Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Captioning: Electric-Comb

With the government going broke, Obama is trying everything he can think of to raise more cash. Here he's sent Hillary Clinton to sell electric combs to the Hutus. She's currently whistling the product jingle, after the demonstration on her own hair was less than successful.


ScottDS said...

Without the comb idea:

It looks like she's about to say, "Beam me up, Scotty!"

With the comb idea:

Q: "I want you to take good care of this equipment. There are one or two rather --"
Hillary: "Q, have I ever let you down?"
Q: "Frequently!"

(paraphrased from The Spy Who Loved Me)

AndrewPrice said...

Scott, Nice use of a James Bond line!

Personally, I think she looks stunned. . . or like she's made of rubber, but who knows?

BevfromNYC said...

"So, they said there was a Reset button, but I don't know where it is. Can someone show me where it is?"

AndrewPrice said...

A reset button on her decision to become Secretary of Travel perhaps?

Anonymous said...

Andrew: Thank you. Now I know what happened to that electric comb that disappeared from my cabinet back in the early 70s. Worst of all, I think my hair looked a lot like hers. But then at least I had hair. And I didn't look perpetually stunned (thank you, Bev).

StanH said...

You want me to put this where?

AndrewPrice said...

Good one Stan!

Lawhawk, Maybe using the electric comb caused the hairloss? Poor Hillary. . .

patti said...

stupid barry...i could have been queen!

DCAlleyKat said...

Don't taze me Sis!

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