Monday, April 30, 2012

White House Press Dinner Portends Doom

The end of the Obama Reign of Error is nigh. Yep. The signs are everywhere. And the latest evidence comes from the White House Correspondents Association dinner on Saturday. Oh yeah. Observe these mighty omens:

Omen One: I’ve pointed out several times now that Obama has no idea how to win back the public. Saturday proved that more than ever because Obama demonstrated that he and his staff have a tin ear for the things the public is upset about:

● Obama made jokes about the Secret Service scandal, as did Biden. Stupid. When a scandal is fresh, people want to know it’s being taken seriously. Making jokes about the scandal only shows that Obama is not taking it seriously. This also serve to highlight the question of whether or not Obama’s faked-outrage at the scandal was genuine or just for show. . . reinforcing the idea he doesn’t really care about anything.

Moreover, his joke on this topic rather nastily pulled in Hillary Clinton: “Four years ago, I was locked in a brutal primary battle with Hillary Clinton. Four years later, she won’t stop drunk-texting me from Cartagena.” Calling your Secretary of State a drunk, making her sound desperate and lonely, and suggesting she was connected to a hooker scandal is not a way to demonstrate class. To the contrary, it comes across as petty and vindictive, especially when this particular Secretary of State has already announced she won’t be attending the Democratic Convention. Start the “bad blood” talk again.

● For a President who spends his time on golf courses and lets his wife vacation at five star resorts with her entourage on our tax dollars while unemployment sits at 8-9% and real income is falling, the last thing said President should be doing is being seen hobnobbing with spoiled Hollywood celebrities. And then inviting Lindsay Lohan just made everything even worse. Talk about a poster child for spoiled, rich, undeserving, played-out, drug addicted tramps! Lohan has ruined every chance the public has given her and she is now a cultural icon for pathetic failure. . . not the kind of person a sitting President should associate with.

● Obama made a joke about eating a dog and combined it with a poke at moms: “what’s the difference between a hockey mom and a pit bull? A pit bull is delicious.” Whoops. Having launched a slimy attack against Romney on the dog front, and having been called on it by Romney, who point out Obama ate dog growing up, the last thing Obama should be doing is joking about eating dogs. That’s like an accused child molester making a joke about under-aged sex.

Further, this joke smells of yet another attack on moms. With Hilary Rosen making a broadside against stay-at-home mothers, the timing couldn’t have been worse for suggesting that mothers are vicious. And by the way, this was meant as a Sarah Palin joke, telling us that Obama is stuck in the past and that he still hasn’t found a way to excite his base about attacking Romney.
All of this tells us that Obama does not understand what has upset the public or how to win them back. He thinks the criticisms of him and the blowback he’s received are a joke. And one thing the public will not stand is its concerns being treated as a joke. His campaign is doomed.

Omen Two: More telling, perhaps, was the fact that Jimmy Kimmel attacked Obama in ways you never see liberals attack Democratic politicians. . . unless they think the Democrat is finished. Check out these jokes from Kimmel (none of which were denounced by the MSM):
● "Remember when the country rallied around you in hopes of a better tomorrow? That was hilarious."

Translation: The public’s hope in Obama was a sick joke, you have failed Mr. Obama. This is truly vicious and I can only see this as evidence that even the left sees Obama as no longer worthy of propping up. This is a demoralizing joke for Obama supporters.

● “You know, there’s a term for guys like President Obama. Probably not two terms.”

Translation: This is Kimmel saying point blank that it’s so hopeless for Obama that they should laugh about it. This joke will soften the support of all the frontrunners and bandwagoners, who only stick with winners.

● "Democrats would like you to stick to your guns. And if you don't have any guns, you can ask Eric Holder to get some for you."

Translation: Kimmel is striking directly at an Obama scandal. This is like a joke about Nixon breaking into the Watergate, it’s just not done to sitting Democratic Presidents. This is the kind of thing which will get millions of little liberals and moderates accepting the fact Obama is corrupt and tainted.
The fact Kimmel is so open about these issues is stunning. I simply cannot see this as anything other than a declaration that Obama is finished. I also expect this may open the late-night floodgates. And when those “opinion-makers” start mocking him, the center-left sheepulation will give up on him.

Omen Three: Finally, there have been an incredible number of articles written and tweets sent out about the propriety of this entire WHCA dinner. Journalists from all over the spectrum are attacking the WHCA dinner and the ethics of the journalists who attended:
● Gawker's Hamilton Nolan: "It is the single most revolting annual gathering of pseudojournalistic ****suckery in all the land. The White House Correspondents' Association Dinner is a shameful display of whoredom that makes the 'average American' vomit in disgust."

● Politico’s Ben Smith: "Is the fawning, sycophantic worship service to wealth, power and celebrity over? Or is there more crap today?"
Personally, I think these critics are right. This dinner shows that our modern press corps has no ethics whatsoever. They happily respond like Pavlov’s dogs to the opportunity to rub elbows with the people they are supposed to be viewing impartially and investigating. It makes the MSM appear incestuous. But that’s not the point.

The point here is that leftist journalists are openly attacking this shindig with a Democratic President sitting in the White House. Usually these kinds of diatribes are saved for the few celebrities and journalists who cozy up to Republicans. The fact that so many are making broadside attacks against journalists who cozy up to Obama (and in an election year) tells me that they think Obama is finished and they are determined to score points with their readers for purity. In other words, they see no reason to be team players anymore because the team has lost.


Ed said...

Kimmel ripped Obama! Lol!

AndrewPrice said...

Ed, That he did. I laughed, that's for sure. I'm just surprised he did it. I think that tells us they see Obama as finished.

Tennessee Jed said...

. . . and yet it comes down to his winning or losing a few key states he can throw money at in November

Joel Farnham said...


"When I've lost Cronkite, I've lost the country." -- LBJ

The last Democrat President who had a conscience.

AndrewPrice said...

Jed, That's the sad part. Although, if his support truly does break (as I suspect) it could turn into a tidal wave. If he starts to lose the comedians, he will lose the casual supporters and then he's doomed.

AndrewPrice said...

Joel, I think Obama is oblivious to the public. He has surrounded himself with a bubble of leftists who have never really gotten to know the "clingers." And their view, as evidenced by their reactions to Obamacare, is that the public is stupid and quick to forget. But that's not true and that's not a good way to understand the public.

If Obama does indeed lose the MSM and the late-night crowd, as it appears, then he is in serious trouble. It will be a landslide because he will lose anywhere from 5-10% of his supporters.

This is a bad sign. And even worse, is the fact that no one in the MSM pushed back.

BevfromNYC said...

I couldn't bear to watch any of the video. But what I have read has been in shockingly poor taste and completely crass.

I have several points
1.WHPD has always been a closed event and only small harmless snipettes have been written or seen by the public. Since Obama wants to prove what a funny and entertaining person he is, the dinner topics have been made more public to our great horror.
2. The Press has to shift slowly back into their attack mode so no one notices when they start up again with the Bush-like attacks and criticism on Pres. Romney. They can say they were really hard on Obama too. "Just look at what we said about him after the WH Press dinner!"
3. I agree with your omens.

4. They invited Lindsay Lohan because they needed to make Obama look less like a loser.

5. and completely off topic - Obama's "Yey, I killed bin Laden" campaign ad featuring former Pres. Clinton. It dawned on me why Clinton has suddenly become Obama's chief supporter. If and When Romney gets into office, the Clintons will have to fade into the background again. Hillary will lose her post and he will lose his position of "Assistant President" and the podium in the WH Press Room. He must be scared.

Anonymous said...

Obama has a tin ear for the public will and no ear at all for genuine humor. Socialists are about the most humorless lot one can imagine. Past presidents have used the dinner for some healthy self-deprecating jokes. Obama mostly jabbed at others.

The dinner used to be strictly for the correspondents and the guest of honor (most often, the president). Then they started letting in guests, political operatives and pundits without portfolio. Now it's just another Hollywood production. All that's missing is the "laugh" cue cards, and for all I know they even have those out of sight of the cameras.

Jimmy Kimmel didn't entirely surprise me, though he went a bit farther than I would have expected. He used to be The American Spectator's Ben Stein's sidekick.

AndrewPrice said...

Bev, Excellent thoughts!

I think they've made a huge mistake turning the WHCD into this big glitzy celebrity butt-kissing festival. This is not how Americans want to see their presidents when the economy is bad. And Obama up there cracking jobs about the things that bother people will not sit well with them.

Good point about Lindsay, by comparison, he's easily Reagan and Einstein combined. But still, there are some people you just don't want to be seen with.

On the "I killed bin Laden" ad, I think it's in amazingly bad taste and it will only remind people that Obama is not a leader.

AndrewPrice said...

Lawhawk, That's true, Obama never jokes about himself, he always pokes at other when he makes jokes. That's the sign of a real ass.

I understand the origins of the dinner and I guess it was appropriate when it was simply a dinner with a chance to meet others in the profession and see a few politicians, but it's really turned into this slobberfest that just calls into question whatever limited ethics any of these "journalists" have.

I'm not super surprised about Kimmel, but I am surprised that no one has stepped forward to condemn him yet and defend Obama. Usually they would have turned Kimmel into the joke by now. I think that's a bad omen for Obama.

CrisD said...

"Assistant President" LOL!

Ed said...

Andrew and Bev, I agree. I think this plays very poorly. This is Obama desperate to show that he hangs with the "in" crowd and all it does it remind people of how aloof and privileged he really is.

AndrewPrice said...

Cris, Somehow, I don't think Obama wants to share the power with an assistant. I wonder how he tolerates Bill?

AndrewPrice said...

Ed, This is very much an attempt to make himself popular by association. Each one of these celebrities who shows us is essentially an endorsement, even if they never say the words. But this was the wrong year to pull that.

And from what I'm seeing there are a LOT of angry journalists about this. That won't help him.

BevfromNYC said...

Andrew, I think one of the reasons they may be laying off Kimmel is they want to bury the dinner as fast as they can. Or maybe they are just so stunned by how crude the President of the United States was the whole evening, they can't find the words.

Yes, Ladies and Gentlemen, Obama DID just called the Secretary of State a drunken loser.

AndrewPrice said...

Bev, I had the same reaction. I know these things can get somewhat "roast-like" but the humor is almost always careful. Obama, however, lost all sense of decorum and all sense of right and wrong and just spit out some truly nasty things.

What's even more amazing when you think about it: someone wrote these jokes -- probably a team. Managers reviewed them. Obama saw them and read them. And in all those people, not a single person said either "this is not a good idea" or "uh, this is really kind of offensive."


Doc Whoa said...

Bev and Andrew, He absolutely called Hillary a drunken loser. If I were a Hillary person, I would be super angry. But since I'm not, I'm just amazed at his lack of manners and judgment.

DUQ said...

I laughed at Kimmel's jokes, but not at Obama's jokes. Obama's jokes are flat and meanspirited. Kimmel's joke are classic poking at of "the powers that be."

BevfromNYC said...

DUQ - That's Obama's problem - he's mean spirited.

AndrewPrice said...

Doc, That's how I read it -- who else drunken texts except someone who is lonely, desperate and drunk? Nice, huh? Where I come from, you don't make those kinds of jokes.

AndrewPrice said...

DUQ, I concur. Kimmel's more cruel jokes weren't personal, they were aimed at his administration. That's always been considered acceptable. And when he did get personal, like making fun of Obama's ears, he did it very gently.

Obama on the other hand is basically calling people names and laughing about it.

AndrewPrice said...

Bev, That fits the pattern with Obama though -- everything is personal and nasty. Look at the way he's dealt with the Republicans. He goes right out and makes it personal. It's not "we couldn't get anything done" it's "John Boehner lied to me." This is the pattern of his life.

The whole thing with Michelle Obama's "I'm finally proud of you stupid Americans" really makes sense when you realize that he's as big a jerk as she is. They were made for each other.

They are very hateful.

Patti said...

when i saw some of kimmel's footage i was SHOCKED that he was so brazen in the truth. don't get me wrong, i loved it, i was just SHOCKED (and delighted).

Doc Whoa said...

I am really stunned, by the way, that Obama would dare say that Romney wouldn't have killed bin Laden? Huh? I don't even know what to say to that? I certainly don't recall his Downgradyness actually doing it himself.

AndrewPrice said...

Doc, Arriana Huffington of all people has called the ad despicable. And it is shocking. Could you imagine FDR or Truman or Reagan running around bragging about killing someone? Nope. Obama keeps finding new lows.

AndrewPrice said...

Patti, I was too. I laughed really hard when I heard most of it. What shocks me even more though has been the MSM not fighting back on Obama's defense. Usually the papers would be full of attacks on Kimmel now for having "gone too far" some such thing. Instead, they're quiet. It could be as Bev says, that they just want to put this behind them, but it still strikes me as strange.

tryanmax said...

I never put much thought to the WHCA dinner in the past. Generally, I've taken it as a shindig for people who are too old for the prom but don't want to acknowledge it, and that's about it. This is the first time I've actually sat up and taken notice of it, not because I've awaken from some stupor, but because this dinner was truly over-the-top with celebrity and bad humor all around.

AndrewPrice said...

tryanmax, I think that's the point. In the past, this was just a minor get together in Washington. Yes, it was incestuous and yes real journalists should not have gone, but it was a small affair no one really noticed. But this year, Obama turned it into the political version of the Oscars because he needs something to make his star shine bright again.

But then the proved to be a horrible showman with a mean streak and I think he failed to grasp that this opulent get together would not play well in flyover country.

DUQ said...

tryanmax, With those Kissinger glasses, I figured you were usually on the guest list! :D

DUQ said...

Bev, He is meanspirited. I've felt that for a long time now. I've never once felt that he cares about any other human being.

Doc Whoa said...

DUQ, LOL! I hadn't thought about that, but tryanmax does look like he belongs at a correspondents dinner! ;)

ellenB said...

I agree with Bev, I am shocked and outraged he would call Hillary a drunken loser. That's not something any president should ever be doing.

ellenB said...

Andrew, I like your omens. I hope they are right. If he loses the late night comics, then he's finished because that will lose the college kids and the probably a couple percentage points of hipsters.

T-Rav said...

F*** all the liberals, I've had a bad day. F*** them all.

AndrewPrice said...

Howdy T-Rav! How has your day been? ;)

AndrewPrice said...

Thanks Ellen. I think they're good omens. And you're right, if he loses the late night self-proclaimed "cool kids," then he's lost the college kids and a lot of the young professionals. That spells doom.

AndrewPrice said...

DUQ, I've never felt that Obama care about anyone or anything either. He strikes me very much as someone who is detached from humanity.

DUQ said...

Andrew, I'm not sure, but I suspect T-Rav had some problems with liberal today?

AndrewPrice said...

DUQ, I can see where you could get that out of his quote, but I'm thinking he's just being provocative. He's thrown it out there like "donuts are overrated!" Just to spur conversation. ;)

T-Rav said...

Andrew and DUQ, it's been fun. Oh wait, no it hasn't.

It's difficult to explain because it involves some grad-schoolish things, but basically I and some friends of mine got the Riot Act read to us because we talked about actual historical events and not about class/race/gender oppression, and one or two classmates whose papers were of a decidedly lower quality got off scot-free because they put all the right talking points into their crap. I was spouting four-letter words after class, which is something I never do.

AndrewPrice said...

T-Rav, Sadly, I'm not at all surprised. That was my experience in college too, that the liberal professors wanted conformity, not truth.

Sorry you had a bad day.

On the plus side, their entire ideology is a fraud and yours isn't. So take comfort in that! :)

T-Rav said...

Thanks, Andrew. :-) It at least has the benefit of reducing how much I care about getting an A in this particular class, which I wasn't expecting to pull off anyway. Of course I shouldn't be surprised, but I still am, somehow.

As you say though, we're right and they're wrong. So.

AndrewPrice said...

Yep, and someday you'll be out there creating bright young minds and they'll just be building anger and drones. Who will end up living the better life?

BevfromNYC said...

T~rav. Please don't hurt any kittens...count to ten before you shoot ;~)

AndrewPrice said...

T-Rav, Yes, don't waste your anger on kittens... shoot professors. Then claim you converted to Islam and that's when the professor touched you inappropriately. Guaranteed freedom.

Writer X said...

I may have to start watching Jimmy Kimmel.

T-Rav said...

Am I hallucinating or does Bev have an identical twin with the same name?

AndrewPrice said...

You're hallucinating. :)

AndrewPrice said...

Writer X, I know the feeling. What a great ad for Kimmel that he's not afraid to take on anyone!

tryanmax said...

DUQ, Doc, et al. Even if I were a member of, not the oldest profession, but something close, I probably couldn't get invited because I'd have to at least work for Fox News, disenchanted as I've become of them. ;)

T-Rav, I hear kitten doesn't taste as good as dog. If you can't eat it, don't shoot it.

AndrewPrice said...

If you can't eat it, don't shoot it.

... does not apply to professors. Nope, not at all.

BevfromNYC said...

Andrew, do not be one bit concerned about the helicopter that is about to land on your roof..they mean you no harm.

tryanmax said...

Shooting professors would be self defense.

AndrewPrice said...

Bev, Fortunately, the CommentaramaBunker is Helicopter-proof. :)

Hey, there's a candygram at the front door. Be right back....

AndrewPrice said...

tryanmax, Can you claim preemptive self-defense on a crime against humanity?

AndrewPrice said...

P.S. Here's the article about the F-22s. LINK.

I'm not sure if the whole thing is worth an article or not?

tryanmax said...

I think so. The way I see it, professors can affect your grade which affects your ability to graduate and, by extension, your future livelihood. If you don't graduate college, you may wind up poor, uninsured, and living in a food desert. I watch the news, so I know these are among the gravest injuries that can befall a person (unlike, say, having your head smashed on the pavement--just a random example). So I think that, in the face of a professor lowing your grade, you have every right to shoot in order to save yourself from a life of disenfranchisement.

tryanmax said...

P.S. If a college professor doesn't taste like chicken, I would be shocked.

Joel Farnham said...


The only question I have, is Obama going to attack before November 6, or after?

AndrewPrice said...

tryanmax, You should have been a lawyer! That's an excellent theory.

And yeah, I would think they taste like chicken. We'll have to ask T-Rav when he's done "venting" with extreme prejudice.

Professor Kitten said...

I'm doomed.

AndrewPrice said...

Joel, From the sound of things, I'd say at the end of the summer, but that's totally a guess.

tryanmax said...

Andrew, if people keep saying that to me, I'm liable to have a very drastic mid-life career change.

AndrewPrice said...

Don't do it tryanmax! You have too much to live for to become a lawyer!

BevfromNYC said...

Professor Kitten, do you teach litter-ture?

Sorry, I couldn't resist...

tryanmax said...

Bev, Me-ouch!

T-Rav said...

I know one college professor who probably tastes like goat. Definitely smells like it.

AndrewPrice said...

T-Rav, Probably slept with a couple too.

In any event, now that you mention it, I could imagine them tasting more like goat than chicken.

AndrewPrice said...

Bev, That's awful... and it made me laugh. LOL!

USS Ben USN (Ret) said...

Good analysis Andrew!

Obama was pathetic. The thin veil covering his malignant narcisism was torn in two.
Not the first time this has happened but by making the dinner so high profile (and in a glitzslime manner) it was plain to see even by a lot of liberals.

Good analysis Andrew!

Obama was pathetic. The thin veil covering his malignant narcisism was torn in two.
Not the first time this has happened but by making the dinner so high profile (and in a glitzslime manner) it was plain to see even by a lot of liberals.

I think it's funny how Obama set himself up for it, lol. A flash of truth that shows clearly (he let imself be clear!) how much of a ill-mannered, mean-spirited, witless churl this imbecile really is.

He wanted the spot-light (woof! Woof!) and he got it, lol.
What a maroon.

BTW, I have never eaten dog (and never will) but I'm absolutely certain that (live) hockey moms taste better. least if my wifes kisses are any indication.

PS- How, precisely, does Obama know what hockey moms taste like?
Perhaps he has them confused with hackneyed moms or klingons.

PPS- Here's a funny take by Jim Treacher that Obama should've used instead of his unfunny and classless screed:
What if Obama mocked himself?

Kittens United said...

T-Rav, we all hope that today is a better day for you!

AndrewPrice said...

Ben, Thanks! I have not eaten dog either, nor do I ever plan to.

You're right about Obama needing the spotlight, but this time it backfired.

I shall careful avoid mentioning your what-hockey-moms-taste-like line of reasoning! LOL!

tryanmax said...

Ben, Andrew, as fond as leftist are of calling people names like "tea bagger," I really don't want to know the things they've tasted.

AndrewPrice said...

tryanmax, Yeah... this falls into "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" territory.

USS Ben USN (Ret) said...

I will qualify my statement a bit by saying that I meant the taste of the kiss of my hockey mom sample.
Tongue in cheek, you know? :^)

Without telling everything that is.

AndrewPrice said...

Ben, I'm glad you've clarified that! LOL!

Ed said...

I hear the turd is now in Afghanistan trying to convince us he's a great warrior. He needs to stop.

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