Sunday, March 11, 2012

A Warm And Fuzzy Sunday Story

I try to make Sunday my day to feel good towards my fellow man and think pleasant thoughts about how America is such a wonderful place to live for people of all races, creeds, national origins and sexes. So imagine the surge of good Christian joy I felt when I read that ICE and HHS now have a policy of providing free hormone therapy for transgender illegal immigrants in their custody awaiting deportation proceedings.

Ya can’t make this stuff up. It reminded me of the jokes about famous early transgender icon George Jorgensen, who traveled to Sweden, had surgery, and returned as Christine Jorgensen. “He went abroad, and came back a broad.” OK, it was crude, but it was funny. In our current situation, the illegals in custody came to America part-way through their “gender reassignment,” and ICE (under orders from HHS Secretary Napolitano) will make sure that nature doesn’t intervene and reverse the process.

The HHS/ICE manual states: “All illegal alien detainees shall be screened by a specially trained detention officer within 12 hours of their arrival at the detention facility.” The operations manual specifically states that the "screening shall ... inquire into a transgender detainee's gender self-identification and history of transition-related care, when a detainee self-identifies as transgender." In the event that the detainee is found to be taking sex-change hormone drugs, ICE shall continue the treatment at no charge to the detainee.

That’s comforting. We wouldn’t want Juanita morphing back into Juan while awaiting deportation, now would we? As the Democrats would say, “leaving transgenders helpless while in custody is part of the Republican war on [almost-] women.” Nearly all of the detainees undergoing treatment are male to female “reassignments,” though a few female to male types have shown up as well, prompting Chaz Bono to wonder if they’d like to dance with the stars.

The manual goes on to state: “Transgender detainees who were already receiving hormone therapy when taken into ICE custody shall have continued access. All transgender detainees shall have access to mental health care, and other transgender-related health care and medication based on medical need. Treatment shall follow accepted guidelines regarding medically necessary transition-related care.” Nobody at ICE or HHS is allowed to suggest that “transition” is a choice, not a right, and therefore should not be paid for by the taxpayers and performed by the government.

It is also comforting to know that as part of the program, ICE must also provide pregnancy counseling and support for pregnant female illegals, including routine and extraordinary prenatal care, adoption counseling, post-partum follow-up, and lactation services. This is a situation we don’t often see. The federal government encouraging live birth rather than abortion.

But fear not, abortion services are also provided, including a trip to a local hospital for a free (in other words, taxpayer-funded) abortion if the fetus is the result of rape or incest, or to protect the physical survival of the mother. Now why an illegal immigrant would want to abort or give up an anchor baby born on US soil is utterly beyond me. It’s her best guarantee of being allowed to remain in the country.

For the illegals, unlike Obamacare and Planned Parenthood, the ICE/HHS emphasis is on bringing the baby to full term, providing a healthy delivery, and keeping the baby. The manual allows for easy and free abortion, but objects to what conservatives have tried to provide for American citizens when the mother is making a choice. “In this instance, or in a situation where a female detainee opts to fund the termination of her pregnancy, ICE shall arrange for transportation at no cost to the detainee for the medical appointment and for access to religious counseling, and non-directive (impartial) medical resources and social counseling, to include outside social services or women’s community resource groups.”

So rest well tonight. The gummint is on the job, providing services for future drag show stars and plantation Democrats.


  1. “He went abroad, and came back a broad.”

    Careful LawHawk, you might get all the Feminazi's, Pelosi and even Fluke mad at you. Why they might even hold faux Congressional Hearings and call for boycotts and who knows what else. Watch your back. ;-)

  2. I guess to the extent someone's undergoing on-going therapy, this makes sense. I just don't know why we taxpayers would pay for it? If they're already getting therapy, let them continue on their own dime. I'm sure the drugs can be brought to the holding center, just like they could for cancer treatments.

  3. I feel a little speechless about this. So, Napolitano sees this as not wasting taxpayer money in any, way, shape or fashion?

  4. America is a swell place to enter illegally.

  5. Joel: I know. I just wanted to see if Obama would apologize for me. LOL

  6. Andrew: I don't have any strong feelings either way about providing the therapy at the illegal's own expense. Still, if they were on dialysis or heart medication, I'd be a lot more sympathetic, and I totally object to my tax money going for their choice to defy nature. Of course I'm also wondering how they were paying for the "reassignment" procedures before they crossed the border illegally.

  7. Jocelyn: You shouldn't be speechless, if you think about it. In order to win, Obama needs the women's vote and the Hispanic vote. By paying for the sex-changes, they get both for the price of one.

  8. CrisD: The best on earth. Obama has made us number one in another category. Isn't he great? LOL

  9. I wonder what Senor Garrison thinks about this?

  10. Kit: Are you referring to Garrison Courtney or perhaps David Garrison? "Garrison" (as a first or last name) seems to crop up at an unusually high rate when it comes to HHS, ICE, and Fast and Furious.

  11. Lawhawk

    With the government taking 500 billion from Medicare to pay for the takeover of the Health insurance industry exactly which cancer patients must be denied treatment in order to pay for illegal alien transgender hormone therapy and free condoms for girls in Catholic school.

    Following the logic of democrats is difficult at best. Must be because they are all so enlightened.

  12. Indi: Everything about liberal Democratic thinking is skewed and psychotic. I long ago gave up wondering what they were thinking, let alone why.

  13. missed this last night due to company. The whole immigration policy, government intrusion and social engineering is a huge problem. It is designed to produce a country that morphs from center right to left and votes in a permanent socialistic government. As Emmanuel Kant famously once said: "Let me control their sex change hormone therapy, and I will have them by the . . . (oops, bad analogy, Emmanuel, how about) hearts and minds." :)

  14. Tennessee: And somebody else said "when you've got 'em by the balls, their hearts and minds will follow." So I guess the sex-change therapy is to keep us fascists from interfering.

  15. I just made my comment at the "what's the future look like" thread on the Film site - and now I think I need to go change it to something much more depressing...

  16. rlaWTX: Yeah, that was a little too uplifting. Next time be sure to emphasize that we "rebels" are losing. LOL
