Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Captioning: Congressional Leak

Is it just me or does it look like they're all standing at the Congressional urinal? But what is Nancy Pelosi doing there? Any ideas what's happening in this photo?


  1. I've seen this picture before. Oh, now I remember -


  2. reid to barry: i told you she tucked.

  3. Patti, I almost spit out my drink! LOL!

  4. It does look like their standing at the ceremonial congressional urinal, probably a pedestal Koehler "Royal Flush" model with ice on the rubber mat designed to dispose of our nation's wealth. It is a symbolic gesture as to what they our doing to our economy. As to what Nancy is doing there? Ah, I can't even think about that. Maybe making a Starkist Tuna joke?

  5. Move over boys, I'm in charge now.

  6. Obama looks like he just sucked on a lime; Reid looks like he's worried about the next election; and Pelosi always looks like the uninvited guest who never knows when to go home. Other than that, a good time was had by all.

  7. Reid has cocked his head to listen to Obama complain under his breath.....

    Why does Chavez always make us wait.......

  8. “Alright, lets stand three abreast …we want to get a group picture of the seat of power, to comfort the American people. Look straight ahead Mr. Premier …I mean Mr. President we’ve put a mirror out here sir …we know how you like mirrors. Now, Comrade Reid and Pelosi …look this way, and watch the little birdie …now say, …tax the rich.”
