Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Have We Apologized Enough Yet?

The more I think about the Obama administration’s magical mystery apology tour, the harder it is for me to let go and behave rationally. OK, a small group of young warriors are alleged to have urinated on some dead Taliban. Big deal. Slap ‘em on the wrist and let’s get on with the real world. But for God’s (and America’s) sake, stop the apologies for everything America does that doesn’t comport with “world opinion.”

Even AA tells its members to make amends unless to do so would harm oneself or others. Since the first day of the Obama administration, they have been apologizing for America’s every misstep, including the expulsion of Adam and Eve from the Garden. The apologies for the actions of the Marines peeing on dead lowlifes has turned into a pathetic Greek chorus. As Christians in Egypt are being murdered en masse, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton reserves her "dismay" for dead Taliban and her angry criticism for our own Marines.

To add insult to injury, Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta practically fell over his own feet rushing to the phone to call the vile Taliban-friendly Afghan President Hamid Karzai to apologize for the Marines’ barbaric behavior. You can see from the accompanying picture how the Taliban treat prisoners, dead or alive. I don’t know about Panetta, but I’d rather be peed on dead than hanged alive. Panetta told Karzai that the Marines’ actions were “deplorable.” That to a leader of a nation that treats civilians as if they were armed combatants, tortures and brutalizes opponents, and hangs prisoners of war from public overhangs without even the pretense of legal process.

Karzai’s reply said that the Marines’ behavior was “inhuman and condemnable in the strongest possible terms.” I can understand how the leader of such a peace-loving people would think that. The Afghans and the Taliban rarely torture and murder prisoners before first having attended to the important business of stoning adulteresses to death, neutering homosexuals, and beheading apostates. The Taliban themselves were even clearer in their call for an American apology: “These were the inhuman acts of wild American soldiers in contradiction with all human and ethical norms.” They ought to know inhuman acts when they see them.

This pattern of apology is not something new with the Obama administration. It’s just that they’ve elevated apologizing for their country to high art. George Bush admonished us not to make judgments about the religion of peace: “Islam’s teachings are good and peaceful and those who commit evil in the name of Allah blaspheme the name of Allah.” Yes, George, and those who have never read the Koran should keep their big mouths shut. His Secretary of State, Condoleeza Rice, called Islam the religion of love and peace.

During Bill Clinton’s presidency, Hillary said that Islam’s “deepest yearning of all is to live in peace.” His Secretary of State, Madeline Albright said that “Islam is a faith that honors consultation, cherishes peace, and has as one of its fundamental principles the inherent equality of all who embrace it.” And the inequality of all those who deserve a violent death for not embracing it.

The alleged and real incidents for which America must apologize are too many to list in a short article. But one thing is sure. The administrations and the mainstream media have treated each incident as earth-shattering events requiring massive apologies to the jihadists (a word now not to be used in polite company). There are no minor infractions or simple mistakes in judgment. Only great disruption of the peace of the world and shocks administered to the conscience of man. Abu-Ghraib and the sophomoric hi jinx of youngsters who should have known better was raised to the level of Auschwitz. APOLOGY. Military personnel at Guantanamo performed the impossible task of flushing a Koran down a toilet. APOLOGY. The innocent prisoners at Guantanamo were being abused and tortured. APOLOGY.

Two themes, both wrong, have emerged from these hysterical mea culpas. One is that we must apologize because the reason Islamists hate us is that we’re so mean to them. The other is that by prostrating ourselves before these primitives we can achieve peace. At the cost of American honor, American strength, and reality. Worst of all, the Islamists don’t even pretend to think that the apologies are in good faith. They merely laugh at our weakness and servility, and plot their next real atrocity. To date, all our apologies aren’t worth a bucket of warm spit, and have accomplished the exact opposite of their seeming purpose (you know—the thing that the road to Hell is paved with).

For all the apologies, all the hand-wringing and soul-searching of the clueless do-gooders, there have been over 18,000 Islamic terrorist attacks or attempts just since 9-11. Obama himself has apologized, on foreign soil, for America's arrogance and racist history. Obama, Clinton, Panetta and all the other usual suspects think the only thing wrong with their apologies is that they’re not numerous enough, self-flagellating enough, or quick enough. To them I have only one thing to say: ”P#@s on you."

End of rant.


  1. a fine rant. "roll out, roll out, roll out for the apology tour." This administration should be apologizing to the taxpayers of America. Anyone who voted for him should be apologizing. I'm waiting, but not holding my breath.

  2. Yea, LawHawk! Best rant of year so far!

    However, you apologize right now, little mister, for not wanting to apologize to these apologists!

    I for one apologize to the world for the election of Barack Obama. It was my fault for not doing enough to stop it. There, I've said it and I feel better about myself.

  3. Tennessee: Those who voted for Obama should install bumper stickers that say "I'm sorry, and I'll never do it again."

  4. Joel: I was pretty sure I wasn't alone on this. LOL

  5. Andrew: We have so many things we must correct in the next election, but this constant denigration of the greatest nation on earth from our own "leaders" really eats at me.

  6. Hawk
    We should not pee on them. Instead wrapping them in old NFL footballs, that are past their service life, would be the best action we can take. That would in my eyes be better than peeing on them. Peeing on the dead taliban only cleans them up, therefore is a wasted effort. Instead lets pee on the live ones so they can be cleaned up.
    The only shame in this act was a slight diminishing of the character our Marines who were involved.

  7. Bev: I apologize for considering not apologizing.

    I have the same feeling. I did work to keep Obama from being elected, but I can see I didn't work hard enough. I guess I'm suffering from conservative guilt (the flip side of liberal guilt). The old saying is that a people gets the form of government it deserves, but I can't believe we deserved this.

  8. Tehachapi Tom: "Peeing on the Taliban only cleans them up." Well said. The Marines will come out of this just fine, and they will take care of this minor breach of good military discipline. The apologies, though, do permanent harm to America's prestige. Our enemies count on the American left to do their dirty work for them.

  9. Dear Leader said it all one time when he said something along the lines of the USA is the richest and most powerful nation in the world, "Like it or not." Well, president A-hole, we LIKE it. Being strong and wealthy means you can do A LOT of good the world. And, oh, guess what, we do! We always have, and we are still the first place people come running in a crisis because we are rich and powerful. There is no shame in being rich and strong, unless you use that power to harm others. He is full of shame, and shameful. And I hate him.

  10. If these guys were running the country in World War II, George Patton would have been court-martialed and probably given life imprisonment. But then, what am I saying? We had competent and clear-headed people running the country in the '40s, not these jokers. Say what you will about FDR, but at least he had a backbone.

  11. Tam - You really need to open up and tell us how you really feel about Obama.

  12. Bev-razzafrazzamotherfgurgelafhieorhalfa@&(#*($^(#*()(#**!!!!!!!
    Does that clear it up for you?

  13. Tam: The Obamists and all their Marxist cadres must instill a sense of collective guilt for America's success. It's hard to bring down a great nation that has pride in its accomplishments. So we must feel bad about it. We must use expressions like "the arrogance of power." We can't have one-world government as long as one nation stands out above all the others as the creator of wealth and the defender of civilization. Dum spiro spero "while I breathe I hope." For all his talk about hope, Obama wants us to stop breathing and abandon hope. And one way to accomplish that is to don sackcloth and ashes, waste our time apologizing for minor infractions while ignoring everything that has made America great.

  14. Tam - Yes, and I wholeheartedly agree especially the part where you say "@&(#*($^(#*()(#**"! ;-)

  15. T-Rav: There has never been any doubt in my mind that FDR loved America and would do whatever was necessary to protect her. I can't say the same thing about Barack Hussein Obama. Can you imagine B-HO ending a speech with the following stirring words?: "With confidence in our armed forces, with the unbounding determination of our people, we will gain the inevitable triumph. So help us God." The One would be too busy apologizing for Americans not dying fast enough to make that kind of speech.

  16. Bev: And speaking of Tam, have I ever mentioned that I hate Obama?

  17. LawHawk - I can't imagine it, but I CAN imagine Barack Hussein Obama saying "With confidence in me, with the unbounding determination of me, I will gain for you the inevitable triumph. So help me, Me."

  18. Hawk
    As you said about the bumper stickers, "I'm sorry" is perfect.
    The bo voters are all sorry looking to me.

  19. rlaWTX: I'm not sure anything would shut him up, but he'd probably start saying "Does not compute, does not compute, does not compute" and then his circuits would be fried.

  20. Tehachapi Tom: Yes, they are a sorry-looking lot.

  21. I I were the commanding officer of these men I would simply state that out in the field a soldier must relieve himself wherever he can due to the dangerous nature of his job.

    If there happen to be dead boides underneath oh well its a war zone. Then I would admonish the New York Times for being so horrible as to deny our soldiers the right to answer the call of nature.

    If they are going to be purposely obtuse then the military should just answer them inh kind.

  22. LawHawk: Heh. Like Obama would ever invoke God. When he wasn't standing in front of a mirror, that is.

  23. Indi: Excellent thinking.

  24. rlaWTX: Ditto from me.

  25. T-Rav: Does a god cast a reflection in a mirror? Or do I have them mixed up with vampires?

  26. LawHawk, God casts a reflection, but 0bama does not.

  27. tryanmax: Good point.

  28. tryanmax: Thanks for clearing that up. LOL

  29. I think when you look directly at Obama, you turn to stone. Or maybe that's Michelle.

  30. T-Rav: "Michelle" is a translation from "Medusa." So I think it's the latter.

  31. POW! BAM! WACK!

    well done, bubba. no need for being rational. the times call for what the times call for.

  32. Patti: I've been keeping a napkin close by to wipe the froth off my mouth. Otherwise, I feel better after the rant (and everybody's support).
