Monday, July 9, 2012

Don't Mess With Texas

Before Eric Holder has a chance to file a lawsuit against the State of Texas for violating the civil rights of illegal immigrants and drug cartel murderers by virtue of creating its own navy, I thought it might be fun to look at what a state can do to protect itself. That nasty-looking critter in the photo is one of four patrol vessels launched on the Rio Grande by the Texas Department of Public Safety.

Instead of creating the sarcastic “moat with alligators” that Let 'Em All In Obama suggested, Texas has used the already-existing major waterway used by illegal immigrants and potential terrorists to cross into the United States from Mexico and launched gunboats instead of alligators. Called the Tactical Marine Unit, these little boats float like a butterfly and sting like a bee—a big bee. Each boat is named after a Texas State Trooper who has given his life in defense of the people of Texas.

The boats were funded by the Texas legislature and existing grants from the federal Homeland Security Department. If Janet Napolitano realizes that while she was campaigning for The One and trying to cover up the damage done by Fast and Furious, that will probably be the end of non-earmarked DHS grants to Texas. Each boat costs about $558,000. But she can't un-ring this bell.

While the Obama administration is busy painting bucolic pictures of illegal immigrants just wanting a better life, Texas has recognized reality. Just across the river in Mexico, over 50,000 people have been murdered by the drug cartels. On our side of the river, deaths are becoming commonplace, and just last week an ICE agent was killed while performing surveillance duties in Texas.

Federal agents are seriously hampered by unrealistic rules of engagement. If I know Texans at all, the rules for the officers on the new boats won't be nearly so restrictive. Say, for instance, “if you're fired upon, shoot back with intent to kill.” Imagine that! The boats will be a lot safer for their crews, and a lot deadlier for the criminals than the politically-correct transports that the feds expect their officers to patrol in. Each boat is armed with the most modern and lethal technology—ballistic shielding, night vision, and several different versions of high-rate-of-fire automatic weapons. Draw, partner!

Texas has by far the longest border with Mexico of any of the states. Most of that border is comprised of the relatively shallow and easily crossed Rio Grande. These boats have a shallow draft and each has three high-powered outboard engines to reach a point of entry very quickly. They are swift and deadly, though I wouldn't call them swift boats lest John Francois Kerry get his nose into the matter.

Smugglers, human traffickers, drug dealers and recipients of Fast and Furious weapons, beware. The Texans are on the prowl. They're madder than hell and they aren't going to take it anymore.

Note: While Arizona and New Mexico also grapple with their own dangerous immigrant problem on dry land in the face of federal opposition, California has solved the problem. Not satisfied with “sanctuary cities” like Los Angeles and San Francisco, a California legislator has introduced a bill which would make California a sanctuary state. If nothing else, that might take some of the burden off the shoulders of the other border states. Why swim, hike or otherwise sneak in at great risk when you can simply walk into a State that will welcome you with open arms and open wallets?.


  1. "a California legislator has introduced a bill which would make California a sanctuary state"

    If California is a Sanctuary State then I guess Hell must be a resort vacation island.

    Just Saying

  2. Indi: Yep, same reasoning. LOL

  3. it would be great if we could have these at polling places to offset the New Black Panther Party Poll Watchers

  4. LawHawk,

    Doesn't the existence of "Tactical Marine Unit" create a situation where Texas will own a "Coast Guard"? Meaning Texas is creating it's own navy?

  5. And upon reading the article, not only do I concur with my former self, I add "Please, DO f*** with California!" I have no doubt that the new arrivals will be given full participation in welfare programs as well as voter registration. I am anxious to see how los Católicos regard the leftist sacraments of abortion and gay marriage. Sacramento may one day have to start governing like Mexico City if it wants to keep the rabble in line.

  6. "Moat with alligators." Re-reading that made me realize (or remember) just how simple-minded and hackish Obama really is. November can't get here fast enough. In the meantime, I would suggest that Texas also form its own militia to guard against illegals sneaking over from the direction of California, and also against any feds trying to order them to cease such actions.

  7. Hawk
    Isn't the number of people killed by the drug cartels similar to the number of US soldiers killed in Vietnam? The drug cartels reached their numbers in just three years, how long were we in Vietnam.
    More power to Texas, in fact if bo gets reelected we should all move to Texas and become a separate country reaffirming the concepts of Americas founding fathers.

  8. I can't see Texas lying down for Obama on any issue and this is a serious one which endangers the lives of their citizens, so I suspect Texas will take this much more seriously than Obama has. They can't let the violence in Mexico cross the border. California, on the other hand, is a lost cause.

  9. Tennessee: Aw, gee, that sounds like voter suppression, which is all the NBPs are trying to prevent.

  10. Joel: Exactly what I was hinting at in the opening paragraph. I'm surprised Holder hasn't already filed a lawsuit. How dare Texans defend themselves?

  11. tryanmax: You bet. But they won't let them put it on bumper stickers. Prudes! And don't forget the children, the children. So they settled on "mess" because "fuss" didn't sound quite right. LOL

  12. Well, Holder doesn't have a leg to stand on considering that NYC has these same types of boats too t protect against terrorist attacks. Just let him try and stop Texas from defending its own borders.

    T-Rav - Gov Perry already tried to activate the Texas National Guard to patrol the border, but Obama would not approve it. Obama does not approve anything that Texas needs to do to protect the border. And secession is not so out of the question as it might have been 4 years ago...

  13. T-Rav: Once an illegal crosses over into the United States he is ipso facto no longer illegal by administration standards. Therefore, Texas cannot stop the "citizens" of California from emigrating to Texas. Where's John Steinbeck when we need him to write The New Grapes of Wrath?

    On the other hand, as long as Texas is already forming its own navy, why not form its own army as well? Hmmmmmmmmmmmm. LOL

  14. Tehachapi Tom: The numbers are close to identical. So far, most of those deaths have occurred on the other side of the border, but that is changing. Texas is preparing to win, California is surrendering and declaring a victory.

  15. Andrew: Even if Holder tried another one of his legal ploys, I see Texas just saying "go ahead and try to enforce your ruling." As for California, they have the votes, we have the guns.

  16. Bev: The NYC gunboats are there to prevent terrorists from coming in and blowing up the Ground Zero mosque. Therefore, it's OK. LOL

    If Texas simply formed a state Army of Self-Defense, it would undoubtedly be found unconstitutional, but I doubt that the feds could do much about it. The state militias have been foiled time and again because they are no longer independent from the central government in Washington DC. My take on the whole thing is that Holder's and Obama's misuse of the law is creating "justifiable lawlessness," and that's a damned shame.

  17. tryanmax, I wonder how many of those people are more upset that Obama isn't actually going to be paying off their credit card debt. The Founders are surely rolling in their graves.

  18. T-Rav: Obamabucks. Obamabucks. Anyone stupid enough to fall for that scam is just as likely to remain loyal to Obama and believe that it was a Republican conspiracy that kept Obama from paying their utility and credit card bills.

  19. I love Texas.

    [I REALLY hate to say this, but TX doesn't need TOTUS-Tax to screw us up - we have enough liberals here to do a good enough job. I'm sure that there will be some "well-intentioned" Dem politician (probably "of color") who will object the first time the Tactical Marine Unit does its job effectively.]

    RE the IowaHawk tweet link - I bet she's a registered voter too... sigh.

  20. a funny aside-- I linked this article on my facebook. For some reason, the "summary" in the link is actually part of Individualist's first comment: "'a California legislator has introduced a bill which would make California a sanctuary state' If California is a Sanctuary State then I guess Hell must be a resort"

    IDK why!?!

  21. rlaWTX: You'll have to get your answer about Facebook from some of our other tech-savvy readers. I'm still trying to figure out how to get to my own message board and friends posts.

  22. Hawk
    I really like the choice of color on the Texas Navy boats. No Battleship Gray for them. Could be since they are Texas Rangers they only feel at home in a black and white, do you suppose.

  23. Tehachapi Tom: Apparently, those are the colors of the Texas Highway Patrol. I'm sure Bev and rlaWTX can fill us in on whether the Rangers and the THP use the same or similar color schemes. If you click on the photo to enlarge it, you can see it says "Texas Highway Patrol."

  24. Most of our loyal readers are showing up today, but a few are missing. I'm hoping they didn't get caught by the virus. Obviously, anybody commenting today got a "green" on the virus website. Those who didn't won't be with us for awhile.

  25. I'm here.

    Just got nuthin' to say on the matter right now.

  26. Kit: We await your afternoon wisdom.

  27. All my exes live in Texas.

  28. Texas has officially opted out of Obamacare.

    "I will not be party to socializing health care and bankrupting my state in direct contradiction to our Constitution and our founding principles of limited government," Mr. Perry said.

    - WashTimes

  29. Excellent post, LawHawk!

    Go Texas! The drug cartels in particular are a clear and present danger. Not only to Texas but every state in the union.

    Since Obama and his czars won't do nothin' to stop it, it's obvious the states must do it themselves.

  30. Lawhawk said: "They would follow his orders to the death to fend off a foreign enemy, but what they might do when ordered to attack their own fellow citizens is quite another thing."

    Won't happen. Not with the fine patriots we have serving now. Thank God.

  31. George: And they're all armed. Be sure to make your support payments on time.

  32. Bev: I heard him announce that this morning on FNC. One thing I've noticed is that he really sounds very intelligent and reasonable, even when being pressured by hostile reporters. Where was that ability during the primaries?

  33. USSBen: Logic and commonsense won't stop Holder from going after them. But they did something very intelligent. No reference to illegal immigrants, but only defense of Texas citizens from armed criminals, a purely state police power.

  34. USSBen: I agree. Historically, some of the best colonels and generals of the Confederacy were West Point graduates. Most notably, Robert E. Lee. Very few of them supported slavery in comparison to those who believe they were defending their homelands (the states). Today, even many Northerners are appalled at the overreach and statism of the central government in Washington DC. That is a card Obama wouldn't dare play. Today, the military could ignore their C in C's orders to attack their fellows. The military is sworn to protect the United States and to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution. Obama launching a campaign against Texas would relieve them of their duty to follow his orders. That said, I don't think it will ever come to that. But . . . . .

  35. Apropos of nothing, but usually the solution to getting around a responsible army is to form your own paramilitary organizations, then put them in charge of the armed forces (plus instituting execution or prison terms for disobedience of orders). Thankfully, Obama is either not smart enough or not ruthless enough to do that.

  36. T-Rav: From that, I conclude that Obama is not Hitler, but largely because Hitler was smarter and more ruthless. LOL

  37. Gov. Perry has not been elected to an "unprecedented"** 4 terms because Texans are idiots. I am not sure why he was so unprepared to run and did poorly. Though I do not think that ANY candidate from Texas would have had a chance and probably won't for the foreseeable future.

    **favorite Obama term

  38. Bev: Ah, what would we do without "unprecedented?" I've always believed that great leaders don't necessarily have to be great orators once they're elected. Dwight Eisenhower spent much of his life half tongue-tied. Most of us never saw Perry outside of the primaries, but I figured something had to be wrong or he would never have been re-elected that many times.

  39. "The military is sworn to protect the United States and to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution."

    Aye! And from all enemies, foreign...and domestic.

  40. I think most of Perry's recent stuff has been a bit more scripted or totally off the cuff - where he seems to do better.
    He seems to get stuck when it's the in between-ness of a debate: scripted talking points and off the cuff segues.

  41. USSBen: Thank you for adding to and making the full quote correct. Foreign and domestic makes the point entirely.

  42. rlaTWX: That makes a lot of sense. But I still have to say he holds up well when challenged by reporters. Maybe he kept hanging up on the Eleventh Commandment during the debates. When he diverged from the Commandment, he seemed to get confused.
