Monday, December 7, 2009


Some people want to be remembered, some want to be forgotten, some should be forgotten. Presidents want legacies. Pharaohs dig monuments. Rich people like naming chairs at colleges. If you could be remembered for one public achievement, what would be it?


BevfromNYC said...

Inspiring by example OR being instrumental in the impeachment of President Barack Obama...

Anonymous said...

Chief Justice Lawhawk on this day in history spoke for a unanimous court in ruling that every act of the Obama administration was unconstitutional.

AndrewPrice said...

Noble goals indeed, but do we have nothing bigger? I'd like to be remembered for fixing our education system. . . or bringing sexy back. ;-)

patti said...

telling the truth.

AndrewPrice said...

That is the best policy Patti!

rlaWTX said...

In high school, I wrote a letter to the editor of the weekly newspaper in my town that caused fits and furors. In college, I signed my name to a letter to the editor of the college paper that caused fits and furors.
I'm staying underground!
However, I support Bev, Chief Justice Lawhawk, Andrew & Patti in reaching your excellent achievements.

AndrewPrice said...

rlaWTX, Excellent, a rabble-rouser! :-)

DCAlleyKat said...

she lived what she believed.

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