Thursday, January 19, 2012

Smoke Gets In Your Eyes

The Occupy DC mob hadn't even gotten the official notice that His Royal Oneness would be making his re-coronation speech at the Bank of America Stadium in Charlotte, North Carolina stadium when one of the occupiers lobbed a smoke bomb over the White House fence. If the Tea Party had thrown a shaken-up can of Coke over that same fence, we would have been facing a full-fledged national emergency. Martial law, perhaps.

Had the mainstream media covered the "event," they would have had to admit that the "tens of thousands" of demonstrators were actually more like the low hundreds. So the few outlets that actually reported the incident at all simply shrugged their editorial shoulders and minimized the danger. Any 99%er who would toss a smoke bomb at the White House must be an aberration, we know they're peaceful, and the bomb was harmless, after all.

The day began with the Occupiers forming up at the wrong end of Pennsylvania Avenue, in contravention of their permit. The incident was an offshoot of the Occupy Congress demonstration planned for the day. That demonstration was supposed to have been comprised of at least 10,000 protestors, but there weren't even close to that many people. So maybe the smoke bomb was originally intended for the halls of Congress. Who knows? The police made no arrests nor is there any apparent investigation into who actually tossed the bomb. And the Obamas weren't at home anyway.

The crowd at the White House was easy to disperse--not a lot of demonstrators and plenty of police and Secret Service to move them down the street. The threat was minor, though if the bomb had gone off in the hands of a law enforcement officer trying to pick it up, there could have been some serious injury. But here's what occurs to me. No arrests. What if it had been one wild Tea Partier who had gone off the rails and tossed the smoke bomb? There would have been hundreds of arrests. First, the bomb-thrower. Then, the Tea Partiers who climbed over the fence to clean up after the bomb-thrower.


  1. This story would be rejected by Hollywood as unbelievable. Then James Cameron would get involved and all of a sudden it is 200 Tea Partiers being held back by thousands of Occupiers. One lone Tea Partier manages to set a timed bomb when a group of unbelievably beautiful but poor women fashion a bomb shelter out of the bare hands and at the last second manage to save El Presidente. Blockbuster movie of the summer for all would be required to see it.

  2. Never reported. Are you sure this happened?


  3. I wonder if A.G. Holder somehow got confused. By last accounts, my understanding is that the justice department would NOT bother to investigate any civil rights violations if the "victims" were racist (e.g. "white.") Now we can assume, I suppose, that throwing a smoke bomb onto somebody else's lawn is a violation of civil rights can't we (run with me here for a minute.) Now A. G. Holder probably was thinking ahead to 2013 and assuming that the occupant of that property will be "racist." So, no investigation. Oh wait, it is still 2012. Oh wait, the occupant is only half racist. Oh wait, that particular property is under protection of the s.s. Oh, he is so confused. Never mind, just bury the story pleez.

  4. Jed, LOL!!! Bravo - you have accurately described the mental contortions of the left.

  5. A tale of two protests. There is absolutely zero substantive correlation between the two. One is genuine, spontaneous, productive, the other is contrived astro-turf , of bums, and other ne’er-do-wells, looking for something for nothing. One represents 18-22% of the population (Team Parasite), the other 72-68% of productive, conservative, real America, the producers. You forgot that an Occutard fired a rifle at the Whitehouse and is being charged with attempted assassination, could you imagine the consternation of the press, had a Tea Party member fired that shot. The good news Lawhawk, the double standard is being witnessed and chronicled, look to your great blog. It’s getting time to fix the mistake of ’08!

  6. CrisD, Commentarama got sucked into an alternate reality sometime Monday night. That's why the report here is that Romney won the debate when the media says he clearly lost. I believe this unreported smoke bomb incident is another alt-reality event. They're blogging from another universe!

  7. Clearly those Bank of America folks deserved it; besides, the Occupy protestors are fighting for true democracy, so that makes it all right. Unlike those Tea Party corporate pawns--if they throw something, it's a mortal threat. Oh wait, I live in reality, which doesn't work that way. Too bad.

  8. "...Then, the Tea Partiers who climbed over the fence to clean up after the bomb-thrower."

    LOL!! There are no truer words than that last sentence! We, corporate pawns do that kind of thing because the Koch Brothers demand it. It's in the memos they include with our weekly payola. Oops, I've said too much...

  9. T-Rav, Excellent, I'll update the image for tonight's debate the moment he does! Mhooo ha ha ha!

    As for the smokebombs, I saw it on Fox and I think this pretty much shows the kinds of idiots OWS is.

  10. T-Rav - Send your receipts to:
    Koch Brothers
    Human Resources Dept.
    Secret Bunker - TJ Right Nostril
    Mount Rushmore, SD

  11. Joel: There's a place for you in Hollywood.

  12. CrisD: I know it's true because I heard it direct from my cousin's friend who has a relative who lives in nearby Florida.

  13. Tennessee: Or it should have been half a bomb and half a story. LOL

  14. TJ: Ain't that the truth!

  15. Hawk
    The contra-polar positions of the ows and the Tea Partiers is no better illustrated than in the msm.
    Interesting is the outrage being so reversed from reality. One would think that a Phd in tea leaf reading could offer a bit of insight and guidance to his fellow ows members.

  16. Stan: All true. And if the rifle had been fired at Bush's White House, they would have praised the shooter for "bringing attention to the disparities of income between Bush's 1% crowd and their 99% poverty crowd." Then they would have demanded that the shooter be prosecuted for malicious mischief only.

  17. tryanmax: We're going to have to fire our entire reporting staff. They made us look bad. But we already suspected they got Monday night wrong, so we secretly hired a new reporter to cover the White House. He's from the National Enquirer, so we know the smoke bomb story is correct, although we did have to edit the part about the bomb-tosser being a Martian.

  18. Oh LawHawk,

    Didn't you know? Chris Dodd, himself gave the go ahead once Cameron was on board with it. It is set to come out on October 15, 2012. Shooting principle film starts this next Monday.

    He has set Leonardo DiCaprio as the mad tea-bomber. He has Kate Winslet as the beautiful Occupier/love interest. She will be highly conflicted since her Man is obviously crazed. She ultimately gives him up because of the beauty of El Presidente's vision. She is the one that organizes the beautiful women to rounding up parts to create a bomb shelter.

  19. T-Rav: I'm sure you're right. I'm already picturing the acceptance speech with Obama standing between piles of money bags instead of Greek columns wearing a BofA bailout cap. The theme will be: "We print the money, so we get to decide where it goes."

  20. T-Rav: He's making his withdrawal speech right now, and endorsing Newt. That should be a shake-up in South Carolina. So--cui bono? Santorum or Gingrich?

  21. Bev: Sooner or later the MSM will prove that George Soros is invaluable as the only hope for stopping the Koch brothers. LOL

  22. Andrew: Our huge staff of fact-checkers say that Fox is indeed the only net which showed the bomb-throwing event. Therefore, it must be suspect.

  23. Tehachapi Tom: You're suggesting that the MSM is biased. We don't allow criticism of those hard-working journalists on our blog. Or do we? Andrew? Do we?

  24. Joel: I assume that only green technology will be used for the shelter, and that it will be stocked only with natural foods (from China).

  25. Bev: You weren't supposed to tell him the secret location of the accounting department. That's where we hide our Bibles and guns, and now we'll have to move everything.

  26. How did you know? Susan Sarandon insisted that the food be all organic fertilized with only Panda Poo. She plays Leo's Mother. She mostly goes around wondering loudly, "Where did I go wrong? We beat him daily with wicker."

  27. LawHawk, I suspect it will benefit Gingrich given Perry's endorsement of him, and I've seen a lot of Perry-supporting bloggers saying Newt was their second choice anyway. There are some who will go to Santorum, I'm sure, but this sudden consolidation will put pressure on him to follow suit from the rest of the Not-Romney wing. That would be especially true if Newt manages to win SC, and the latest polls have him tied with Romney or even leading slightly. Should be interesting.

  28. Joel: And they must include instructions that for use of the recycled toilet paper--one square only, please.

  29. T-Rav: I think that's probably right. What is odd is that Romney had picked up a solid lead in SC just a short time ago, and with that win, he would have been 3 for 3. With Iowa correcting its count, and if Gingrich wins in SC, that would put him back at 1 for 3.

  30. I don't know why I bother to post. You already know everything LawHawk!


  31. Joel: That's what I kept telling my kids and grandkids, but they don't believe me. LOL

  32. LawHawk, I wonder if some of these people wouldn't in fact resort to throwing smoke bombs--at the debate tonight, that is. They go unhinged sometimes.

    As far as Newt's ex goes, I'm remaining skeptical for the moment. I find the timing here a bit suspicious--it could be nothing, of course, but after the Cain debacle I'm giving all these reports a lot more scrutiny. Even if it's Newt.

  33. T-Rav: Smoke bombs are for outside use. For indoor use, it's cream pies. LOL

    As a longtime activist participant in electoral affairs, I tried to warn people that the first Cain report was only the beginning of an MSM pile-on. Newt may be facing the same thing.

  34. are you sure it was just a really stanky occupier thrown over the fence, smoking from the huge lit blunt in his possession?


    that could explain no arrests. security was too busy playing rock-paper-scissors deciding who had to make physical contact with such vermin.

  35. Lawhawk

    The real PR problem for Team Orwell er the Main Stream Media is not that the Occupy protesters are poor, criminal ne'erdowells that throw smoke bombs at the white house.

    This is completely acceptable to Team Orwell so long as the target of the bomb is deserving of editorial outrage. The poor are poor because of the evil Rich keep them down and are onlkyh committing crimes because society made them do it. The act of throwing smoke bombs at the white house is just understandable given everything the evil fat cats have done to them.

    No the probelm is not what they have done, the problem is who they targeted.

    Barack Obama is the savior and not Emmanuel Goldstein. This is a non event and it never happened. It only matters that the Winston Smiths at the major newspapers have finished the job of editing it out.

  36. Patti: That might explain it. They have a shortage of hazmat suits in DC.

  37. As the gang banger said in West Side Story, "we're depraved on accounta we're deprived."
