Thursday, December 3, 2009

Captioning: Help Me Miss Cleo!

Tim Geithner calls the Pyschic Friends hotline during a break at the jobs summit. He is seen below mouthing the words "how many jobs will that create?"


Anonymous said...

Or "How many jobs could my unpaid back taxes create?"

StanH said...

He’s on the phone to the Boiler Room Elves. They have compromising photos of Little Timmy Geitner, and are demanding a stimulus payment? The cruise was a diversion, for the latest BRE sting, and quite elaborate, getting that staged photo with the Travel Gnome, wow. Who is the master mind?

AndrewPrice said...

Stan, Geithner kind of looks like an elf -- the Keebler Elf. I could totally see what you're saying!

Lawhawk, Come on now, you know that taxes are for little people.

patti said...

Miss Cleo: -3972515

Tennessee Jed said...

I am seriously glad for the translation. He somehow looked to me like somebody who just found a strange hair stuck to his facial soap.

CrispyRice said...

I'm betting we find out that Tiger Woods is somehow on the other end of that cell phone.

BevfromNYC said...

"Can you hear me now? Can you hear me now?" [sorry I couldn't stop myself]

Or maybe he's calling his lawyer - This is a new bill that was introduced this week in the House -

Title: To provide the same penalty rate for taxpayers who voluntarily disclose unreported income from offshore accounts as was afforded Timothy Geithner with respect to his failure to pay self-employment taxes with respect to his compensation from the International Monetary Fund.

AndrewPrice said...

Bev, You're an evil woman. LOL! Nice bill, we someone should introduce it!

AndrewPrice said...

CrispyRice, I can't image what Tiger Woods would need from Tim Geithner. . . except maybe a divorce tax break.

BevfromNYC said...

Andrew - Just in case you thought it was a joke - that is a real bill that was introduced yesterday by Rep. John Carter (TX-31) and as of today was referred to Ways and Means for review.
It must be a Texas thang...

AndrewPrice said...

Awesome Bev!! Thanks.

I saw that yesterday, Tom Coburn introduced a three word amendment to the health care bill to strip out Mary Landrieu’s bribe. Ha!

BoilerRoomElf said...

Stan, we think you're getting too smart for your own good. Perhaps you ought to think over your next move wisely. You have seen this, haven't you?!!

You never know what Elves are capable of...

patti said...

bEV: i LOVE my badass texan brethern!

StanH said...

BRE: That’s perfect! You guys get around. LOL!

BevfromNYC said...

Man, they are tough in Georgia. You can't even dress up like an elf and strap a fake bomb on anymore. What's the world coming to?

AndrewPrice said...

I know, there go my Christmas plans! :-(

JB1000 said...

"What do you mean I can't short the US Dollar?"

AndrewPrice said...

JB1000, That may be the most accurate assessment of what is going on! Scary. . . actually, infuriating!

DCAlleyKat said...

"But you don't understand these people are screaming at the gates for a constitutional government, and I think I saw a guillotine, they must not have liked the cake!"

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