Thursday, July 26, 2012

Yes, You Did It

I've used the accompanying illustration before. But given Barack Urkel Obama's recent statement on government versus private enterprise, it seemed appropriate to publish the illustration again. And this time, I'm answering the posed question. "Yes, Mr. Obama, you did do that!

Obama has been in full spin mode since declaring that "you didn't do that," speaking of entrepeneurs and job-creators who worked hard, built businesses, invented and marketed products, and added to the tax base by hiring employees and paying taxes on sales. "Somebody else did that," opined Obama, and the somebody else was the government.

Well, you over-credentialed under-educated moron, you can't have it both ways. So if the government is the sole factor in business, and you are the government leader, yes, you did it. You created government dependency far beyond the wildest dreams of statists just five or ten years ago. You threw billions of dollars of good taxpayer money after bad. You destroyed going businesses to advance your leftist green agenda. You enriched green financial predators who raped their companies, got priority over the taxpayers (in violation of federal law) and then declared bankruptcy. You put union members who destroyed the world's largest automobile manufacturing company with their wage and pension benefits in charge of that very company. At the same time, you impoverished the real shareholders and bondholders by making their interests nearly worthless. You buoyed up another major car company just long enough for it to be taken over by a foreign company.

You promised to raise consumer energy costs and depress domestic energy production by making oil and coal production as profitless as possible, and you have kept your promise. You created a jobs panel, then you appointed the head of one of the world's largest corporations as your jobs czar. A company with more employees overseas than in America, and one which paid zero domestic income taxes in 2011. Then you were so busy campaigning for reelection that you haven't met with the jobs panel in over six months.

So how is your "you didn't do that" argument working out? Not too well. Rasmussen reports that 72% of likely voters believe that people who start small businesses are primarily responsible for their own successes (and failures). 57% believe that entrepeneurs who start small businesses do more to create jobs and economic growth than big business or government programs. Only 7% think federal government programs have the largest impact.

While stuttering through your lame explanations of what you claim actually to have meant, you only added to your apparent stupidity. Here's one of your "explanatory" quotes: "I'm always struck by people who think, well, it must be because I was just so smart. It must be because I worked harder than everybody else. Let me tell you, there are a whole bunch of hardworking people out there." The implication, of course, is that the employees are smarter than and work harder than their "lucky" bosses and employers. And it's just so damned unfair that hard-working people don't own companies.

Surprise, Mr. Obama. That one isn't working either. 77% of those polled by Rasmussen believe small business owners work harder than any other workers. Only 2% think they don't work as hard. You wanted face time with what you thought was a gullible public, and you got it. Of those polled, 84% say they watch your remarks closely or very closely. That includes both men and women, young and old, rich, comfortable, or poor. And they ain't buying your snake oil.

Your latest "my remarks were taken out of context" ad is just plain silly. Nothing was taken out of context, it's exactly what you said, with no trailing caveats or expansions. What you said is what you meant. Is it possible that you were reacting to the latest Democrat-skewed Gallup poll which found that 59% of business owners think you mean exactly what you said?

One of your major demographics, female voters, is even more likely to think your statements are baloney. Men and women alike think so, but women at a higher rate than men. 63% of women agree that small businesses provide more jobs and opportunities than big business, corporations, or their least favorite, the federal government. Another of your major demographics, the young and naive, still sees small business as the leader in creating jobs and income, by 55%. 65% of Democrats and 67% of Republicans see private, small businesses as the solution to job-creation.

And therefore, Mr. Obama, I plead with you to continue to ask your dumb questions and repeat your transparent lies. You aren't as smart as you think you are, and Americans are not as stupid as you think they are.


  1. Hawk : did you do this? Answer: yes you did! Fantastic. Elegant and to the point :)

  2. I am so lucky....

    Eveyone wants to take me out

    {Hair Swish}

  3. Lawhawk

    Awesome explanation........

    but when MSNBC read your blog post on air somehow it got changed to "Gearge Bsuh did that"

    Go figure!

  4. Tennessee: The cluelessness of the man absolutely astounds me.

  5. Context: You're a homophobe, and I'll bet you're a racist too.

  6. Indi: Isn't is sad? Here we do all this work and they just steal it then change the names to protect the guilty. LOL

  7. LawHawk, nice blog. But you didn't write that.

  8. Maybe he can argue that his entire term has been taken out of context?

  9. tryanmax: Ya got me. I copied it from a fill-in-the-blanks essay the government sent me absolutely free. I can do nothing without the government.

  10. Joel: Thanks, but the government did most of the work for me.

  11. rlaWTX: Maybe we shouldn't.

  12. Andrew: That would be the only way I can possibly conceive of for anyone to vote for him this time.

  13. LawHawk: One of your best yet. Only one criticism. Steve Urkel was funny and endearing; the other guy, not so much.

  14. Libertarian Advocate: If you squint and pretend the voice is less droning, you can see the humor in Obama speeches by picturing him as Urkel. I know that if I don't laugh at Obama's speeches, I'll start crying (or worse).

  15. There should be a limit to how many times a president gets to roll out the "my comments were taken out of context" excuse. Surely Obama's used up his quota. Everything he says falls under this excuse umbrella. Ridiculous.

  16. It is sort of sad. I mean, I would have far more respect for the man if he would just come out and say "yeah, I meant it". Because he did mean it that way. This is what he believes in. It is the utopian model: everybody works together to help everyone else. It sounds beautiful, but it doesn't work.

    I work long hours in a stressful field as many of you do too. Part of the reason is I love it. But, if I got paid the same as the flagman in the construction zone, I wouldn't continue to do it. It would be much nicer to work set hours, no worrying or work after hours, and all weekends off. The good pay is the reward for this.

  17. WriterX: It's really just another facet of his "I'm so smart that my only mistake is not carefully explaining to the rubes what I mean" thinking. He's so brilliant that he sometimes forgets to speak in a way that we, the mentally-challenged, can understand.

  18. Koshcat: That will never happen. Americans will never accept socialism outright. It has to be spoonfed to them, with a lot of sugar to make the medicine go down.

    Obama's problem is that he sometimes simply forgets where he is and who his audience is, and assumes he's speaking to elitist morons like himself. "Clinging to their guns and Bibles" comes to mind. He actually believes that, but when his handlers are giving him the high sign, he usually remembers to lay off the pure doctrine. Lately, in his desperation, I've noticed he's more prone to those interludes of not remembering where he is than he was when nobody truly knew who or what he was.

    Obama and his Marxist brethren truly believe that all work is equal to all other work, and that therefore the resulting income should be the same for everyone (the political elite are always exempt from this rule). There's no room for luck, initiative, harder work, and more important work. And the best way to make everything come out right is to have the government determine the outcome. To do so, the government must also be the source of all wealth. And that is indeed utopic.

    As I've mentioned before, Marxist/socialist/Democratic thinking denies the most important factor of all--human nature.

  19. Any “corpse-man” in the 57th state, speaking Austrian, riding on the Intercontinental Railroad, while heading for the “English” embassy, via “Road Island” to see the Miami “Heats” play could tell you, you are correct, Barry has no clue, and he said what he believes.

    Great read Lawhawk

  20. Stan: Thanks. They don't seem to teach much at Kalumbeya or Harvurd, do they?

  21. Koshcat: I must have been thinking of ectopic when I wrote utopic. I'm not above an occasional neologism and some creative spelling, but I did indeed mean "utopian." My apologies to Thomas More.

  22. Typical Obama SupporterJuly 26, 2012 at 9:48 PM

    Gaaaah, you people just don't understand! He said "Somebody else did that," but meant that "you did that"! Gaaaah, you conservatives are always trying to make Obama look bad...

  23. Wow. Unbelievably, seeing Obama is even less palatable in Urkelvision.

  24. T-Rav: He saw what Michelle was wearing that day, and decided to coordinate.

  25. Superb post, LawHawk!

    Dear Obama: you know what else has been taken out of context by you? Thr truth. In fact you never put the truth in any context.
    You have taken the truth, priori, out of your context before you ever speak. Idjit.

    And yes, Obama, you did do that. It's no coincidence that without your teleprompter you tend to speak your mind (such as it is) and reveal your true agenda.

  26. USSBen: Thank you, kind sir. Whose truth? Your truth? My truth? His truth? We must remember that in our postmodernist era, there is no such thing as truth, only one's own conception of the truth.

    And in case you hadn't guessed, I don't believe that bull---t either.

    The only political invention better than the TelePrompter is the wirecutter. Snip those wires, and Obama is like a derelict ship without a rudder.

  27. after his "you didn't build that" nonsense, the hilarious ~facepalm~ memes burned thru the internets (thanky, al gore!....wait, you REALLY didn't build that).

    love it.

  28. Patti: LOL Much to Obama's chagrin, this running gag is not going to go away any time soon.

  29. The "context" makes Obama look worse in every way. Not just because his contempt gets more palpable with every second. But the wider context is that Obama wasn´t talking to owners of businesses.

    He was talking to the malcontents who make up his constituency. His real message was: "These guys, they didn´t earn their wealth and they are not better than you. You are just as deserving, and it´s time we spread their wealth around - to you."

    It was class warfare straight up.

  30. El Gordo: I agree. Envy is a powerful motivator for that group, and Obama knows how to play it. His problem is he still hasn't figured out that there's a whole world out there which will hear the same comments and come up with completely different conclusions about them.

  31. LawHawk, but will it turn Obama voters into Romney voters? Obama insults people who by and large wouldn´t have voted for him anyway. Obama doesn´t like to talk to people who are unlikely to vote for him. But he talks ABOUT them a lot, which is really unpresidential. Very divisive.

    The question is, why would people who were prepared to vote for Obama change their minds NOW, especially with the media still defending Obama as if their life depended on it? It´s not as if he just recently turned into a jerk. He has been demonstrating his contempt for America-as-we-knew-it for years.
