Monday, January 9, 2012

Commentarama Endorses!

We officially maintain a “no endorsement” policy during the primaries (which doesn’t mean we won’t tell you when your guy is a fool). But these are desperate times and unity is important, so it’s time we made an official endorsement in New Hampshire. For the Republican nomination, Commentarama hereby endorses:

Vermin Supreme

No, that’s not a West Virginia pizza, that’s an actual candidate for the Presidency of our country. Apparently, in New Hampshire all it takes to get on the ballot is $1,000, and Santa brought Vermin and 43 others $1,000 and told them to go forth and inspire the country.

Why did we choose Vermin? Because his platform resonates! He’s wants to legislate mandatory tooth brushing, is concerned about zombie preparedness, and wants federal research dollars spent on time travel so he can “kill Hitler with my bare hands.” But none of that swayed us. What finally swayed us was his promise that if elected, he would give free ponies to all Americans! Never before has any candidate better expressed the principles upon which this country was founded!

So vote for Vermin and get your pony. . . . of course, no matter who you vote for, odds are they will be vermin.

Speaking of the vermin, Romney seems to have overcome his 25% hurdle. In the past, he couldn’t get above 25% in the polls, but two polls now have him at 35% in New Hampshire and (surprisingly) 37% in South Carolina. The next runner up in New Hampshire is Ron Paul, who has been doubling up on crazy pills again. In the last debate he accused the country of filling the military with minority kids (something which has been repeatedly debunked), and he accused the criminal justice system of racism for locking up black criminals. Gingrich and Santorum both slipped below 8% each. Perry remains at 1%, and his promise to re-invade Iraq probably won’t help him. . . maybe he should promise ponies? In South Carolina, Rick Santorum is second with 20%. . . somehow.

Finally, while we were watching the football game debate, we realized this whole process would be better if each of the candidates had a theme song that could play whenever it was their turn to speak. Here are my suggestions, add yours below:
● Mitt Romney: More Than This -- Roxy Music
● Ron Paul: Miracles -- Jefferson Airplane
● Newt Gingrich: Shock The Monkey -- Peter Gabriel
● Jon Huntsman: China Girl -- David Bowie
● Rick Perry: Friends in Low Places -- Garth Brooks
● Barack Obama: You’re So Vain -- Carly Simon

P.S. Anybody else think it’s weird Tebow threw for 316 years yesterday?


  1. Also, let me gage everyone's interest in having a thread dedicated to New Hampshire tomorrow night?

  2. Andrew: I forgot to vote on the candidate endorsement, but I heartily concur in endorsing Vermin. After all, that's largely what we get anyway. If he had grown up in these parts, his name would have been Varmint.

    I think we should do a New Hampshire thread, if only to see how our endorsement works out.

  3. I'd be up for it (NH thread.) As far as Tebow; good show; jolly good show! Personally, I like the ING theme music on a boom box.

  4. Lawhawk, Varmint, yep. I hear that around here too sometimes.

  5. Jed, Glad to hear it.

    I thought Tebow was great and it was a heck of a game! But I also find it one of those strange coincidences that he threw for 3:16 yards. Maybe God does watch the NFL?

    The ING theme? For all of the candidates or anyone in particular?

  6. Re: Tim Tebow throwing for 316 yards - I heard about that on Quinn & Rose this morning and Rose does not think it was a coincidence. What an exciting game by the way!

    With regard to New Hampshire - I would love to read your take on the subject! ;)

  7. Andrew: It gets better. His average throw during the game was 31.6 yards.

  8. Lawhawk, I hadn't heard that. Wow! People are always looking for signs, maybe this is one of those?

    Who knows, after his death, his face may start appearing on footballs?!

  9. TJ, It was a really exciting game. I was on the edge of my seat the whole time, which is really rare for me in the NFL these days.

    I have to note, by the way, that all the sports sites I visit are today trying to make excuses for why the Steelers lost -- they simply will not credit Tebow with anything.... it's irrational hatred bordering on obsession.

    I think we will do the primary tomorrow night. It should be interesting.

  10. OT: I hate snow. we have had more snow this winter than we usually have in a decade. And it is snowing again today - looking at 4-6 inches. Now before all you Yankees start in on me about INCHES of snow - lemme tell you, there are REASONS I don't live north of Lubbock! Snow is over-rated. And no one here can drive in RAIN - let alone snow. And when all the slush on the streets freezes tonight, boy howdy! Tomorrow morning is going to be no fun!
    On the bright side, it's supposed to be 62 on Wednesday...
    Back to the original scheduled programming

    Excellent endorsement! I want a pony!

  11. Okay, you've convinced me. I'm voting for the V-man. I already brush my teeth and am surely prepared for an inevitable Zombie attack. But I've always wanted a pony for my very own. But just for the record, isn't "time travel" just a little unrealistic even as campaign promises go??

  12. rlaWTX, I too want a pony. And when I saw that was his platform, I was instantly swayed! LOL!

    Sorry to hear about your snow, but at least it should help you all with water and maybe even fire in the summer?

    P.S. I had no idea it snows in Texas!

  13. Bev, You can't trust everything the candidates promise and I suspect the time travel promise is "for the base." But I'm pretty sure the pony promise is solid. I'd bank on it! ;)

  14. Hi Andrew

    Vermin will be absorbed into the great mire of consciousness well before the voting.

    Instead you should endorese Cthulu...

    After all, why vote for a lesser evil.

  15. Indi, You're saying when you can vote for evil, you might as well go all out and vote for the biggest evil you can get? Are you endorsing Obama?

    P.S. Any thoughts on the songs?

  16. rlaTWX: Send some of the snow my way. We should have had snow right around Thanksgiving, and my grandkids were looking forward to playing in it. Now it looks like we may have no snow at all this winter.

    Indi: Does Cthulu still look like a distorted cuttlefish?

  17. Tebow threw for 316 years yesterday? Now that is impressive. ;-)

    I actually caught this Vermin guy on C-Span Friday. A friend and I were watching the "Lesser-Known Democratic Candidates Debate." No, seriously, that's what it was called. Personally, I was much more interested in a guy called Randall Terry, who called Obama a socialist and said the country had surrendered to the leftist media. And he had a (D) next to his name. Odd. But I did like Vermin's promise of a pony-based energy policy....though I'm not sure I want to know how that works.

    I'd be up for a primary thread.

  18. Andrew

    None that I should probably state aloud... let's say a certain Candidate might be better served by a song from Napolean XIV and just leave it at that.

    and this coming from a guy who just endorsed one of the Elder Gods.

    They have T shirts for the Elder Party each election year at the comic store that state that and I always found it funny.

    I would go ahead and compare Obama to Cthulu but then I'd have to apply the adjective greater to him in some respect and well I just can't bring myself to do that.

  19. clearly the 3:16 yards was God's way of giving the a**H**e Bill Press a knowing wink and nod. A theological middle finger if you will.

  20. Oh, and I would go for the Grateful Dead's China Doll over Jones/Bowie's China Girl for Newt. It is about shooting oneself in the head . . . . think about it . . . .

  21. T-Rav, T-Rav, T-Rav... It actually was impressive. He had more passes for over 40 yards against the Steelers D than their D allowed all year combined. Plus, there's the fact they said he couldn't throw and yet he threw perfect strikes for their touchdowns. But that's not the point, it's the whole: Tebow 3:16 thing.

    FYI, this may be before your time (as I haven't seen them recently), but in the 1980s people started showing up at NFL games with signs reading "John 3:16". It became common to see that in every game.

    As for the pony-based energy plan, I think it would work. It worked for the Middle Ages and they didn't have problems like a nuclear armed Iran or a bankruptcy social security system. ;)

    By the way, I understand some of the lesser candidates are actually serious people. I guess that's not working so well for them though?

  22. Andrew, I knew there would probably be a few liberal heads exploding over the Broncos' win.

    Lawhawk, I had not heard that about the average throw - awesome!

  23. Indi, Let's just leave it as Obama is a "different evil"! LOL!

    I can't image who you're referring to with the song! LOL! Of course, it could actually fit several of them.

    By the way, here's an alternate song for Obama: Paul Williams' "The Hell of It".

  24. Jed, God's middle finger! LOL! Brilliant!

    Good call on Newt's song as well. I think shooting himself in the head fits his campaign perfectly.

  25. TJ, The venom is amazing. All year they comforted themselves that Tebow was going to fail and now he's succeeded. Even if they don't win another game, he's proved them all wrong and he's done it with class. And they just can't stand it.

    It's actually downright disturbing to see the utter hate they have for this guy. I suspect they wouldn't have hated Hitler this much had they lived in the 1940s.... but they sure hate Tebow.

  26. thanks for being all "silver lining" about these d@#$ snow clouds, Andrew! grrr, I'm enjoying my rant.

    it snows up closer to Amarillo panhandle) pretty much yearly. The rest of us usually get ice with an occasional dusting overnight. Luckily for the blogger filter's ears, I typed that last message before I left work - and found 6" of snow on my windshield. @#$%&

    as for the idealism of time travel as a campaign promise, is it really any less realistic than Obama's spending into prosperity idea???

  27. rlaWTX, Sorry to interfere with your rant! LOL! Feel free to continue. We promise to be shocked and amazed! :)

    I always thought of Texas as hot year round, but apparently not.

    Yeah, the time travel platform is not any less realistic than Obama's plan to spend us to prosperity. And in the time travel plan's favor, it hasn't been proven yet that you can't travel in time... whereas Obama's plan has been disproved by thousands of years of recorded history. So I guess the time travel platform should be ranked as more likely than Obama's platform?! Ha!

  28. that ranking of likelihood sounds right to me!!

    'Round here we tend to have hot, less hot, and "cold for us" (as in "30 degrees is pretty cold for us"). "Cold for us" can range from 40 to 20, depending on the speaker. Panhandle actually gets cold, and I have heard about seasons of spring and fall as well, but hearsay isn't admissible...

  29. We get some really cold snaps around here, but nothing like upstate New York gets. When I was in school up there, I actually had a radiator heater freeze over. Imagine that! Plus, cars were constantly freezing up and wouldn't start unless you could plug them in and keep them warm.

    (P.S. No doubt, the rest of Obama's promises are even more unrealistic.)

  30. see, that's just wrong!!!!
    my grandfather used to build microwave towers. one of his last jobs (just after he turned 80) was in Buffalo. He was telling me about the unusual building requirements - like the something or another outside the building that had to be above the snow level, and it had to be 8 FEET up the wall. are you kidding me????

  31. Love the song choices. My nods below:

    Romney: "Back & Forth"/Foo Fighters
    Perry: "Favorite Thing"/Replacements
    Gingrich: "The Day That Never Comes"/Metallica
    Huntsman: "Feeling Gravitys [sic] Pull"/REM
    Paul: "Wild Night, Hot & Crazy Days"/Judas Priest
    Santorum: "Stick Around"/AC/DC

    Oh, LawHawk, not sure if you got a bead on the yards his incompletions went, but 316 yards on 21 throws equals a still-impressive 15 yard average. No mucking with the actual 10 throws which connected just to get a desired result. Who are we, Michael Moore? ;-)

  32. Oh, Obama: "Devil's Daughter"/Hank III

  33. rlaWTX, I like snow, but I agree with you that's just wrong! And it was so incredibly cold I didn't think I would ever warm up. It makes me wonder what Siberia is like?

  34. Eric, The Day That Never Comes! LOL! Good call.

    Nice song choices. And I'm sure Hank would be more than willing to let Obama use "Devil's Daughter"!

    On Tebow, what would have been funny is if Big Ben had thrown for 666 yards and still lost. Now that would have been perfect!

  35. I will be tuning into the NH results and would love to follow along. (Do people comment on phones because it takes me forever to reload page and comment at appropriate time. Additionally, I am typing challenged, as you all know by now)

    I like the Tebow's 316 but I don't like to believe in messages like that from God because I'm afraid of the bad message (wrath) that may be headed my sinful way!!

    No snow!

  36. Cris, I don't believe it either. I doubt God would send a message through a football game and certainly not a partisan one. But it's still a really neat coincidence and it makes you wonder.

    I'm glad you'll be joining us for New Hampshire! :)

    I think USS Ben uses dial up, and he has mentioned that it takes forever for the comments to load for him too, so he often comments later. I had no idea you were using dial-up because your comments always seemed very timely.

  37. Santorum: "Keep It Gay" from the Broadway version of The Producers

    (Sorry... first thing that came to mind) :-)

  38. Oh, hey, Andrew-
    No I have "not dial up" (whatever you call it! And I am glad my comments are timely enough. It just seems like everyone gets in there so quickly that I thought maybe it was I-phone or some even faster way but I guess not.

    Do you really not mind snow? It is a pain with my two little dogs. I have to walk them and use doggie bags and they don't really like it (x four times a day). But this will not deter me for arranging to keep the pony!

  39. what time is the fun tomorrow night?

    and apparently weird stuff happens in this house during the day - my grandfather is watching CNN! and has been for the last hour plus... (maybe he's asleep - I need to go check)

  40. Maybe we could use "It's Raining Men" for either Perry or Santorum. Just a suggestion.

    I don't get the hate for Tebow, but hey, I got the Saints-Giants-Broncos trifecta this weekend, so I'm happy. And while I've never really been a Denver fan, if they manage to beat New England, I will be on cloud nine.

  41. Chris, I'm glad you are made of stern stuff and are willing to sacrifice for the pony!

    I just hit "refresh" alot for the one I managed to be here for...

    NOOOOOOOO - Obama's voice is coming from the TV in the living room!!! I think it's time to watch Food Network and drown out CNN & the TOTUS!

  42. Cris, I am so looking forward to having a pony! :)

    Yeah, I love snow. I always have. I'm also one of those people who loves cold weather -- which drives the people around me crazy! I like summers too, but not as much as Fall or Winter.

    Snow is definitely hard on the dogs, and the cars. We have two little dogs as well and it definitely takes extra effort to deal with them on snowy days. I should put down a tarp or something out back for them so they always have access to grass. Hmm.

  43. rlaWTX, Sorry to hear that Obama has made it into your house somehow! That sounds like the beginning of an economic horror movie! Don't let him anywhere near your valuables!

    It looks like the coverage will start around 7:00 pm EST tomorrow. We'll put the thread up early though so people can leave their thoughts. :)

  44. T-Rav, I can't stand New England -- smug, cheating jerks.

    The Tebow hate is an anti-religious bias. I can say that with 100% certainty because they just won't stop slamming him for his religion and being very insulting to anyone who disagrees with their hate. They simply don't like anyone who is public about their faith and that's why they've always wanted him gone even before he threw a pass.

    "It's Raining Men"... LOL! Good call!

  45. thanks for the info and the sympathy...

  46. You're welcome. Good luck getting Obama back out of your house. You might need to call pest control! ;)

  47. Diners, Drive-Ins, and Dives is drowning him out... :)

  48. I loved snow growing up in Colorado and spending 10 years in Utah (not a skier though, go figure) but since I moved to AZ, I knid of hate it. I thought I would never be cold again when we moved here. We've had snow twice here since we arrived and it made me a little angry. RlaWTX, I can relate to the snow hate! Then again, when "cold" is anything below 70 degrees, you suffer easily. It was 65 on our way to school the other day adn the kid said "I wish winter didn't even exist!" He's already forgotten his CO winters, apparently.

  49. Andrew: It isn't just my grandkids who have been disappointed about the lack of snow this year. Niko the Wonder Dog waits for it all year. When other dogs are barking to come into the house, he's barking to get outside and roll around in the snow. He has his own dogloo (insulated dog house) on the deck, but during snow time, he sleeps next to it.

  50. about typing problems! That last comment of mine is loaded with typos. Sorry!

  51. Tam, Don't worry, we don't grade for perfect typing! :)

    I didn't know Arizona got snow either. Hmm. Guess I should look at weather maps more often!

    I've lived in Florida and Tennessee, neither of which have snow (or really, really rarely) and I missed it. Plus, I hate humidity. That's what killed me in DC -- the humidity.

    Speaking of kid's memories, I actually still recall being in Germany at Christmas time when I was 4/5 and I recall lots of snow.

  52. rlaWTX, The Food Network is always an excellent substitute for Obama! LOL!

  53. Lawhawk, We have a Dachshund who loves the snow but freezes up (they're prone to that) and a large Pomeranian -- I think they're actually called a "Middle Spitz" in Germany. She LOVES the snow and will go spend forever just roaming around in it. I guess that's part of having a thick coat.

  54. grammar police here.

    There are actually some higher elevation spots in AZ that get snow regularly, like Flagstaff, but Tucson (so I'm told) gets snow once every 20 years. I don't believe it considering I've been here for 3 years and seen snow twice. Nearby Mt. Lemmon is over 8,000 feet and actually has a ski resort and people go sledding up there regularly. I still say the snow should stay in the mountains!

  55. Andrew: I guess I shouldn't be surprised about my dog. In Europe, they're known as the Pyrenees Mountain Dog. They have an extra thick coat for winter that they shed in summer (boy, do they shed!), and when he's playing in the snow, sometimes the only thing you can distinguish is his black nose and mouth. Everything else is white and fluffy. The cats, on the other hand, hover around the Franklin stove all winter, even when it's not lit.

  56. Tam, We're big on the "grammar honor system" so we don't need police! ;)

    I have heard that Flagstaff is a lot like Colorado Springs weather wise. We're at 6,000 feet here. Pikes Peak -- out my window -- is 14,000 feet so it usually gets it's first snow in September and stays that way until May.

  57. >>And while I've never really been a Denver fan, if they manage to beat New England, I will be on cloud nine.>>

    Same here, and for more than the fact my Nittany Lions would get their new coach a few weeks earlier. Still, let the O'Brien era begin!!!

  58. Lawhawk, He sounds like a fun dog!

  59. Eric, He's got a lot of clean up to when he gets there! Best of luck to him.

  60. Andrew, I know that's a lot of it, but it just doesn't make sense to me. I mean, 70 to 80 percent of NFLers reference God at some point when talking about a victory or about how lucky they are to be playing in the NFL, and they don't catch any flak. What gives? Maybe it's because Tebow is so open about it, or because he and his mom made a "pro-life" commercial (even though it didn't say anything about abortion). Maybe it's because there's been no scandal surrounding him personally. I guess that makes sense; if the liberals can't call him a hypocrite and mock him for not living up to his faith, maybe they have no choice to revile him.

    Tom Brady in particular, and New England in general (both the team and the region) can suck it.

  61. Andrew-
    What do you mean about your dachsand (sp) freezing up? What does it look like? My tiny poodle (9 lbs) has taken to lying down in the middle of a walk this winter. I pick him up and take him to the grassy area and he recovers but I wonder if its the cold. My son says he doesn't like to walk as fast as I do...

    All this Colorado talk is making me misty eyed about my 6 years we spent near Boulder. The weather was fabulous even if the politics was wild! Taxachusetts weather is too damp and cold in winter (though the summers are nice).

  62. Incidentally, I was in Germany for part of the '08-'09 winter, and oh, was it COLD! Since we were touring from place to place, we had to spend several hours out in the elements each day, and at one point my hands and feet had gone so numb they were starting to hurt. And there was lots of snow around. I don't think I have ever been so cold for so long.

  63. T-Rav, Without going to far afield, I think there are several things that have converged with Tebow: liberal racism, liberal religious bias, and liberal anger at being rejected.

    Most sports journalists are doctrinaire liberals. This means they are deeply racist even though they actually think they are more enlightened about race than everyone else.

    One of their tenants has been that it is racist to criticize black quarterbacks. Just the suggestion that a black quarterback isn't a Hall of Famer before he's even thrown his first pass brings out howls of racism. The most recent examples of this are Prior and Newton, where the merest criticism of their throwing motions brought out people like Warren Moon to call the draft analysts "racists" and demand retractions. The journalists of course mimicked this and repeated the allegations.

    If you can't criticize black quarterbacks who deserve it, then that builds up a lot of frustration and resentment. Pretending a lie is true is always frustrating and the longer you have to do it, the worse it gets.

    Along comes Tebow who is very, very similar to the legion of black quarterbacks who can run, but not throw. If Tebow were black, you would have heard how he deserves a chance to prove himself and anyone who disagreed would be shouted down... because criticism of him would be racist.

    But Tebow's not black, he's white. So he's fair game. And that makes him someone upon whom decades of rage can be unleashed. In other words, criticism of him isn't just criticism of him, it's venting for decades of not being able to criticize a plethora of black quarterbacks who all flamed out.


  64. (continued)
    But there's more.

    Being liberals, it's not just about offering genuine criticism, it's about tearing the person down. Liberals believe in worshipping or destroying the man, not the idea. So just as they are starting to turn on evil Obama, they set about hating everything about Tebow.

    And what's better to hate than his religion?

    Now here comes the real question.... how can they hate Tebow for his religion, but ignore all the black players who talk about their religions? Simple: racism.

    Liberals are still afflicted with a form of racism by which they see minorities through the "noble savage" lens as helpless children who need our guidance. This view holds that the target group are simpletons, i.e. childlike, who we cannot judge on the basis of morality and we should accept all of their customs and beliefs as quaint.

    (If you watch liberals, you will see this thought process played out over and over -- especially in education.)

    Religion is considered a "quaint" idea by elitist liberals who see it as superstition for the ignorant. They tolerate it in minorities because they see minorities as these noble savages. But they don't tolerate it in whites "who should know better." (Notice all the racism inherent in this.)

    All of this comes together as a perfect storm of hate aimed at Tebow – he is someone upon whom decades of anger can safely be unleashed and they despise him personally because they look down upon him for his superstitious views.

    This is then made worse by the fact that he’s a nice guy who isn’t bothered by their anger nor does he crave their recognition or approval. There is nothing worse for an arrogant SOB than to be ignored by someone they are trying to condescend to. And even worse, the public is siding with him, which makes these experts insane (see Climategate) and broadens their anti-religious stance to essentially being: “look at all those stupid whites who should know better.”

    Then Tebow did the unforgiveable and proved them wrong. This turned the hate into rage because suddenly all of these "superior" people were proved wrong by the yokel and his legion of “Jesus freaks.”

    Add in the fact the internet lets you spit out hate unchecked and people will join in rather than chastise you, which means hate builds rather than recedes.

    And that is why there is so much blind hate at Tebow.

  65. Cris, Boulder is beautiful, even if it is insane.

    Dachshunds apparently don't have much insulation in their paws. So when they walk on cold or ice, what happens is they start to freeze up as the blood flow gets curtailed to their paws. What it looks like is that they will walk along happily for a while, but will suddenly stop and lift a paw. Then you'll see them try to walk and they look like they sprained an ankle or something. And then they stop and raise the paw again.

    I've never seen what happens next as we've always rescued them by that point, but I suspect they would probably crash down onto their stomachs.

    This has happened with every Dachshund we've ever owned, which is why we need to watch them when they go out in the snow.

  66. T-Rav, Germany can get very cold, but there's nothing colder than the Great Lakes region in winter. It gets so cold that you feel like your heart is freezing and like you'll never be warm again. I've seen people's eyes seal shut when the fluid in their eyes forms icicles on their eyelashes and lids.

  67. So.... it's not a West Virginia pizza? *disappointment*

  68. for Tam: "first rule of fight club; there is no fight club!"
    First rule of posting "No imbibing while posting, unless it is Commentarama where style points are NOT awarded." ;=)

  69. tryanmax, Nope, it's not a West Virginia pizza... to my knowledge. LOL!

  70. Andrew: Chicago isn't exactly a tropical paradise during the winter, either. It's at it's most fun when there's windblown sleet coming off Lake Michigan and ice on the sidewalks. They put up ropes for people to pull themselves up and down the icy streets so they don't slide to their deaths.

    I seem to remember that if you take wind chill into account, Great Lakes Naval Base is consistently the coldest winter location in America, including Alaska. That seems to be in accord with your description of the Great Lakes region, though I'm sure Alaskans would disagree.

  71. Jed, We're all about substance over style. :)

    Feel free to imbibe!

  72. Lawhawk, I have no doubt that you're right. Anything up there which gets the lake effect snow and cold fronts from Canada is just bitterly cold.

    Colorado gets cold, but it's dry and that helps a lot.

  73. Hey...Jed, I'm not as think as you drunk I am!

    Andrew, the dry makes a big difference in both heat and cold. Cold and wet chills your very bones. It may get up to 110 here in the summer, but it's a dry heat! My Dad would respond "so's a blowtorch," but I'll take 110 in Tucson over 90 in North Carolina, for example, any day.

  74. Tam, "so's a blowtorch" LOL! Nice.

    You're right though that the dryness makes a huge difference. That was the problem in DC. Once you hit the high 80s low 90s with 90% humidity, it just started to become unbearable.

  75. How have I missed out on all this weather-where-I'm-from talk? If there is one thing Nebraskans love to talk about, it's the weather. And no, not because there isn't anything else to talk about, so save it.

    We love to talk about the weather because we get four seasons but not in any particular order. Right now things are balmy with highs in the 50s. Last year at this time we were buried under record snow accumulation. But normal for this time is a barren tundra with ice and wind. IF I had to guess, I'd say winter will arrive in March this year.

  76. Tam:
    Right you are about dry heat vs. humidity. We had 8 years in Chapel Hill NC and its too humid to sunbathe by a pool in the summer. The beach is better.

    No, the best years were Colorado (and visits to Arizona!) where the weather is about as perfect as it gets. So many sunny days!

  77. Andrew, I'm with you on liking winter over summer. Actually, I prefer autumn a little more because winter is rather unpredictable.

    Tam, I'm not sure if wet or dry is worse in the winter because we get it both ways here, and I can't make up my mind. I think that whatever it isn't, that's what I wish it were. But we get both wet and dry in the summer, too, and wet is definitely worse.

  78. I'm sure Nebraska has much to talk about... I just don't know what that would be? ;)

    Because of the mountains, Colorado is one of those places that genuinely changes by the hour. It can be freezing, then become warm and sunny and then go right back to freezing. But we do get our seasons at the right times.

  79. Did I say "save it"? I must have meant "cram it". ;)

    The first time I visited Chicago, I was given a real laugh when someone made a point to tell me that "around here we say, if you don't like the weather, wait an hour."

    I had to tell him, "where I'm from, we say wait five minutes."

  80. tryanmax, I ran into that in West Virginia too. They had incredibly stable weather and yet they liked to think their weather changed every hour.

  81. In all fairness, the "five minute" thing doesn't really mean it changes every five minutes. It just means that when the weather does change, it changes suddenly. Although I read somewhere once that the plains states have the widest daily high-low temperature spreads outside of actual deserts.

  82. I'm not surprised because there are no geographic features to keep the weather from passing through, plus the plain states are right in the middle of where northern and southern storm collide.

  83. A West Virginia pizza is not a West Virginia pizza unless one of its toppings is meth. Oh, and also a man and goat copulating.

  84. T-Rav, I'd love to disagree with you. . . but I'm not gonna lie.

  85. In Missouri, we say the same thing about the weather that--apparently everyone else says. Maybe it doesn't change as fast as we like to think it does, although it's been known to change pretty fast.

    Actually, one thing we are big on is radically different weather over short distances. More than once, I've driven from my house where the sun was out, to my grandparents' house five miles up the road, where it was raining (or vice versa). This works out well, though, because a nearby hill shelters us a bit from tornadoes in the spring, which frequently cause damage a few miles away but not in our immediate vicinity. So I can't complain.

    (Incidentally, given that this has pretty much become an open thread, Commentarama may want to rethink its "endorsement.")

  86. tryanmax, I'm not just being mean. I knew a family in town growing up who were West Virginia natives (actually, I graduated with one of their daughters), who not only had pet goats but slept with them. I don't know if that was in the carnal sense or simply that they slept in the same bed, but--yeah, it was pretty disturbing.

  87. tryanmax: I can tell you that they're right about the deserts. During the fall, we often see sixty degree temperature shifts, though we're in the high desert. And then there's my old home, San Francisco. As Mark Twain allegedly said, the coldest winter he ever spent was one summer in San Francisco. It's not frigid cold, but it's wet cold winds blowing off the Bay, and it's bone-chilling in open areas like Candlestick Park. In the song The Lady is a Tramp, there's the line "hate California, it's cold and its damp." Rodgers and Hart weren't talking about Los Angeles. But still the coldest I've ever been was when I got stuck one night in a Buffalo winter.

  88. T-Rav, You claim she "graduated"? Now I know you're lying. ;)

  89. No, I'm not anti-pony! They make great glue! (Um, did I say that out loud? Err....) I mean, ponies are great, I just don't think we should copulate with them! Uh, wrong topic, computer is sucking me into the fifth dimension! AAAAHHHHHHH

  90. T-Rav: Because of the multitude of tall hills, the ocean on one side, the Bay on the other side, warm San Mateo County on the south and the cold Golden Gate at the northern tip, San Francisco has six different identifiable microclimates. I could be basking in warm sun at my place on Nob Hill, while people in the Mission District were wearing heavy jackets to keep out the cold and people in the Sunset District were blanketed in thick fog. And the whole city is only about 45 square miles, or about twice the size of Manhattan Island. When people asked me "how's the weather in San Francisco," I had to ask "which part?"

  91. Lawhawk, Our weather actually has to come around the mountains from the north or south and depending on which direction it comes makes a HUGE difference around here. It can be the difference between cold and 2 feet of snow.

  92. I think T-Rav's brain exploded at our well-thought out endorsement. ;)

  93. I was just looking at Vermin Supreme's website. Riveting stuff. But Andrew forgot to mention the Flying Monkey Public Safety Assurance Program portion of his platform. I'm
    sure we all agree that this is an issue that is long overdue being addressed.

    I also like his endorsement of Extreme Holiday Gifting: Organ Donation. That man must drink Mountain Dew by the drum.

  94. The jet stream is pretty much the only thing to blame for the weather around here. Lucky us, it just goes north-to-south over us like a jump rope. And the wind! Out-of-towners comment on three things, the trees, the hills, and the wind.

  95. Or something much stronger.

    I missed the flying monkeys! LOL!

    I wonder what he gets out of this? I don't see that he's selling anything?

  96. I should have said "north and south" because "north-to-south" would be an entirely different phenomenon.

  97. tryanmax, I've stopped in western Kansas to get gas at times and thought I was going to get blown away from my car. It's stunning how much wind you can get out there in the plains.

  98. I didn't mean to hijack the thread - oops...
    I went to watching Food Network instead of playing online and missed the havoc I began.

    T-Rav - maybe you need to reevaluate that "diploma" you received, seeing who else got one...

    RE Endorsement: ponies AND flying monkeys - we can't go wrong!

    We ended up with 10.6 inches of snow. That makes 0.70 inches of "precipitation". We have had 19.5 inches of snow since 12/1/11. Those numbers are wrong on levels so deep I can't express it.

  99. rlaWTX, Unlike the airlines, we don't mind hijackers. LOL!

    That's a lot of snow! Careful on the roads!

  100. I never submitted any songs yesterday because everything I thought of could apply to multiple candidates. Here’s what I’ve got:

    The Real Slim Shady – Eminem
    Money (That’s What I Want) – multiple artists
    Karma Chameleon/Do You Really Want to Hurt Me? – Culture Club
    Liar – 3 Dog Night
    Just a Gigolo/I Ain’t Got Nobody – Louis Prima
    What a Girl Wants – Christina Aguilera

  101. LOL at the song list Andrew!

    I give Vermin points for honesty.
    Is Hollywood listening?

    (Cue deep, melodramatic monster truck rallyish voice) Coming soon: Verminator! Because this is one politician that actually gives a rats ass!

    Verminator! (echoes) This is one rat bastard that strikes terror (terror!) into the heart of the pied piper!

    In 3-D!

    Thanks Andrew for the inspiration. :^)
