Thursday, August 5, 2010

Vacation Miracle: Michelle Obama Cures Racism!

Everyone has been so focused on Barack Obama’s ability to work miracles (like turning support in opposition and turning taxpayer money into vacations), that they never realized that Michelle Obama can work miracles too. Do you remember the garden with the miraculous growth? Well, she’s done it again. This time she’s ended racism in Spain just by visiting. It’s a miracle!

You may recall that Madame O and her daughter are off to Spain for a little taxpayer sponsored “mother/daughter vacation” this week (I’ll explain exactly what that means in a moment). What does that have to do with racism? Well, until Madame O landed, the Clinton State Department had this warning about Spain posted on its website, right after the warning about Islamic terrorism and rampaging, knife-wielding, binge-drunk British tourists:

“Racist prejudices could lead to the arrest of Afro-Americans who travel to Spain.”
Yep. If you go to Spain and you have an “Afro”, some prejudiced racist will arrest you. . . and there’s no telling what the unprejudiced racists will do!

This warning apparently stemmed from the detention last year of two black US government employees for no apparent reason. And we know that’s legit because we know that two black US government employees would never lie and scream racism unless it was 100% true. Oh, as an aside, for those keeping score at home, in the past month we have now determined that al Qaeda, the Tea Party, the Republican Party, Fox News, Arizona, Andrew Breitbart, Tom Vilsack and the USDA, the New York media, the Congressional ethics office, scientists who use the term “black hole,” and now Spain are all dirty racists.

Any hoo, the moment Madame O’s rump hit the tarmac in Costa del Sol, the American embassy in Madrid removed the warning. Allakhazam! And like that, they aren’t racists anymore. Yep, the whole country is cured of its horrid racism by the blessing of being visited by Madame O and her entourage. . . I mean, “her daughter.”

Ok, I’m being a little facetious. She didn’t really cure them of racism, their racism naturally expired. Indeed, when asked why they removed the warning, the embassy said: “The note has been removed. It was 15 months old and out of date. Somebody forgot to remove it.” See. . . racism has a 15 month statute of limitations and then it expires! Who knew?

Ok, ok, I’m still being a little facetious. See, it turns out that arresting blacks for no reason is not racist in Spain like it would be in the United States. Said the embassy: “We are in no way suggesting Spanish police are racist. This is an isolated incident.” Wow, so this is a miracle after all! Indeed, I don’t think I’ve ever heard liberals buy the “isolated incident” excuse before? The next thing you know, someone will buy the "but the farmer likes me now" argument! No. . . that will never happen.

So there you have it. . . a vacation miracle.

Oh wait, I almost forgot: let me define “little mother/daughter vacation” in the present new-speak. The White House called this “a private, mother-daughter trip with long-time family friends.” What this means is Madame O and her daughter Sasha took Air Force 2 to Spain. . . along with 40 “family friends”. . . and 70 Secret Service agents. . . all staying in 60 rooms at the hotel Villa Padierna in Marbella. The hotel Villa Padiema, by the way, is a frugal five-star hotel ranked among the top 30 hotels in the world with room rates running up to £4,200 a night. Maybe you should think about putting in a little overtime friend taxpayer?

In addition to the 70 Secret Service agents, Madame O and her MC Hammer-like entourage will be guarded by 250 formerly racist Spanish police officers and military personnel.

On the plus side, at least they didn’t paint the trees green like they used to do for Romanian dictator Nicolae Ceausescu, though they did clean up the beach. . . which means the Obamas can now claim that they got at least one beach clean.

Finally, let me leave you with a little puzzle/game. This is a kind of Where’s Waldo game for taxpayers. Spot which of the “tourists” below you’re paying for! (HINT: All of them.)


Joel Farnham said...


It just goes to show you miracles happen every day. :-)

AndrewPrice said...

They do Joel, it truly is a special time!

StanH said...

“Let them eat cake!” That didn’t work out well the last time it was suggested.

AndrewPrice said...

And it won't work out well this time either. I'll tell you Stan, I don't normally care about vacation and foreign visits and the such. . . it's all part of the job. But the Obama's are acting like royalty and they're doing it on our dime.

Ed said...

Wow! So racism expires when the Obamas want to go to some place racist on vacation? Nice.

I am getting genuinely sick of hearing everything being called racist.

AndrewPrice said...

Ed, Calling people racist has become such a cry-wolf caricature that it no longer has any meaning. They might as well be saying "hello."

I think it's hilarious that the Clinton State Department can't make up its mind here. Two guys get arrested, so they put up a warning about racism. Then that warning becomes an embarrassment, so they take it down clearly with no idea that anything has changed. . . then they change directions middle-backpedal and they claim that this wasn't racists after all.

No matter how you look at it, they were wrong either twice or three times. And once again, it shows that cries of racism are meaningless.

AndrewPrice said...

Update: CBS News is reporting that the flight alone cost us $140,000. . . not to mention all the rest of it. Click Here.

Also, Andrea Tantaros has blased Madame O for her lavish spending at a time when the rest of us are going through the Obama recession. Click Here. I particularly like how she says:

"Michelle Obama seems more like a modern-day Marie Antoinette - the French queen who spent extravagantly on clothes and jewels without a thought for her subjects' plight - than an average mother of two."

Very true.

Anonymous said...

Andrew: But it's all worth it, isn't it? Hubby has kept his promises, and we all have top-notch free health care, the seas have stopped rising and the polar ice caps have stopped melting.

The only valid criticism in your article is the cost of the plane trip. Michelle should have saved the taxpayers that expense by walking across the Atlantic carrying everyone else on her very broad shoulders.

AndrewPrice said...

Lawhawk, Isn't that the truth. She should have walked across the water or Obama himself should have parted the water to let his people go to Spain.

This really is an outrage. Not only all of the vacations they've been taking but that we're paying for it all. . . at a time when they're attacking the rich and telling the rest of us that we need to learn to be frugal.

Congress should make Obama pay us back for his vacations.

StanH said...

It’s also a sign of low rent SOBs who believe life is what you can take from others, in this case us. I don’t begrudge them a vacation or two on our dime, especially with small kids, I can sympathize, but this is tacky! “Pride goeth before the fall!”

Rush has this little spiel about Barry, and I believe it also extends to Michele, “when he walks into a room (Barry) he’s the most inexperienced person in the room,” something to that effect, you can change that to “…they walk…!” It’s embarrassing, frankly. : (

AndrewPrice said...

Stan, I don't begrudge them a vacation either. But the number of vacations is ridiculous, as is the five-star nature of each vacation. It's literally like they are looking for the most expensive vacations they can find! It's utterly shameless.

And then to add in all the complaints about how Obama never has any time to do things like visit the gulf or meet with important people. He is the most arrogant, most lazy President we've ever had. And his wife is turning into Emelda Marcos or some other spoiled wife of a kleptocrat.

I wonder how their mindless socialist supporters feel about having elected a "community activist" and ended up getting a spoiled King and Queen?

Anonymous said...

Andy: Congress might do that, but it would require an ethics committee investigation first, and they're a little busy right now in the House, you racist. LOL

AndrewPrice said...

Lawhawk, I'm not racist. . . it's the House ethics committee! Give me a break!

Anonymous said...

Cool cite. This story must have pretty good appeal because Media Matters is out there desperately trying to squelch it. The put like 2000 comments on a Yahoo story on this in the space of a few seconds, all of them basically saying this its racists to question anything the Obamas do. Keep up the good work guys!

CrispyRice said...

Yet another story that has me really really pissed off about the O's. AARGH!!!!

Good article, Andrew, as usual.

AndrewPrice said...

Anon, Thanks. Feel free to visit and comment all you want, we always want to hear from everyone!

I saw the Yahoo article you mentioned. I never went to read the comments. I spent my time enjoying the propaganda level of the article itself. Every criticism of the vacation was put in quotes and mentioned that "some people claim" but the defense were all treated as fact. The article also did things like mention "family friends" without giving a number and it provided the low end of the hotel room range -- as if they were going to stay in the economy single rooms.

AndrewPrice said...

CrispyRice, This should infuriate people. The Chicago Tribune put together that she will have taken 8 separate vacations this summer and they were all expensive. I'm just hoping someone puts together what this all ultimately cost us!

AndrewPrice said...

Anon, Here is the article you reference: Click Me.

You're right about the comments. It looks like a chunk of several thousand nearly identical comments -- all pro-Obama and "you evil racists" -- came in a few seconds apart each. Gee, I wonder who that could be? Especially since most other articles get only a couple hundred comments at most -- even the political ones!

DUQ said...

You just like making my blood boil don't you? I hear this story is making the rounds though, so maybe this is another one of those bridges too far.

AndrewPrice said...

DUQ, I'm glad to hear other people pick this one up. When people who are preaching socialism act like royalty, that needs to be exposed to the public.

Anonymous said...

Hey I'm back. Drudge and the British press are estimating the cost of Michelle Obama's vacation at $375,000! What an outrage! Did you see she went to the NBA finals last month too?

AndrewPrice said...

Anon, That is an outrage. As the Democrats used to say. . . ask yourself, how many hungry children that could have fed. Seriously, that's obscene.

MegaTroll said...

It's like magic! I'm glad to see the press is picking this up. It's funny that The Politico has totally ignored this story even as others in the MSM have started to talk about it.

AndrewPrice said...

Mega, It would be magic if the MSM really picked this up. And don't expect much from Politico, they're basically a Soros outfit.

Mobius said...

Great stuff Andrew. Totally pisses me off. I missed you at BH and am glad to see your back.

AndrewPrice said...

Thanks Mobius. Yep, I decided I should get off my internet-rear and get over there once in a while again. :-)

CrispyRice said...

I saw today that the White House is now trying to deflect the public by saying she was there with a friend whose father just died. Ok, what about the 39 other people? And why are we paying for this? And does this mean we ALL get taxpayer-funded luxury trips to Spain when a close relative dies?


AndrewPrice said...

Crispy, Yes, that's the Obama re-election plan. If you lose someone in 2011, then you get to go to a five star hotel in Spain with Michelle Obama and 39 of your closest friends and contributors! :-)

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