Wednesday, November 9, 2011

T-Rav's Sockpuppet Theater Presents: Motor City Mayhem

In honor of tonight's debate (CNBC 8:00 PM EST), I'm putting off my CommentaramaFilms article for today. Instead, here are some pre-debate thoughts.

Thought One: Who will be first to raise the harassment issue against Cain? Frankly, it’s a horrible move. Sure, the establishment types will love you and Karl Rove will give you a big sloppy wet one, but raise that issue at your peril. I’m betting they wait for the moderators to do their dirty work. Or it will be Santorum. . . he lacks judgment.

Thought Two: When the sexual harassment allegations come up, how will Cain handle it? How would you? My guess is he will dismiss it by saying we should be discussing “what matters to the country.” In other words, do we care more about how we will remake the government or whether or not Cain asked out a couple women 14 years ago?

Thought Three: Will Mitt Romney say anything memorable? I honestly don’t dislike the guy, but I just can’t remember anything he says. It’s like listening to an insurance salesman. When his lips stop moving, you either sign or you don’t. That’s Romney.

Thought Four: Will Newt move to push Cain out of the way? Newt has been rising in polls lately and has moved into solid third place. If Cain stumbles, he seems to be the next conservative on deck. But I’d say it’s a little early to make a move. Newt needs to see if this harassment thing destroys Cain. If it does, then he just needs to keep courting Cain people and wait for them to jump ship. If it doesn’t, then he needs to make a move before Cain gains an insurmountable lead.

Thought Five: How many candidates will be killed in drive-bys tonight? This debate is happening in Detroit after all. The over/under is three.

Thought Six: Call me crazy, but I think this is finally the debate where Bachmann tells us how many kids she has.

Thought Seven: Ron Paul. Hmm. Will we get crazy Ron Paul telling us we can solve the Iranian problem by just being their friends? Or will we get very bright and insightful Ron Paul explaining where Washington has gone off the rails? Probably a little of both. Still, despite the crazy, I’m honestly glad he’s there because when he’s brilliant, he is brilliant and he’s worth hearing.

Thought Eight: We should be thankful the crowd won’t be repeating everything that gets said. . . like the OWS zombies in Atlanta.

Thought Nine: Let me ask a serious question about Beaker. Let’s assume that (non-gay) marriage is good for people and good for the economy. Thus, as Beaker says, we should promote (non-gay) marriage. But how do we do that? Beaker hasn’t told us how he plans to work this (non-gay) miracle which no one anywhere in the (non-gay) world has managed to achieve. So what is his secret plan?

Thought Ten: Can you name five good things to come out of Detroit?

Feel free to add your own thoughts or questions. . .


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AndrewPrice said...

Michelle really doesn't understand how markets work, does she?

T-Rav said...

Andrew, cut Michele some slack. She's been trying to catch up with China population-wise, raising all those kids and so on.

AndrewPrice said...

Does she have kids?

Jim Cramer said...

Someone stop my head from exploding! Please!!!

AndrewPrice said...

"Jim, I feel your pain." LOL!

T-Rav said...

Did anybody see any rabid dogs roaming the campus before this debate?

AndrewPrice said...

That is the winner line for the night!

"The other biggest problems with Dodd-Frank is Dodd and Frank!"

AndrewPrice said...

Perry opposes cronyism?

His notes must be upside-down.

AndrewPrice said...

T-Rav, That rabid dog was just Jim Cramer.

T-Rav said...


AndrewPrice said...

Nice answer Paul on crony capitalism.

AndrewPrice said...

That's the end? No final statements?

That kind of stank.

AndrewPrice said...

I would say the biggest loser is CNBC... but Perry walks away with that trophy by a MILE!!

T-Rav said...

On InTrade before the debate, Rick Perry was listed as having a 9.3% chance of winning the nomination, versus Gingrich with a 9.1% chance. Over/under on the gap between them now?

Tam said...

Winners...Cain, Gingritch, Paul. Everyone else, exit please!

AndrewPrice said...

Meanwhile backstage... Rick Perry's handlers put him back in his cage after beating him with a stick.

AndrewPrice said...

FYI, I'll give a summary tomorrow evening (4:00 PM EST).

AndrewPrice said...

Tam, I agree with that.

Joel Farnham said...

This was lively. Only one snarky remark about Cain, and the question was put to Romney. Unbelievable. They kept their peace. I think some where deep inside they know the Democrats and them selves over reached with Cain.

Tennessee Jed said...

Cain and Newt impressed me tonight. Romney remains the choice of Washington as usual. Bachman was ignored. Santorum should have been and Perry . . . . . WTF he needs to retire to the private sector.

T-Rav said...

I'm going to give CNBC the Biggest Loser award, just because any idiot should know to put up a livestream for people.

Perry is a VERY close second.

AndrewPrice said...

Joel, I think the audience response on that was huge in helping Cain. Clearly, the Republicans don't want to hear it.

AndrewPrice said...

Jed, I agree with that.

AndrewPrice said...

Give me a break! CNBC just tried to claim that the booing was aimed at Cain and not Maria. It was clearly made at Maria.

And they're trying to pretend his "Princess Nancy" comment was sexist.

F-you CNBC!

T-Rav said...

The CNBC people sound pretty mad that the audience applauded Cain. Tsk, tsk.

AndrewPrice said...

T-Rav, I agree. CNBC is egg on their face and they want to through it on someone else.

AndrewPrice said...

Larry Kudlow surprisingly says Cain "had an unbelievably good debate tonight... it blew me away!"

T-Rav said...

Fyi, Andrew, I know Joel and I have beat this issue like a dead horse lately, but here's why: I'm watching the comments scroll on Ace right now (shilling for Perry, remember) and this is one of them. "I'm so mad right now. I'm not mad at Perry. I'm mad at stupid f***s that think he's a bad candidate because of his debate performance." That should tell you all you need to know about some of our Kool-Aid drinkers on the right.

Joel Farnham said...

Why can't Brit Hume coordinate a debate? I mean really! Why do we have to listen to these liberal toads?

I love the "Princess Nancy" remark. That is so perfect. Just after the debate, Herman said maybe he shouldn't have said it, but his point about her keeping bills bottled up in committee was right.

AndrewPrice said...

T-Rav, Yeah. What can you say? They are wrong and they don't want to admit it.

He's finished whether they want to believe it or not.

AndrewPrice said...

Joel, I thought it was funny and on the mark.

T-Rav said...

Ah, I had my question answered already. On Intrade, Perry dropped from 9.3% to 4.9%. How reliable an indicator this is I don't know--probably not a good one. But still...dude.

Joel Farnham said...


I agree. The idiots really can't understand that the money people are listening tonight. Some of these money people gauge who they give their money to by how well they talk and think on their feet.

AndrewPrice said...

T-Rav, It's hard to tell because betting spreads tend to be more about how much money is being bet on each side. But his chances falling in half are not a good sign.

But frankly, I can't imagine a scenario where people will turn to him.

T-Rav said...

Completely OT but for those who have been following the story, Joe Paterno is out as Penn State coach after the rape scandal there.

Joel Farnham said...

I did notice something. Cain is far more composed for a person who faced allegations of sexual harassment the last week and a half. He is far more confident. Maybe going through the fire and coming out the other end helps.

Tam said...

Joel, I agree. Cain had an excellent follow up performance to his press conference yesterday. He's solid.

AndrewPrice said...

T-Rav, I figured he would be. I'm honestly not sure dumping this on him was the right thing, but I don't know the details yet. It sounded to me like he did the right thing when he learned about the allegations and I hate to see his reputation ruined by this.

AndrewPrice said...

Joel and Tam, I agree as well. He was composed, lively, in good humor and quite vibrant. I was impressed.

Anonymous said...

Sorry--I was ferrying grandkids around during the debate. Loved the comments, and I look forward to Andrew's summary tomorrow.

T-Rav said...

I'm calling Gingrich, Cain, and Romney as the winners tonight, in that order, and as the loser--well, I think you know who.

Joel Farnham said...

I am calling Cain, Gingrich, and me the winner. Because I can hear the gnashing of teeth at various web sites and blogs after Perry's flub. ;-)

I shouldn't feel so happy.

AndrewPrice said...

T-Rav, That's my thinking too.

What are your thoughts on Penn State?

AndrewPrice said...

Joel, LOL! Nice list! :)

Lawhawk, You should have dropped the kids off somewhere on the roadside and then picked them up later. ;)

T-Rav said...

The Washington Post's Aaron Blake on Twitter: “Top Perry fundraiser to me: ‘Perry campaign is over. Time for him to go home and refocus on being Gov of TX.'"

T-Rav said...

Andrew, I'm not personally familiar with the school, so I can't say that much. However, from what I've heard the past few days, it seems clear to me that Paterno knew what was going on with his employee and the kids, and did nothing. He's not the only guilty party in this, but he screwed up. I think the school's trustees did what they had to do.

AndrewPrice said...

Perry Twitter to Self: "I am pickin' on mysef because I hate my faith and can't stand to see someone with a hart in the Whipehouse. It's a hatful conspiratrial. . . uh, thing."

AndrewPrice said...

T-Rav, I know very little, but what I'd heard is that Paterno went to the AD and the head of the campus police as soon as he heard the first allegation -- and the guy had already left the school at that point. The AD and campus cop did nothing with it.

There may be more, but that's what I read today.

TJ said...

Thanks for the play-by-play guys - so entertaining. I look forward to Andrew's summation as well.

rlaWTX said...

y'all are awesome!!!

(I got to reteach the stats stuff last night - left campus at 10pm; got there at 6pm - and got none of my work done! Should have stayed home and watched the debate...)

thanks in advance for the recap, andrew.

AndrewPrice said...

Thanks TJ and rlaWTX! I'm glad you enjoyed the play by play and I hope you like the summary today. :)

I see that the Perry thing is, as expected, blowing up. I think that will overshadow everything else from last night.

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