We’ve now have a couple days to think about Paul Ryan and to see the reactions all around. This is a phenomenal pick. So let’s talk about the polls and how this changes the electoral map. Also, I’m quoting a piece from the Onion that is well worth reading.
● Enthusiasm: More evidence of an enthusiasm gap. Gallup now reports the Republicans are showing a +13% enthusiasm gap. They caution that it’s too early to tell anything until after the conventions, but this is enough to suggest problems for Obama. His 2008 victory resulted from a +7% enthusiasm difference in favor of Democrats and lots of independents voting for Obama – close to 60%. That +7% has now morphed into a -13% and that’s been fairly constant since 2009. I don’t see how the convention will change that.
As for independents, Zogby just put out a poll that should scare Obama greatly. According to Zogby, Romney was losing and Obama had momentum until Ryan was chosen. Now they are tied at 46% each with 8% undecided. But more importantly, Romney/Ryan leads Obama/Biden by 45% to 40% among independents. Politico has Romney leading among independents by 10%, 47% to 37%. These numbers are death for Obama, who needs about 60% of independents to offset the lack of Democratic enthusiasm. Also interesting from the Zogby poll, Ryan helped boost Romney among 18-29 year olds.
There’s also another interesting issue which has arisen in the past couple days: crowd size. Everywhere Ryan and Romney have gone, they’ve been swamped by crowds. They’ve been speaking to 10,000-15,000 people typically and turning away others. Obama has been talking to crowds in the 1,000 range. Biden just spoke to 600. This is becoming such bad PR that Obama is actually trying to claim he intended this, though half-empty auditoriums tell a different story.
● Where He Helps: So where does Ryan help or hurt Romney? Here are some ideas:
P.S. Don't forget, it is Star Trek Tuesday at the film site.
● Enthusiasm: More evidence of an enthusiasm gap. Gallup now reports the Republicans are showing a +13% enthusiasm gap. They caution that it’s too early to tell anything until after the conventions, but this is enough to suggest problems for Obama. His 2008 victory resulted from a +7% enthusiasm difference in favor of Democrats and lots of independents voting for Obama – close to 60%. That +7% has now morphed into a -13% and that’s been fairly constant since 2009. I don’t see how the convention will change that.
As for independents, Zogby just put out a poll that should scare Obama greatly. According to Zogby, Romney was losing and Obama had momentum until Ryan was chosen. Now they are tied at 46% each with 8% undecided. But more importantly, Romney/Ryan leads Obama/Biden by 45% to 40% among independents. Politico has Romney leading among independents by 10%, 47% to 37%. These numbers are death for Obama, who needs about 60% of independents to offset the lack of Democratic enthusiasm. Also interesting from the Zogby poll, Ryan helped boost Romney among 18-29 year olds.
There’s also another interesting issue which has arisen in the past couple days: crowd size. Everywhere Ryan and Romney have gone, they’ve been swamped by crowds. They’ve been speaking to 10,000-15,000 people typically and turning away others. Obama has been talking to crowds in the 1,000 range. Biden just spoke to 600. This is becoming such bad PR that Obama is actually trying to claim he intended this, though half-empty auditoriums tell a different story.
● Where He Helps: So where does Ryan help or hurt Romney? Here are some ideas:
● Conservatives: Ryan has solidified Romney’s right flank in a matter of minutes. Romney no longer needs to worry that evangelicals will stay home or that Tea Party people will view him with suspicion.● In His Own Words. . . Sort of: Finally, I leave you with this. It’s long, but it’s worth the read. This comes from the Onion and is presented as an editorial written by Ryan himself. I present this because it’s funny, and also because it fairly accurate about Ryan’s charisma advantage:
● Catholics: Ryan brings a fairly strong Catholicism to the ticket which supposedly will play well with Catholics. In effect, he should appeal to some of the same Catholics who liked Santorum.
● Wisconsin: It’s not clear how much Ryan helps in Wisconsin, except that (1) the local boy almost always gets a couple points added to his score, and (2) Ryan will ignite the activists who turned out to help Scott Walker. If this happens, then the electoral map will shake up a great deal. Wisconsin is only worth 10 votes, not the 18 of Ohio, but if Romney wins Wisconsin, then he could win by also getting New Hampshire and Iowa while losing Ohio. This could be huge.
● Pennsylvania: Ryan’s support among Catholics could be key to winning Pennsylvania, which is awash in Catholics and Tea Party types. And if Romney wins Pennsylvania (still difficult, but doable) then Romney wins in a landslide.
● Florida: Supposedly, Ryan hurts Romney in Florida because of his Medicare plan. But polls show Ryan being popular with old folks. That would seem to put the lie to the idea that Ryan will be a drag in Florida. Where Ryan does help in Florida is the evangelical North and panhandle, and that could well be the difference because turn out will be key in this election.
● Virginia: Believe it or not, a lot of people think Ryan will help Romney win Virginia because he brings a charisma that suburban moderates like, and Northern Virginia is very suburban moderate. I can’t disagree. The thing I heard most about Palin (before she imploded) was that she was the kind of woman any mother would want her son to marry. Well, Ryan strikes me as the kind of man any mother would want her daughter to marry. So if mommy politics counts, then this will help.
Admit It, I Scare The Ever-Loving Sh*t Out Of You, Don't I?
When Mitt Romney selected me as his running mate, I knew the Democratic attack dogs would come out in full force. They would say I’m a right-wing ideologue. They would say my views on entitlement programs are far too radical. They would say putting me on the ticket immediately kills Mitt Romney’s chances of becoming president because I’m a liability. But if we’re being honest with each other—if we’re able to put aside the talking points for a few minutes and say what we’re all actually thinking and feeling—I believe we can acknowledge the real truth here.
I’m young, I’m handsome, I’m smart, and I’m articulate. And that scares the ever-loving sh*t out of you. You can pretend like you have this thing in the bag, but you know good goddamn well that this race just got real interesting, real fast.
It’s okay to admit it. You’re frightened to death of me. It might actually be healthy for you to face your fears now rather than later, when Mitt and I are leading by a few points in the polls and it looks like this thing might end badly for you. Face it: I’m not some catastrophe waiting to happen, like a Sarah Palin or a Dan Quayle. On the contrary, you have the exact opposite fear. I’m a solid, competent, some might say exceptional, politician.
Did you get nervous when you read that last sentence? Is it because you know in your heart of hearts that it’s 100 percent true? Is it because, even if you strongly disagree with my beliefs on Medicare, Social Security, women’s rights, and marriage equality, you know my talent as a speaker and my well-thought-out approach to these issues—no matter how radical and convoluted you find them—might just be enough to win over independent voters?
Do you get chills just thinking about how strong my appeal actually is?
I have another question for you: How scared are you that I can convince people I’m right? Because I’m good at it. No, I’m really good at it. You see, I know how to turn up the charm and charisma without putting people off. Then I back up what I’m saying with arguments that, when they come out of my mouth, sound completely accurate and well-reasoned. And I do it with such passion that people automatically recognize me as a man with deep convictions he will stand up for, no matter what.
The American people love that sh*t. They love it.
Passion, intellect, and a magnetic personality. Pretty damn intimidating combo, if I say so myself. You want to talk about polish? Man, I’ve got polish for miles. Oh, and by the way, I’ll go ahead and say this next thing because, if we’re being honest, why the hell not, right? In case you haven’t noticed, I’m white. Hoo, brother, am I white. Yup, you should be scared sh*tless of me, because guess who isn’t?
The people of Wisconsin. They love me. Republicans and Democrats there love me. Hell, I get Democrats to vote for me even if my policies make zero sense when it comes to their livelihoods. Do you know why? Because they like me. They like my story. Young, good-looking kid who pulled himself up by his bootstraps to make something of himself. Christ, I'm a storybook candidate. I balance out this ticket so well it’s almost too perfect. The people of Ohio are going to think that. And seniors in Florida—the state we supposedly lost when Mitt picked me—won’t be so scared as soon they know that my mother lives in Florida, and that all I want to do is reform the health care system so she can receive care that makes good fiscal sense.
Boy, I’m going to sell the sh*t out of that talking point. And I’m going to do a great job of it. Why? Because I’m Paul Ryan. That’s what I do.
And if we’re having trouble getting Pennsylvania on board, just wait until I absolutely wipe the floor with Joe Biden in the vice presidential debates. Don’t think for a second that I don’t know you’re terrified of us facing off, because in the back of your mind you know it could be a bloodbath up there.
Well, that’s 77 electoral votes, and by my math that means you can kiss your golden boy goodbye after four short years. All that promise. All that energy. All that potential. Gone in one November night.
I’m your worst f*cking nightmare.
Oh, and by the way, don’t even try to pretend you haven’t imagined me being elected president one day.
P.S. Don't forget, it is Star Trek Tuesday at the film site.
Rasmussen reports that Ryan's favorability rating is now 50% favorable, 32% negative.
Andrew: re the Onion--Proof positive that many a true word is said in jest.
ReplyDeleteI was the pretty one...
ReplyDeleteI was... I was...
Hey Girl I still have it ....
Man I wish I studied economics and politics
DUQ, I've seen several polls show Ryan's popularity surging along with his name recognition. And Rasmussen's numbers make him more popular than Obama!
ReplyDeleteHere's your link: LINK.
Lawhawk, Very true.
ReplyDeleteOn Gosling, I think the fact there is a "sexy" internet meme now attributed Ryan is pretty solid proof that he's caught on with the young and with moms.
ReplyDeleteInteresting analysis. I'm hearing people all over the map. There's an article right now about Ryan costing Romney Ohio. I don't buy that, but I guess we won't know for a while. I don't think Ryan will be a problem with seniors either, not after Obama tried to rob Medicare for his own program. They know that and they aren't going to forget.
ReplyDeleteThis looks like a heck of a pick to me!
Andrew, That's true!! If Ryan is so unpopular, then what does that make Obama!
ReplyDeleteFor those who missed it, some of us were kicking around pre-emptive attacks on Ryan on LawHawk's open thread Saturday. There are some pretty funny lines in there, so you should go check it out. Seriously.
ReplyDeleteDoc, I'm seeing analysis all over the place as well and nobody really knows what's going to happen. But to me, the above makes sense. How strongly Ryan will affect things, that I don't know.
ReplyDeleteSpeaking of New Hampshire, two polls are just out--one from PPP, incidentally--showing Obama still up in the state, but both say his lead has dropped by six points. I think a Wisconsin-New Hampshire-Iowa triple play is very possible.
ReplyDeleteAlthough, as far as Ohio goes, some of the initial polls have shown similar demographic responses to Ryan as those in Florida (favorability among seniors, etc.). So who knows? Maybe we can get all four.
DUQ, Yep. If Ryan is unpopular, what does that make Obama indeed?
ReplyDeleteT-Rav, I missed those. But I wouldn't worry about it, they've got the attacks covered!
ReplyDeleteT-Rav, I've seen nothing that tells me seniors will hate Ryan, and I can't see why he would hurt Romney in Ohio.
ReplyDeleteIt's interesting that PPP shows a 6% surge for Romney in New Hampshire because PPP is a leftist poll. They are the ones who provide to the Daily Kos and they are always 5-6% wrong toward the left.
ReplyDeleteI think the pick of Ryan is NOT playing identity politics, unless you are talking about identifying oneself as an American. That is what I see. I don't care if the "Catholics" like him in PA. I care that the citizens of PA like him.
The pick is about choosing American values. That those values are conservative, all the more better. This is why Obama can't really attack Ryan nor Romney for that matter. Fixing and keeping Medicare is about making sure something that everyone has paid into is still there.
Andrew, I doubt PPP will ever show Romney ahead in New Hampshire (or a bunch of other swing states). But, their changing margins can at least provide evidence of a trend, especially when it's corroborated by other polls.
ReplyDeleteIncidentally, I see in the sidebar that Obama and Romney are now tied in Ohio, per Rasmussen.
Joel, Politics, like marketing, is about finding people who will want your product and convincing them to select you. That means identifying target markets who are likely to respond.
ReplyDeleteT-Rav, I think you're right, PPP's overall number is garbage, but this data -- which runs contrary to their bias -- is solid evidence of a trend.
ReplyDeleteI think Rasmussen is fairly accurate so it's good to hear they're tied. That suggests Ryan helped rather than hurt. I wonder what turn-out data set Rasmussen is using?
That Onion bit is awesome!
ReplyDeleteT-Rav, Don't write off Ohio yet. That state will be about turn out and the -13% enthusiasm gap Andrew mentions will prove critical.
ReplyDeleteTerry, I thought it was hilarious but also very accurate.
ReplyDeleteI wouldn't write off Ohio yet either. That will be about turn out and Romney seems to be pretty good at that -- plus the enthusiasm gap.
Terry, I'm not writing it off, I'm just pessimistic about our chances of winning it, that's all. I think we can win it; at the same time, it's important to pursue alternate paths to victory, such as the Wisconsin-Iowa-New Hampshire trio.
ReplyDeleteAll the same, I'm hopeful that Romney and Ryan together can pull in independents and deliver a narrow win in the state.
T-Rav, Glad to hear it! Stay positive!
ReplyDeleteI do agree, however, that our side need to plot alternative routes. We should always be doing that.
ReplyDeleteThe marketing has been done. The American People want an American in charge. Obama, try as he might, can't be considered an American. He doesn't have those values that WE as Americans want.
Breaking it down to Catholics here, Baptists here, blacks here, old folks here, Hispanics there is playing politics the way the Main Stream Media wants us to play the game. The same way Democrats play it.
Reagan appealed to all groups. The same way Ryan does. The same way Romney does with his pick of Ryan. This is what is really appalling to Obama and his cronies. He used to do that.
As long as Romney and Ryan stick to American Values, Obama will lose votes.
Paul Ryan is doing very well in speaking. I find it interesting that prior to the announcement everyone but him was floated out there.
ReplyDeleteI think that is due to savvy planning by Romney. I think Obama is in a real hard place because unlike McCain or the other duds Romeny is someone driven to this goal. Obama is being dragged down slowly and steadily.
Andrew, I sniffed around but wasn't able to find it. Rasmussen does give Ryan a 51% favorability rating in Ohio, though.
ReplyDeleteT-Rav, I think it's always advisable to look for alternative routes to victory, and in this case, I think the number of routes are growing and that signals bad things for Obama. Colorado, New Mexico and Michigan are in play too -- which wasn't supposed to happen. I don't know about New Jersey, but Christie has been made Keynote speaker for some strategic reason.
ReplyDeleteTerry, Exactly! And always stay positive.
ReplyDeleteJoel, That's fine, but that's not how it works. Politics is about market segments. It's the rare politician who can win them all. So what you need to do is pull together enough people to come out ahead in enough key states to win. That how people get chosen, how campaign themes get chosen, how platforms get chosen, and how ads get made. And if you're going to try to figure out how things affect the election, you need to look at those factors.
ReplyDeleteThe Biden Whinery in Virginia
ReplyDeleteBoy did not take them long to flip out did it
Indi, I think Obama's campaign has been flailing from the beginning and it's only going to get worse. He has no idea how to present himself or how to attack Romney. Romney's VP search was brilliant because it kept Obama firing at anyone and everyone for months, which makes him look like a partisan hack. And now he's exhausted and unprepared and his attacks on Ryan have seemed generic and partisan.
ReplyDeleteObama's campaign is in disarray.
T-Rav, I saw the Rasmussen thing too after DUQ cited it. And I saw a lot of polls that spoke about pluralities nationally, etc., but nothing specific state by state.
ReplyDeleteSerious and Honest are the new Extreme and Radical
ReplyDeleteHee Hee... caught ya Barack
Indi, I saw Biden's asinine comments. And Obama is backing him up, so they are basically official Obama comments now. What a bunch of asses!
ReplyDelete"They wanna put you back in chains." Ass.
Indi, I saw that, all the clips of various Democrats including Obama praising Ryan! LOL! Whoops.
ReplyDeleteThis is all great news honestly. I think the polls are showing a definite bump for Romney. Ryan is proving to be just as hard to hit as Romney and even stronger on the campaign trail. I love that Obama is trying to hide his crowd size problem now!
ReplyDeleteIndividualist, Biden is an obnoxious fool and he's making fools of their campaign with his crap.
ReplyDeleteEd, I think it's all excellent news. The enthusiasm gap continues. Ryan's poll numbers are surging. Romney's numbers are surging. This all seems to be helping in the swing states. Obama remains on the defense and seems to waste all his time defending himself rather than making attacks. And whenever they've made attacks (like that insurance death ad) it's blown up in their faces.
ReplyDeleteAndrew and Indi, no, it's "They wanna put y'all back in chains." Because as everyone knows, Scranton, PA is populated by Southerners.
ReplyDeleteT-Rav, They're not Southerners? Hmm. I wonder how Biden could have made that mistake. Didn't he used to dig coal in that region with his bare hands?
ReplyDeleteAndrew, that would explain the lack of oxygen to his brain.
ReplyDeleteLOL! That it would!
ReplyDeleteAndrew, That's a great list! You've been very positive throughout this election and I appreciate that. I don't know if we'll win or not, but it's great to have a place that makes a solid case for it. Too many other places are nothing but pessimism.
ReplyDeleteI agree
ReplyDeleteDid someone forget to tell Biden that in PA they say Yu'ins and no Y'all
My God I hate that!!!!
ReplyDelete"You'ins" and "Y'inz."
Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!!!! Make it stop!!!
Well, there go my chances of winning PA and WVa when I run. Oh well.
Ed, Thanks! I think it's a great list and it has the benefit of probably being true! :)
ReplyDeleteYeah, I'm trying to stay positive because there is so much good stuff that we should be looking forward to!
got a kick out of the "Onion" piece. Liked your analysis, as always, Andrew. The Liberals are very afraid of this guy, and it shows, the way they are trying to take him down.
ReplyDeleteThanks Jed! I love the Onion piece, and I think it's very accurate -- which is why I posted it in toto.
ReplyDeleteI still believe Romney knocked it over the fence with his pick. It’s a ticket we can get behind, because of complete competence of the two men. Though Romney was not my first choice, he is showing why he’s an effective, highly successful executive. Look at Barry, he picks a world renowned dufuss, B-B-B-Biden, to make himself look smart by comparison, or there is the life insurance aspect, knowing “it” …Biden could be lifted to President, my God the damage he could do.
ReplyDeleteThe “Onion,” great as always, and very true. The democrats are hysterical trying to define Ryan as the demon seed.
All of Talk Radio has circled the wagons around R/R, that’s great news. It’s time to Chik-Fil-A Barry.
Stan, Well said! I agree 100% across the board. Romney was never my first choice, but he's really impressed me and made me very comfortable with him. And Ryan was a total homerun!
ReplyDeleteI think the lengths to which the Democrats have gone are amazing, and they aren't working at all! LOL!
Stan, Excellent! I agree!
ReplyDeleteI see that Chelsea Clinton won't rule out running for office. Surprise surprise.
ReplyDeleteHere's the link:
I see a lot of those first day attacks already sliding off of Ryan's back. The fact that he is primarily an economics politician deflects most of the social attacks. Plus, he's too popular with women to sustain "War on Women" attacks. His beginnings are too humble to make class an issue. With the exception of Santorum, Catholics aren't generally seen as Christian radicals. And Wisconsin and racism just don't exist in the same realm for most people.
ReplyDeleteAs far as the economy goes, that's exactly where this election needs to be fought & won. Attacks of radicalism only go so far in this arena b/c emotions don't run as high. People looking to get exercised will find themselves getting educated in the process. And that only helps R & R. They'll find that the Ryan Plan is moderate and bipartisan and that Ryan's mom is on Medicare and living in Fla.
And for frosting, we've got Plugs Biden saying more and more crazy stuff, we've got Dem politicians and strategists caught flat-footed on Obama's Medicare raid, and we got The 0ne stumping for a week in, of all places, Iowa. (Not that there's anything wrong with Iowa. But there is. LOL)
DUQ, I've been saying all along she's run for office and will soon run for President. They've groomed her for this.
tryanmax, I agree. I think all the attacks have slid off so far.
ReplyDeleteI'm amazed how popular he is proving with women in fact. There seems to be a lot of talk about his looks and his being young. I think their war on women meme was dead before it began.
You are right about the economy and I think they're attacking him completely backwards on that. Rather than making him out as a radical who only cares about scoring ideological points, they've made him out as this brilliant economic egg head with a clear vision that is the polar opposite of Obama's. That makes this an easy election -- either you stick with what hasn't worked or you try something completely different.
Yeah, Biden is a fool and unless he learns to shut the heck up, he will keep scoring points for us.
tryanmax, P.S. Could you imagine how easy the attacks would be if this was Santorum? Santorum would be blasting away on abortion and gays and Ricky would think he's winning as his poll numbers went crashing to the basement.
ReplyDeleteSomeone remarked over the weekend that this is the first ticket in presidential politics not to include a Protestant. Not that it really matters to me, since Ryan seems to be a pretty good Catholic and all, I just think that's interesting.
ReplyDeleteInteresting, I never realized that. It doesn't really matter to me, but it's still interesting.
ReplyDeleteSantorum would've put this election on Democrat home turf. He would have played right into their meme of Republicans wanting to suppress anyone who is "different." And Dems are expert at making everyone believe they are "different."
ReplyDeleteQuick question, which way would you say Catholics in general lean politically? If I had to judge by bumper-stickers, I'd think they lean mostly to the left. But then we've got arch conservatives like Ryan and right-wing socialists like Santorum who are Catholic.
T-Rav, what about the Muslim and the Stupid-tologist we have currently?
ReplyDeletetryanmax, I agree. Santorum would have jumped right on the Democrat's turf and started railing against gays and abortionists and those unclean women, and the Democrats would have been ecstatic! All their "war on" talk would have paid off and we would be 20% behind everywhere except the Deep South.
ReplyDeleteInstead, the Democrats set up this massive "war on" meme and Romney and Ryan don't fit in it at all. So now the Democrats look stumped.
On Catholics, I would say that they lean left. That's my experience. And I think where Ryan will help with Catholics, actually, is more in his "nice boy makes good" story than his religion. His religion will help with the evangelicals.
tryanmax, I don't know what religion claims Biden, but I'll bet they aren't happy about it.
ReplyDeleteAccording to the all-knowing web, Biden is a Roman Catholic. That means the only Protestant on the ticket is the Muslim. Fascinating.
ReplyDeleteAccording to the Wikipedia, the Catholics have to vouch for Biden on Judgement Day. Next to Pelosi, that should be a breeze.
ReplyDeleteLOL! Yeah, that should be easy. Good luck vouching for Pelosi.
ReplyDeleteI wonder what they're vouching for?
Also, any idea what Obama's religion really is? I can't find it online except that he claims he's "Christian."
If one wants to be painfully technical, Obama's Chicago church, Trinity United Church of Christ (UCC) is based on the Congregationalist model which branched off of American Puritanism. American Puritanism came from English Puritanism, naturally, which was a division within the Church of England. The Church of England is decidedly not Protestant since it did not arise out of the reform movement.
ReplyDeleteTo be thorough, however, it should also be noted that the UCC took shape through the mergers of numerous churches throughout the 20 c., including some based on the Reform tradition (even Lutheranism). However, this history, combined with their generally liberal views on issues like homosexuality, abortion, and social justice, would make application of the descriptor "post-protestant" more apropos.
Currently, the President worships at the nondenominational chapel at Camp David, further diminishing his Protestant credentials.
In that light, the R & R ticket is the first non-Protestant ticket in the same way that Bill Clinton was the same black president.
that should read, "...the same way that Bill Clinton was the first black president."
ReplyDelete"If one wants to be painfully technical"? Oh, I do! LOL!
ReplyDeleteSo the bottom line is that Obama is technically Protestant, but not really.
Actually, I think Obama is technically whatever gains him the most votes. You heard about Ancestry.com tracing his slave roots through his white mother--even though they can't actually prove it? So Obama is embracing his white side in order to be more black. By the end of October, he could be a hermaphrodite.
ReplyDeleteI thought Michelle was a hermaphrodite? In fact, I was sure of it.
ReplyDeleteNah, she's just a self-loathing arugula plant. Kinda like that vegetable creature from the original Thing From Another World.
ReplyDeleteLOL! Nice! That would indeed explain a lot!
ReplyDeleteI thought someone said the other day that she's a Klingon.
ReplyDeleteAre Klingons made of arugula?
ReplyDeleteEd, I have always heard she's a Klingon. And I guess Klingons could be made of arugula? I never thought about it.
ReplyDeleteSuperb post, Andrew!
ReplyDeleteThe numbers Romney and Ryan are drawing compared to Obama and Biden are encouraging and indicative of the enthusiasm most conservatives have right now.
The left will continue their meltdown and disarray, IMO.
What's funny is the look of shock on the faces of liberals like Debbie WTH, Andrea Mitchell, and other lefyist politicians, pundits and journalists as Romney, Ryan, and most conservatives score hit after hit in one of the most one-sided, political ju jitsu battles since Reagan vs Carter.
What's even more deliciously funny is that the left is supplying all the ammo as leftist attack after attack is easily blocked, shown to be blatant lies and smears, and returned on the attackers 100 fold, minus the lies and replaced with the truth.
This is why I think the left is panicking, because if they weren't so enraged, fearful and off ballance, more of them would stop and actually consider the wisdom of their attacks, but no one is...until after the fact and the damage is done.
For example, attacking Ryan on medicare. No one thought that Ryan, Romney and other conservatives would call the donks on their lies, and point out that it's Obama and the democrats who took 700 billion (and much more to come) from Medicare at the expense of seniors to cover people who haven't paid into the system at all?
Obama is the one who is destroying medicare right now.
Oh, and thanks, democrats for getting everyone to talk about medicare and sustainability, and how Obama has drastically shortened the time before medicare becomes bankrupt...unless Romney and Ryan are elected to save it.
The left is really losing it, LOL!
I intend to enjoy each blissful moment of schadenfreude, which will culminate in the wailing and gnashing of teeth of leftists everywhere after election day.
Moments of leftist implosion like this are to be savored, like a fine whine.
Bwahahahahaha! Ha! Ha! :^)
Thanks Ben!
ReplyDeleteThat is a great point. This has been the most one-sided campaign in as far back as I can remember, and it is Obama and his fellow travelers who are handing Romney the ammo by getting caught lying and distorting everything!
I think you're right that there are signs of panic, because they keep doing what's always worked for them and it all blows up on them. They don't know to handle that. And you're right about the $700 billion -- I can't believe they thought no one was going to mention that!
I'm loving the election as well... it is like a fine whine indeed! ;)
Andrew, I'm a little late, but I concur with Ben (as in great post!).
ReplyDeleteBen, LOL! Love your take on it.
I guess all the spinning has gotten them dizzy, and they don't know which way is up. (hint: they need to keep spinning, this is too fun to watch).:D
Thanks Jen! I think the left is desperate and dizzy at the moment!
ReplyDeleteThanks Jen!
ReplyDeleteI should also add that the new media that Andrew Breitbart contributed so much to has had a much bigger impact than most folks thought it would in a relatively short time span!
Andrew and Tryanmax: My understanding was that Obama is Black Theology.
Wright's brand of BT has a lot of stuff you won't find in the Bible, and definitely not Christ-like by any stretch, being racist and classist centric, among other things.
Ultimately, I do concur that Obama has only used religion to get what he wants and appear more acceptable.
Obama certainly has a soft spot for fundamentalist muslims, however. Based on his actions and the apology tour of course.
Not saying I know he's a secret muslim because I don't know, but he has shown more sympathy for that religion than any other.
Ben, He may be learning Black Liberation Theology, but that's rarely the name of the church. Instead, it's something taught under the doctrine of another church. It's like running a KKK group out of a Boy Scout troop.
ReplyDeleteIn terms of Islam, that's SOP for Democrats -- bend over backwards to placate whoever is the current enemy of the US. This is an old story that goes back all the way to the start of the Cold War. If the US and Islam were working together, our left would hate Islam and would lump them in with right-wing Christians.
I give it zero credence that he's a secret Muslim. They are just the cause du jour.
Yes that's it, Black Liberation Theology.
ReplyDeleteI like how you put that: "KKK out of a boy scout troop," LOL!
Didn't mean to imply it's a church, per se, but theology does matter in religion, even if it is sponsered by a more mainstream name.
Reminds me of a United Methodist Church of Christ I visited once. It turned out to be a New Age vehicle and you can believe whatever you want (except traditional Catholic or Protestant Christianity).
Based on what Jesus said I don't see how they think they get His endorsement but I guess that's irrelevant when the truth they preach is absolutely relative.
They consider it a plus that there are no commandments or standards there.
The pastor or medicine man, or whatever their leader is called, appeared annoyed when I asked what the point was.
I guess he didn't get my point. :^)
Ben, That's the problem -- you can call yourself almost anything, whether it's truly representative or not. So you always need to do your homework.
ReplyDeleteI think I know the church you mention actually. I had a co-worker in DC who joined because she said her last church (a very liberal protestant church) "spend too much time talking about God this and God that" and she wanted a church that didn't focus on God. Really? Why even go to church them?
Andrew, can I recommend the Unitarians for that lady?
ReplyDeleteAlso, United Methodist Church of Christ? What kind of unholy abomination is that???
And I don't think Obama is a Muslim, either. I think he's just an atheist.
Given that he's undoubtedly been the focus of opposition research for years, its impressive that nothing negative about Ryan has come out. Some people disagree with him, but by all accounts he is who he says he is.
ReplyDeleteRomney's victory is inevitable given Obama's record but Ryan will help ensure that Romney doesn't win merely because he isn't Obama, that he wins with a mandate.
Chick-fil-A as a verb, StanH -- love it! Also love the paltry Spinal Tap-esque numbers Obama/Biden draw these days. More selective audiences indeed. Welcome to the Romney/Ryan Enormodome, Dems! Don't worry, there's room for everyone.
ReplyDeleteMarty: The last time Tap toured America, they where, uh, booked into 10,000 seat arenas, and 15,000 seat venues, and it seems that now, on the current tour they're being booked into 1,200 seat arenas, 1,500 seat arenas, and uh I was just wondering, does this mean uh...the popularity of the group is waning?
Ian: Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no...no, no, not at all. I, I, I just think that the.. uh.. their appeal is becoming more selective.
T-Rav, I don't keep up with the names of churches because I honestly don't care.
ReplyDeleteI think he probably is an atheist or more likely an agnostic.
Anthony, I agree on both points. I think it's interesting that they have found nothing to attack Ryan with. That shows he's a really straight forward and decent fellow.
ReplyDeleteAnd I agree that Ryan's presence means that Romney will now have a mandate.
Erip, Spinal Tap-esque numbers! LOL! Now I'm envisioning Obama speaking before really small pillars. LOL!
ReplyDeleteAnd the little people of Chicago danced ...
ReplyDeleteBiden: Can I raise a practical question at this point?
Obama: Yeah.
Biden: Are we gonna talk about the economy tomorrow?
Obama: No, we're not gonna f'ing talk about the economy!!!!
Passer-by: "Practical," they keep using that word. I do not think it means what they think it means.