Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Happy Birthday Commentarama!


BevfromNYC said...


Happy Birthday to Us,
Happy Birthday to Us,
Happy Birthday to all of the wonderful Commentarama-ians Including even the Boilerroom Elves!
Happy Birthday to Us!

AndrewPrice said...

Bev, Ditto, except for the Elves who gave up birthday greetings in the last union negotiations -- in exchange for hard liquor on the shop floor! :-)

Who would have guessed it's been a year already?!

LL said...

And many more!

Joel Farnham said...


It has been a good year. :-)

Hey, why aren't the Elves sharing?

USArtguy said...

Happy Birthday! Only one year old and still smarter than Obama, Pelosi and Reid combined.

AndrewPrice said...

Joel, They're union, they don't share. ;-)

USArtguy, So true. . . of course, Commentarama is pretty smart for a one year old, and Obama, Pelosi and Reid are pretty dumb for grown ups.

AndrewPrice said...

LL, Let's hope!

patti said...

whoa! happy birthday and many many more...

Anonymous said...

Andrew and Gang: I can't believe we survived an entire year. Thanks to our devoted readers and commenters.

By the way, I want everyone to know that I only reluctantly agreed to allowing the elves to get boozed up during working hours. I realized that now I would have someone beside my assistant Kitty Kelly to blame for my typos and grammatical errors.

I also want to wish my son Chris a Happy Birthday. He and Commentarama were born on the same date (albeit, a few years apart).

CrispyRice said...

I cannot believe it's been a year already! Wow!

Happy Birthday and congrats! Keep up the good work, guys!

AndrewPrice said...

Lawhawk, I thought letting the Elves get boozed up was a great idea. Sure, it leads to more work place injuries, but they're all pretty funny to watch! ;-)

AndrewPrice said...

Thanks Crispy! I know, who would have thought it's been a year?! Time flies in cyberspace. . .

alvaro said...

Fantastic! Keep up the great work-you guys are brilliant and hilarious.

AndrewPrice said...

Thanks Alvaro, and best of luck with your new exhibit!

Miss Kitty Kelly's Attorneys said...

Dear All:

We wish a very Happy First Birthday to all of Commentarama.

Devoted counsel to Miss Kitty Kelly

BevfromNYC said...

Hey, when did we start giving liquor to the Elves? I thought something was different. Have we made that much money from the invisible t-shirt concessions to afford that?

StanH said...

Wow! How time flies when you’re having fun!

Happy Birthday!!!

Kitty Kelly said...

Happy Birthday Commentarama. You've all been great to work with, even Lawhawk (most of the time). Meow!

PS: Who's going to pay the bill for my attorneys sending you that nice note?

BevfromNYC said...

Hey Andrew and LawHawk - I noticed there was something different about the BR Elves! When did we start giving them liquor? That sounds expensive. Are we making that much on the invisible t-shirt & bath towel concession business?

Miss Kitty Kelly's Attorneys said...

Dear Miss K. Kelly,
Attached is your monthly invoice. Please notice we have deducted all fees and expenses incurred on your behalf as we consider it an honor to serve as your counsel.

As a show of goodwill, we took the liberty of sending a congratulatory anniversary message to your employee LawHawk and his little group Commentarama.

As always, we consider it a pleasure and a priviledge to serve you.

Devotedly yours,
Your attorneys.

MegaTroll said...

There appear to be a bunch of comments missing.

AndrewPrice said...

Mega, Yes. I'm not sure what happened. This seems to be a blogger issue. Hopefully, they'll all show up soon enough.

Anonymous said...

If we were celebrating a person's birthday, this would call for a Carvel whale cake.

In any case, happy birthday! I don't remember when I first encountered this site; I must've seen you guys mention it over on BH. The first comment I made was in the Brazil movie review thread.

My how times change. A year ago, there was trouble in the Middle East and voters were unhappy. :-)

Kitty Kelly said...

Dear Attorneys: Thank you for your generous deduction from my bill. Also, thank you for your recognition of the correct employer-employee relationship. Lawhawk just doesn't seem to get it.

Writer X said...

One year already? And many, many many more!

AndrewPrice said...

Scott, Yeah, times sure change! LOL!

BevfromNYC said...

Hey Scott - Nothing says "Happy Birthday" like good ol' Fudgie the Whale! Yummm

Libertarian Advocate said...

Don't know how I missed this Post.

Congratulations Ladies and Gentlemen of Commentarama. You have and - I fully expect - will continue to serve us, your readers, and the country very well. Now GET BACK TO WORK, there's still much to be done!!!!

AndrewPrice said...

Thanks Libertarian Advocate! We'll get right back to work. . . ;-)

Anonymous said...

happy birthday all. Seems like just yesterday I was enjoying LH and AP at Big Hollywood...

I am pleased that you are still going strong.

I don't write much but I read often

AndrewPrice said...

Thanks darski! Time does fly. Feel free to comment any time!

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