Monday, November 14, 2011

Blogger Strikes Again

There appears to be another major glitch at Blogger. All twenty-one comments and responses to this morning's post have gone into the Blogger black hole. We have little control over that, so we apologize for the loss of your hard work. We will try to get them restored, but we've had no success with that in the past.


Guy Who Used to Yell "KHAN!!!" said...


Anonymous said...

You have no idea the number of new expletives I've invented to cover my feelings about Blogger.

patti said...

Since I switched one of my sites to Wordpress powered by GoDaddy, I haven't had an issue. Although, the wonk site still takes its hits.


Joel Farnham said...


Have you been publicly criticizing the "ONE" lately?

Anonymous said...

Patti: I used WordPress for awhile at a different site and had problems with it as well. I guess they all have their glitches.

Anonymous said...

Joel: Have I given that impression? I will immediately issue a standard non-apology apology. LOL

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