Saturday, March 17, 2012

Open Thread -- Vox Populi

In a republic this rule ought to be observed: that the majority should not have the predominant power.

Marcus Tullius Cicero


  1. That's why libs push democracy so much.

  2. Cicero, that sounds GREAT! Uh...who bells the cat?

    Hey, try. Yep..It's a good thing this country is a Republic with certain democratic procedures.

    Over at Patterico's Pontifications, Patterico has his panties in a wad over a minor liberal journalist who decided to help out another Breitbart hating bit player in smearing Okeefe of Acorn/Breitbart fame.

    Tommy Christopher from Mediate, decided to pen a collection of .....well, the only thing I am sure of is Tommy got the spelling right on O'Keefe and Naffe's names. The rest seems to be sneering conjecture aimed at O'Keefe.

    Nadia Naffe's "Blog" is a mish-mash of things, but doesn't clear anything up. It has only the one post. The blog seems to have been started on March 14, 2012, three days ago.

    From what I can gather, young Nadia Naffe, seems to be an undercover liberal agent provocateur working as Okeefe's new assistant/ho. Hannah Giles, his Acorn assistant actress/ho/friend, has gone onto different pursuits. Nadia claims she has e-mails going back 7 years, but hasn't released them. And is keeping mum about what is in them. Oh, and she says O'Keefe may have raped her.

    Tommy's article should be used as a template on how to smear a person's character while still staying on the right side of the law. It is a masterful collection of sneers, half-truths and sex scandal. His talents are being wasted at Mediate. He should work for Obama as El Presidente's personal publicist.

  3. kudos to U.S. Senator Bob Corker for voting against the $109 billion highway bill which would use accounting budgetary tricks to "pay" for the spending over 10 yrs. in violation of the spending limits put in place by the 2011 budget control act spending caps. Corker offered an amendment which would require dollars in excess of the highway trust revenues to either be fully offset by spending reductions in other programs or limited only to the amount of revenues generated by the trust fund itself. Corker filed a point of order against the bill on the basis it violated the caps, but was defeated on a motion to WAIVE enforcement. Imagine that, senators voting to continue to spend money we don't have. Shocking!

  4. Tryanmax: Along with proportional voting and abolition of the Electoral College.

  5. Joel: Nice roundup. Thanks.

  6. Tennessee: At the same time I got my bi-weekly e-mail from Nancy Pelosi's office telling me that Corker and the Republicans are costing America half a million jobs by opposing the highway bill. I wonder which one is telling the truth. LOL

  7. NOTE: I have to head into Bakersfield for supplies shortly, before the roads up here become impassable with the rain at the lower levels and the snow and ice up at my place. One trip over a cliff because of black ice is enough. Love living in the far country, but it does have its disadvantages. I'll be sure to respond to any comments that arrive after my departure as soon as I return.

  8. I'm watching Galaxy Quest on my local Fox affiliate. I'm not sure if it is technically a parody or a send up of Star Trek, but it's excellent nonetheless. Sam Rockwell steals the show.

    Show of hands: Who's eating corned beef today?

  9. Joel

    Now that Breitbart is no longer around to mentor and protect O'Keefe I think the libs think he is open game.

    How can you not be sure iof you were raped? WTF!

  10. There you go again Lawhawk, looking back to find answers for the future, as did the Founders - - hey wait a minute you weren’t around at the country’s founding? Just kidding.

  11. tryanmax: I have it on DVD. It is hilarious, Rockwell does steal the show, and it's just as funny the second or third time you see it.

    Corned beef all around here, though only my kids and grandkids have any Irish in them. Their mom/grandma is one-half Irish.

  12. Indi: Logic has nothing to do with anything that happened at or because of the Occupy movements. There are allegations of "knock'-out" drops (roofies?), but even at that, the aftermath of non-consensual sex is usually apparent.

  13. Stan: I still have my powdered wig and my thirteen star flag. LOL
