Wednesday, July 11, 2012

The Smell of Disaster

Ya know, you take a week off to give the world time to refill its collection of news stories and then you come back to find nothing is going on. What the heck? Did the world get lazy? . . or sane? Well, no, not quite. There are a few things worth discussing. It seems things aren't going well on the left.

Uh, Whoops (Part 52): Once again, Team Obama has stepped up to the plate with a new attack on Romney. And once again, it’s failing miserably. This attack involves calling Romney an outsourcer of jobs. The only problem? No one cares. . . if they’re even listening. Moreover, Romney has once again turned Obama’s attack back against Obama and made him look stupid. This time, Romney made the obvious counterattack by calling Obama the nation’s “Outsourcer in Chief” and pointing out that Obama’s policies have encouraged jobs to be sent oversees and resulted in taxpayer money being paid to overseas companies. Indeed, let’s not forget that the president of Obama’s President's Council on Jobs and Competitiveness, Jeffry Immelt of General Electric, sent 25,000 American jobs overseas in the two years before Obama appointed him. Whoops.

Carolina Dreamin’: Speaking of Obama, here’s proof he’s going to lose North Carolina even though the polls show a neck and neck race. Democratic Representatives Larry Kissel and Mike McIntyre will both be joining the Republicans in voting to repeal ObamaCare this week. Neither will endorse Obama. And Kissel voted to impeach Eric Holder. Neither would be doing any of that if they didn’t think their constituents hated Obama.

Uh. . . no: Carolina isn’t the only place either where Obama has problems. Consider this. Obama has decided to play a little class warfare before the election. Specifically, he’s calling for letting the Bush Tax Cuts expire for anyone making more than $250,000. Sounds like a no-brainer for the Democrats, right? Well, not so fast. Several House and Senate Democrats are freaking out and want to raise that number to $1,000,000. Senators from Florida, Missouri, Nevada, Nebraska and Virginia all have taken this position. Interestingly, three of those are considered “battleground” states, and apparently, Obama is losing the battle.

Turning Up The Hate: With Democratic frustrations mounting, they and their allies are starting to turn up the hate. A former Media Matters executive just put out a racist youtube video in which he says Romney is “too white” to meet with the NAACP, something Romney is doing this week. The ad features an actor pretending to be the man who created the Willie Horton ad, and he says this to Romney about trying to meet with the NAACP:
“You are so white, you are extremely white, you make Wonder Bread look like pumpernickel.”
He then tells Romney to “get all Mormon, Martin Luther King” on the audience. Is anybody really surprised by this? I doubt it. Not when James Earl Jones became the latest celebrity to label the Tea Party “racist.” Joy Behar says it regularly. Also this week, Biden said this to minorities: “Republicans have changed the law so you get arrested if you vote.” He claims he was joking, but how is race-baiting funny? Not to mention, he also told the National Council of La Raza, a race hate group: “Romney wants you to show your papers.” At the same time, Rep. Jim Clyburn called Republican attempts to trim the food stamp program, which exploded since 2008 through an administrative change, an “abomination” and implied Republicans want to starve poor children. David Letterman joked that Romney wants to put gays back in the closet. Barney Frank said something similar. And so on.

It’s amazing how consistently the Democrats try to bait minorities with false claims of racism or other –isms. It makes you wonder how they sleep at night spreading so much hate?

Lost Faith: Finally, the MSM has hit another all-time low. In the days of Edward R. Murrow, the MSM was the undisputed arbiter of the truth. If they said it, Americans believed it. But like anything else liberals infest, the MSM has lost its way. And as alternative methods of staying informed have become available, people have started discovering just how biased our liberal friends in the MSM have been. That, in turn, leads to a huge erosion of trust.

That brings us to Gallup. Gallup has been asking people about their level of confidence in the MSM for years now. And surprise surprise, this year’s result shows that the American public’s confidence in the MSM is at an all-time low. How low? In 1993, 46% of the public said they trusted the nightly news. In 2012, only 21% trust the nightly news. In 1979, their peak year, newspapers were trusted by 51% of the public. In 2012, only 28% trust newspapers.

A lot of this is the result of liberals, whose trust in the news and newspapers fell from 30% last year to 19% this year. But even leaving that aside, it’s clear that something is very wrong with the MSM if only one in five Americans trust them. But maybe the better question is, what’s wrong with the one in five?


  1. LOL! Hilarious pic! Now I'll read the post. Ahem. Ha ha ha ha!

  2. But even leaving that aside, it’s clear that something is very wrong with the MSM if only one in five Americans trust them. But maybe the better question is, what’s wrong with the one in five?"

    Some of them are probably journalists. At any rate, they are completely out of touch with reality.

  3. That's good news about NC!
    I was gonna say maybe the bluedogs are making a comeback, but I concur they are merely following the political winds like Clinton used to do.

  4. Ben, I truly am left to wonder who in their right mind trusts the news these days? The bias is so blatant that you can't help but see it. I just don't get it?

  5. Ben, I think there will always be a smattering of moderate Democrats in places like NC, but they have no power in the Democratic Party. It has moved onto the progressive plantation and they aren't welcome except as forced votes. Personally, I think it would be best if we could replace each of them with Republicans, but we'll see.

    In any event, its obvious that these guys wouldn't be acting this way if they thought Obama had a chance of carrying the state. they know he's done and they've decided to save themselves.

  6. I'm convinced that Obama and his entire administration are a bunch of imbeciles.

    He doesn't even check with Pelosi and Reid before he reveals his predictable class warfare Bush Tax Cut extension plan?

    Wile E. Was a genius. You Mr. Presidente are no genius.
    Hell, I have serious doubts Obama and his minions approach average intelligence.

    I know, I know. I'm racist for mentioning the obvious, thank you democrat trolls.

  7. Speaking of the NAACP, Poweline had this funny headline up recently:

    How Do You Get Into the NAACP Convention to Hear Eric Holder Say That Voter ID Laws Are Racist?
    Of course: you have to present a “government-issued photo I.D. (such as a driver’s license)."

    LOL! Holder's brilliance is like a candle in the wind.

  8. Ben, I am too. I've said from day one that he's an empty suit with no skills whatsoever, and time has proven that his staff is no better. A lot of people still insist he's some sort of genius, but he's not. And his attacks on Romney have prove that. The worst thing you can do is keep changing your message, and Obama is doing that almost weekly. Moreover, the things they've picked to attack have been stupid and have been the kinds of things the public just won't care about... "oh, he didn't release all of his taxes! Oh the horror!" And then, Romney has very easily deflected these attacks right back onto Obama. That's pathetic. It's like they didn't even realize Romney would be allowed to respond. How can they be that daft?

  9. Ben, I almost mentioned that. Isn't that hilarious?! So it's evil to demand an ID to vote, but it's fine to demand an ID to attend an NAACP function? Ha!

  10. They probably thought Romney would roll over like McCain did.

    I gotta say I have been very impressed thus far. Romney has learned a lot and keeps getting better!
    And he's not afraid to go toe-to-toe.
    I'm predicting Romney wins by a KO in November!

  11. If the Dems are in such trouble, then why do the polls say it's neck and neck?

  12. Andrew,

    This is getting more and more interesting as Obama and Company continue with their attacks.

    What also is interesting is if you check the polls, you will find that more and more the pollsters are weighting the results towards Obama. With weighting you get a neck and neck showing. Without weighting you get a blowout with Obama the loser.

    There is even some talk that California is in play. Wouldn't that be something!

  13. Obama will win the usual big cities in certain states. That might be enough for him to carry that state. In those states that don't have a huge city, he will be blown out. Fraud, corruption and illegal voting will only carry him so far. Look at Las Vegas voting for Harry Reid last election. Stories of people voting for his opponent and then seeing the result come out as a vote for Reid?

    Thieves, crooks and liars have always been with they are called Democrats. Couesescu them all.

  14. Romney's performance isn't surprising given his strong performance in the primaries. At the time I remember a lot of people complained the winner would be too weak to win, but I think competitions produce stronger candidates than coronations.

    I think that the victory of the Democrats in 2008 was a forgone conclusion (Clinton also would have won, though Edwards obviously would have imploded) due to Bush fatigue and Congressional scandals.

    I believe that Obama will lose in 2012 due to the fact that the economy is in horrible shape and he clearly has no idea about what to do about it.

    The only thing that could change the equation is the debates (let's not forget how many people hung themselves with their tongues during the Republican primaries) but Romney did a good job during the dozens of primary debates so I'm optimistic.

  15. "How do they sleep at night?" Easy, in the world of Alinsky, "minister of propaganda" is a cabinet level position, and "the end justifies the means" is taken as an article of faith.

    From a political perspective, it is driven by a combination of ideology and economics. I think they believe that despite their efforts, Republicans gained the white house for 24 of the past 32 years. With the rise of cable news, most notably Fox News Channel, talk radio, and the internet blogosphere, they no longer have a monopoly on framing the "conversation (oops, I mean debate!) They probably feel they have to become even more openly partisan since subtle hasn't been getting it done.

    From an economic perspective, the media has convinced itself that to get noticed, they have to get partisan. They have convinced themselves that people only want to hear news that reinforces what they already believe. There is probably some truth to that, BUT it begs the question, did they help create that situation? In other words, if the entire old media had been more diverse in fair to begin with, would their have been a Fox News? I think MSNBC and CNN face an up hill battle with competitors. Conservatives gravitate to Fox because no other outlet gives Repub.'s a fair shake. Individual networks like CNN must battle Fox, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, and NBC.

  16. The "Outsourcer in Chief" moniker is brilliant. Conservatives might not appreciate it, but Romney’s got an ability to coin bumper-sticker phrases which really stick in people’s heads--much like "Are you better off now than you were four years ago?"--and those have a way of winning elections.

    In defense of the NAACP, if honkies like Elizabeth Warren can claim to be Native American and get away with it, photo ID may be the only way to verify if someone is really black.

    Also, a couple more items for the Obama-desperation file. In one of his latest campaign appearances, Obama pointed out that this is his last campaign, essentially telling them, "This is your last chance to vote for me!" That's gotta be the worst campaign tactic ever.

    Also, rumor in the Cornhusker State is that Democrat senatorial candidate, Cosmic Bob Kerry was chosen to run for Ben Nelson's old seat, not because he was thought to have a chance at winning, but because the Obama campaign is hoping to peel off one measly electoral vote in the 2nd District as he did in 2008. The only difference is, in '08 he didn't desperately need it.

  17. K, the polls keep showing it neck-and-neck because they consistently oversample Democrats. The last one I read from WaPo had a flat-out tie between the two, for example, but it gave Democrats a nine-point advantage--that is, there was a nine-point gap between the proportion of Democrats and Republicans polled (33% D, 24% R, the rest independents). To put that in perspective, Obama won in '08 with only a seven-point gap between the two, and in 2010 each party made up 35% of voters. If the pollsters shifted to a model based on those results, Obama would be getting his rear handed to him in poll after poll.

  18. ... Holder's brilliance is like a candle in the wind.

    Yeah, one of those little votive candles my wife likes to use for romantic atmosphere.

  19. Ben, I agree. I am very, very impressed with Romney. He's running one of the best campaigns I've seen on either side in my lifetime. He has Obama completely flustered, he's blowing holes in him left and right, and he's untouchable as a candidate.

    I think he's the first Republican since Reagan to actually understand how to run a campaign. And I'm glad he's ignoring all the stupid "suggestions" he's getting from the sidelines -- things like issuing apologies or responding personally to every single criticism or getting really inflammatory. He's letting Obama hang himself.

  20. "In 2012, only 21% trust the nightly news."
    That is truly fantabulousness!!!! This is one of those things I worry about - people who only hear the MSM's version of events and vote/act accordingly. So, this poll result is wondiferous!!!
    (even if libs are helping the decrease)

  21. K, The polls are wrong for several reasons, but the biggest is the sample they are choosing. Pollsters base their sample on what happened in the prior election. In the prior election, Republican turnout was depressed by about 2% and Democratic turn out was up by about 2-3% over normal. So the samples they use for their analysis reflect this same dynamic, even though that won't be the case this time.

    If you just wipe out this difference, then you need to add 5% to Romney and you will see that he's just at or above 50% in most states.

    That's the biggest reason.

  22. Joel, If California is in play, then Obama should resign now!

    I think this is getting really fascinating to watch actually. Obama's team is just intensely desperate. It's obvious they have no plan on how to campaign and they can't decide how to hit Romney. They've tried about two dozen different attacks and none of them worked, so they've given up on each of them. Even the MSM is struggling to find something.

    And Romney has turned most these attacks into laughers which have blown up on Obama -- like the dog thing.

    You're right about them adjusting their polls toward Obama. They are doing that because they are acting like this election will have an identical turn out to the last one, but that never happens. If you factor that out, then the polls look truly horrible for Obama. We could well be looking at a blow out.

  23. Patriot, Obama has certain built in constituents who will turn out for him no matter what he says or does -- both sides do. The key is to get a huge turn out from them and to depress the other guy's turn out and then to win over the critical independents in the middle.

    Right now, Obama's side is depressed, ours is energized and independents are breaking 2-1 for Romney. That's a blowout in the making.

    In terms of voter fraud, I agree that's a problem, but I think it can only affect around 1% of the vote. I think that won't be enough.

  24. To go along with the report on the decline in the MSM's reputation, here's an awesome video from yesterday of NBC's Andrea Mitchell basically being laughed at by the person she's trying to grill. Embarrassing. LINK

  25. Anthony, I agree entirely.

    Romney has run a really impressive campaign, but we shouldn't be surprised. He ran an effective business, he won in a deeply liberal state, and he ran a really strong campaign in the primary. He's got the mentality of someone who knows that he doesn't know everything and so does his research... he's not wedded to "the way it's always been done" like so many others.

    And he was truly effective in the primary. He found ways to just keep Gingrich and Santorum completely off-balance and flailing. And yet, nothing could ever be shoved on his doorstep, so they got frustrated because they couldn't counterattack. He's doing the same thing to Obama now. He's gotten under Obama's skin and Obama is taking cheap shots all over the place, making himself look weak, while Romney seems to stay above it all. It makes Obama look desperate and angry.

    I think 2012 is a forgone conclusion frankly, just like 2008. No Republican was going to win after Bush. And Obama in particular made this an easy choice because he had no record anyone could point to and he spoke about being different and moderate. This time, Obama is playing the role of Bush. He spent 4 years just pissing people off left and right and he's lost all the goodwill he came to office with. And Romney is playing it right by keeping the election as a referendum on Obama rather than trying to win it and risking making the election about himself.

    As for the debates, Romney proved to be truly solid in the primaries. He was knowledgeable and (more importantly) came across as knowledgeable. He was sharp, made good attacks, didn't sound pissy, and most importantly -- never put his foot in his mouth. I think he will blow Obama away.

    And don't forget, Obama hasn't debated since 2008, and the guy he debated at the time was a fool.

  26. Jed, Clearly they can sleep well at night, I'm just amazed by it. I would hate myself if I ran around trying to stir people up to hate each other, just so I could win an election. But you are right, to them, the ends justify any means.

    I think the media has made it's own problems here. They went partisan but tried to claim they weren't and that completely eroded the trust they had. What that did was alienate anyone who saw the bias. For a while they could get away with it because there was no competition, but now with cable (first) and then internet, there is competition and they've bled marketshare as conservatives fled in droves, and then as liberals left for stations that were more open about their bias.

    Basically, they killed the golden goose by selling brass eggs and discredited the whole profession in the process.

  27. The one thing which troubles me is that so many conservatives just won't stop attacking Romney. I don't understand that, but they really seem to hate him.

  28. T-Rav: that video is pretty awesome. She struggled the whole time. Did she not have a clue how Sununu would answer???

  29. Duq: I am with you on the conservative anti-Romney diatribes. I understand wanting a more conservative candidate to have come out on top, but I simply do not get being willing to have 4 more years of TOTUS rather than hop on the Romney for Pres train.

  30. tryanmax, I agree. Romney has a real verbal cleverness to him and an ability to turn a phrase. "Outsourcer in Chief" is brilliant because it makes it impossible for Obama to call him an outsourcer without people remembering that phrase and thinking about what Obama has done. And since this is a charge without any real proof on either side, the public has no reason to believe one and not the other. So at worst, this made Obama's attack a wash, but it probably makes Obama look much worse. For one thing, it sounds like what he's done is "bigger" (in-chief). Plus it makes him seem hypocritical for doing the same thing and yet attacking Romney. Plus it makes him look stupid for not realizing Romney would point this out.

    LOL! Honkies like Elisabeth Warren! I just think it's hilarious that they are requiring photo ids when they are simultaneously claiming that demanding photo ids "disenfranchises" minorities!

    I had that same thought by the way, about his statement that this is his last race. It has the feeling of (1) someone who has given up and is not in a self-pity party, and (2) a desperate attempt to get a sympathy vote... this could be the last time you see me (sniff sniff). It feels smarmy and manipulative.

    How would running Kerry help with the one district?

  31. rlaWTX, I agree completely. Andrew like Romney more than I do, but I'll take it faith he'll be a solid president. But even though I don't like him that much, I really hate Obama, so why in the world would I want to attack Romney? I don't understand it? But I see a lot of it these days, and a lot of it is really wrong too. They say things which just aren't true.

  32. T-Rav, That's absolutely right, and thanks for pointing out the hard numbers behind the WashPo poll.

    You and I both know this election will not have similar turnout figures to 2008, yet they keep using the 2008 turnout figures as a base and even tweaking them more pro-Obama (depending on the poll -- PPP is really bad about this).

    And so you know, pollsters have a long history of this. I don't think Reagan or Bush I were ever ahead in the polls, and yet they won in landslides.

  33. Libertarian Advocate, A votive candle indeed! With a stinkweed smell.

  34. "the smell of disaster" immediately took me to law's post on service animals. does it smell like bacon?

  35. rla, NBC is going completely off the rails. It's not even bothering to hide its status as a shill for the Left anymore, its "office politics" are evident, and even old standbys such as Meet The Press are bottoming out in ratings. Why they expect to still be taken seriously despite all this is a mystery to me (and apparently everyone else).

  36. rlaWTX, "fantabulousness" is truly an excellent word! I like that and will need to use it. :)

    I agree with you, I think it's fantabulous that basically no one trusts the MSM anymore. My biggest concern, like you, has always been that while we can get out the truth, a huge chunk of Americas would just keep right on trusting the MSM. Apparently, they don't. And I think it will only get worse over time.

  37. T-Rav, Thanks for the link! That's awesome. :) I've noticed an increasing number of people who refuse to be passive interviews anymore and actually take on the journalists. In an ideal world, I would think that's a bad thing, but our journalists have brought it on themselves and I think it's great that the public isn't letting themselves be used anymore.

  38. DUQ, We've discussed this in the comments a couple times and I think it's a tantrum frankly. I think a lot of the Anybody But Romney people have simply decided they want to be proven right and they are going to do their best to drag Romney down. Fortunately, few people listen to them. And even more fortunately, Romney seems to understand that he should neither accept their advise nor worry about trying to please them.

  39. rlaWTX, The thing is, that the Republicans are finally standing up for the first time in my lifetime. Until very recently, Republicans always played nice and took whatever abuse was given to them. But since about 2009, they've started standing up for themselves and even firing back. It's been great to see. :)

  40. rlaWTX and DUQ, I think Romney will surprise people, but even leaving that aside, the choice is between at worst a moderate Republican who will be controlled by a strongly conservative Congress and Obama. All attacking Romney does is help Obama. So why would any conservative want to attack Romney and help Obama?

    Sadly, they do want this. I'm amazed at some of the venom for Romney at places like HotAir.

    And I'll tell you what. I firmly believe Romney has very strong potential to be a great conservative President. And if I'm right, and he turns out that way, watch as these same people embrace him and then claim they wanted him the whole time.

  41. DUQ, I think it's a tantrum. I think these people have decided that Romney isn't a conservative so they are going to prove that he shouldn't be president.

    And I have to tell you, the advice they are giving on how he could supposedly win them over (which he can't) is horrid. They basically want him to commit political suicide for them. I'm glad he's ignoring them.

  42. Patti, I would think the smell of disaster might have a strong bacon smell, yes. :)

  43. Andrew, That picture is great. And I love your intro how the world almost became sane. LOL!

  44. T-Rav, I think they're all tanking, and they aren't going to win people back with their format -- leftism hiding as unbiased. Conservatives have no reason to watch that, people who just want news have no reason to watch, and liberals have no reason to watch because they can get a bigger dose of bias at other places.

  45. Doc, I like the picture a lot. And you would think that after a week, there would be more news stories to write about!

  46. Ok, finished the article. All very encouraging. I'm thrilled the MSM is failing. It couldn't happen to an nice group of turds.

    I get the sense that Obama is failing, but I do wish the polls showed it more. I am impressed the Romney is so close or ahead in so many placed, but it would make me more comfortable if he had a 10% lead everywhere.

  47. Nice link T-Rav. I love watching MSM types get all flustered.

  48. Excellent photo! I'll comment later when I have more time to read everybody's responses, gotta run.

  49. Doc, It is encouraging and I do wish it would appear in the polls more. But it won't because of the way the polls are done, so you really need to break the polls down to understand them, or you need to look at how the insiders are behaving. Consider this:

    1. Democrats in red and purple states are running away from Obama. Clearly, they know he's in trouble.

    2. Romney is raking in mega cash while Obama is struggling. Hence, the donors have given up on Obama.

    3. The MSM is trying to downplay all expectations, meaning they think he's lost.

  50. Thanks Jen! I thought it was appropriate. :)

  51. Andrew: Clearly, the left is imploding. I guess the important thing is to remember that we can't rely on that and have to keep the pressure on them. They're just not used to their bulls--t being countered, least of all by some of their own friends (like the Washington Post and its Pinocchios).

  52. Lawhawk, That's a big part of it -- this is the first generation of liberals (and MSM types) in generations who've actually had people fighting back and pointing out their own words and deeds. And I think they don't have any idea how to handle it.

    So we absolutely need to keep up the pressure.

  53. Ah, and here's another data point for the question of why the MSM is losing everyone's trust and just generally sucking.

    Romney spoke to the NAACP this morning, you might have heard about it. He got booed for saying he'd repeal ObamaCare and got some light applause for talking about how he's a man of faith and for mentioning charter schools to lift up black youth, so it went about as well as it could, I guess. Anyway, he also talked a bit about how Obama has done nothing for the African-American community, which in fact has gone downhill since '09. ABC News reported that bit of the speech this way:

    "Romney, a white Mormon whose father ran for president when blacks weren't even allowed to join the priesthood, told Obama's most reliable supporters that they have been let down by the country's first black president."

    Like I said, they're not even trying to hide it anymore.

  54. Thanks Ben! Considering Andrea Mitchell is especially steeped in the hackery, I thought it would be enjoyable. :-)

  55. T-Rav, That is the sort of thing which drives me nuts. Then they have the nerve to claim they weren't biased because everything they said was true and because they reported what Romney said. Really?? So if I said,

    "Barack Obama, who once ate dog, smoked dope regularly, and slept with many white women who found him cold, went golfing today while Americans died in Afghanistan and others starved in the ghettos because they had no jobs as none of the jobs Obama promised have appeared."

    That's not biased I guess?

  56. T-Rav, Jen, not Ben. And I agree, Mitchell is a real partisan hack.

  57. Andrew, Nebraska's concentration of idiots lies completely in Dist. 2 (basically Omaha). Kerry can't win statewide, but his appearance on the ballot may work as GOTV for the left because the idea of having no NE Democrats in congress really scares the libs in this state.

  58. Oops, I meant to say Doc, not Ben. My bad.

  59. I think Romney went over the NAACP's heads on that speech. He may have been speaking at their meeting, but he was clearly using the stage they erected to speak to all of America. 'Bout time a Republican candidate figured out how to do that.

  60. tryanmax, Ah, the old idiot district! We have two of those -- Denver and Boulder, almost 80% pure with a street value of trillions of wasted dollars.

    Well, hopefully, Kerry won't have that kind of drawing power, but sadly you are probably right.

  61. T-Rav, I stand corrected. :)

    I do that a lot too. :(

  62. tryanmax, I haven't seen the speech yet, but it wouldn't surprise me. Obama would do that all the time. He would go somewhere like the NAACP and talk to the public rather than the people before him. It's smart politics, especially when you can turn a hostile forum into a solid photo op.

    And Romney is right, blacks have taken huge steps back economically under Obama.

  63. I saw Idiocracy for the first time a few nights ago.

    I am stunned by the similar mannerisms of President Obama and President Comacho.

  64. Indi, That's a great film I keep meaning to review. :)

    Yeah, Obama and Comacho had much in common.

  65. Well Ive been waiting, waiting here so long
    But thinking nothing, nothing could go wrong, ooh now I know
    They have a built in ability
    To take everything they see
    And now it seems I'm falling, falling in debt

    They seem to have an invisible touch yeah,
    they take control and grab right hold of your life
    they seem to have an invisible touch yeah,
    they enforce the rules that take away all your rights.

    Well I don't really know them, I only know their name
    But they commit lots of sin, and say that we're to blame
    They've got something you just can't trust
    Its something that quite henious
    And now it seems I'm falling, falling in debt

    They seem to have an invisible touch yeah,
    they take control and grab right hold of your life
    they seem to have an invisible touch yeah,
    they enforce the rules that take away all your rights.

    They don't like losing, to them it's us to blame
    And though they will mess up your life,
    You'll want out just the same, and now I know
    They have a built in ability
    To take everything they see
    And now it seems I'm falling, falling in debt

    They seem to have an invisible touch yeah,
    they take control and grab right hold of your life
    they seem to have an invisible touch yeah,
    they enforce the rules that take away all your rights.

    They seem to have an invisible touch...

  66. ACG, Did you come up with that on your own? ;)

    Actually, I think a more appropriate Genesis song for Obama would be "Illegal Alien."

    1. yes. I will post the lefty loon adventures that I wrote last year.

  67. Power Line posted the text of the advance copy of the Romney - NAACP speech. If only they would listen... I agree with tryanmax that he was using it as a larger stage. And that line T-Rav posted is beyond bias and into active campaigning!

  68. ACG, Based on the true story of Barack Obama no doubt! :)

  69. rlaWTX, It is campaigning, and I've felt for a long time that the MSM has crossed that line and active campaigns.

    I've heard part of Romney's speech now and it's full of things they should have been listening to, but clearly ideology has blinded them.

  70. Well, in case you guys hadn't heard, Al Sharpton has informed us that Romney meant to get booed at that speech, I guess so he could make black people look bad or something. You know, kinda like how Al Sharpton tried to make Jewish people look bad.

  71. T-Rav, That makes sense. By getting blacks to boo him, he assures us racists that he's worthy of our vote.

    Oh wait, that's moronic.

    But hey, it will sure sound good to stupid people who want to believe Republicans are racist.

  72. By the way, Atlanta's ex Mayor who is black, accused Romney of pulling a Reverse Sista Souljah... which is like a Mary Lou Retton, only holding a 45.

  73. not that it has any impact, but the House voted to repeal ObamaTax -- again.

  74. rlaWTX, Yeah, it won't have any impact, but it does show they are determined to keep the issue alive -- that's a good thing.

  75. T-Rav: That was a funny smack down of Mitchell by Sununu! LOL! Not only are the msm journalists completely in the bag for Obama, they don't even do basic homework before having on guests.

    Sununu thoroughly demolished her leftist talking points and left her a flustered mess! LOL!

  76. I just watched the Mitchell video. Wow! Was she ever spinning hard!

    "The fact-check organizations say Obama is lying. Wouldn't you agree this is bad news for Romney?"

    Say What!?!?

  77. Ben, It does my heart good to see that happen to Andrea Mitchell. :)

  78. tryanmax, It sounds like she went in expecting him to role over and she would wing her way through the interview. Whoops.

  79. I agree that we need to keep going after them (The Loony Left)!

    I can be very relentless when it comes to that (I should have been a Texan--don't mess with me).

  80. Jen, We need "Texans in Spirit" in other states too! :)

  81. Andrew

    I think the liberals who are stating that they no longer trust the MSM only do so because they think Stewart and Colbert do a better job with the news.

  82. Andrew, then I will claim the "Texans in Spirit"! I've been there too, and I liked it, so I must have brought the spirit back, or amplified what I already had.

    I've often thought about what it would be like to move there, more so now, than ever.

  83. Indi, My guess is that they've tuned out because the MSM hasn't done a good job of protecting Obama. I would bet these see this as a betrayal rather than as evidence that Obama is failing.

  84. Jen, I love Texas... except for the heat. It would kill me. Virginia almost killed me.

    I think Texas should issue a "Texan in Spirit" award! :)

  85. Andrew, "Texan in Spirit" award is fine by me. Just so you know, I was in Texas in late July, and it wasn't a whole lot different from here when it's hot (like it was last week).

  86. Jen, I hear that Texas gets insanely hot, especially near Houston.

  87. Andrew, we were in Fort Worth, and after that, went two hours (maybe not that long of a drive) northeast near the Oklahoma border. Except for the little bit of cactus, the scenery was basically the same as where we were living at the time.

  88. Jen, That's been my experience with Texas too -- lots of the same over and over. It must have been really hard to cross by covered wagon.

  89. Hey, we have variation! It's just that there is a lot of one thing before you get to the next thing.

    Yes, Houston is awful - I always hated that old "dry heat vs humidity" thing, but 100deg + 90% humidity is just evil. Plus, Houston is big and ugly and messy... DFW is big, but it never has seemed as menacing as Houston. DFW also has humidity, but not as bad as Houston, and it still gets hot. Out here, it gets hotter, and less rain, but less humid too! Austin is like DFW, but weirder. San Antonio is like Austin + Houston, IMO.
    Central Texas is hilly and has a lot of cedar - and other trees. East Texas has pine trees, and other trees, but it's kinda flat. North/Panhandle is more rolling - I think it's about the prettiest area - but not a lot of trees. And then there's the caprock area - beautiful canyons.
    Big Bend is mountains. Desert mtns, but mountains. and wilder.

  90. rlaWTX, Thanks for the breakdown of Texas! :)

    I've lived in ultra-humid Virginia and in very dry Colorado and I can guarantee you there's a huge difference. 95 degrees here with 17% humidity is very tolerable. 85 degrees with 90% humidity in Virginia is suicide weather.

    I've heard Austin is very pretty, though I also heard weird. Houston sounds like a mess. I've flown through Dallas enough to know it's too big for my tastes.

  91. It is safe to say that Texas has something to fit every taste and lifestyle. ;-)

  92. Bev, Texas really is it's own country in many ways, and it has the size and varied geography to prove it!
