Congress has once again proved that they just cannot be trusted. It seems that our esteemed elected officials have been making a killing in the stock market! At the same time many members of Congress have been railing against the Evil Wall Street Robber Barons and "Banksters", they have used pending legislation and lobbyist insider information to make a killing on Wall Street. If only they used pending legislation to balance the budget or help create a healthy climate for job growth. It is getting tiresome to know that what would land private citizens hefty fines and jail time, leads only to rebukes and hand slaps for our elected officials by our elected officials.
When did our government officials stop living by the same laws, regulations, and rules that they foist on us? Probably since the beginning of time, but now is the time to stop. We, the People of Commentarama need a manifesto of regulations and rules for our unruly representatives that we must insist that they follow like the rest of us. So put your thinking caps on.
Discussion: What laws, regulation, and/or rules do our Government officials egregiously flout at the same time they insist that We The People must follow or face the full force of the law?
Any "green" project that will ultimately go broke, but produce big bribes, back-door profits, and election funding jackpots for the Democratic green weenies prior to the bankruptcy. Solyndra is only the very visible tip of the iceberg.
ReplyDeleteSub-crime: Government "stimulus" loans and subsidies which subordinate the interest of the taxpayers to the preferred shareholders/Democrat donors in bankruptcy (Solyndra, again) in direct violation of federal law.
No federal employee, elected, appointed or hired for full-time, part-time or by contract, or family of same shall be allowed to invest and/or profit directly and/or indirectly from information leading to. or as a result of any stimulus, regulation, allocation, or legislation, either pending or in effect, during the Constitutionally mandated elected term and/or employment and up to 5 years after termination of elected term, appointment, contract, or employment without full and transparent public disclosure and full and transparent approval of the Office of Personnel Management. If found in violation in a court of public opinion, the penalty, after due process, of not less than 10 years in a federal penal institution for each violation, and not more than death, shall imposed.
ReplyDeleteOkay, that last part is negotiable.
The law of cause and effect. It's time we taught them about "effect" and got medieval on their collective rumps. I'm thinking pitchforks and torture devices.
ReplyDeleteAndrew - Or at least let's go all Colonial on them - bring back the stocks, thumb screws, and/or the guillotine.
ReplyDeleteLawHawk - I don't think it should matter what color the legislation is. And maybe add that Members of Congress must personally responsible and must pay back the taxpayers for any stimulus or pork spending lost to bankruptcy.
ReplyDeleteLike I would like to see them have to pay back the $30billion we have lost to the auto bailout...
November 19, 2011 6:42 PM
Tax evasion comes to mind...big time.
ReplyDeleteI say we take some select members up on top of the capital rotunda and see how well they flout the law of gravity.
ReplyDeleteTry - Tax evasion? When? Who? Never, says Charlie Rangel...
ReplyDeleteI am sure if they could, our Congresscritters would flout the laws of gravity if the $ payoff was high enough. Actually, at least one former Senator has already many times - Sen. John Glenn ;-)
I've often reflected on how hard it is to do business in this country in regards to all the regulations, bureaucracies, and impact studies that keep union members employed and paying dues to their leadership which hand the money over to campaigns which elect politicians who then use their positions of power to assign tax dollars to their cronies who in turn funnel that same money into endless reelection bids and, if ever one should fail, set up their Capital Hill buddies with cushy lobbyist non-jobs for the rest of their lives.
ReplyDeleteThen I think, wouldn't it be simpler to do business with an honest bribe?
I just reminded myself of something I came across regarding avoiding vs. evading taxes that I though worth sharing:
ReplyDeleteAVOIDING local, state and federal income taxes is frugal, wise, sound, and prudent.
EVADING income taxes is a crime.
I think I agree.
I don't know where I heard it but evidently the rules against insider trading don't apply to members ofg congress.
ReplyDeleteI am not sure why this is true but it would be a good subje3ct for an article
ReplyDeleteA proposed 28th Amendment that has been circulating the web will do nicely.
It states that, Congress shall make no laws that does not apply to themselves.
I feel that at the same time all special treatment and perks allowed be struck.
Then add term limits that not only applies to all Federal elected offices but to State elected offices as well.