Sunday, November 20, 2011

Nosferatu Government

Knowing that wooden stakes, pitchforks and gravediggers shovels are not allowed in the halls of Congress, Rep. Henry Waxman (D-California) felt free to quote from the Vampire Diaries during a hearing on irregularities in the Department of Energy's granting of federal taxpayer dollars to bankrupt Solyndra et al. House of Waxman is the ranking Democrat on the House Energy and Commerce Committee.

Before lobbing softballs at Energy Secretary Steven Chu, Waxman opened his remarks by saying that subsidies to flaky green weenie corporations like Solyndra are saving the world from fires, droughts and floods caused by global warming. Waxman was silent about the warming caused by Solyndra executives burning up the $535 million taxpayer gift to the corporation and big Obama political donors. What can be salvaged from the Solyndra funeral pyre will be given to Obama pal and crony socialist George Kaiser. The ashes will go to the taxpayers.

The Energy Secretary has been under serious fire for allowing a half-billion dollar stimulus to go to Solyndra, which he knew or should have known had one foot in the financial grave and the other on a banana peel. Waxman knows the truth however. Giving taxpayer money to pie-in-the-sky outfits like Solyndra is an investment in Al Gore a green future. Anyone who believes otherwise is just a paid agent or stooge for the coal and oil industries who, says Waxman, are "making up a scandal to block green energy subsidies."

Thinking that 535 million taxpayer dollars is a mere piffle, Waxman greased up Chu with: "I want to put this in perspective Dr. Chu. You've been trying to move our nation toward a clean energy economy. And that's essential to protect American families from fires and droughts and floods and other extreme weather that climate change will bring." Nice segue from global warming to climate change, as if a whole army of Dr. Chu's could do a damned thing about either.

Waxman of course was very nonpartisan in his criticism of those who think that Dr. Chu and his merry band of green pirates are just glorified scam artists and eco-hysterics. "I think you are on the right side of history and the Republicans are on the wrong side and I think what they're doing is leading us astray. My message to my colleagues is to stop dancing on Solyndra's grave." Waxman doesn't understand that unlike himself, bankrupt corporations don't rise from the grave at night. They already sucked all the blood from the taxpayers that they could before expiring, permanently.

Then, long before any evidence was in and long before the testimony was complete, Waxman pronounced that Chu had done nothing wrong. That ignores reams of testimony and documents, including e-mails, which prove that high-ranking Department of Energy officials and Obama administration green energy extremists pushed the half-billion dollar loan to Solyndra knowing that the corporation was already on the rocks and that no infusion of cash was going to make it viable. All that was really left for the committee to determine was whether Chu was complicit in the conspiracy to defraud the taxpayers, or merely an incompetent leader who didn't know what his troops were up to. Either way, Chu did a whole lot wrong.

Waxman also ignores the fact that at least two other major green weenie boondoggles on the taxpayers money are about to explode in their utopian faces. The LightSquared deal is not only a major waste of taxpayer dollars, but would have had an extremely deleterious effect on national security by tying up and interfering with bandwidth needed for our military and covert activities agencies.

Waxman has been in Congress so long that he actually thinks $535 million lost to a foolhardy adventure is "not a big deal." He doesn't care that Secretary Chu OK'd a contract which subordinated the financial interests of the taxpayers to that of the preferred shareholders such as crony socialist Kaiser--in direct violation of federal law. Waxman says it's "unfortunate" that taxpayers had lost $535 million on a failed clean energy gambit. Waxman doesn't have the least idea that the federal government is supposed to be there to protect business. He thinks it's there to gamble with the taxpayers money on foolish schemes which can at best be described as economic and financial Frankenstein monsters. The intentions are good, but the road to hell (and bankruptcy) is paved with good intentions.

With the arrogance reserved for Democrats like himself, Waxman closed his remarks with: "We have lost the money, it's unfortunate, but there's no scandal there." What do you mean "we," paleface? Mr. Waxman, you, your fellow leftist Democrats and the Obama administration placed that bet, knowing there was no chance of winning. And you placed that bet using the taxpayers dollars. You even knew that the Obama administration had pressured Solyndra to delay the inevitable layoffs and terminations until after the 2010 elections. No scandal? Go back to your dirt nap.


AndrewPrice said...

Well, if Henry says there's no scandal here, then I'm cool with that. Case closed.

Anonymous said...

Andrew: His word is his bond. And you can take that to the bank (or at least to Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac). LOL

Joel Farnham said...

He looks like a rat with that nose.

rlaWTX said...

how does a man looking like that get elected to anything??? add in his obvious intelligence level and I really wonder...

Writer X said...

Who keeps electing this clown?!

Is it asking too much for politicians and government officials to take responsibility for anything??! I suppose so.

Anonymous said...

Joel: I would have said pig, but rat is just as apt.

Anonymous said...

rlaWTX: You have to know the [Los Angeles] West Side Democrats to understand. It's a political machine like Chicago's and New York's. Do the "right" things, and you'll get the seat even if you look like Waxman. He was never a raving beauty, but a life spent conning the public and pandering to the least common denominator has taken its toll--obviously.

Anonymous said...

WriterX: It's an odd combination of a wealthy, liberal Jewish constituency and the minority outliers. The seat is as reliably Democrat as Nancy Pelosi's in San Francisco.

Tennessee Jed said...

first and foremost, the Waxman picture does, in fact, similtaneously take the award for both most offensive and funniest picture of the year.

Then again, hey, what's a half a billion among friends when you are "on the right side of history." The question has to be, how can this guy stand in the well of the House and not be drowned out by guffaws. He just seems like such a Beavis and Butthead character. Do we know how many times he got his ass kicked as a kid?

tryanmax said...

Grrr! I hate it when people say "the right side of history" or "the wrong side of history" when talking about the future. It should be obvious that those using the terms like that mean the future they intend to write themselves! And that should creep people out, but it never does.

T-Rav said...

I would rather be on the right side of God than the right side of history. Especially since that phrase means virtually nothing once you take a good look at it.

Individualist said...

Just to put some perspective on this .....

Enron was thought to have understated their liabilities by 600 million dollars. This may seem like a lot and it is but the company had billions in long term debt (I forget the actual number).

The company ahd misreported revenues but I believe to the same number (that we found). However this is difficult to adjusdicate since the company reported 100 billion in revenue in 2000 and 450 billion the year before. While the total revenue was wildly increased the net income was I think less than 0ne billion.

Details aside I think it caqn easily be shown that the scale of the Enron fraud matches Solyndra. The difference being that Enron wasted investor's money while Solyndra wasted taxpayer money.

Where are the Smartest Men in the Room documentaries. Where are the prosecutions. Why are we not hearing about the people in charge needing to be indicted. Was this a public company. If so how did they pass their Sarbanes Oxley audit. Did the executives certify false information. This law after all was supposed to make it easier to prosecute executives who hide behind the dog ate my homework excuse of the internal contrals were poor and the information eluded me.


Individualist said...

Correctin 40 billion not 450 billion for the prior year evenue to the last reported fiscal year to the SEC before going bellyup.


Anonymous said...

Tennessee: I'm pretty sure he got kicked around the block more than once. As for the laughter, half the House is just like him. He's Barney Frank without the lisp.

Anonymous said...

tryanmax: And let's not forget that many of these guys are Marxists. Therefore, knowing the dialectic, they can predict how history is going to come out. In their thinking, we lose, and they control every facet of our lives for our own good.

Anonymous said...

Indi: They missed the Sarbanes-Oxley test very easily, since it's a Democratic scheme to reduce free enterprise. The regulators are Democrats who don't care about real numbers, only whom the administration has chosen to reward. The free market be damned.

Anonymous said...

Indi: We got it. And besides, our heads are already swimming with the huge debt we're in, so a decimal place gone wrong occasionally is hardly noticed.

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