Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Discussion: The Big 4-0

If you knew a conservative blogger who was turning the Big 4-0 tomorrow, what would you get them for their birthday? A red sports car? A tombstone? Or, alternatively, what would you want if you were turning the Big 4-0? Oh, and type louder. . . I think my hearing is going.


patti said...

oh puppy, get down! are you SERIOUSLY thinking 40 is o-l-d?! 40 is the new kid yourself into thinking it's like you're still in your 30's!

and i have been told i can out bake professionals, so i'd bake you a cake for your birthday. i said, "I'D BAKE YOU A CAKE."

sheesh, grandpa...

AndrewPrice said...

Hmmmm.... cake.

Yeah, I have to say that 40 doesn't seem nearly as old as it used to be. . . if that makes sense. In fact, it doesn't feel much different than 30.

Hold on, I've got to get some kids off my lawn. . . "get off the damn lawn! And turn that stereo down!"

BoilerRoomElf said...

Yo Boss! You don't look a day over 120!

We'll stoke the boilers and bake a cake.

AndrewPrice said...

120 huh? Maybe it's boxtox time? I think I'll ask Nancy Pelosi how that works.... 8-(

Thanks Elves! My best to the boiler room. Keep that internet humming!

Ed said...

Happy birthday. I'd ask for the red sports car, not the tombstone.

AndrewPrice said...

Thanks Ed, I think I prefer the sports car to the tombstone as well.

Tam said...

Isn't this the year you are supposed to do something wild and crazy and adventuresome? I'd give you those sky diving lessons you've been thinking about.

Ponderosa said...

How about a lovely Gallup poll? It shows BO with a 38% approval rate among independents - confirming your earlier calculations.

Down 18% from a year ago.

Or I could Marilyn to JFK.
It's ummm...unique.

So just Gallup, then? Oh and cake.

Happy Birthday!

AndrewPrice said...

Tam, So 40 is the year you go insane? Great! I've been waiting for that! Time to buy a superhero costume and start a crime wave. . . er. . . stop a crime wave!

AndrewPrice said...

Ponderosa, I saw that! That's a nice birthday present, that's for sure. . . though I suspect there might be a better present in November!

Ed said...

How about a Junior AARP membership?

AndrewPrice said...

Very cold Ed, very cold! LOL!

I didn't know AARP had a junior program, but I guess it makes sense.

Tam said...

Regarding going crazy at 40, I'll let you know in a couple years. Or you can let me know in a couple weeks. I guess we'll all know if we see a guy in a cape running around.

AndrewPrice said...

Tam, Watch for me on the news!! 8)

BevfromNYC said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Sorry for yelling, but I understand that the hearing is the first to go...well...not the first thing and not the last thing either...

AndrewPrice said...

Thanks Bev! Not the last huh? i was kind of hoping it was. That's depressing news.

BevfromNYC said...

Hey Andrew don't be depressed! Embrace it! Once you're over the hump, you'll wonder why you never did this before!

Or you can always do what I did and call it your 2nd annual 39th until you're ready to face it! As far as I'm concerned no one ever has to turn 40 if they don't want to.

AndrewPrice said...

Bev, That's excellent advice. I've heard of other people who started counting backwards! :-)

I actually am not giving it a lot of thought. I don't really feel any older than I did last year, so I'm not sure what's changed. And I don't feel any sense of mid-life crisis, so I figure I've got more than half left! Sounds like a good deal.

Anonymous said...

Andrew: Gee, when I turned 40 my son informed me that I was closer to death than to birth. I've spent another two decades plus just trying to prove him wrong.

El Gordo said...

I´ve been there some years ago. It sucks. No upside to it. Sorry.

AndrewPrice said...

Lawhawk, I'd say you've done admirably so far! LOL!

AndrewPrice said...

El Gordo, That's not very encouraging! There's got to be a silver lining? How about all those senior discounts I keep hearing about? That has to count for something? Plus, I can call NFL players "punk kids" now without any sense of irony.

USArtguy said...

Happy Birthday, Andrew!

Tennessee Jed said...

Have a Happy Birthday, Andrew. Turning 40 would qualify you in terms of age to be my middle son. Hopefully, you will enjoy today more than I will since I have to have a tooth pulled later this morning. I'd probably get you lawyering shoes.

Anonymous said...

Have a great one, Andrew. 40 is not so bad, of course I can say that now since I'm seven years past it, LOL! By the way, I'd take a black sports car - preferably a Camaro, '69 model.

AndrewPrice said...

Thanks USArtguy, I consider it quite the achievement!

AndrewPrice said...

Jed, Good luck with the tooth! You should do like they do in hospitals now and write "wrong tooth" on the other teeth! :-)

AndrewPrice said...

TJ, Thanks!

Great car! And I don't care for red cars either -- though I currently have a red car (long story, I wanted green or black or blue, but I couldn't pass up the deal). But a black 1969 Camaro would be great!

Ponderosa said...


You came up with another post idea. "Car lust".

Mine - BWM Black/Black M5.

Ponderosa said...

That would be BMW.

Too much coffee.

AndrewPrice said...

Ponderosa, Nice car! I've really come around on BMWs. I didn't used to like them, but they've really impressed me over the last 10 years.

Anonymous said...

Andrew, I really don't have anything against red cars (red is my favorite color), but I had a 1981 Camaro, black with a red pinstripe and red interior. There is something about black when it's washed and waxed that really appeals to me.

I completely understand about getting the best deal possible. Beggars can't be choosers you know ;-)! TJ

AndrewPrice said...

TJ, Yeah, I couldn't pass this up. It's a Chrysler 300C and it was on sale during the November 2008 crash at about half off. My 10 year old car had just died on me on the highway, I needed a new car or try to fix the dead one, the Chrysler was nice and cheap. . . so I took it. There was no choice of colors though.

A friend of mine bought a 69 Camaro about 10 years ago. He loves it. I think it's beautiful!

rlaWTX said...

Happy birthday!! I knew that you were in my general area age-wise, but I am ever so glad to hear that you are 2 years older! My summer class was me, a 60+ prof and 7 23-24yos girls. People older than me are blessed!!!!

I hope to nearly have my Master's at 40 (only a thesis away).

So, I suggest cake and ice cream and an accounting of your blessings - something that I often forget to do! All the best!!!!

AndrewPrice said...

Thanks rlaWTX! I have procured the cake and am working on steaks. Will count the blessings a little later. :-)

Everyone makes a big deal about 40, but I'm not finding it any different than the prior 10-15 years. So far. . . so good, as they say.

DUQ said...

Many happy returns, Andrew!

LL said...

I'd throw a party and make sure they 'met' a couple of 20-year-old hookers.


AndrewPrice said...

DUQ, Thanks, same to you!

AndrewPrice said...

LL, That kind of math is how a LOT of problems get started! LOL!

Writer X said...

Happy Belated Birthday, Andrew! And I think 40 is the new 20. Or something like that.

Hope you had a good one! And go for the red sports car. Definitely.

AndrewPrice said...

Thanks Writer X! It was a good birthday! I've got the red luxury car at the moment. . . it is sporty though! Hopefully that's enough. :-)

CrispyRice said...

Another happy belated! Hope it was a good one, Andrew!

AndrewPrice said...

It was, thanks Crispy. Hmmm... cake!

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