Lots of little things to catch up on today, but nothing really big. So let’s do a news round up and whip some of these out. Then we can all move on with our lives. :)
● Issue One: Everywhere you look, the MSM is smearing Paul Ryan. The Democrats too are focusing almost exclusively on Ryan. This suggests two things. First, they know that Ryan is very important to this ticket and they are desperate to stop him. Unfortunately for them, their attacks on him have been pathetic. They’ve found no damning votes, no skeletons in the closet, and no close associates looking to make a name for themselves by turning against him. Nothing they’ve tried has touched him.
Secondly, it suggests that the Democrats really have no idea how to win this election. Poll after poll shows the public worried about jobs and the economy, and they aren’t happy with Obama’s record. But rather than defend that record or come up with some new plan the public will believe (his latest involves hiring more teachers), they are trying to smear Ryan. . . the number two guy on the ticket. This is horrible strategy. When November rolls around, Ryan won’t even be an issue in the voting both, so attacking Ryan is nothing more than a waste of time. That the Democrats don’t understand that is fascinating.
● Issue Two: Swift Boat Boogaloo. Obama really stepped in it when he tried to claim credit for killing bin Laden. Not only was it unseemly for a President to try to steal the credit which belongs to the troops who did the actual deed, but it soon became apparent that our Kenyan Overlord did little more than cower in the corner while others pushed the decision buttons. Yet, Hollywood is intent on making a pro-Obama propaganda film about the event. So it’s rather hilarious that a group of Navy SEALs is putting together an advertisement attacking Obama for his mishandling of this as well has his administration’s penchant for leaking secret documents which harm the troops in the field. Of course, the Democrats are furious about this and they are calling it another swift boat attack, but that won’t change the fact that an ad like this will prove to be highly effective against our arm-chair warrior in Chief.
● Issue Three: Gallup now shows Romney with a small but growing lead over Obama – 47% to 45%. I can’t get to Gallup’s underlying data, but you can guess it’s probably biased at least 3% to the left. That means Romney’s support may have crossed the magical 50% mark.
● Issue Four: Priorities. Last week, Gallup released a poll showing voter priorities for this election. In the top spots by far are (1) creating good jobs, (2) reducing corruption in the federal government, and (3) reducing the federal budget deficit. Each of these is a notable Obama failure – with the corruption thing being the most ironic since Obama claimed to want clean and transparent government. Obama’s main selling point, “increasing taxes on wealthy Americans” ranks last on the list with only 49% support – 43% behind the jobs issue. This tells us that Obama is in real trouble and is plan to save himself is deeply flawed.
● Issue Five: The Boston Globe has now become the first left-leaning editorial board to demand an apology from Biden for his "chains" comment. They noticed that if Romney or Ryan had said that, they would have been attacked for "racial insensitivity" and they think Biden should not be excused merely because he's on the left. Imagine that!
● Issue Six: Finally, there is this issue about appointments. You may have heard that the Congress has decided to give the president more power to get his appointments. Specifically, 170 posts which needed Senate approval in the past will no longer need Senate approval. Some people are upset about this because it gives Obama more power, but let’s get real. A President should, by and large, be able to appoint the people he wants to fill most posts. And for decades now, the Senate has done a horrible job of make decision on appointments, leave some slots empty for years after a President is elected. This decision will be a good thing for Romney who should be able to hit the ground running that much faster now, despite what I expect to be Democratic attempts to grind the Senate to a halt. It’s too bad the parties couldn’t come together to give Obama more power to restructure the Executive Branch as well because Romney could have used that very effectively.
Thoughts? Anything I missed?
P.S. Don't forget, it is Star Trek Tuesday at the film site.
● Issue One: Everywhere you look, the MSM is smearing Paul Ryan. The Democrats too are focusing almost exclusively on Ryan. This suggests two things. First, they know that Ryan is very important to this ticket and they are desperate to stop him. Unfortunately for them, their attacks on him have been pathetic. They’ve found no damning votes, no skeletons in the closet, and no close associates looking to make a name for themselves by turning against him. Nothing they’ve tried has touched him.
Secondly, it suggests that the Democrats really have no idea how to win this election. Poll after poll shows the public worried about jobs and the economy, and they aren’t happy with Obama’s record. But rather than defend that record or come up with some new plan the public will believe (his latest involves hiring more teachers), they are trying to smear Ryan. . . the number two guy on the ticket. This is horrible strategy. When November rolls around, Ryan won’t even be an issue in the voting both, so attacking Ryan is nothing more than a waste of time. That the Democrats don’t understand that is fascinating.
● Issue Two: Swift Boat Boogaloo. Obama really stepped in it when he tried to claim credit for killing bin Laden. Not only was it unseemly for a President to try to steal the credit which belongs to the troops who did the actual deed, but it soon became apparent that our Kenyan Overlord did little more than cower in the corner while others pushed the decision buttons. Yet, Hollywood is intent on making a pro-Obama propaganda film about the event. So it’s rather hilarious that a group of Navy SEALs is putting together an advertisement attacking Obama for his mishandling of this as well has his administration’s penchant for leaking secret documents which harm the troops in the field. Of course, the Democrats are furious about this and they are calling it another swift boat attack, but that won’t change the fact that an ad like this will prove to be highly effective against our arm-chair warrior in Chief.
● Issue Three: Gallup now shows Romney with a small but growing lead over Obama – 47% to 45%. I can’t get to Gallup’s underlying data, but you can guess it’s probably biased at least 3% to the left. That means Romney’s support may have crossed the magical 50% mark.
● Issue Four: Priorities. Last week, Gallup released a poll showing voter priorities for this election. In the top spots by far are (1) creating good jobs, (2) reducing corruption in the federal government, and (3) reducing the federal budget deficit. Each of these is a notable Obama failure – with the corruption thing being the most ironic since Obama claimed to want clean and transparent government. Obama’s main selling point, “increasing taxes on wealthy Americans” ranks last on the list with only 49% support – 43% behind the jobs issue. This tells us that Obama is in real trouble and is plan to save himself is deeply flawed.
● Issue Five: The Boston Globe has now become the first left-leaning editorial board to demand an apology from Biden for his "chains" comment. They noticed that if Romney or Ryan had said that, they would have been attacked for "racial insensitivity" and they think Biden should not be excused merely because he's on the left. Imagine that!
● Issue Six: Finally, there is this issue about appointments. You may have heard that the Congress has decided to give the president more power to get his appointments. Specifically, 170 posts which needed Senate approval in the past will no longer need Senate approval. Some people are upset about this because it gives Obama more power, but let’s get real. A President should, by and large, be able to appoint the people he wants to fill most posts. And for decades now, the Senate has done a horrible job of make decision on appointments, leave some slots empty for years after a President is elected. This decision will be a good thing for Romney who should be able to hit the ground running that much faster now, despite what I expect to be Democratic attempts to grind the Senate to a halt. It’s too bad the parties couldn’t come together to give Obama more power to restructure the Executive Branch as well because Romney could have used that very effectively.
Thoughts? Anything I missed?
P.S. Don't forget, it is Star Trek Tuesday at the film site.
Time's new cover story is 'Hit the road Barack'. This marks a big change from the tone of prior coverage. Like I've said before, with Obama's track record, Romney's victory is inevitable.
ReplyDeleteI don't know how much Gallup's poll is skewed to the left, but what I'm looking for is if this lead becomes consistent--it has shown the two switching places in the polls over the past couple months. If Romney maintains this lead over Obama, even if it only stays at two or three points, I'd say that's a sign he's turned the corner.
ReplyDeleteOh boy! Issue #6 - my personal favorite. This sounds like one of those bits of legislation that the Dem Senate will pass and will realize later that they screwed themselves, not the other side of the aisle. Did they learn nothing from Sen. Kennedy and the Mass. Senate appointment debacle of 2009? They really do believe that a Dem will always be sitting in the WH. Poor lost and stupid souls.
ReplyDeleteT-Rav, In my experience, Gallup is always 3-5% to the left.
ReplyDeleteBev, LOL! The Democrats never learn anything!
ReplyDeleteAnthony, I think Obama is losing the MSM. They seem really upset at the way he's ignored them and they likely see the writing on the wall -- so why back a loser when you can get credibility with the public attacking someone who won't win anyway?
ReplyDeleteI'm not sure they're all at that point yet, but a lot more than you normally get around this time.
T-Rav, That's always the best way to handle polls -- look for trends. As single data points, they aren't very reliable, but long term trends do mean something. That's why I think Obama's stunningly consistent low approval ratings are significant. I've never seen a President with such constantly low number.
ReplyDeleteBev, LOL! "Poor lost and stupid souls." That is exactly what it sounds like. Even when they had this supermajority, they couldn't get their act together and approve his nominees, so my guess is that they think this will help Obama after he gets re-elected and the idea that it will help Romney just doesn't compute for them. No doubt, they'll be outraged after Romney wins and will call this legislation an outrage.
ReplyDeleteDUQ, In my experience, that's right -- Gallup generally sits about 3-5% to the left.
ReplyDeleteAnd no, the Democrats never learn... never. It's part of their charm. ;)
Andrew: You have two back-to-back articles demonstrating just how desperate Obama is. It just keeps getting juicier. Your article on the Republican nutcase yesterday was spot on (and fun to read). Today, we have Obama and the MSM. No press conference for two months, and yesterday he suddenly appears from behind the curtain to take on the issue of one screwball from Missouri who said something so idiotic that even Biden won't be able to match it. And even at that, he was a day later than Mitt Romney in condemning the Missouri jackass. All Obama has is attacks. No program. No leadership. Just attacks. And his favorability ratings are dropping into the 30s and 40s along with his competence ratings.
ReplyDeleteLawhawk, Thanks! And I couldn't agree more. Obama is flailing! He has no plan, no program, no leadership. All he has is attacks and he's not even good at those.
ReplyDeleteLike you say, the whole country was in an outrage over Akin -- all of conservatism was out there demanding he resign, liberal bloggers were all over it. And here comes Obama, a day late. He either should have shut up and left it to us to handle or jumped right in. Does the outrage center of his brain take 24 hours to register?
And then this idea of hijacking a press conference (angrily) when he hasn't met with anyone but chat shows like the View for months is laughable. He's a fool... a desperate fool.
T-Rav - What is also interesting is that Romney has the lead in Illinois outside Cook County (Chicago).
ReplyDeleteBev, I just saw the headline on that. Stunning, isn't it? There are many indications this election could be a blow out.
ReplyDeleteAndrew: BTW, have I ever mentioned that I hate Obama?
ReplyDeleteLawhawk, I don't believe you have! LOL!
ReplyDeleteYou hate Obama, too? I never knew! I hate him as well. ;-)
Joel, There seems to be a lot of that going around. Maybe it was something in the water? LOL!
ReplyDelete"No doubt, they'll be outraged after Romney wins and will call this legislation an outrage."
ReplyDeleteAnd once again when told that THEY are the ones who passed this new legislation, they will feign outrage and say "it was the Republicans, the Republicans they did this while we weren't looking or on vacation at the time. We didn't know what was in that bill!" And they will believe themselves too!
Bev, Of that I am absolutely sure. They'll just talk about the House passing this and will somehow overlook the fact it passed the Senate too. And as you say, they will believe that this was all a Republican plot.
ReplyDeleteIt must be strange to see the world in such illogical ways, but they seem to actually think that way.
ReplyDeleteIf Obama gets termed, I hope he tries to overstay his welcome. I would dearly love to see Michelle Obama being physically carried out of the White House squawking.
Joel, I would pay real money to see that! LOL!
ReplyDeleteI think it's amazing they keep smearing Paul Ryan. Talk about picking the wrong target. I get the feeling the Democrats really have no idea how to win this election.
ReplyDeleteAlso, is there any word on Akin? Last I heard he was running ads asking for forgiveness?!
ReplyDeleteEllen, That's the feeling I get too -- that they have no clue how to win this election so they are just trying to throw as much crap as they can at anything and anyone in the hopes that something sticks. It's not working.
ReplyDeleteBev, I saw that, but I don't believe it. If all else fails, the Chicago political machine will just raise their "Army of the Dead" and find the votes necessary to keep Illinois in the blue column.
ReplyDeleteT-Rav, I don't believe we're going to win Illinois either, but it's fascinating that Obama is struggling in states that should be slam dunks.
ReplyDeleteRelated to Paul Ryan, last week I watched a meme quickly pop up and die right back down. Several news outlets floated a "Ryan is a nerd" narrative in smearing tones. Someone must have given them notice that nerd = cool nowadays, because it's all but dead already.
ReplyDeletetryanmax, LOL! I missed that one. Yeah, being a nerd has become a good thing.
ReplyDeleteMy favorite (which they dropped after one day) was "he's the intellectual leader of the Republicans!!" Yeah, that's smart... tell people he's a genius and a leader. Idiots.
Romney/Ryan play it right they will win big. However, look for the press to rally for their lord and master, Barry.
ReplyDeleteEllenB - Akin did an apology ad. I contacted a friend in Missouri who is part of the delegation to the Convention in Tampa. I asked her what gives with Akins and her reponse was that she is not at liberty to say anything.
ReplyDeleteI imagine there was a lot of pressure to bear on Akins part. Though what he said was really, really stupid, I must say that he shows some real balls not folding his tent and slinking away. And for broadcasting a very public apology. I see a report that McCaskill and Akin are running neck and neck still.
T-Rav and Andrew - I do not think that Obama will lose Illinois either, but it's interesting that it may be very close. That's got to sting a little.
ReplyDeleteAndrew, I firmly believe Ryan's favorability will either the stay the same or maybe even increase the more people learn about him, and if that happens, the attacks from Dems are going to be foaming-at-the-mouth insane. They know they can't call him stupid, so all they've got is EVIL, and if that doesn't work...oh boy.
ReplyDeleteStan, I think the MSM is trying to rally around them right now, but some members aren't buying it. I think some of the one who pretend they are more moderate see an opportunity to appear non-partisan by attack Obama, who they now consider unelectable. But the rest are doing their best, that's for sure.
ReplyDeleteBev, T-Rav just posted an interesting comment in yesterday's thread on that very point. The poll showing McCaskill and Akin neck and neck is from PPP, which is notorious for leaning left. They are the group that supplied Daily Kos with their numbers.
ReplyDeleteAccording to T-Rav, the same they used to get the neck and neck result if heavily overweight toward Republicans. This would be a first for PPP and it shows what the left is hoping will happen, that we will stick with Akin. It also proves that PPP has no integrity.
Bev, On Illinois, I can't see Obama losing either, but it's fascinating that he even has to worry about the state. That, to me, is a MAJOR bad sign for him. If he has to worry about safe states like Illinois, then he's got real problems in the swing states.
ReplyDeleteAndrew and Bev, sad but true. If you correct the sampling and then plug in the most optimistic turnout size (better than 2010 model), Akin still loses.
ReplyDeleteThere is good news regarding PPP, though--their newest poll from Wisconsin has Romney up one, but leading by nine points among seniors and trailing by just four among independents overall. (The gap was fourteen last month.) So clearly, the charge that Ryan wants to push grandma off a cliff is totally working.
Ellen, I think it takes a lack of self-awareness for him to continue. And am I mistaken or has he yet to explain what he supposedly meant.
ReplyDeleteBev, not Ellen. That's what happens when I keep having to sign in. Does anyone else have that problem?
ReplyDeleteT-Rav, Everything I'm seeing tells me that Ryan is delivering both old people and Wisconsin to Romney and that all but guarantees that Romney will win this race.
ReplyDeleteI also can't help but notice that the Democrats seem to be understanding this so they've slowed their Medicare attacks and are now trying to attack him as bad for women.
On Akin, I'm not surprised he loses.
Ellen, Sadly, most politicians aren't self aware.
ReplyDeleteI know some people need to sign in every time. I'm not sure why. Maybe it's your cookie setting?
I love the Swift Boat II Electric Boogaloo! :)
ReplyDeleteThat's going to hurt Obama a lot because it puts the lie to his claim to be good for the military.
I am also amazed at how disorganized Obama's campaign is. It's like they don't even know what to target. They have no plan.
Ellen, I had to sign in each time too but then it changed and I have no idea why.
ReplyDeleteMmmmm, cookies. Oh, not that kind of cookies. Darn.
ReplyDeleteExcellent stuff as always Andrew. I think the writing is on the wall and Obama looks desperate. In fact, his deserpation is what really sells me that he's in trouble because if he wasn't, he would have settled on a solid strategy and stuck with it.
ReplyDeleteDoc - They seem so scattershot because the Dems are running at a deficit in fund raising. They...and I know this will come as a complete surprise to everyone...are spending more than they are taking in and have been for months.
ReplyDeleteDoc, I think the SEAL ads will be devastating. They will remind the public of a lot of Obama's problems with the military and foreign policy.
ReplyDeleteBev, Yes, sadly, those are the wrong kind of cookies. :(
ReplyDeleteEd, Thanks! I think the writing is on the wall and they have become desperate, and the desperation is now coming across loud and clear.
ReplyDeleteAnd you're right, if things were going well for Obama, they would have picked a simple straight forward strategy and moved forward with it.
Huh? Who has cookies? I said, who has cookies???
ReplyDeleteBev, I can't imagine... Democrats spending more than they take it? Has that ever happened before in life? LOL!
ReplyDeleteI think the fundraising thing is amazing. Last I heard, Romney had $65 million cash on hand than Obama and was outraising him by $25 million a month!
T-Rav, They're inside your computer... rip it open and you will see them. ;)
ReplyDeleteForget cookies, man....brownies are where it's at.
ReplyDeleteOh man, who let the hippies in here! Now everything is gonna smell like pot.
ReplyDeleteEat more chicken!
ReplyDeleteI'm looking forward to that ad from the Navy Seals.
ReplyDeleteOn a side note, I was talking with my brother yesterday, who's a small-business owner in Phoenix. He was telling me about all the signs in the windows of businesses he visits throughout Phoenix, Scottsdale, and Tempe that say something like "I built this, Mr. President!" I hope Romney/Ryan wins in a landslide.
Cookies are for closers.
ReplyDeleteWriter X, Me too. I think it's going to be very interesting to watch the Democrats try to smear these guys without upsetting the public.
ReplyDeleteI'm seeing similar signs actually. I think the public is finished with him!
I heard there's been a lot of these "I built this" signs in Virginia, too. Hopefully that's a good omen.
ReplyDeleteT-Rav, I think the signs are evidence that conservatives are done being passive. I think this is the next phase of the Tea Party movement, where average people start to speak their minds openly in public in ways the left have had to face before. I see it as a rising confidence and evidence of strong intensity.
ReplyDeletePaul Ryan apparently had a lengthy conversation with Akin today, and some Tea Party Groups have joined the chorus saying he needs to resign. They say his comments redirect the narrative away from the economy and will hurt other candidates.
ReplyDeleteMeanwhile, the Republican Platform Committee both rejected an exception to banning abortion for rape and civil unions. They are way out of touch. Nice work folks.
I wonder if Romney will repudiate the platform? That would be interesting. I wonder if anyone has ever done that before?
I won't say much about this, but Akin was just on the radio in STL and announced he's "in it to win it." Because he's a man of principle, and we don't talk enough about the Founders, and the Creator, and....something.
ReplyDeleteThere are no words for how upset I am right now.
Oh, and I was right--he's totally touting that new poll falsely showing him in the lead. So yeah.
ReplyDeleteT-Rav, I feel your pain. I've run into that a couple times where we got a candidate who needed to leave the race and just wouldn't. And it's totally frustrating to hear them give an interview where they talk about how the people really do love them and they're doing this for the principle etc. etc. It's all ego.
ReplyDeleteIn fact, in 2010, Tom Tancredo jumped into the race for governor for no reason whatsoever except ego and he cost us the state. I was furious.
DUQ, I don't think anything will change Akin's mind at this point.
ReplyDeleteAs for the platform, they are largely ignored by both parties. They're kind of the place the parties' most extreme idiots go to pretend they are relevant. So I don't think anyone has ever repudiated a platform because no one takes them seriously.
I can tell you from experience that the platforms are crap. They are full of stupid ideas, they are way too long, and they present the party as a bunch of fruitcakes rather than as something you would want to vote for.
I personally think they need to eliminate them or reform them severely. A real platform should be no more than 5-10 ideas, each of which can be explained in a few sentences. Instead, they're 100 page monsters that lurch and barf all over the place.
Andrew, I remember that Tancredo business. What a clusterf@#k. This one likely won't be much better.
ReplyDeleteT-Rav, Probably not.
ReplyDeleteWhat was so bizarre about the Tancredo thing was there was no reason for it. Tancredo just jumped in for ego reasons. And he ended up handing the state to the Democrat.
As you say, what a clusterf**k!
Heck, even I remember the Tancredo thing, and I have no pertinent reason to. That was a mess!
ReplyDeleteI think it's great that 0bama has to sweat about IL. The Chicago machine won't let the state go, but it's fun to see them actually having to work at it for a change. This also makes me change my mind about IA. Maybe they'll see the light after all.
But while we're on the subject, can anybody explain what is going on in the southwest? I saw a map over the weekend showing NV and AZ as both leaning Democrat. How can that be? AZ has been particularly dumped on by this administration, and NV has fared little better. In my mind, AZ should be red and NV should be a toss-up.
tryanmax, I think they are using bad samples. If you use the 2008, then everything leans toward Obama or is a toss up. I think Arizona has a 0% chance of going for Obama and Nevada isn't much better.
ReplyDeleteThe only questions in the west are New Mexico which always leans Democratic and Colorado, which has become a swing state because of the Californians who moved here.
I think the Illinois thing is great. It means he needs to waste time and money shoring up a state that should have been an easy win, and it suggests that all those midwestern states really may turn against him. :)
tryanmax, I don't know about Nevada, but anyone saying Arizona is leaning Democrat is on crack. Not gonna happen.
ReplyDeleteT-Rav, I can't see it either. Nothing about Arizona tells me it has the slightest chance of going for Obama.
ReplyDeleteHI!!!!! I have not read all of the past week's columns; I'll do that as I have time. (I had wifi [well except for the hotel in Casper where I had to plug my computer into their internet] until I got to the farm in Idaho).
ReplyDeleteBack on topic...
as we drove through NM on Sunday, we kept seeing Romney and R/R bumper stickers - which is something when you consider NM politics...
I think TOTUS should keep Biden - just so we have more fun with this campaign!
You mentioned CWilliams yesterday. He was my first vote after I turned 18!!! Anyway, he's still a big deal around here. This was in the paper before I left (gonna try): <a href="http://www.mywesttexas.com/top_stories/article_778bcd4f-103c-5b59-a5b2-f8e4a78988f5.html>LINK<a/a>
didn't work. so copy from http to html...
ReplyDeleterlaWTX, Welcome back! Glad to hear you're back online! :)
ReplyDeleteI think NM will go for Romney, but I'm not 100% sure. Of all the western states, that's the one that is most likely to go for Obama. It's good hear about the bumperstickers! :)
I totally want him to keep Biden too. Biden is the gaffe that launched a thousand votes.
I haven't heard from Clayton in years (or Richards) -- though I still remember her vile, cackly line "he can't help it, he was born with a silver foot in his mouth." Here's your link: LINK
Andrew - Let's hope you haven't heard from Ann Richards in years because she passed away in 2006.
ReplyDeleteBev, That would explain it!
ReplyDeleteThank you, Bev, You beat me to it...
ReplyDeleteHe's not bad, just an old-time oil field worker who made it to the top. His attempt at governorship wasn't a shining moment... But, with any luck, good ole Ann will be last Dem Gov TX has for a long time...
>>In fact, in 2010, Tom Tancredo jumped into the race for governor for no reason whatsoever except ego and he cost us the state. I was furious. >>
ReplyDeleteHmmm, sounds like Schwarzeneggeritis. Despite his well-intentioned post-election attempts re. propositions, which got shot down in flames after the CA GOP totally botched their responses to the union attack machines, still like to think California would have been even a little better off with a Governor McClintock. I digress.
Sure is fun watching the Democrat party implode on so many fronts, though. Glad I jumped ship once I finally saw it start to sink under the weight of the extremists within the ranks in the late 90s.
Oh, if anyone feels like making a $100, I've got a Facebook buddy so delusional, er, confident in an Obama second term, he's taking all comers in the betting department. Eli Braden, check him out, and please fleece him.
I just heard an interview with Akin and he really doesn't get it. He said, this was "just a one word mistake in one sentence." It never dawned on him that it was the thought behind what he said that has bothered everyone, and that it wasn't the single word.
ReplyDeleterlaWTX, I can't see a lot of Democrats winning the Governorship in Texas in the future.
ReplyDeleteIn somewhat better news, a new poll out (I don't know from where) has Romney up four points over Obama in Michigan, 48-44. RCP has moved the state from the "Leans Dem" column to "Toss-Up."
ReplyDeleteEric, That sounds like taking candy from a baby! LOL!
ReplyDeleteI'm also glad to see them implode across the board. They really have no idea what they are doing this election cycle.
Glad you saw the light as well! :)
T-Rav, That's amazing. All the evidence is there for a blow out. And if this continues, at some point, momentum will do the rest.
ReplyDeleteAndrew, mark my words. If, by some miracle, Akin stays in and manages to win this thing, I will nonetheless vote for his primary challenger in 2018 just as payback for the danger he has put us all in with this.
ReplyDeleteMeanwhile, I guess the thing to do is focus on winning Senate races elsewhere. Montana, Nebraska, and Wisconsin are looking good, North Dakota should too, Hawaii, Virginia, and Florida are doable, and don't forget about protecting Scott Brown in Mass.
T-Rav, I would vote against him too.
ReplyDeleteI feel pretty good about North Dakota, Nebraska, Virginia and Wisconsin. I'm leaning toward Brown winning too because Warren has proven to be such an utter fool. I'm not confident about Hawaii, and people keep telling me we won't win in Montana, so I don't know about that one.
I think we will get the Senate ultimately, but it will be a lot tighter than it should have been.
Andrew, I think Rasmussen has the R candidate up, and Lingle is fairly popular in Hawaii as a former governor, so that may help. Technically, if Romney wins, all we really have to get to is 50 and then Ryan can act as tie-breaker, but we really need an extra two or three, to avoid the inevitable RINO breakaways on some legislation.
ReplyDeleteMy stomach is starting to hurt the more I think about this.
With Missouri lost what are the chances of retaking the senate?
ReplyDeleteT-Rav, When I looked at the Senate, I was depressed how hard it was to find the easy wins we should have had to take over the Senate. I hope you're right on Hawaii. I don't understand why Montana isn't firmly GOP either? I'm hopefully (I think we get 53 seats), but this is going to be much harder than it should have been and I'm not really sure why that is.
ReplyDeleteIndi, I think the odds are really good we win end up 53-47, but 51-49 is also very likely. If that happens, then we could be looking at 50/50, which would still be bad in terms of setting the calendar.
ReplyDeletesince someone mentioned the Governator: we went and saw Expendables 2 yesterday. Total fluff, blow-'em-up fun. Lots of inside jokes between the various bad@sses sharing the screen. Probably no redeeming cinematic value whatsoever, but big fun all around... ;)
ReplyDeleterlaWTX, I'm interested in it, but I'll wait for it to come to HBO. I heard that it didn't do so well in terms of the box office, which surprised me. It sounds like it should have been a huge hit. I'm glad you enjoyed it.
ReplyDeleteRomney has now called for Akin to quit:
ReplyDelete"Todd Akin's comments were offensive and wrong and he should very seriously consider what course would be in the best interest of our country. Today, his fellow Missourians urged him to step aside, and I think he should accept their counsel and exit the Senate race," Mr. Romney said in a statement from his campaign.
ReplyDeleteBest Chuck norris is so bad joke ever in the new Expendables movie
Andrew, I'm sure God has told Akin to stay in the race, so that's more important.
ReplyDeleteAll isn't lost. I think the Libertarian in the party will be surprised at how much effort people will take to get rid of Akin. Akin is like those Democrat politicians who acted so arrogant during the Town Hall meetings. Ignore the will of the Tea Party at your peril.
T-Rav, It wouldn't surprise me. God tells a lot of people a lot of things.
ReplyDeleteJoel, Several Tea Party groups actively called for him to quit today. I think they will find an alternative.
ReplyDeleteYeah, I heard. The problem is we now have a crazy uncle who thinks God has delivered a sign. Yep, God has delivered a sign, to the rest of us. God basically is telling us, next time find out first if you have a brain damaged candidate before you try to help him, other wise you get the Akin mess.
Despite the problems with Akin, I think Missouri will go to the Republican Presidential Candidate and McCaskill will have another term as Senator, unless there is a surge of Tea Party types who understand what is at stake and are willing to go the extra-extra-mile to fix thigs.
ReplyDeleteJoel, That's a sign all right! The question is, how we design a sanity test? I guess we could ask, "Did God, aliens, or some secret cabal ask you to run?" If they answer yes, then we know to pass on them.
ReplyDeleteI think you're right. Romney and McCaskill win in Missouri and T-Rav ends up despondent.
ReplyDeleteIt serves T-Rav right. He went so long and hard against Romney.....
Joel, LOL! Leave poor Mr. Rav alone. He's a pleasant fellow and a good friend of the blog! :)
ReplyDeleteI always wish him well.
I just fear he will be stuck with McCaskill for 6 years. :(
Take heart. There is an outside chance that Wendy Long can defeat Kirsten Gillibrand. Gilly isn't too popular upstate.
ReplyDeleteBev, That would be excellent. I didn't think Gillibrand was too popular, but I can't think of the last time NY went Republican.
ReplyDeleteI wish they would run someone like Guiliani.
Joel, f@#k you with a pogo stick.
ReplyDeleteLOL! Is that how they do it in Missouri now?
ReplyDeleteDo you project your perversions on others much? No wonder why you were against Romney for so long. ;-)
Joel, that ain't my perversion. If you knew what my perversion was, you'd run away from your computer screaming.
ReplyDeleteStrike T-Rav from the wedding guest list... ;)
ReplyDeleteWhat's that supposed to mean??? It's not like I play it out in public or anything. (Although it does involve a tuxedo...)
ReplyDeletePlease come out with your perversion and say you are the love child of Akin and McCaskill. Your country needs you. We'll back your play. You can say that "The Liberal Elitist Media" like Mark Levin are on to you. It will be perfect. Todd Akin on twitter just said,"I apologized but the liberal media is trying to make me drop out. Please stand w/ me tonight by signing my petition at akin.org/still-standing" It is a great setup and you will be forgiven for your intemperate remarks about Romney.
Yes, I saw that. The "liberal media" I take it now includes Mark Levin, Ann Coulter, Sean Hannity....
ReplyDeleteT-Rav, a tuxedo you say? And here I thought I was being original. *snap*
ReplyDeleteSo....you'll do it?
Do you know what really pisses me off about this Akin cretin? We might have to help him win. And I for one resent it.
ReplyDeletePeople have talked to him, reasoned with him, pleaded with him, threatened him and did everything in their power to get him to resign. I think the people who backed him financially should sue him for their contributions. Hey, why not? Force him to react to a suit. The kitchen sink hasn't been thrown yet, but I am sure it is coming.
obiwan, I hear he's free! LOL!
ReplyDeleteActually, my guess is that the SEALs will be shown without a leader so that the Obama character can be shown to be even more heroic.
Ya know, I don't know what you people are up to with your tuxedos, but count me out! Yikes!
ReplyDeleteT-Rav, When a guy like this gets in trouble, the "liberal media" and the "establishment" include anyone who doesn't rally to the cause. It's part of playing the victim.
ReplyDeleteYou know, I'm still waiting to hear what he thinks he meant. He's had several days now to come up with something plausible. Most people could have corrected themselves right away.
Joel, A lawsuit like that won't work unless they gave the money on certain conditions that he's violated.
ReplyDeleteI'm not helping him.
Yeah, I do understand Andrew. I just wish that when a candidate goes so far off the deep end like this, that most people recognize that he ain't good for us and don't help him. Still there are some who think we should help him.
ReplyDeleteYeah, "wrongful candidacy". I can see the ads now. "Have you supported a candidate for any officd who has turnsd out to be train-wrecked dunderhead? Well, we feel your pain. Just call 1-800-UNVOTED now and see how we can help..."
ReplyDeleteBev, I love it! Some enterprising lawyer should get on that! LOL!
ReplyDeleteJoel, I'm sure there are, but I don't feel any desire to help him and his actions since this confirm my desire not to help him.
ReplyDelete"wrongful candidacy" - awesome idea, Bev!
ReplyDeleteA rape victim who gave birth to the child that resulted from the rape wrote a disturbing essay about how most States (31) give rapists the same visitation rights they give to non-rapists.
ReplyDeleteMost Americans are sane, decent people and nothing like Akin, so I can only assume that this reflects not a widespread belief that true rape victims have some magical means to avert pregnancy, but is merely a horrible oversight that needs to be corrected.
Perhaps some good can come of Akin's lunacy, if not for the Republican party, for humanity in general.
The knowledge that babies won't be something which condemns them to dealing with their rapists again and again might conceivably result in fewer rape victims choosing to have abortions (not a decision I want anyone to make, but a decision I believe should be in the hands of rape victims).
Eight years after my rape, I find myself on trial against ignorance again. Rep. Todd Akin's recent comments that "legitimate rape" rarely results in pregnancy not only flout scientific fact but, for me, cut deeper. Akin has de-legitimized my rape.
You see, nine months after my rape, I gave birth to a beautiful little girl. You could say she was conceived in rape; she was. But she is also so much more than her beginnings. I blissfully believed that after I finally had decided to give birth to and to raise my daughter, life would be all roses and endless days at the playground. I was wrong again.
It would not be long before I would learn firsthand that in the vast majority of states -- 31 -- men who father through rape are able to assert the same custody and visitation rights to their children that other fathers enjoy. When no law prohibits a rapist from exercising these rights, a woman may feel forced to bargain away her legal rights to a criminal trial in exchange for the rapist dropping the bid to have access to her child.
When faced with the choice between a lifetime tethered to her rapist or meaningful legal redress, the answer may be easy, but it is not painless. For the sake of her child, the woman will sacrifice her need to see her once immensely powerful perpetrator humbled by the court.
I know it because I lived it. I went to law school to learn how to stop it.
Anthony, That is really sick and needs to change. Unfortunately, our laws on rape its consequences are really a hodgepodge of idoicy and incompetence. I've seen innocent people get railroaded under messed up laws that made it impossible prove their innocence while seeing guilty bastards skate through because the law offers the guilty protections. And after the fact, the law is no better at protecting victims. It's truly shameful.
ReplyDeleteI hadn't heard about this particular problem, but it absolutely needs to change.