet, but back in the past I found them very sympathetic. But as the number of nasty commenters/trolls has increased, I'm not so sure about that now.
We had a labor day weekend garagge sale and hauled in over $500...potentially closer to $700 if a couple of people come up with the cash for some things they want. We also have a budding young capitalist/conservative in our son. He commented that "now we are rich!" and said we could sell his toys "so we could be more rich." When I asked him what he wants to do with all our money now that we are so wealthy, he said "Put it in our banks." Good boy!
I appreciate the support. Bev no physical threats all though statements on the blog state I'd better watch out and back off or they are going to get me. There are over 100 emails telling me that I am pathetic psychotic, f'n loser, a sh#$ etc. and several othes warning me that my emais would be ignored if I don't stop what I am doing.
Funny thing is that I have not really been blogging much of late. I go on to BH in the evening for half hour as a lark but have not checked my email account in over a month. So this "War" this guy was trying to create I didn't know about it.
T-Rav and Andrew, when I comment on BH either in reply or not it says comment deleted by the admin. Does not matter what I type. I have not cntacted anyone there and unfortunately it is not that important to me to get into some kind of legalistic battle.
What I have done that I admit to is to post several comments stating Aardvark to various red tag trolls who have been posting 20 or so comments on most blog post. I have explained that this was to make it difficult for the troll to function. While it is only five to ten responses per post since the troll uses several sock puppet accounts they get a lot of emails. I did this at a lark and noticed it slowed down their repsonses to other people. If I am wrong for doing that so be it.
Really the whole thing is just creepy. He also is sending me emails from several other accounts that just say deletion. I don't even understand half of it. He evidently thinks I spend as much time tendingmy blog as he might and has done other things that I have yet to even know about.
I do know he used the artwork from that poem for that fake account. I think this might be part of OBama's new campaign strategy... Geesh!
Lawhawk - - I am going to find the time to stop by. I put a lot more time and thought in responding on your blog than I do to trolls on BH which is why I have been absent.
Andrew, I am amazed every day at how Gene Roddenberry was a visionary like Jules Verne. Almost every concept on "Star Trek" is coming to pass - Ipads, Holo-decks, replicators, video communications, mobile communications, mobile video communications, medical scanners. What next - Romulans?
A duplicate of a wrench!!! This is astounding. The guy is right. Eventually, this will be made practical so that if they need a tool in space, all they will have to do is scan the tool at NASA and send the scan the duplicator in space. This blows my mind!
Bev, I know. The idea that this is real is almost too big to get your head around. Theoretically, this has limitless possibilities. He said they can make things to within tolerances of 40 microns, which is less than a human hair. There's literally almost nothing you couldn't make if you had the design for it.
When I saw this in The Economist a couple months back, they thought this would eventually be the end of manufacturing as we know it.
Andrew, if with further development, objects can be replicated on an elemental level, it will truly change the face of manufacturing forever. It could be the ultimate "green" technology. Instead of mining, drilling, or smelting, we can replicate them. It's the ultimate alchemy.
Or use it to replicate organs and replacement body parts.
From what I can tell, it doesn't seem like these replicated products should be as durable as the originals, since it's powder and binding materials, but still...color me impressed.
T-Rav, You never know. Sometimes these things can actually be more durable. It all depends.
Bev, Organs are presumably still some way away, but it wouldn't surprise me if it was possible within the next 20-50 years. Then it will be time to blow out a liver or two! :-)
P.S. RIP Leroy Selmon. He's the first Buccaneer in the Pro Football Hall of Fame and an all around great human being. He used to work in the bank my parents used when we lived in Tampa.
Oh, he did die? That's sad, even though I didn't really know anything about him. I hate it that these pro football players (not to mention boxers and others) often die at such a young age. They put their bodies through a lot to entertain us.
T-Rav, Yeah, he died today even though they thought yesterday he was getting better.
It is pretty shocking how many of these guys die young. He was 56, which isn't very old at all these days. And obviously, we don't know what caused the stroke, but too many of these guys are dying too young to think it's completely unrelated.
Unfortunately, there's not much they can do to make the game safer, short of eliminating tackling, because you just can't repeal the laws of physics.
But then, in truth, most professions have their dangers, even though they may not be obvious up front.
I'm sure that the first time around I said something deep and scintillating... but this time it'll just have to be good wishes for the rest of the long weekend!
Isn't it proper to capitalize the "P" in "President" when referring to the title AND the person occupying the position? When did it become proper to use "the president" rather than "the President". Is it just me or was it around the same time the president stopped wearing a tie and emulating Ahmadinjad.
i feel i've neglected all my blogger buddies lately. although a back spasm that has lasted for going on 6 days is my excuse.
i've tried rest, deep massage, alkeehol (look, a gal gets desperate) and legal drugs to no avail.
but this morning, a reprieve! the full dose of naproxan is doing the trick. i'm SITTING! at my desk, and zipped over here as fast as i could to give everyone a HEEEY! from texas.
Bev: Sylistically, I've tried to use the capital P when referring the the US President rather than a generic president, and always use the capital P when using the President's name. However, using a lower case p somehow seems appropriate with Obama, and I have occasionally given in to that temptation.
Patti: Glad you're feeling at least a little better. I have a pinched nerve in my upper back/shoulder area that kicks up occasionally, so I know how bad it can be. Sitting still at a computer keyboard seems to aggravate it.
LawHawk - I have no problem with "president obama". That's fair and proper in my book. ;-) He has managed to diminish the Office of the President so much that he no longer deserves to be capitalized. And I will be more than thrilled to finally write "Former president obama" As a matter of fact, I think he will deserve the formal title of "Thank God He's Now The FORMER president obama", don't you think?
Okay, I am fantasizing right now that Obama's speech on Thursday will include the phrase "So in the best interest of this country, I decided to resign..." OR "I shall not seek, and I will not accept, the nomination of my party for another term as your president."
Bev: The last Democrat to do that was Lyndon Johnson, and he knew he was facing a primary fight with Bobby Kennedy. I'm afraid that there's no such alternate candidate available to drive Obama out. I mean who? Nancy Pelosi? Maxine Waters? Al Gore?
Now T-Rav, don't you think that's just a little long? I understand the sentiment, but really...;-) I would just go with "The Miserable Failure of a Former President Barack Obama".
Oh, wait, isn't that Carter's official title? Then bever mind, just stick with your original.
Patti: I am doing my rain dance over and over. I was hoping that the Gulf tropical storm would bring too much rain to Texas. Sadly it doesn't look like. Please be careful! On the bright side, it does look like the heat wave broke.
Our apologies to everyone who commented in the Labor Day open thread -- Blogger seems to have eaten it. I can't tell you if it will come back or not -- sometimes they do, sometimes they don't.
ReplyDeleteThe Blogger thief needs to cough up all the comments.
ReplyDeleteHave a fun and great weekend!
Well, that'll teach me not to go to my grandkids' horse show when I should be permanently glued to the chair in front of the computer.
ReplyDeleteI'm not too p.o.'d about the lost post, but I really feel bad that so many of you commented only to have the comments disappear into a black hole
Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
I hate Blogger,
And so should you.
Good thing my ex showed up at the show too, so I had an excuse to come home to find my post gone and forgotten. LOL
PS: My final comment this morning before I went to the horse show:
ReplyDeleteAren't you all thrilled that Obama called a joint session of Congress to make his 111th reiteration of the same crap he's said before? Only to have John Boehner (God love him) tell the President to move the speech to a day other than the one set for months for the Republican primary debates. Now The One will piss off all the TV fans waiting for the opening day of the NFL. Here on the West Coast, the speech will be at 4 PM where only his legions of unemployed and unemployable will see it.
And the piece de resistance is that this critical, gotta-do-it-now, landmark speech was so unimportant that his stalking horses are already announcing that "The speech won't be the be-all, end-all on the economy. The President will make many more speeches, including having townhall meetings, to take input so he can actually produce an economic plan. Anyone out there holding his breath for an actual Obama economic plan (other than eat the rich)?
Teresa, Tell me about it! Have a nice weekend. :-)
ReplyDeleteLawhawk, Fortunately, I believe we can recreate the comments.
ReplyDeleteJed praised Colorado's football program. T-Rav praised Tennessee and wished them well. And I believe both T-Rav and Jed expressed their hopes that Florida would win the SEC this year.
Then you and I made brilliant comments that changed people's lives, and then other people did the same!
Andrew: Oh, yeah. And I mentioned that the 49ers might actually have a winning season this year, the Good Lord willing and the crick don't rise.
ReplyDeleteI watched Kevin Smith's Red State yesterday. Truth be told, I really wish he had changed the title since it isn't nearly as partisan or political as one would think. Smith really only goes after Fred Phelps and his merry band of whackjobs.
ReplyDeleteHaving said that, it's definitely Smith's best-looking and best-acted film. It's also quite the downer... but it's not scary enough to be a horror film and yet not deep enough to be a serious examination of religious hatred and bigotry. And there's a fade to black in the middle signaling a major tonal shift - it's like two 45-minute films in one: a "horror lite" film about three horny teenagers and their unfortunate encounter with a crazy fundie... and an ATF/Waco story. And I don't totally buy the deus ex machina near the end.
I find myself agreeing with one online critic who said Smith simply lacked the courage to properly execute the idea he devised.
Scott, The thing is (re the title), he was using the politics to try to get an audience. He did it intentionally in the hopes that leftists would turn out for this like it was the new Fahrenheit 911 and that Christians would take the bait and give it much more publicity than it deserves. It was done highly cynically.
ReplyDeleteSo what you're hoping is exactly the opposite of what he was trying to achieve. You're looking for him to reduce the controversy so more people would see the film, but he was trying to ratchet up the controversy so more people would see the film.
I think we were ALL so brilliant that "the gubmint" took our comments to analyze them. Maybe even they will be included in "The Speech" on Thursday! I mean, think about it. We have an open thread discussing stuff at the same time Obama is about to make "The Speech". Coincidence? I think not.
ReplyDeleteBev, That explains it! :-) Let's hope old Hopey uses the wrong parts for his speech. I can see him talking about the 49ers now!
ReplyDeleteSpeaking of Hopey, did anyone see that he has killed the EPA regulations suddenly? The left is FURIOUS!
Yes, Andrew. He's really in panic mode with these scattershot decisions. The only thing he's going to accomplish is the lose his base in that they just won't go to the polls.
ReplyDeleteBev; That makes perfect sense. And it also explains the black helicopters hovering over my property.
ReplyDeleteAndrew: Yep. One new regulation dumped out of 84 new ones he plans to enforce. Taken with the others that were already being enforced, he'll only have to dump a thousand more, and he'll have made a start. Glad his left-wing busybodies are furious, I hope he enfuriates a few million more in his failed attempt to look like a centrist.
Lawhawk and Bev, The way he's handling this just highlights the fact that he's a moron. By killing this regulation, he's bought virtually no goodwill from anyone who on the right or the center. Even moderates will not be impressed with: "I was going to do something horrible, but now I won't."
ReplyDeleteBut on the other hand, this is just another kick in the teeth to his left flank who except him to change the world while he can -- at least until Republicans can undo it.
So he's traded a lot of anger among his base for virtually no goodwill from the rest of us. That's stupid.
He really is a very poor politician.... as are his advisors.
"And I believe both T-Rav and Jed expressed their hopes that Florida would win the SEC this year."
ReplyDeleteAndrew, come closer and say that...
T-Rav, I could have sworn that's what you said? So I guess you're a Mississippi fan? How did they do today. . . in their loss to BYU? ;-)
ReplyDelete@#%$ you! That's how they did!
ReplyDeleteLOL! That well, eh?
ReplyDeleteIn happier news, my local team (Air Force) won their first game. :-)
The Cal Golden Bears won 36-21 in their opener today. Of course they were playing Fresno State. I think my high school team (coincidentally also the Golden Bears) could beat Fresno State.
ReplyDeleteWell, that amazing "how do they do that?" Boise State just mauled Georgia. And right now, it's almost half-time, and Hawaii (Hawaii????) is manhandling Colorado. I'm guessing the Rocky Mountain High boys aren't going to get lei'd tonight. I mean, c'mon. Colorado is getting manhandled by a team whose coach wears a strand of black pearls!
ReplyDeleteTexas whomped Rice's only the beginning...
ReplyDeleteColorado made it to the game on time, so I'm giving them a grade of "exceeded expectations."
ReplyDeleteBev, Congrats on your Texas win. It must be nice to play in the Big 12, where Colorado once played.... grrrr.
Hi Andrew
ReplyDeleteI just came here to let you know why I wont be posting over at Big Hollywood anymore and to tell someonemy side I guess. I get very aggressive with the trolls aned evidently I really incenced one Mr Holland at
I forget the thread but he started off stating BH was racist because he counted two negative articles about Black Pleaple in a week and I responded that given blacks were 10% of the population andthis was only 7.5% of the articles they wrote was he mad that the did not include another. He proceeded to talk about other crap and to subtlely call everyone else responding a racist etc. etc.
So being the curmudegeon that I am to people that unfairly insult I posted some responses accusing him of racism because he refused to acknowledge the Kenneth Gladney incident.
He then preceded to go to Sherman's March to tell me the articles I wrote there over two years ago were SH#$ and that I was to stay away from him ????. I never check there so someone told me about it which is why I did not find out till a week later. He has been making threats.
I have received over 100 hundred emails from him from two accounts repeatingthe same profanities. He tried to follow my poetry blog but I blocked him. Not before however startin an account labeled Individualist with a space on the end using the artwork from the long walk poem.
Since this poen was a personal reaction to my hearing the news a coworker killed himself I think he chose this to be as evil and hurtful as he can. Funny he emails me to tell me I a jealus psychotic who won't leave him alone ad other than responding Aardvark to his extremely insulting trolls I have never had anything to do with him.
I reported the fake individualist just to acknowledge that this was not me and I was not authorizing the use of my artwork.
Well my comments are now on admin delete. Honestly I get really aggressive with the trolls since I figure the deserve to have theirown medicine thrown back at them but I'll admit it is a little much. I don't regret it though and if they let me post again I would not change what I am doing becasue I quite frankly don't think it wrong.
I will tell you this if they ban me aned let these media matters hacks get away with this and purposely post 20 comments of base insults every blog post they will lose the blog.
I was told that they hacked someone elses account as well.
I am not asking you to talk to anyone at BH on my account and expect that you won't. In the end it is not important.
I will state this. The troll can think whatever it wants but I know that when it had to consider what I was saying about a black tea party member being hospitalized after calling for the end of the BH over an article about an insult Zoe Saldana made against the Tea Party that it had a brief moment of clarity as to what a true hipocrit it really was. He could not handle it of course and reverted back to what he was but that moment is worth getting banned.
Anyrate sorry to bother you with this, I ust wanted you all to know.
Don't sweat it, I'll live.
Well this is an interesting turn of events. Maureen Dowd, one of Obama's head cheerleaders from the NYT had this to say about his upcoming "Jobs" speech next Thursday:
ReplyDelete"...Republicans who are worried about being political props have a point. The president is using the power of the incumbency and a sacred occasion for a political speech.
Obama is still suffering from the Speech Illusion, the idea that he can come down from the mountain, read from a Teleprompter, cast a magic spell with his words and climb back up the mountain, while we scurry around and do what he proclaimed.
The days of spinning illusions in a Greek temple in a football stadium are done. The One is dancing on the edge of one term..."
The whole Op/Ed piece goes downhill for Obama from there...
Indi, Did you tell BH they have blocked the wrong guy? It sounds like they just made a mistake on who they should have blocked.
ReplyDeleteOn the trolls, the sad thing is that's the game they play. Some are political operatives, but most are just pathetic humans with miserable lives who get a thrill out of upsetting people. It's the same tactic/games I've seen on the net going all the way back to the first bulletin board. All they want to do is cause problems and upset people and they don't care how underhanded they get. It makes them feel powerful. It's the exact same impulse as rapists.
So don't give up, because that's just giving the guy a huge victory. As for what he e-mails you, just send it to the spam filter and forget about it. On what he posts, the best thing to do is to laugh it off -- never get angry and never let them think they have gotten to you. Laughing it off is devastating to these people.
Finally, you're always welcome to come comment here or at the film site. We won't tolerate nasty trolls so you won't have to deal with the dipshit here.
Individualist - Wow! That's awful! Has this troll made physical threats to you? Isn't it a crime to steal someone's identity and threaten them?
ReplyDeleteBev, I read that and had to chuckle. She's really down on her former Messiah. Naturally, she blames the Republicans for all of his failures, but that's just an attempt to save face -- her hero has failed her.
ReplyDeleteHere's your link: LINK
Actually, Andrew you are exactly right. The one thing that evil trolls like this one hate more than anyone is being laughed at, dismissed, or ignored.
ReplyDeleteBev, I've found that nothing makes them go away quicker than getting them off topic and poking fun at them in a seemingly good natured sort of way. It's because they aren't getting what they want, which is the feeling that they have the power to upset me. Instead, they feel like you are dismissing them and patting them on the head -- which is exactly what they are trying to overcome, feelings of inferiority. I've run into a lot of nutjobs on BH, but none that twisted. I wonder if he's deliberately stupid or a professional SEIU hack. Indi, my only suggestion would be that it's possibly IntenseDebate doing this, and not BH itself. A lot of my comments have been eaten in the past over there for length or, shall we say, impolite language. (Don't worry, I was bleeping myself.) Whoever is ultimately responsible for stuff like that, they have needed to get their house in order for a long time now.
ReplyDeleteSorry about the mishap.
T-Rav, That's a good point too. I honestly don't know how much control BH had compared to Intense Debate. Our experiment with ID was a disaster because you could wipe out all the comment just by trying to comment using the old system. And I know that a lot of the ID comments don't show up, because I get them by e-mail and then can't find them at the site.
ReplyDeleteI would start by e-mailing BH though and explaining to them that you are now being blocked when it should be the other guy who has stolen your account. It may take a couple days, but I'm sure they'll sort it out.
Indi: Does that mean we'll be seeing more of you here now?
ReplyDeleteTrolls are always a problem, but it's when they turn into stalkers that you're really in trouble. It sounds to me like your troll is getting close. I don't know if you've tried contacting the administrators at BH yet, but back in the past I found them very sympathetic. But as the number of nasty commenters/trolls has increased, I'm not so sure about that now.
We had a labor day weekend garagge sale and hauled in over $500...potentially closer to $700 if a couple of people come up with the cash for some things they want. We also have a budding young capitalist/conservative in our son. He commented that "now we are rich!" and said we could sell his toys "so we could be more rich." When I asked him what he wants to do with all our money now that we are so wealthy, he said "Put it in our banks." Good boy!
ReplyDeleteHappy weekend, everyone!
Tam, Great! Your son has excellent instincts! Planning for the future is the biggest key to long term success.
ReplyDeleteHappy weekend to you too!
Hey guys
ReplyDeleteI appreciate the support. Bev no physical threats all though statements on the blog state I'd better watch out and back off or they are going to get me. There are over 100 emails telling me that I am pathetic psychotic, f'n loser, a sh#$ etc. and several othes warning me that my emais would be ignored if I don't stop what I am doing.
Funny thing is that I have not really been blogging much of late. I go on to BH in the evening for half hour as a lark but have not checked my email account in over a month. So this "War" this guy was trying to create I didn't know about it.
T-Rav and Andrew, when I comment on BH either in reply or not it says comment deleted by the admin. Does not matter what I type. I have not cntacted anyone there and unfortunately it is not that important to me to get into some kind of legalistic battle.
What I have done that I admit to is to post several comments stating Aardvark to various red tag trolls who have been posting 20 or so comments on most blog post. I have explained that this was to make it difficult for the troll to function. While it is only five to ten responses per post since the troll uses several sock puppet accounts they get a lot of emails. I did this at a lark and noticed it slowed down their repsonses to other people. If I am wrong for doing that so be it.
Really the whole thing is just creepy. He also is sending me emails from several other accounts that just say deletion. I don't even understand half of it. He evidently thinks I spend as much time tendingmy blog as he might and has done other things that I have yet to even know about.
I do know he used the artwork from that poem for that fake account. I think this might be part of OBama's new campaign strategy... Geesh!
Lawhawk - - I am going to find the time to stop by. I put a lot more time and thought in responding on your blog than I do to trolls on BH which is why I have been absent.
Tam, why are you raising your son to be an evil fascist? ;-)
ReplyDeleteIndi, You're welcome post here.
ReplyDeleteI doubt it would take much to fix the BH thing though -- probably just one e-mail to BH telling them that they're blocking the wrong guy.
I can't see anyone blocking you for saying "aardvark".
And you're right, this is a new tactic. They've done it to other people later too. The whole "boolean radley" thing comes to mind.
T-Rav...we can't all be tree hugging welfare addicts.
ReplyDeleteHoly moley science fiction fans. Take a look at this!
Bev, I read about this a couple months ago. Stunning isn't it? The future is nigh!
ReplyDeleteThree Dimensional Printer LINK
P.S. Check out around 2:07 when they start to make the wrench.
ReplyDeleteAndrew, I am amazed every day at how Gene Roddenberry was a visionary like Jules Verne. Almost every concept on "Star Trek" is coming to pass - Ipads, Holo-decks, replicators, video communications, mobile communications, mobile video communications, medical scanners. What next - Romulans?
ReplyDeleteBev, Why not? People are already learning Klingon... seriously.
ReplyDelete//shakes head slowly
A duplicate of a wrench!!! This is astounding. The guy is right. Eventually, this will be made practical so that if they need a tool in space, all they will have to do is scan the tool at NASA and send the scan the duplicator in space. This blows my mind!
ReplyDeleteBy the way, I saw this over at Threedonia and I'm finding it captivating -- especially when he starts moving around town without appearing to movie.
Bev, I know. The idea that this is real is almost too big to get your head around. Theoretically, this has limitless possibilities. He said they can make things to within tolerances of 40 microns, which is less than a human hair. There's literally almost nothing you couldn't make if you had the design for it.
ReplyDeleteWhen I saw this in The Economist a couple months back, they thought this would eventually be the end of manufacturing as we know it.
Andrew, if with further development, objects can be replicated on an elemental level, it will truly change the face of manufacturing forever. It could be the ultimate "green" technology. Instead of mining, drilling, or smelting, we can replicate them. It's the ultimate alchemy.
ReplyDeleteOr use it to replicate organs and replacement body parts.
It's stunning.
ReplyDeleteFrom what I can tell, it doesn't seem like these replicated products should be as durable as the originals, since it's powder and binding materials, but still...color me impressed.
T-Rav, You never know. Sometimes these things can actually be more durable. It all depends.
ReplyDeleteBev, Organs are presumably still some way away, but it wouldn't surprise me if it was possible within the next 20-50 years. Then it will be time to blow out a liver or two! :-)
P.S. RIP Leroy Selmon. He's the first Buccaneer in the Pro Football Hall of Fame and an all around great human being. He used to work in the bank my parents used when we lived in Tampa.
ReplyDeleteOh, he did die? That's sad, even though I didn't really know anything about him. I hate it that these pro football players (not to mention boxers and others) often die at such a young age. They put their bodies through a lot to entertain us.
ReplyDeleteT-Rav, Yeah, he died today even though they thought yesterday he was getting better.
ReplyDeleteIt is pretty shocking how many of these guys die young. He was 56, which isn't very old at all these days. And obviously, we don't know what caused the stroke, but too many of these guys are dying too young to think it's completely unrelated.
Unfortunately, there's not much they can do to make the game safer, short of eliminating tackling, because you just can't repeal the laws of physics.
But then, in truth, most professions have their dangers, even though they may not be obvious up front.
I'm sure that the first time around I said something deep and scintillating... but this time it'll just have to be good wishes for the rest of the long weekend!
ReplyDeleteIsn't it proper to capitalize the "P" in "President" when referring to the title AND the person occupying the position? When did it become proper to use "the president" rather than "the President". Is it just me or was it around the same time the president stopped wearing a tie and emulating Ahmadinjad.
ReplyDeletei feel i've neglected all my blogger buddies lately. although a back spasm that has lasted for going on 6 days is my excuse.
ReplyDeletei've tried rest, deep massage, alkeehol (look, a gal gets desperate) and legal drugs to no avail.
but this morning, a reprieve! the full dose of naproxan is doing the trick. i'm SITTING! at my desk, and zipped over here as fast as i could to give everyone a HEEEY! from texas.
y'all have a great day.
Bev: Sylistically, I've tried to use the capital P when referring the the US President rather than a generic president, and always use the capital P when using the President's name. However, using a lower case p somehow seems appropriate with Obama, and I have occasionally given in to that temptation.
ReplyDeletePatti: Glad you're feeling at least a little better. I have a pinched nerve in my upper back/shoulder area that kicks up occasionally, so I know how bad it can be. Sitting still at a computer keyboard seems to aggravate it.
ReplyDeleteLawHawk - I have no problem with "president obama". That's fair and proper in my book. ;-) He has managed to diminish the Office of the President so much that he no longer deserves to be capitalized. And I will be more than thrilled to finally write "Former president obama" As a matter of fact, I think he will deserve the formal title of "Thank God He's Now The FORMER president obama", don't you think?
ReplyDeleteBev: Amen.
ReplyDeleteBev, I believe the proper way to write it would be:
ReplyDelete"DISGRACED FORMER president obama."
Patti, I'm glad you're feeling better!
ReplyDeleterlaWTX, I do believe it was brilliant! :-)
ReplyDeleteOkay, I am fantasizing right now that Obama's speech on Thursday will include the phrase "So in the best interest of this country, I decided to resign..." OR "I shall not seek, and I will not accept, the nomination of my party for another term as your president."
ReplyDeleteBev: The last Democrat to do that was Lyndon Johnson, and he knew he was facing a primary fight with Bobby Kennedy. I'm afraid that there's no such alternate candidate available to drive Obama out. I mean who? Nancy Pelosi? Maxine Waters? Al Gore?
ReplyDeleteBev, I like that dream...
ReplyDeleteI have heard from several that Hilary should jump in there. I figure that O's campaign has already paid her off somehow.
Patti, you anywhere near the Central TX fire craziness?
Oh, and thank you, Andrew, that's high praise! Even if it's imaginary high praise... ;)
ReplyDeleteOoh, I'll play! How about "Disgraced Former president and Constant Stuttering Cluster@#$% of a Miserable Failure" obama?
ReplyDeleteNow T-Rav, don't you think that's just a little long? I understand the sentiment, but really...;-)
ReplyDeleteI would just go with "The Miserable Failure of a Former President Barack Obama".
Oh, wait, isn't that Carter's official title? Then bever mind, just stick with your original.
rlaWTX: as close as i want to be, about an hour. a new fire popped up this afternoon, and we're closer to that one: 30 minutes or so.
ReplyDeletethis drought is fearsome. i pray we are blessed with rain...SOON.
Patti: I am doing my rain dance over and over. I was hoping that the Gulf tropical storm would bring too much rain to Texas. Sadly it doesn't look like. Please be careful! On the bright side, it does look like the heat wave broke.
ReplyDeleteGood idea, Bev. ;-)
ReplyDeleteBy the way, since we were discussing cool new technology over the weekend, I ran across this and thought it would be worth adding to the pile.
T-Rav, I think I had that engine in my first car. ;-)
ReplyDeleteHere's your link: LINK