Sunday, May 9, 2010

Captioning: Marionettes

Usually, it's bad form for marionettes or puppets to acknowledge that they are puppets. To maintain the illusion, they pretend that they're real no matter what else happens. That's why it was such bad form this week for Treasury Secretary Geithner to explain how the Chief Puppeteer at Goldman Sachs works Timmy's mechanisms.


BevfromNYC said...

First Pic =
"...and this is how you use TurboTax. Who knew it was so easy?"

Second Pic -
"My Goldman Sachs account was here BEFORE I became Secretary and this is where it is now!"

Anonymous said...

And someday, Timmocchio, you'll be a real boy.

AndrewPrice said...

Bev, LOL! I forgot about TurboTax!

AndrewPrice said...

Lawhawk, That's asking a lot!

MegaTroll said...

I see the second one as "This is how we crashed the economy."

AndrewPrice said...

Good one Mega! LOL! I can see him telling that over cocktails.

Anonymous said...

"This is how I destroyed the dollar."


AndrewPrice said...

Eric, That is one that I think Timmy will have to explain at some point!

CrispyRice said...

That's what I was thinking, Mega!

"Here's how we slid on down a landslide into the abyss."

AndrewPrice said...

Crispy, I can totally see that!

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