Wednesday, July 18, 2012

More Elective Thoughts

Lots of little things in the news again, but nothing huge. Romney’s VP choice is being discussed extensively, as is Obama’s latest gaffe. A few “conservatives” are still trying to bring down Romney, and there’s more evidence Obama is doomed. Let’s roundup a few campaign thoughts, shall we?

Thought No. 1. Village Grade Idiocy. Obama really is a fool. Check out this quote: “If you’ve got a business – you didn’t built that. Somebody else made that happen.” W.T.F.?? This is the kind of ignorance only a man who never created a single thing could possess.

When you start a business, you take your own risk. Unless you’ve got a crooked financier behind you (like a certain “first black President” and his worthless wife), then you take your own money and your own time and your own labor and you bring them all together to create something that you hope to sell. If you do it right, and there is a market for what you are offering, then your business grows. Soon you hire other people to help expand. But you need to manage them, and everything is still your risk, your money, and your time. Only a man who thinks there are 57 states could suggest otherwise.

This actually gives us insight into why he’s failed as president, because this is how he understands leadership. He thinks you sit your skinny ass in a big leather chair or hide on a golf course as other people make things happen. That’s why ObamaCare became a cluster fudge, why he didn’t get card check or cap and trade, why financial regulation became such a mess, and why he can’t get any budget deals. Pathetic.

Thought No. 2. Just Shut Up Already. I’m really sick of “conservatives” attacking Romney and offering retarded advice. Charles Krauthammer wants Obama to issue an apology for RomneyCare so Obama finally has something to attack. HotAir does too. Bill Kristol is demanding that Romney release his tax returns because that's what Obama wants. This needs to stop. How about these people go after Obama instead of Romney?

Interestingly, of all the clowns in the circus, Donald Trump had the best take on the tax issue. He said that Romney should agree to release his taxes only when Obama agrees to release his college applications and records. Yes! He then said, “I'll tell you what — the Republicans have to get a lot tougher. They have to get down and dirty also, because that's what's happening to them.” I never thought I’d agree with Trump, but this is absolutely right. It’s time that guys like Kristol learn that you can't win by crawling on your stomach to meet the politicized demands of your opponents.

Thought No. 3. VP-arama. Romney is supposedly getting close to naming his choice for VP. I don’t think he can hurt himself with any of the names mentioned so far, but he can waste an opportunity if he picks the wrong person. I’ve said it before that I think he need a minority to send a clear message that the Republican Party has changed. In that regard, the short list includes Rubio, Jindal and Rice. I would prefer Rubio or Jindal to Rice, but I’d take Rice too. Also on the list apparently are Ryan and Pawlenty. I respect both men greatly, but picking either would probably make the ticket easy to lampoon as Dull and Duller. Both would be excellent once in office, however.

I would prefer Rubio (Allen West actually), but my money is now on Kelly Ayotte. She represents New Hampshire in the Senate and was previously the state’s Attorney General. She’s strongly conservative across the board. I’ll profile her if she’s chosen.

Whoever he chooses, it’s worth pointing out just how great Romney’s search has been. Rather than do the usual thing of trying to get a couple weeks of national exposure by dropping names, Romney has spent months now going from state to state, being seen each week with a possible candidate from that state. In the process, he’s generated buzz at the state level in key states (for himself and the local Republicans), and he’s used this as a way to deflect all of Obama’s attacks by each time suggesting he was getting close to making his choice. It’s been brilliantly done. Let’s hope his choice is as brilliant.

Thought No. 4. The Bain of Obama’s Existence. I was a little confused this week when Romney strategist Ed Gillespie suggested that Obama’s attacks on Bain Capital were working. This clearly is not the case. For one thing, there’s nothing to attack. Bain bought and sold businesses, big deal. That hasn’t been controversial since the 1980s. For another, once you say the word “finance” people’s eyes glaze over. For yet another, Obama’s attacks have been esoteric, “lost in the weeds” attacks. Indeed, does it matter to any voter exactly what level of control Romney had as Chairman? Hardly. And if you want proof, look at the number of MSM types who have NOT dug into Bain. They know no one cares.

So why suggest these attacks are working, especially as there’s no evidence Romney is working to counter them? The answer is simple: Team Obama doesn’t seem to realize they’re beating a dead horse, and this was an attempt to make them think they were on to something so they would continue with this useless attack. Nice.

Thought No. 5. Money Troubles. Obama made news last week by whining that Big Bad Romney has so much more money than poor little Red Obama. Interestingly, that’s not actually true. Since this election cycle began, Romney and the RNC have taken in about $425 million all told. Obama and the DNC have taken in $550 million.

So why the whining? Because in the past few months, Romney has blown Obama away. In June, Romney took in about $106 million compared to Obama’s $71 million. In May, Romney raised $77 million compared to $60 million for Obama. And apparently, Romney is now getting increasingly bigger checks as GOP whales are starting to give. Obama, meanwhile, isn’t. Obama is worried by the trend and acted desperately.

Thought No. 6. DOOMED!! Finally, we have more evidence that Obama is doomed. One of the key demographics Obama need is young people. They are the one group he carries overwhelmingly and he needs them to make up for all the oldsters who will be turning out to toss him out. But the news isn’t good for Obama on the youth front. Gallup tracks enthusiasm by age group. In 2004, young people (age 18-29) turned out at 6% below the national average. In 2008, contrary to popular belief, they turned out 7% below the national average. If what they told Gallup is to be believed, they will turn out 20% below the national average in 2012!!! At the same time, old people who turned out 1% below average and 2% below average in 2004 and 2008, intend to turn out 7% above average in 2012. That’s the group that hates Obama the most. All of this will crush Obama and suggests that we are looking at a blow out.



  1. Andrew,

    I can't believe you missed Romney's Speech! There is a shorter clip where Romney bashes Obama. Terrific take down. The full speech is even better.

    As Levin says, "Four more months of this and we will do okay.

  2. At this point, I have nothing to add--you did a fine job! I also like your use of a few certain words:)

  3. a good post, Andrew. What is interesting to me is how different talking heads on television can come to grossly different conclusions. This usually to me is a function of selective polling. One can find some flawed poll to reflect almost anything one wants.

    As for the V.P. pick, I have felt right along that this candidate needs a minority to avoid the stigma of rich white man's party. Condi is too easy to attack and NOT a campaigner. Her likable rating would likely plummet soon after she was named. Jindal is competent, but not nearly as able to fire up people in his speeches. This pick has to be a political choice and that is Rubio. Romney has more chance to make inroads with Hispanics. Rubio is bright, young, appealing, and a hell of a campaigner. He will beat the heck out of Joe Biden and be effective in countering Obama's attack ads.

  4. Joel, I did miss that. Thanks for the link!!

    Romney can deliver some fantastic speeches and he's excellent with the take downs. I can't wait to see the debates. I think he's going to have Obama frustrated, sputtering and looking generally lost.

  5. Thanks Jen! I'm big on the use of certain words. :)

  6. Jed, I think the think about the talking heads is that they have their stock spin opinions and they are just going to find whatever facts they can to support those opinions. They aren't providing you with any sort of analysis, they are just repeating what they want to be true. I prefer to look a little deeper at all the facts and see what comes to mind.

    I agree about Condi, Jindal and Rubio. Condi would be a poor choice because she's simply not a skilled politician. I think she would be easy to smear and she wouldn't know how to respond. My guess is that she comes from the GW Bush plan of not responding to smears, which simply doesn't work. Jindal is much better, but still rather dull. Rubio is the best choice (though I would love Allen West).

    At this point, I think Romney's search has been brilliantly executed. He's turned this into a really excellent PR tour and he's used it to steal news cycles all the time. I just don't know who he will pick. I HOPE it's not a boring white dude. My money would be on Ayotte, but it's very hard to tell right now.

  7. Liberal friend of mine on Facebook the other day: "Why won't Romney release his tax returns?"

    Me: "Why won't Obama release his college transcripts?"

    "Well, er....that's different! Stop changing the subject!"


    Liberals are so easy to agitate, I tell ya.

  8. T-Rav, WELL DONE!! :)

    The thing about the tax returns is that it's really nobody's business. This is America and we aren't supposed to care how much people make or what kinds of deductions they take. And it drives me nuts that so many "conservatives" are so ready to play into Democratic hands on this. All it will do by releasing those is open Romney up to more attacks. There is zero benefit from releasing those. Yet, these establishment conservatives keep harping on this. And at the same time, they give Obama a pass on all of his own information.

    Forget that.

    Heck, conservatives should be standing in the corner of never releasing this stuff because all it does it play into class warfare games. It's time we reduced the amount of information that people worry about when it comes time to picking candidates.

  9. Related to thought № 2, did you notice the "conservative" bandwagon-of-the-week is to basically call Romney a wimp to demand an apology of Obama's campaign for their felony accusations? Talk about missing the point!

    All the Democrats ever do is demand apologies for one imagined slight or another. And they continue to demand apologies of Romney for MassCare while defending ObamaCare as cut from the same cloth. Translation, Dems want the GOP to take responsibility for Dem policy.

    Besides, Romney was not begging to have his wounded feelings soothed. He was asking his opponent to withdraw a slanderous accusation. Not that I think Romney would or should pursue it as such--we all know it would go nowhere.

    But RWR, taking its cues evermore from MSM, takes it as one more opportunity to trash Romney while leaving Obama off the hook. Heck, some have even joined in declaring Obama the winner of the row for his succinct reply, "No!" Nothing could better fit RWR's ongoing meme of Obama's arrogance, but they cast it aside to join in wimpifying the toughest GOP candidate since Reagan.

  10. tryanmax, You and your fancy character usage! LOL!

    RWR really has lost it's mind... and it's credibility.

    Romney's response is exactly what successful PR firms tell you to do -- you demand an apology because that throws the ball back in the other guy's court to prove his statement. Obama can't prove it. And his "no" was a poor response because it shows he's got nothing. It was just a smear. If he had something, he would have used that as an opportunity to further elaborate.

    Also, while Romney continues to look clean, his his surrogates are calling Obama a liar. And as they step up the rhetoric, it angers Obama because he's stuck shadowboxing again. He knows he's taking hits, but they aren't anything he can point to or he ends up fighting with dozens of people not-named Romney and he looks like he's surrounded.

    It's being well-handled. It just doesn't have the angry flair RWR wants. They want angry soundbites which excite listeners, but turn off the public.

    NOT TO MENTION, Romney's understated response keeps this as a back-burner news. That's the thing about Romney's strategy, he's let Obama spin his wheels on this stuff about which almost no one in the country cares. Seriously, if any of this was scoring points, you would see it lead the nightly news. This is inside baseball.

  11. yeah, I saw a headline that Perry has joined the Tax Record Chorus. I really wish they'd just shut up if they aren't going to be supportive.
    TOTUS cannot be reelected if the US is to survive... Get with the program, people!!!!!

    OT: sign on fb from my screaming lib cousin:
    "When there's a huge solar energy spill, it's just called a 'nice day.'" sigh... seriously...?

  12. tryanmax, showing off your "fancy character" skills is unacceptable! Could you do that on your own? No, you had to have help! Therefore, you should acknowledge all of that help instead of showing off!! Tut-tut.

  13. rlaWTX, I think it's crazy how many conservatives/Republicans are so happy to help Obama attack Romney. It's really amazing. And a lot of these are people who used to decry it when RINOs supported the Democrats, yet here they are helping defend the worst President in history.

    And I find the tax issue particularly frustrating because conservatives of all people should be telling the world: "it doesn't matter how much money someone makes, judge a man by his character, not his income bracket."

    Tell your friend, "When there are people who can't afford to buy food because their electric bill is insane, it's called solar energy."

  14. rlaWTX, Clearly, no one has ever achieved anything on their own, it was always because of Obama's people that anyone has ever succeeded at anything, so you are correct: that was not tryanmax's accomplishment... it was Obama's.

  15. That business quote from Obama really is telling. It tells us what kind of an idiot the man is. I'm glad to see that so many business people are pressing back against that one.

  16. I also think your No. 6 is interesting. I can't see their turn out actually being 20% less than normal, but if it's anything lower than normal, then he's in trouble.

  17. Don't have much to add to your list. Well done.

    I can understand why Romney wouldn't want to release his income taxes. Thousands of pages from a successful businessman which are incomprehensible to most wage-earners. He may have to do it yet, but it will leave lots of opportunities for the Democrats to demagogue to the 49% who pay no taxes at all or file 1040 EZs. If he's going to do it at all, he should do it soon and get it over with. The "transcripts for tax returns" ploy is an excellent one.

    I hope we're going to see a lot more of the fired-up Romney who showed up to slice and dice Obama's lies about big government being the source of all wealth.

  18. Doc, It is a stunning quote isn't it? It reminded me of "It Takes A Village" only dumber. This one clearly shows he doesn't understand the first thing about what it take to start a business or keep it running. And that's because he's a man who's never had to do anything in his life -- it was all handed to him.

  19. Victims of Skin CancerJuly 18, 2012 at 12:11 PM

    rla, we would beg to differ with your liberal cousin.

  20. The idea of Ayotte as VP is...interesting. I'm not saying she would be a bad choice; she's got solid Tea Party credentials, to be sure; I just don't know if she's what Romney needs for the general election. One thing I've heard in support of Ryan and Pawlenty is that they would be a big help in winning at least part of the Upper Midwest. Not the only consideration, of course, but--I don't know. Most of that short list are trustworthy conservatives, so I won't lose too much sleep over it.

  21. Doc, I can't see their turnout being that seriously depressed (20% off), but I do expect it to be down significantly. And since those are key votes he needs, he's in trouble. The biggest killer will be the upsurge in the over 60 vote. That will doom him.

  22. Lawhawk, Romney said the other day that releasing taxes only provides ammunition to the other side and I agree with that. What benefit does it give him to release those? The only benefit is that Obama will demagogue differently. So I would refuse to release them and go with either "this is privacy and in America it doesn't matter what others make" or the "I'll release mine when you release your transcripts." That keeps the issue alive and makes Obama look bad.

  23. Dear Victims, And don't forget that collecting all that heat raises global temperatures and if done on a massive scale would kill polar bears and make children die in the streets.

  24. I would like to thank Al Gore for inventing the internet...

  25. Has anyone else seen the Obama ad ripping off Reagan's "big government isn't the solution" speech? Obama's ad says "Mitt Romney isn't the solution, he's the problem." Oh, brother! How desperate is this guy?

  26. T-Rav, She wouldn't be my first choice, but she would be a better choice than a bland white guy in my opinion. I think he's going to pick her because there's been a lot of talk from Ann Romney suggesting he would pick a woman. And I think it will be hard for him to go back on that talk now, and she's easily the best choice among women right now. I would have said Haley six months ago, but she's kind of fallen away.

    Also on Ayotte, she's Tea Party, which shores up that weakness for him. Plus, she's from a state he really wants to win. And of all the people on the list, he's been most silent about her. That often means he's taking her more seriously than the rest.

    In terms of the list, I am comfortable with anybody on it, except maybe Portman. But I really want to see him change the tone of the debate by grabbing a strong minority candidate. I see this as a moment of opportunity to forever dump the idea that Republicans are the white male party.

    To me, the worst choice would be Pawlenty. He's duller than dirt and couldn't even bring Romney Minnesota. Pawlenty needs a cabinet position, not a spot on the cabinet. I also wouldn't want to see Ryan, even though I'm a huge fan, because he has better places to be.

    If he needs a white guy, grab Christie (who I also don't like) because at least Christie has attack dog instincts and he represents the fat guy vote. :)

  27. tryanmax, Al has done us wonders. LOL!

  28. Lawhawk, I haven't seen it, but it sounds laughably stupid.

  29. LawHawk, personally I'm still amazed that the Dems could make this "Bane=Bain" comparison with a straight face. Even for our politics, that's really reaching.

  30. T-Rav, And after the creator of Bane and Nolan both flat out said that had nothing to do with it! Pathetic.

  31. In that case, Andrew, who's your ideal minority candidate? Allen West, Nikki Haley, Bobby Jindal, or Marco Rubio? (Or I guess Susanna Martinez.)

  32. T-Rav, My idea minority candidate without a moment's hesitation is Allen West. He's super smart, super disciplined, has a compelling story, spits fire when he gets going, and is not only solidly Tea-Party conservative, but he's not stupid about it like many other, i.e. he understands the need to get thing done in politics means you can't always hold out for the 100%. I would take him in a minute.

    Rubio would be second and then Jindal. I haven't seen Martinez in action enough so I can't say much about her, and Haley seems to be flailing as governor, so she needs more experience first. Rice doesn't make the list.

    What about you?

  33. Andrew and T-Rav: This is the perfect opportunity for some prominent Republican to say to Obama: "I knew Ronald Reagan, and you're no Ronald Reagan." If they want to distort old speeches, so can we.

  34. T-Rav, I just heard about the Bane=Bain thing this morning. It's so incredibly stupid that the Dems are apparently trying to push the idea off on Limbaugh. I guess he was laughing about how stupid it was yesterday and today the left is pulling selective quotes from his monologue to make it look like he came up with it. It is truly a bizarre world.

  35. Did you all see the RNC's response to "You didn't build that!"


    P.S. I hate Obama.

  36. *Warning...some of the comments contain foul language. Not that you can't handle it.

  37. Andrew: I agree with your top three, only in a slightly different order. Rubio, West, Jindal. Those who follow our blog know that if I had my druthers, Jindal would have been the presidential nominee. Since he isn't, he should stick to his successful term(s) as governor of Louisiana, continuing to turn that once desolate state around. He's young and has plenty of time to rise to further national prominence.

    I love West and his outspoken manner of getting straight to the truth. But then I'm a conservative, so for people like me, he's preaching to the choir. We have to win over moderates, independents and Reagan Democrats. I think he may be a bit too controversial. He'd make a great vice president, but I'm not sure he's the ideal vice presidential candidate.

    Rubio strikes the right balance. Young, dynamic, conservative, and of course, Hispanic. He opposes illegal immigration, but is the only one talking about the very simple fact that we need immigration reform that doesn't come off as anti-immigrant and anti-Hispanic. The left would have us believe that since he's of Cuban-descent he can't win over any other Latinos. Baloney. California is full of Hispanics, largely Mexican descent, who would love to see him as the veep candidate.

    That said, I would be delighted if Romney chose any of the three.

  38. LawHawk, I've got a better one. Romney just needs to say, "How can I be the problem? Obama's the one in the White House."

  39. tryanmax: Excellent!

  40. Lawhawk, I'm all for tossing their own quotes back at them and that would be a good one to use because everybody knows its meaning so clearly.

  41. tryanmax, It is a bizarre world in which the Democrats live. Both Nolan and the creator of Bane immediately shot down that they had any such idea in mind or that the film was meant in any way to make a political statement. Yet, they kept pushing it.

    So now they're trying to pretend it was Rush's idea? LOL! Good luck with that.

    Man have they gotten stupid lately. Losing their monopoly on information through the MSM has really exposed them as paper donkeys.

  42. Tam, That's hilarious. He's such an ass and those photos of him laughing at these things are just so perfect!

    Here's your link: LINK

    From the sound of things, that comment really irked a lot of business people who were on the fence. Nice work President Downgrade!

  43. Lawhawk, You are of course correct. West is great for conservatives, but he probably wouldn't be anywhere near as good at reaching out to moderates as Rubio. Rubio would be the better choice.

    Still, I'd be thrilled with any of them. This is one time I don't feel like we're scraping the bottom of the barrel!

  44. tryanmax, Excellent response, especially as it keeps the focus on Obama's horrible record.

    Plus, he should toss in, "I guess with this administration, the buck stops nowhere."

  45. I am going to take another approach to Obama's remarks. I am currently trying to create a project and it is very tough and expensive for me because My partner and I are having to do it all by ourselves it seems.

    I am ecstatic to hear that someone else is supposed to do this for me. Therefore, Mr. Obama I figure I could use say $20K from your stash. Call me for the Bahamian Bank account you can wire the money too.

    Oh and BTW some of that figure is payment for time spent. Remeber you said "someone else did that...." so it is only fair...

  46. I would be thrilled with any of the names being mentioned - except Portman. We really do have a great set of people ready to step up in the future. :D

    Also, if Bane is Romney and Obama is Batman, does that make Biden Robin and Hillary Catwoman? Just a thought. And now excuse me as I go wash my brain with bleach after imagining Hillary in a catsuit and Biden in tights.

  47. We were warned about this already by Ayn Rand.

    Ayn Rand

    “He didn’t invent iron ore and blast furnaces, did he?”


    “Rearden. He didn’t invent smelting and chemistry and air compression. He couldn’t have invented his Metal but for thousands and thousands of other people. His Metal! Why does he think it’s his? Why does he think it’s his invention? Everybody uses the work of everybody else. Nobody ever invents anything.”

    She said, puzzled, “But the iron ore and all those other things were there all the time. Why didn’t anybody else make that Metal, but Mr. Rearden did?”

    - Atlas Shrugged, P1C9

  48. Indi, Good luck getting your money! Somehow, I doubt Obama will see it that way. He thinks all the risk should be on you, but the benefits of your success should go to him.

  49. Doc, That is truly an unhappy thought. Thanks for that. Yuck.

  50. ACG, Rand and Orwell and Huxley have all proven to be prophets now that the Democrats have gone off the deep end.

  51. Tam, a friend of mine posted some similar pics on FB this morning. My favorite is the one of Obama photoshopped in next to Thomas Edison and the light bulb and saying,



  52. T-Rav, I saw one of the Peterbilt logo with "No he didn't" superimposed on the image. Ha.

    I love the blowback on this "gaffe." (is it really a gaffe when he accidentally tells the truth about his ideology?)

  53. Tam, Democrats don't make gaffes, you know that. Only Republicans do.

    But to answer your question, yes it is a gaffe because it was a complete mistake that he exposed what he's tried so hard to keep hidden. . . his beliefs.

  54. Why do I feel like there should be an internet meme called "Gaffe Giraffe"?

  55. Afriend on fb had a link about "you didn't build that", and a friend of hers tried really, really hard to justify the statement. It was rather sad to watch...

  56. Sorry Andrew! Re-education camp for me!

    And,last one, I promise.

    "Someone else made that happen."

    ...says the man who single-handedly killed bin Laden.

  57. Andrew, I'll admit to having a soft spot for Jindal above all others. Don't know why, exactly--I guess it's that he has the same attributes folks like Ryan do. Young, charismatic, combine social and fiscal conservatism, clearly deep thinkers about policy solutions...all that. And while I know people bring up that rough SOTU response from 2010, that seems like a poor reason for disqualifying someone on its own.

    As for the others, I like Allen West too, but I also share your reservations about him as VP. So Rubio would probably be my second choice. I don't know enough about how Martinez and Haley have performed to say anything about them one way or the other.

  58. tryanmax, Perhaps we should invent one? :)

    Which of course means we didn't really invent it, Obama did.

  59. rlaWTX, Have you noticed a sense of desperation start creeping into your liberal friends? Things aren't going well for them, are they?

  60. Tam... ZAP!! Direct hit! Very nicely done. :)

  61. T-Rav, I think Jindal, Ryan, Rubio, and West would all be excellent choices and would also be excellent Presidents one day. I'm very encouraged about the future because of that list.

    I don't know enough about Martinez or Haley to say yea or nay on them at this point. I do know that Haley has struggled, but she's also been unfairly smeared by her own people.

    But however you cut it, we have a very strong field for 2016/2020 right now, much stronger than at any point in my lifetime.

  62. I'm not surprised old people will turn out because Obama has really attacked them repeatedly, especially with the massive cuts he's planning in Medicare to pay for Obamacare.

  63. Tam, That's a great link! Now they need to do one with him taking credit for the Titanic!

  64. rla, watching liberals try to argue against the facts is always sad. Or hilarious, depending on your personal temperament.

  65. Ellen, Old people have the power to sway elections and if they are excited (and I believe they are) this will be very ugly for Obama. Intensity really will be the key to this election in a lot of states and those numbers all go against Obama at the moment.

  66. T-Rav, I always found it frustrating. So much idiocy... so much denial.

    //shakes head slowly

  67. T-Rav, facts don't matter nearly as much as how you feeeeeel about them. Sorta like how it's not the nature of the evidence that matters, it's the seriousness of the charge.

  68. Andrew

    So if I get what you are saying correctly

    Obama is like one of those guys who would welsh on a bet.

    ... and here I thought all I had to do was have an idea and Obama would build it for me. I guess society only takes credit for the work I do, they don't actually do any work... hmmm forgot the Orwell factor to everything Dear Leader says....

  69. Obama's message to seniorsJuly 18, 2012 at 3:32 PM

    Life sucks. And if you re-elect me, I promise to put an end to it.

  70. tryanmax, Isn't that the truth! It's not whether you're guilty or innocent that matters, it's how "serious" the allegations are. Twisted, isn't it?

  71. Indi, Yep. That describes Obama accurately. He won't lift a finger to help you. In fact, he'll try to stand in your way and accuse you of all kinds of bad things for trying. Then he'll take what you achieve because you clearly don't deserve it.

  72. Dear Message to Seniors, I believe I've seen that in one of Obama's campaign videos.

  73. #1: i have a business idea and *someone* better start making me! Go on. i'll wait.

    #2:say what you want about trump, but i love it when he flashes is, um, nuts.

    #3: i pray daily for romney's choices. and i, too would like west, but would happily take rubio.

    #4: straight from the libbie playbook - say something enough and hope it sticks as truth.

    #5: WHAT?! not enough people handing over their wedding/birfday/annv. presents?! greedy romney-lovin' bastards.

    #6: shhhh, don't scare the landslide away...

  74. Patti, I know, if other people are handing out businesses, how come I didn't get one?

    I think they're wasting their time on Bain. It's too long ago and too irrelevant to strike a nerve, and it's too complex for people to pay attention to. It's a waste of time. But hey, if that's all they have, then feel free to spin those wheels.

  75. tryanmax, as the great Dan Rather would say, "It was false but accurate."

  76. Hey Andrew

    Tell Obama to quit stretching and twisting us all the time.

    Our backs hurt.....

  77. In the ongoing effort to transmogrify the United States of America into a banana republic, Harry Reid has introduced new legislation to FORCE presidential candidates to provide 10 years worth of tax returns. Additional legislation has been introduced to FORCE presidential candidates to also provide listings of oversea holdings.

    I guess the Democrats think this is a winning wedge issue. What are the odds that this will backfire on them?

  78. Joel, It looks like grandstanding and my guess is that no one will pay any attention to it. Plus, I doubt very much that the public will care one way or the about this issues in the end.

    But these things do always backfire.

  79. Andrew,

    Yes, it is grandstanding, but it demonstrates that the Democrats have nothing except class warfare. What it also demonstrates is that the Democrats have absolutely no clue about the American Character and that the Country Club Republicans can be used as a disinformation wing. This time, and probably for the first time, RINOs have a use.

    As it is, Obama has two dead horses to beat. Bain and tax returns. Both issues are not resonating with the country at large. Only liberals and RINO's.

  80. Andrew, actually, I have noticed the die-hards getting more intense. The sofites are the ones trying to defend him. While the die-hards just assume he is right and needs no "defending" - conservatives just need offending...

  81. Joel, I think it's very telling that the Democrats think their best argument for winning the White House is to be allowed to scour the taxes of a man we know is rich in the hopes of finding dirt. Talk about desperate!

    And like you, I see no evidence anywhere that these issues (Bain or taxes) are resonating with the public. Liberals are latching onto them because they want to hate Romney, so they'll latch onto whatever argument Obama offers -- though even they don't really seem to care about these issues, as they haven't even bothered to learn the details.

    The RINOs will latch onto it because they love to worry and fret whenever we aren't doing exactly what the Democrats demand of us, because they seem to think the Democrats are perfect or something.

    But the public doesn't care. And if this is all Obama has to offer, then he's in serious, serious trouble.

  82. rlaWTX, I'm seeing a lot of frustration and desperation in liberal ranks. Obama has offered them nothing to latch onto and no reason to hate Romney. That seems to have the rank and file confused and upset because they're not being told what to believe, so they actually have to think for themselves and that's not something they're good at.

    It's like an ant colony that lost its queen.

  83. Andrew, so they actually have to think for themselves and that's not something they're good at, LOL! And that's our distinct advantage over them.

    It's confusion confusing the confused (reminds me of someone's ridiculous comment on whatever site that was--had to do with 'distractions').
