Saturday, January 7, 2012

T-Rav's Sockpuppet Theater Presents: The Bad Timing Debate

The Republicans seem to have stupidly decided to stage a debate tonight (9:00 EST), starting just after the NFL playoff game between the Saint and Lions begins. Good luck with that.


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Rick Santorum said...

Er, I mean...Save the country! Bring manufacturing back!

T-Rav said...


AndrewPrice said...

Sound money....

Sound money....

The Sound of Money....

AndrewPrice said...

T-Rav, Ah! LOL! Nice!

T-Rav said...

Ah, @#$% it, Detroit scored.

AndrewPrice said...

Ron Paul... "I think American is turning Japanese."

tryanmax said...

Actually, after that rant, I'd assign Paul "The Only One" by Melissa Etheridge.

T-Rav said...

Only Ron Paul should have "Insane Clown Posse" as his soundtrack. Find something else for Perry, though, because I like "Margaritaville."

AndrewPrice said...

I'm shocked Detroit is putting up this tough of a fight.

tryanmax said...

Margaritaville is Diane Sawyer's soundtrack.

T-Rav said...

Standard folksy remarks. "One day I was doing X. While doing that, I met Y. He had background Z."

AndrewPrice said...

A song for Perry. Hmmm.

I Got Friends In Low Places?

T-Rav said...

If Detroit somehow wins, I will have to tear up all my brackets.

T-Rav said...

Eh, sure. I like Garth Brooks too, but...that one just works.

AndrewPrice said...

T-Rav, It's deeply Perry in many ways.

T-Rav said...


Newt "Ronald Reagan" Gingrich said...

I am God! Everyone knows this! No one denies it!

AndrewPrice said...

Are you f-ing kidding me?

Firehouse Rick is complaining that someone else lacks substance?

AndrewPrice said...

If we're looking for someone who can win the race, then that's not you Ricky. You suck and not one single moderate will EVER support you.

AndrewPrice said...

Oh thank God, the game is back.

T-Rav said...

Andrew, somewhere in the world, a firehouse is about to sue you for slander.

AndrewPrice said...

T-Rav, You're right, I apologize to firehouses everywhere.

Jon Huntsman said...

Someone who can speak Mandarin!

AndrewPrice said...

FYI, Since Ricky won't go away I'm putting together an article on him which shows what our fake populist fake Tea Party Ricky S really is. The man bleeds K Street.

AndrewPrice said...

Huntsman -- Bowie's... China Girl.

T-Rav said...

A Romney-Huntsman smackdown! Woot woot!!

T-Rav said...

Wow, he's actually doubling down on the China thing. Fail.

AndrewPrice said...

Wow, the Saints went for it on 4th and 2. Very brave.

AndrewPrice said...

Come on T-Rav, we're all Chinese now.

RINOs for Huntsman said...

In this scary world, who do you want? One of these scary knee-jerk Tea Party "patriots," or a guy who understands China? A guy who can speak to them like one of their own? You know what you want.

T-Rav said...

I for one welcome our new Chinese overlords.

AndrewPrice said...

Huntsman's not a RINO he's a CHINO.

AndrewPrice said...

T-Rav, LOL!

AndrewPrice said...

Is this turkey almost over?

GOP Base said...

No votes for you!

AndrewPrice said...


T-Rav said...

See, my TV is cutting off the screen again, because it mangles the HD signal all the time. Not that I care, because it's a dumb HPV commercial, but still.

T-Rav said...

Yeah Saints!

T-Rav said...

Santorum: Would watch football if he wasn't debating tonight.

Paul: Would be reading an economic textbook.


tryanmax said...

Basketball, er, Football. That's gonna be gaffe #1 on Monday.

Diane Sawyer said...

All right, this @#$%'s finally over! Back to the open bar!

AndrewPrice said...

I don't think any of them like football.

T-Rav said...

Well, this wasn't the worst debate I've ever seen. Not sure what else I can say about it.

AndrewPrice said...

Great, my TV is teasing me with Fred Thompson.

T-Rav said...

Andrew, good point. If any of them really liked football, they wouldn't have been debating tonight.

AndrewPrice said...

T-Rav, Look at the bright side... it's been a good football game! :)

AndrewPrice said...

I can't believe they scheduled this thing for tonight. That's truly obnoxious.

GOP said...

We know what people want and people don't care about football.

T-Rav said...

Everyone's assignment for the weekend: Compile a soundtrack for each of the candidates. The more humiliating, the better. NSFW stuff is entirely allowed.

T-Rav said...

Hey Andrew, guess what? They're continuing this 9am tomorrow morning. I kid you not.

Oh, and NO just scored again!

AndrewPrice said...


AndrewPrice said...

T-Rav, I'm not even pretending to watch this thing tomorrow. I'm also not reviewing this one.

Yeah, work on the soundtracks.

And don't forget, tomorrow we're doing the Film Debate series again! ;)

tryanmax said...

Film debate, Woot!

T-Rav said...

Anyone who watches tomorrow morning's debate needs to have their head examined.

tryanmax said...

I wonder if any of them are dumb enough to do a debate against a NASCAR event?

AndrewPrice said...

So do all the people who participate.

GOP said...

What's NASCAR? Do people care about things other than our debates?

tryanmax said...

I have little kids that are prone to waking me up before I actually want to, so there is a possibility that I might catch it. But I think fatherhood is enough reason to justify a head examination. ;)

T-Rav said...

By the way, notice that once again NOTHING was said about Fast & Furious, or Solyndra, or Obama's unconstitutional recess appointments, or anything else of acute interest to grassroots conservatives. Cue fake surprise.

AndrewPrice said...

tryanmax, It's up at 9:00 EST. Most people tend to show up an hour or so later.

AndrewPrice said...

T-Rav, I don't know how many ways to say this... these people are idiots. They are poorly informed. They have no views of their own. And they live in fear of venturing beyond bumpersticker slogans. You're not going to hear anything like that from them.

CrisD said...

There was not much to say in this debate, Andrew. After all, we've heard a lot of sh--er, stuff already and during and after IOWA they threw the mud. We're a bit fatigued. Huntsman, he's a nthing and Ron Paul is really a very colorful distraction.

Sleep in and get the movie forum up...

Tennessee Jed said...

well, looks like you all had a lively discussion. All I can say is this debate firmly put me in the Romney camp. Yes, I wish he was less a politician (flip flopper) but to an extent, pretty much anyone who gets to the WH does that, even an ideologue like B.O.

They all had some good lines. Paul really kicked Newt in the crotch with his "I was married, 2 kids, and served," line.

A good topic for an article for Hawk might be the discussion around privacy and the 4th amendment. It seems to me the wording of amendments gets in the way. For example, the authors tended to place their rationale into the wording. For 2nd amendment, the rationale was need for militia which permits gun controllers to claim that no longer exists, but others argue any controls are an "infringement."

Paul claimed right to privacy is explicit. I think it was Romney or Santorum who correctly pointed out being secure against a warrantless search or seizure is a lot less broad than some inalienable right to "privacy."

Anyway, want to catch the end of the game. {Andrew, it's not that I never watch NFL, it's just that if I don't have a specific home rooting interest such as the Eagles, it no longer seems quite so mandatory :-) }

Patti said...

i know i'm late to the discussion, but here's what happened in my house tonight after we get back from dinner:

Husband flipping thru channels: there's a debate tonight?

ME: yup.

Husband: WTH were they thinking?

Me, nodding head in agreement: Hey, do we have anything for dessert?

....and scene.

what were they thinking?

T-Rav said...


AndrewPrice said...

Cris, I agree. I heard a good deal of it and I honestly found it hard to care about any of it. They were just spitting out things we've already heard and none of it makes a much sense. I thought they were rude as a group and I wouldn't hire hardly any of them for a job.

tryanmax said...

That's 8am for me, which is about an hour after the kids get me up on weekends, so there is a chance. I'm just glad they give me the extra hour two days a week.

AndrewPrice said...

Jed, I've lost interest in a lot of NFL games over the years and I'm much more selective about which games I'll watch these days. But I have been a casual Saints fan since the 1970s. I even have a Saints helmet I acquired in 1976.

Romney's answer about privacy (to a very unfair question) was actually very solid. He has a solid grasp of the constitution and the law. Paul does not. Paul is reading in absolutes that aren't there. Santorum's answer, by the way, was contradictory and wrong.

AndrewPrice said...

tryanmax, The film articles aren't like other articles and the discussions tend to continue for a couple days. So feel free to chime in whenever you wake up. I'm in MST, so I'm not getting up at 7:00 AM on a Sunday.

AndrewPrice said...

Patti, LOL! That's great!

I can't believe how stupid it was to schedule a debate tonight!

tryanmax said...

What irks me almost more than the lack of substance displayed by the candidates is the repetition of the same topics and question by those holding the debates. And, of course, the next several days of news will be dominated by this inconsequential nonevent picking apart the same answers for the umpteenth time.

AndrewPrice said...

tryanmax, That's the format. They are basically playing Groundhogs Day with these elections and rather than do something useful, they are simply doing what they think will result in the most viewer friendly event.

T-Rav said...

Well, this has been fun (sort of). But I'm going to close out and go watch a basketball and/or football game. 'Night all.

BevfromNYC said...

Well, God didn't answer my prayers, so there was no power failure in the Northeast and the debate went forward...

AndrewPrice said...

See ya T-Rav! Thanks for watching the debate. :)

AndrewPrice said...

Bev, God helps those who help themselves. Do you own wire cutters?

tryanmax said...

Groundhogs Day is a perfect analogy because it seems like the candidates are getting endless do-overs on their answers. I'm sure they've all contradicted themselves in "debates" by now, but not even the liberal media cares to point it out, acting like the latest answer is the only one each candidate ever gave. To stick stick Alice into 1984, "Orwellianer and Orwellianer"

AndrewPrice said...

tryanmax, It's definitely all become theater and you're not supposed to take anything you hear internally. It's like bad science fiction almost.

Anonymous said...

Nuts! I missed the game and the debate. I feel really bad about missing the game. Oh, well. I'll get more analysis and intelligent comment from our readers about the debate than I'll get from the news outlets anyway. Now I just have to buckle down and read them all.

Is there a consensus on who "won," or are you going to make me wade through every single comment? LOL

tryanmax said...

I don't know if anybody won. Not even the media or 0bama and certainly not the viewing public.

CrisD said...


tryanmax said...

Is the NBC Meet the Press debate the supposed continuation of last night's ABCNews debate?

tryanmax said...

Q: is what 3 things would you cut to improve economy.

I forgot Mitt's answer, (no surprise)

Huntsman likes the Ryan Plan and slashing defense

Perry finally remembers his 3 departments! LOLZ all around.

tryanmax said...

I hate to say it, but they should hold more of these debates in the morning. This is actually a very good round-table (still not a real debate).

tryanmax said...

All the candidates are making salient points on all the topics. Only Paul is being snarky. Maybe the pressure for ratings are off.

tryanmax said...

Lie in the question: "people are sick that nothing gets done in Washington, what can you do?"

Oh, if only the premise were so.

tryanmax said...

How will you bring unity to Washington? Paul's answer: the Republic is doomed! Woodrow Wilson's policies have failed! Audit the Fed!

I wish I could make this stuff up.

tryanmax said...

Ouch! Huntsman was asked about the determination to make 0bama a 1-termer, and he basically said, "He deserves it."

tryanmax said...

Perry needs to go. The desperation is palpable.

tryanmax said...

Good answers all around on the austerity question. Pretty much all of them said send programs back to the states. Not all were answers I agree with, but they were thoughtful answers. Until this morning, I was unaware that some of these candidates were capable of thought.

tryanmax said...

The gay rights question is pointless. There is no gay discrimination by law in this country.

Then, of course, they hand the rope to Santorum. Did they really think he'd hang himself with it?

tryanmax said...

Now I'm thinking that the candidates are only looking good in respect to the poor caliber of the questions.

Last question was basically, "(Betcha can't) Say something nice about unions."

tryanmax said...

Okay, I understand the stupid questions now. Some affiliates were cutting away at the end of the hour, so NBC wanted to make sure they left on a low note.

Now they are talking about how the commerce clause relates to interstate pollution. Not exactly pressing the people's minds, but a Q with some depth.

tryanmax said...

Mitt says, remove restrictions on natural gas mining. Burns cleaner, increases independence.

tryanmax said...

Newt is making a good sale on axing the EPA, a good mix of facts and anecdotes.

tryanmax said...

The debate isn't over yet, but I'm going to tag the losers as the moderators, because they are trying their damnedest to make the candidates look bad and are bellyflopping again and again.

tryanmax said...

Santorum lays out well the differences between issues in Iran vs Pakistan. More to the point, NBC seem to think an enemy with a nuke is an enemy with a nuke and can't make those distinctions.

tryanmax said...

Sigh, they had done so well up until now not eating each other.

tryanmax said...

Uh oh, I'm spam again.

Individualist said...


So Mitt you are not answering the question. We are asking you if it is constitutional for states to ban contraception and you just keep telling us we are ridiculous for asking you how to ban contraception when no state wants to ban contraception.

Then you defer to Paul who is just going to give us a point by point boring analysis that we can't use in a soundbite anyways because he'll answer the question based on what is actually in the constitution.

What we at ABC and Stephy particularly really want is for you to go into how to constitutionally ban contraception so that we can take a soundbite out of context and hammer you later when you face Obama cause we decided you should be the nominee.

Oh and now we will have a 20 minutes BS session about the nuances of gay marraige cause it is not like the country has a debt crisus, is spending way too much, SSN and medicare are going to go bankrupt, Iran is going to nuke Israel or Kim Jong Il sum is going to nuke Antartica to see if he can mae the ice glow prettyn colors or anything.

I did not see the debate but this part on you tube I could not even get through. Geez

tryanmax said...

Worst tie again goes to Ron Paul. It looks like he borrowed McIlveen's from last night. Everyone else did good today except Santorum, who looks like the stodgy dad from some teen movie.

tryanmax said...

The "lost" comments:

The gay rights question is pointless. There is no gay discrimination by law in this country.

Then, of course, they hand the rope to Santorum. Did they really think he'd hang himself with it?

Now I'm thinking that the candidates are only looking good in respect to the poor caliber of the questions.

Last question was basically, "(Betcha can't) Say something nice about unions."

Okay, I understand the stupid questions now. Some affiliates were cutting away at the end of the hour, so NBC wanted to make sure they left on a low note.

Now they are talking about how the commerce clause relates to interstate pollution. Not exactly pressing the people's minds, but a Q with some depth.

Mitt says, remove restrictions on natural gas mining. Burns cleaner, increases independence.

Newt is making a good sale on axing the EPA, a good mix of facts and anecdotes.

The debate isn't over yet, but I'm going to tag the losers as the moderators, because they are trying their damnedest to make the candidates look bad and are bellyflopping again and again.

Santorum lays out well the differences between issues in Iran vs Pakistan. More to the point, NBC seem to think an enemy with a nuke is an enemy with a nuke and can't make those distinctions.

Sigh, they had done so well up until now not eating each other. (10:21 AM)

Individualist said...

For anyone who actually did watch the debate as it happened did anyone else get the feeling that Stephanoplis was channelling the Judean People's Front from the Monty Python Life of Brian movie.

"Look, although we know that Stan can't physically have babies because he is a man, what we are saying is that we should fight for his 'right' to have babies."

My reaction would be that of Veeger from TOS star trek.

"Nonsequitor , illogical, procreation is a biological process. It happens based on a physical act regardless of whether a governmental body has granted the right to apporve it. Illogical. ABC you are imperfect. Destroy! Destroy! Exterminate the imperfection"

tryanmax said...

Well, it's sparse, but if anyone was curious about this morning's debate, you now have something.

tryanmax said...

Indie, nice!

AndrewPrice said...

I can't believe you all watched the debate this morning! LOL!

tryanmax said...

Told you the kids would get me up. But it started at 9 my time (10 EST). Maybe it wasn't simulcast?

AndrewPrice said...

Huh... it's on here right now. I wonder if it's tape delayed?

Anonymous said...

Well, I had to watch something. The morning debate was interesting. I agree with tryanmax on almost everything. I'm not surprised by Romney's dances around questions at this point. New Hampshire is his to lose, and I think he held onto his lead in that state just by saying as little as possible and saying nothing controversial. The moderators did try to trap or embarrass the candidates, and failed completely. On to South Carolina.

USS Ben USN (Ret) said...

Thanks for the rundown guys!
Very entertaining and informative.

Lessee, songs? Howzabout,

Ron Paul: Dark Side Of The Moon by Pink Floyd (The lunatic is in my head...)
Also: Fire On The Mountain by Marshall Tucker Band

Mittens: You're So Vain by Carly Simon and Confortably Numb by Pink Floyd

Gingy: Money by Pink Floyd and Meddle by Pink Floyd

Ricky: Don't Know Much About History by Sam Cooke and Lola by The Kinks, lol.

Huntsman: Is There Anybody Out There? by Pink Floyd (what can I say? I got Pink Floyd in my head today which is Andrews fault). :^)

USS Ben USN (Ret) said...

Go Broncos! Looking good! :^)

AndrewPrice said...

Ben, I'm having a great time watching the game! There was a bunch of garbage in the news this week "Fox should replace Tebow... he obviously can't do it." I guess he can!

USS Ben USN (Ret) said...

Oops, forgot Perry:
Beautiful Loser by Bob Seger, and Can't Get No Satisfaction by the Rolling Stones.

BevfromNYC said...

I just want to point out that I'm a girl and I am doing better at the football predictions than the boys...

I didn't factor in the whole God and Tebow alliance with the Broncs at least up to the second quarter....

AndrewPrice said...

Ben, I have more suggestions in my article for tomorrow afternoon. I think you'll like the Romney one a lot! LOL!

USS Ben USN (Ret) said...

Yeah, I love to watch the idiotic sportscasters eat their words, lol.

I would've liked to see John Lynch or Troy Aikman commentiung on this game.
Phil Simms I find annoying most the time.

AndrewPrice said...

Bev, So noted! LOL!

AndrewPrice said...

Ben, I HATE Phil Simms. He yells everything he says. What he says is simplistic and often wrong. And he's more like a cheerleader -- everyone "is underrated" and "the best".

AndrewPrice said...

P.S. Bev... on Denver. The funniest line I heard about the Broncos a couple weeks ago was from someone who was giving his predictions for betting and he said: "Denver? Hmm. How do you account for 'magic' in a point spread?"

BevfromNYC said...

I must say it, it rather sweet to see the alleged sexual predator v. the Man of God...and the Man of God is leading.

USS Ben USN (Ret) said...

Andrew: Aye. Simms doesn't seem to be liked by many of his fellow analysts either.

Games like this I miss John Madden and Pat Summerall.

AndrewPrice said...

Bev, I'm loving it even though I've never been a Bronco fan. I love the fact Tebow is a genuinely nice human being and the media HATES him with an obsessive amount of venom and yet he's kept his head up and is succeeding.

And yeah, I think it's great the good kid is beating the sexual predator! The NFL praises too many of the wrong people like Ben and Mike Vick.

Plus, I also like the idea of someone doing something everyone else says can't be done.

AndrewPrice said...

Ben, Same here, they were great. There used to be a lot of great announcers, but these days they are few and far between. I think that's because they emphasize fame rather than broadcasting talent.

USS Ben USN (Ret) said...

Well said Bev and Andrew!
I get so sick of bad guys getting so much praise because they have talent.
God given abilities they use to satisfy their evil desires.

Tebow is humble and grateful for his abilities and obviously wants to use them for good.

I like how Shannon Sharp said he won't make excuses for the Steelers and gives credit to the Broncos...after Simms made excuses for the Steelers, lol.

AndrewPrice said...

Pardon my French...

HOLY SH*T!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

USS Ben USN (Ret) said...

INcredible!!! Exciting!! All these words seem like understatements!

BevfromNYC said...

God Wins!!!!

Take that alleged bad guys!!!!

AndrewPrice said...

Ben, I've been on the edge of my seat for the past hour. And this ending was incredible. Hollywood couldn't have written this...

right down to the attacks and calls to bench him this week because he can't throw,

to all the bad calls that let the Steelers come back,

to Tebow's arm keeping them in the game when their running game failed,

to Tebow throwing for a win on the first play after overtime!

This is just unbelievable.

AndrewPrice said...

"alleged" LOL! Nice Bev! Bravo!

USS Ben USN (Ret) said...

Tear stained yellow towels never looked so sweet! :^)

USS Ben USN (Ret) said...

Andrew: Indeed! I kept wondering why the refs didn't call those facemask penalties, particularly the one on Tebow among a few other dubious calls.

Thankfully, the ref's couldn't find a way to flag that first play of OT!

AndrewPrice said...

Ben, I'm thinking more of the fumble that was called a forward pass and couldn't be challenged because the whistle blew. That ended up in 7 points.

But in truth, I don't count bad calls unless are at the end of the game and decide the game. I only mention it here because it increased the drama of "everything against the underdog".

USS Ben USN (Ret) said...

Oh right, that was a very bad call.

AndrewPrice said...

What annoyed me about it was that it was obviously wrong and everyone admitted that, but they couldn't change it even though everyone knew it was wrong.

But again, like I said, I don't blame wins and loses on bad calls unless it's like the last play. Teams shouldn't put themselves in a position where a bad call can cost them the game.

Nevertheless, it makes for a fascinating bit of drama if this were a film.

Tam said...

Chiming in after I hijacked Lawhawk's thread...I pretty much quit watching football after John Elway retired. I grew up in Denver and used to live and die on every play the Broncos made. I'll always be a Broncos fan at heart, and Tebow makes me actually want to watch football again. Go Broncos!

USS Ben USN (Ret) said...

I concur! In fact, if done right I think Tebow's life up to this point would already make a good flick as well as this season.

This kid is only gonna get better and better. From what I have read he has a supernaturally (double entendre intended) high work ethic and it shows!

But more than that Tebow simply sparks a fire to everyone around him (and us viewers) that cannot be explained by charisma alone.

Definitely inspiring and refreshing!

AndrewPrice said...

Tam, I was never a Broncos fan for a variety of reasons. But Tebow has really got me excited about the whole sport again and I love seeing him succeed.

P.S. I grew up in Colorado Springs mostly.

AndrewPrice said...

Ben, I agree. I've also seen some interesting comparisons that suggest his throwing style isn't much worse than Tom Brady's was coming out of college. He may have a lot of upside!

It will be fascinating to see how he does over the next few years.

tryanmax said...

I'm not much of a pro ball guy, but that was some damn good football! What a game!

Lot of missed face mask calls, though.

AndrewPrice said...

That's been the thing about the Tebow game, they've been nail biters the whole way through and it makes the game very interesting because every single play is like an adventure.

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