Saturday, December 5, 2009

The Weekly Bidenism

When last we left our Village Idiot Vice President, he was busy displaying a little overt sexism and racism while scaring anyone who has the misfortune of needing public transportation: planers, trainers and subwayers beware, the swine flu tolls for thee. There’s plenty more along those lines, but today let’s talk about jobs in honor of last Thursday’s “jobs summit.” Get ready for. . . The Weekly Bidenism.

Many of you may have noticed that the economy isn’t doing all that well. With over 10% unemployment (17.5% if you count real unemployment), record high mortgage failures, vast numbers of bank failures, and a federal government that seems intent on bankrupting itself before Obama’s term is up, Joe has faced many questions about the economy. The most common about these is why the stimulus isn’t working. But Joe insists that it is. Should we trust him? Perhaps this admission could help us assess his veracity on this issue:

“If it fails, I’d dead.”
That’s Joe on September 24, 2009 explaining his own “self-interest” in making sure the stimulus is seen as a success. Hmmm. Maybe we can’t trust what he says after all? So perhaps we should take this next Bidenism with a grain of salt.

Apparently, people are scratching their heads, wondering how spending so much money is going to help anything. If we keep spending like this, won’t that bankrupt the country -- a very effective anti-stimulus indeed? On July 16, 2009, Joe responded to this criticism:
“People, when I say that, look at me and say, 'What are you talking about, Joe? You're telling me we have to go spend money to keep from going bankrupt?’ The answer is yes.”
Uh. Hmm. I don’t even know what to say to that? Could this be as moronic as it seems? Perhaps this is part of some clever political strategy? Perhaps one more Bidenism will cast a little light on this. Here is Slow Joe, in October 2008, explaining what it’s all about:
"It happens to be, as Barack said, a three-letter word … jobs … J-O-B-S, Jobs!"
Ok, so it’s settled. What’s a five letter word for moron? Obama? Biden? Yes. . .


Anonymous said...

Andrew: I know what to say to that--bulls--t! We have not yet scratched the surface of their moron-ness (moronicity?).

AndrewPrice said...

What's funny Lawhawk, is that Biden may even be the smarter of the two!

Anonymous said...

Andrew: You may very well be right. LOL

Anonymous said...

I love this series. Biden is an idiot.

StanH said...

BBBB…Biden is indeed a moron, A true leader in the 57th state where “jobs,” is a three letter word. If you want to know how smart he is just ask him he’ll tell you. In Barry and Joe’s world, you spend more money to fend off bankruptcy, cause money appears like manna from heaven, we need more money print some, …duh! Lessons of history, that’s for other people. We have real challenges, and we’re being led by government dweebs, God help us!

AndrewPrice said...

Anon, Thanks, glad you're enjoying it. Just remember, this guy is a heartbeat away from the Presidency. Ug.

AndrewPrice said...

Stan, You're right, it's going to be a struggle for as long as these guys are in power.

BevfromNYC said...

StanH - That is the same land where money grows on trees, right?

StanH said...

Yes Bev, you are correct. It’s said that Barry runs with the unicorns, chases rainbows, and everyone has a money tree…ahhh…utopia!

AndrewPrice said...

Bev & Stan, if money doesn't grow on trees, where does it come from? Maybe we should asked Joe Biden?

Anonymous said...

Money grows on bushes. Mint bushes.

Game Master Rob Adams said...

Hey Barrack here's a three letter word for you.. idiot. I swear this guy doesn't know his defect from Tiger Wood's missing golf clubs. His idea of 'spend more to make more' is straight out of Warren Buffett's play book but the thing is here Mr Biden is that we do not manage companies we manage ourselves and while 'some may be in it for the long run' most of us want to work hard, make good money and retire some day without having to worry about government sponsored deathcare and some global warming climategate fiasco. Please, before you destroy the country anymore with your change we don't need. Change is all we have left because you've spent all the dollars. Please for the love of all things capitalist and holy abdicate and allow someone with a brain to do things or better yet everyone in the federal government take next year off.

BevfromNYC said...

Mint bushes - Good one! LOL! And we get all of our defense spending from Spearmint bushes...[rim shot!]

Game Master Rob Adams said...

Oh yeah.. and I still intensely dislike the president and all things politically correct. As John Wayne would have said - Grow a pair, stop allowing people to dictate what you can and cannot say, be an American and for Heaven's sake let's get the hell out of the dry well.

Anonymous said...

Bev: Rimshot acknowledged.

AndrewPrice said...

ACG, I can't say I disagree with you! LOL! Nor do I think you are alone in your feelings. It's interesting that not even the Priuses have Obama bumperstickers anymore.

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