America today is “globally more respected, more engaged and more secure” than it was when President Obama came to office in early 2009. That was the conclusion drawn by Assistant UN Secretary Esther Brimmer. Brimmer became America's representative on the UN Human Human Rights Council in 2009. America had become a member of the council for the first time, along with such other enlightened nations as Sudan and Libya.
This is what Brimmer had to say about the advent of the Obama era of peace and love. “At that time [January 2009], the United States faced serious questions about the future of our global engagement. We were deeply committed to two long and expensive wars, which hurt our ability to achieve other national goals and strained the fabric of global cooperation.” But now, everything is hunky-dory, and it's all because of the liberal agenda being run by the administration.
You can see the difference. Reagan generously offered the Soviet Union the technology for the Star Wars defense, just as long as they were willing to pay for it. He also met with Gorbachev and cheerfully told him that we had no intention of caving in to communist pressure. Against the advice of his staff and facing the enmity of foreign leaders, he installed cruise missiles in Europe. He told Gorbachev in Berlin to tear down the wall. Just after the end of his second administration, the evil empire collapsed.
On the other hand, Obama signed an agreement with Russia to reduce nuclear stockpiles without any verification procedures. He met with Medvedev (with Putin lurking in the background), and pleaded for Russia to be kind to him until after the next election so he could have four more years to kowtow to the Russian bear. Reagan bombed Libya. Obama led from behind, and managed to piss off just about all the Libyans without any corresponding demonstration of the power and will to prevent anti-American attacks. Reagan and Bush I both encouraged Polish independence from the Soviet Union prior to their presidencies, and both supported Poland as an ally. Obama sold out Poland and other Eastern European allies by canceling the plans for an Eastern European missile defense shield.
Reagan exercised America's power and determination worldwide, and though many nations resented and even hated him, they respected and feared him. They don't like Obama much better, but they neither fear nor respect him. At a meeting of world leaders a couple years ago to discuss world security and dangers, Obama wasn't even invited to attend, even though he was in the same hotel. He forced himself into the meeting, and was snubbed for the duration.
Reagan strengthened our alliances with the free world nations, becoming a personal friend of Britain's PM Margaret Thatcher. Obama has in one way or another insulted or betrayed our allies while bowing to the Saudi King and accommodating Islamists throughout the Middle East. Everyone knew where Reagan stood. Nobody, including Obama himself, knows where he'll be standing in the next five minutes.
Brimmer's tenure on the Human Rights Council advises her entire view of the strengthening of both the US and the UN. She truly believes that by joining the Council, America has made things better. Says Brimmer: “Since the U.S. joined, its leadership and collaboration with others has helped transform that body, into one that now regularly responds to pressing human rights situations with timely, concrete action.” Name one. She elaborates: “The Obama administration has succeeded in greatly reducing the HRC’s unfair bias against Israel, although more remains to be done.” No kidding.
All past presidents have announced our serious commitment to the continued existence of Israel, the only true liberal democracy in the Middle East. With the exception of Carter's lukewarm attitude and Obama's obeisance to Islamists, that is. Every President since Nixon has confirmed that Jerusalem is the capital of Israel. Obama says, “whoa, not so fast,” but backs down after a major brouhaha at the Democratic convention.
Obama certainly isn't the first president to be “engaged” in the Middle East and Jihadistan. All his immediate successors were to one extent or another. Some diplomatically, some militarily, but in either event Obama apologizes for our past actions. Even early president Thomas Jefferson sent Marines to the shores of Tripoli. Obama sent an ambassador to Benghazi amid 9-11 Muslim demonstrations, and nobody made sure the ambassador had an armed security guard. We all know the result.
Brimmer was woefully short on genuine examples of her thesis. So help her (and me) out here. Please give us some examples of how America is “more respected, more engaged, and more secure that it was prior to the inauguration of Barack Hussein Obama.
I will be out of town for appointments from early morning to late afternoon. Please make your comments and have your debate in my absence. I'll respond as soon as I return.
This is what Brimmer had to say about the advent of the Obama era of peace and love. “At that time [January 2009], the United States faced serious questions about the future of our global engagement. We were deeply committed to two long and expensive wars, which hurt our ability to achieve other national goals and strained the fabric of global cooperation.” But now, everything is hunky-dory, and it's all because of the liberal agenda being run by the administration.
You can see the difference. Reagan generously offered the Soviet Union the technology for the Star Wars defense, just as long as they were willing to pay for it. He also met with Gorbachev and cheerfully told him that we had no intention of caving in to communist pressure. Against the advice of his staff and facing the enmity of foreign leaders, he installed cruise missiles in Europe. He told Gorbachev in Berlin to tear down the wall. Just after the end of his second administration, the evil empire collapsed.
On the other hand, Obama signed an agreement with Russia to reduce nuclear stockpiles without any verification procedures. He met with Medvedev (with Putin lurking in the background), and pleaded for Russia to be kind to him until after the next election so he could have four more years to kowtow to the Russian bear. Reagan bombed Libya. Obama led from behind, and managed to piss off just about all the Libyans without any corresponding demonstration of the power and will to prevent anti-American attacks. Reagan and Bush I both encouraged Polish independence from the Soviet Union prior to their presidencies, and both supported Poland as an ally. Obama sold out Poland and other Eastern European allies by canceling the plans for an Eastern European missile defense shield.
Reagan exercised America's power and determination worldwide, and though many nations resented and even hated him, they respected and feared him. They don't like Obama much better, but they neither fear nor respect him. At a meeting of world leaders a couple years ago to discuss world security and dangers, Obama wasn't even invited to attend, even though he was in the same hotel. He forced himself into the meeting, and was snubbed for the duration.
Reagan strengthened our alliances with the free world nations, becoming a personal friend of Britain's PM Margaret Thatcher. Obama has in one way or another insulted or betrayed our allies while bowing to the Saudi King and accommodating Islamists throughout the Middle East. Everyone knew where Reagan stood. Nobody, including Obama himself, knows where he'll be standing in the next five minutes.
Brimmer's tenure on the Human Rights Council advises her entire view of the strengthening of both the US and the UN. She truly believes that by joining the Council, America has made things better. Says Brimmer: “Since the U.S. joined, its leadership and collaboration with others has helped transform that body, into one that now regularly responds to pressing human rights situations with timely, concrete action.” Name one. She elaborates: “The Obama administration has succeeded in greatly reducing the HRC’s unfair bias against Israel, although more remains to be done.” No kidding.
All past presidents have announced our serious commitment to the continued existence of Israel, the only true liberal democracy in the Middle East. With the exception of Carter's lukewarm attitude and Obama's obeisance to Islamists, that is. Every President since Nixon has confirmed that Jerusalem is the capital of Israel. Obama says, “whoa, not so fast,” but backs down after a major brouhaha at the Democratic convention.
Obama certainly isn't the first president to be “engaged” in the Middle East and Jihadistan. All his immediate successors were to one extent or another. Some diplomatically, some militarily, but in either event Obama apologizes for our past actions. Even early president Thomas Jefferson sent Marines to the shores of Tripoli. Obama sent an ambassador to Benghazi amid 9-11 Muslim demonstrations, and nobody made sure the ambassador had an armed security guard. We all know the result.
Brimmer was woefully short on genuine examples of her thesis. So help her (and me) out here. Please give us some examples of how America is “more respected, more engaged, and more secure that it was prior to the inauguration of Barack Hussein Obama.
I will be out of town for appointments from early morning to late afternoon. Please make your comments and have your debate in my absence. I'll respond as soon as I return.
ReplyDeleteYou ask for genuine examples of America being more engaged and respected in the world to support Brimmer.
Why is the chant "GM is alive and Osama is Dead" not enough for you......
it played well at the DNC convention....
Great catalog of backwards leftist/globalist thinking. I have nothing to add.
ReplyDeleteBut, by golly, they LIKE us more now! No really they do! They just don't know how to show it. You'll see; they've changed. Really!
If recent developments in Afghanistan are indicative, our voluntary disengagement there is turning into a disastrous humiliating retreat. This will give AQ and the Taliban another boost.
ReplyDeleteStrange how he never mentions Bush when it comes to claiming credit for foreign policy success.
So that's Obama's foreign policy: Claim to have done lots of things, without having actually done anything. It all makes sense now.
ReplyDeleteBecause Obama has worked tirelessly in defense of the Israeli peole, they are more secure now than EVER before in history.
ReplyDeleteBecause of Obamas unique history, the Muslim world respects America now more than EVER before in history.
Because Obama doesn't treat Russia like a pariah, they now are willing to. Engage with the US now more than EVER before in history.
No one has EVER done more to advance America's interests on the global stage than Obama.
What is wrong with you people?! Don't you see that because Obama and his lackeys say it is so than it IS so? Proof?!.....we don't need to show you any stinking proof! Because he says it is so and imagines it so, it is so.
But Lawhawk, he reads the teleprompter so swell, unless corps is in there. Brimmer knows that his magnificence has spoken, so it must be so, Barry the Merciful has love for all the people of the world, except of course Americans. Then again this why we are so loved by the rest of the world.
ReplyDeleteThese people (liberals) make me want to puke.
Indi: I know. I'm a glutton for punishment. LOL
ReplyDeletetryanmax: Now THAT surprises me!
ReplyDeleterlaWTX: I have a feeling that Obama thinks those fires that they're setting are a way of inviting us to a marshmallow and hot dog roast.
ReplyDeleteK: Either he's going to have to do a major beef-up in Afghanistan and perhaps another "surge," or he's going to need to shorten that timetable for withdrawal. Like now. Too many Americans are losing their lives because they're expected to trust perfidious, primitive, tribalized religious zealots.
ReplyDeleteT-Rav: And the beauty part is he thinks nobody will notice.
ReplyDeletePatriot: Excellent script and great conclusion.
ReplyDeleteStan: You have a top-notch understanding of Obamalogic. Have a Pepto-Bismol on me.
ReplyDeleteYes, the Obama Administration had done much to lessen "unfair" bias against Israel, but the incidences of "fair" bias has increased 10-fold
ReplyDeleteBev, I hear crimson is supposed to be in this season. (Too soon?)
ReplyDeleteActually, yes. That was probably too soon. I'm sorry.
ReplyDeleteT-Rav - Since the President of the United States slept through it and then went to Vegas for a fundraiser, I would say that your timing is perfect. Apparently, it didn't rate his attention, so it must be joking matter. Instead of being interviewed by real journalists who might ask questions, Obama has chosen to appear on David Letterman and The View...
ReplyDeleteBev: I missed that, and withdraw all my comments. It didn't occur to me until you pointed it out that Obama's disdain for Israel is just "fair bias." LOL
ReplyDeleteBev: I love the excuse for Obama going to celebrities instead of genuine news people. Their take: The president has so much to do between now and election, that if he's going to get his message across, he has to go with those who have the largest audiences. Besides, there might be a sneaky news reporter who would ambush him with a real question about real administration policy. That won't happen with Letterman and the goils at the view.
ReplyDeleteInconsistency is the biggest hindrance to effective leadership.
ReplyDeleteAndrew: But you must understand that it's hard to be consistent when you're all things to all men.
ReplyDelete"fair bias" - perspective is the most important thing!