Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Captioning: Duck, Duck, Goosed

Ok, I'm going to need help with this one. Did Hillary and this man, who is clearly not her husband, just complete the complicated "chest bump" manuever so popular among athletes? Or is she just distracted by a particularly amusing bird. . . perhaps a goose? Any ideas?

(P.S. If you want to see more on why Hillary could be all smiles, check out Writer X's place today: Click Me.)


  1. Is the guy Gordon Brown? He appears to be checking out her non-existent breats. Or maybe it's a mating dance?

  2. Hillary Clinton chest bumps another politician for not asking "what does Bill think" first.

  3. Hillary showing off her "Sound of Music" stand-in pose.

  4. USArtguy, I can totally see them singing!

    (P.S. If you want to see what she's singing about, go check out Writer X's place today -- 100 Most Annoying Things

  5. FB Hink, I thought it was Brown initially, but I'm not sure. The photo honestly didn't have a caption, so I can't say for sure.

    In any event, they certainly are not looking at the same thing! LOL!

    It would be one hilarious mating dance wouldn't it! ;-)

  6. Andrew, seeing that Obama has alienated both Brown and Hillary, this might be a case of birds of a feather…

  7. FB Hink, That would be funny. I could see them sitting in a bar. . .

    H: "I don't think Obama likes me."
    B: "You get that feeling too? I think he hates me. So do the voters."
    H: "Let's get drunk."
    B: "Ok."

  8. You guys probably won't want to hear it, but I'm pretty sure she's auditioning for a product that gets rid of that "not-so-fresh" feeling...

  9. After initially thinking the fact that he had two retina tears was a bad thing, Gordon Brown is thanking his lucky stars that he doesn't have to look at Secretary Clinton's sagging bosom.

  10. Crispy Rice, now that’s funny. Or maybe she’s auditioning for a part in a Broadway musical.

  11. Are you kidding? The picture didn't include the accompanying sound of celestial harps. She just heard the voice of God telling her she will be the Democratic nominee in 2012. Oh, and now she can speak with an Oxonian accent when dealing with the Brits.

  12. LOL! Where did you find this one??

    It looks like Hillary is auditioning for the role of Maria in WEST SIDE STORY--and not very well. Clearly this woman does not get enough attention at home.

    P.S. Thanks for the link. Lots of Hillary crazy to go around.

  13. Writer X, You're welcome -- good piece!

    I have no idea where I got this photo. I wish I knew though, because I'd like to confirm it's Brown.

  14. CrispyRice, Um. . . yeah.

    Freedom21, The expression "tear your eyes out" comes t mind!

  15. Lawhawk, I think she has a phone to God doesn't she? A Fisher-Price phone.

  16. Hillary proudly proclaims in a state of elation, “I’m free from irregularity.” Gordon gruffly replies in proper English, “That’s nice Hillary, now get off my leg!”

  17. Good call Stan. She totally looks like she's in one of those commericals! I can hear the voice over now!

  18. I agree with F.B. that it's Gordon Brown, but I think what happened is this: Hillary, tried the complicated chest bump maneuver, Brown, being a Brit, had no idea what she was trying to do, and replied "what are you effin' daft woman?"

    That's my storyline and I'm sticking to it.

  19. I'm with Jed, this was a failed chest bump.

  20. I think our little Hill has herself a boyfriend. She is just a different person... the smilin, the over-the-top laughiness verging on euphoria... just look at her. Or she's drinking.

    What's up with those sleeves on that suit/blouse/thing. Man. Hill and FLOTUS have broken the bad wardrobe scale.

  21. Suzie1, LOL! I can see Hill telling Bill now how she found a nice young man named Gordon. . . :-)

    As for FLOTUS, wow does she lack taste!
